If Collins believed Ford was a credible victim, why would she automatically assume Kavanaugh...

Is this your pathetic attempt of discrediting me by blatantly taking what I said out of context?
How is it taken out of context? The witnesses could not confirm an assault occurred. Unless someone can corroborate Ford's claim, it's he said, she said, and they said (that it didn't happen).
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means the assault didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Let me give another example.

No witness could confirm that Billy000 pissed out the side door of a van in downtown traffic. We should ignore that finding and report him as the pisser. Or, keep looking for more witnesses.
Let me give another example.

No witness could confirm that Billy000 pissed out the side door of a van in downtown traffic. We should ignore that finding and report him as the pisser. Or, keep looking for more witnesses.
Do whatever you want to make you feel better about being wrong. As an act of selflessness, I will falsely admit I pissed out side of a moving van in traffic. Does that help?
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means it didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Dumbfuck. If no one can corroborate her story, HE GETS CONFIRMED. Just because you are masturbating to the thought of Kav not getting confirmed does not mean the reasonable among us can't have serious reservations about believing her story.
Do whatever you want to make you feel better about being wrong. As an act of selflessness, I will falsely admit I pissed out side of a moving van in traffic. Does that help?
You want to reject a nominee based on the mere allegation. Why do I even bother? You're fucking clueless.
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means it didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Dumbfuck. If no one can corroborate her story, HE GETS CONFIRMED. Just because you are masturbating to the thought of Kav not getting confirmed does not mean the reasonable among us can't have serious reservations about believing her story.
Lol him getting confirmed has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he is innocent of Ford's charges. The only thing that matters to the GOP is confirming him before November. That's it. They don't give a shit who is right or who is wrong. They just need a political win in the face of likely losing the House in Nov.
Let me see if I am following your attempt at "logic" lol

You're saying she lied under oath because an ex-boyfriend said she coached people on a polygraph? You automatically believe this guy is telling the truth yet ANYTHING Ford said was bullshit? Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?

Wow....you really are that stupid...

Ford lied because she failed to tell the truth, substantiated by signed testimony that is if proven false is punishable by jail time.

Ford lied based on the testimony of the polygraph administrator. After Ford claimed she could not remember 's one of the qyestions' on the test because it was 's Kong's the test administrator testified the entire polygraph test was ONLY TWO QUESTIONS LONG'.

Ford committed perjury by telling a lie about what she had told the Washington Post...when it was pointed out that her story was contradicted by her therapist's notes by claiming / insisting SHE was right, that the TGERAPIST GIT IT WRING, & that we must believe her!


She lied about a fear of flying - her ex and others testified she has / had no such fear.

No evidence

Piss-poor memory

Flawed memory

HER witnesses say it never happened

HER vest friend / witness says she was pressured to change her testimony by Ford's ex-FBI Agent friend...

She committed Perjury
The FBI has the evidence
Oh wow. So even though she testified under oath you are going to pretend that doesn't matter because you cherry pick a single accusation made by some guy under the same threat of legal action? Just stop. You know you sound like a moron right now.
Ford lied.
She has no evidence to back her claims
The FBI has evidence that what she said was a lie.

You want everyone to believe Ford despite her therapist, her best friend, her witnesses, the polygraph administrator, and the FBI all saying she gave false testimony...

...and you are trying to say I sound like a moron right now.


Ok, enough talking to the snowflake regard....

Nighty-nite, lil snowflake...

BTW, you lose.
Hillary List.
Obama lost.
Feinstein lost.
The FBI found nothing.
Kavanaugh is going to the bench....
Do whatever you want to make you feel better about being wrong. As an act of selflessness, I will falsely admit I pissed out side of a moving van in traffic. Does that help?
You want to reject a nominee based on the mere allegation. Why do I even bother? You're fucking clueless.
He should be rejected simply out of fairness of Obama's appointment being stolen from him unconstitutionally. You got the previous Trump pick, but you did so because the GOP are cowards who will do anything to win. That should be enough for you, but you are all a bunch of childish retards.
Let me see if I am following your attempt at "logic" lol

You're saying she lied under oath because an ex-boyfriend said she coached people on a polygraph? You automatically believe this guy is telling the truth yet ANYTHING Ford said was bullshit? Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?

Wow....you really are that stupid...

Ford lied because she failed to tell the truth, substantiated by signed testimony that is if proven false is punishable by jail time.

Ford lied based on the testimony of the polygraph administrator. After Ford claimed she could not remember 's one of the qyestions' on the test because it was 's Kong's the test administrator testified the entire polygraph test was ONLY TWO QUESTIONS LONG'.

Ford committed perjury by telling a lie about what she had told the Washington Post...when it was pointed out that her story was contradicted by her therapist's notes by claiming / insisting SHE was right, that the TGERAPIST GIT IT WRING, & that we must believe her!


She lied about a fear of flying - her ex and others testified she has / had no such fear.

No evidence

Piss-poor memory

Flawed memory

HER witnesses say it never happened

HER vest friend / witness says she was pressured to change her testimony by Ford's ex-FBI Agent friend...

She committed Perjury
The FBI has the evidence
Oh wow. So even though she testified under oath you are going to pretend that doesn't matter because you cherry pick a single accusation made by some guy under the same threat of legal action? Just stop. You know you sound like a moron right now.
Ford lied.
She has no evidence to back her claims
The FBI has evidence that what she said was a lie.

You want everyone to believe Ford despite her therapist, her best friend, her witnesses, the polygraph administrator, and the FBI all saying she gave false testimony...

...and you are trying to say I sound like a moron right now.


Ok, enough talking to the snowflake regard....

Nighty-nite, lil snowflake...

BTW, you lose.
Hillary List.
Obama lost.
Feinstein lost.
The FBI found nothing.
Kavanaugh is going to the bench....
It's astounding how hard you try! It's just cute! You're somehow suggesting Ford is a liar simply because she has no proof yet you believe Kavanaugh regardless of whether or not he has proof. My god. This is the downside to democracy: stupid people having a right to vote.
...wasn’t at fault? Why is she so convinced it was a case of mistaken identity? Based on WHAT?

This is how fake and disingenuous republicans are.

Susan Collins is the Republican whore. She claims to be a maverick like McCain was but she always walks in lockstep with Republicans. She is garbage like the rest of the Senate Republicans.
Michelle "Michael"Obama is a tranny. busybee01
He should be rejected simply out of fairness of Obama's appointment being stolen from him unconstitutionally.
I know you fuckers are salty about it. It has nothing to do with sexual assault. You're just a bunch of spoiled brats who have lost the court for the next 30 years.

Cry, bitch. You lost.
I don't believe that Collins believed Ford, but to say so would mean evisceration by the Soros gang of protesters. It was notable the amount of speeches that started with, "I think she was assaulted, bless her heart, but not by Kavanaugh".
It's not notable - it's disgusting.

We are at a juncture here where certain thoughts are simply barred because of the fear it may upset someone. It is astronomically asinine that Kav actually started his opening statements in the hearing with how he believed her and that seemed perfectly acceptable and expected by virtually everyone.

I don't believe Ford anymore than I believe Kav - there is no reason to buy into either story without some actual evidence. There should be nothing wrong with stating that.
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means it didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Dumbfuck. If no one can corroborate her story, HE GETS CONFIRMED. Just because you are masturbating to the thought of Kav not getting confirmed does not mean the reasonable among us can't have serious reservations about believing her story.
Lol him getting confirmed has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he is innocent of Ford's charges. The only thing that matters to the GOP is confirming him before November. That's it. They don't give a shit who is right or who is wrong. They just need a political win in the face of likely losing the House in Nov.
You mean like how the only thing that matters to democrats at all is delaying the confirmation until after November? They don't give a shit who is telling the truth here as well as fully evidenced by the way the accusations were handled in the first place.

Somehow, I don't think the GOP or the dems political games have jack to do with Kav's actual guilt. Objectively, there is noting there to confirm either story. Considering that confirming a negative is simply impossible, the default here is innocence.
How do you not understand the meaning of the word evidence? Evidence doesn’t mean the FBI came up with any material that refuted the accusation. They simply interviewed people who couldn’t verify the assault actually happened. That doesn’t somehow mean the assault didn’t happen, especially since witnesses came forward but were excluded from the actual investigation.
Re-read what you wrote above.
I don't know how else to explain this simple logic to you. The witnesses interviewed couldn't confirm nor deny the assault happened. That doesn't somehow magically mean the assault didn't happen. Again, people claiming to be witnesses of the party in question were ignored by the FBI. If these ignored witnesses were lying, why wouldn't the FBI investigate it?
It does not mean that the assault magically happened either.

Just because you want to assume that Kav is guilty does not make it the correct thing to do.
She doesn't know where it happened, when it happened, who was there, how she got home, what year it happened, who's house it was...not a single person she named corroborated her story...including her BFF at the time.

Let's just say she accused YOU!

Well you would have a point except that many people claiming to be witnesses to the event were completely ignored by the FBI. Why? Because the investigation was designed to come up with nothing.

Maybe she can take her case to the Supreme Court. I know there'll be at least one impartial juror.

She can still file criminal charges too.... I would like to see that happen

I would love to see that happen. The consequences of perjury and making false report are much more severe in a criminal trial.

Thing is , she said she was 100% sure it was Cavenaugh, so there really is no reason she shouldn't try at this point to open an assault case against him unless she is really NOT 100% sure. (or if she's lying)

i would love to see it go to criminal trial in the local jurisdiction where that supposedly happened just so we could be through with all this. If it was true Cav really did that? they could impeach him and I wouldnt give a damn
We all would.

The problem is that it is well known that such will not happen because there is zero evidence that the assault occurred or that Kav is the perpetrator.
She doesn't know where it happened, when it happened, who was there, how she got home, what year it happened, who's house it was...not a single person she named corroborated her story...including her BFF at the time.

Let's just say she accused YOU!

Well you would have a point except that many people claiming to be witnesses to the event were completely ignored by the FBI. Why? Because the investigation was designed to come up with nothing.
You are wrong. All of the people identified by Ford were interviewed. The ones who weren't interviewed were not at the event. They knew someone who was at the event. Democrats imagined that if they were questioned enough, they would remember something about the event.

After all, after six days of intense interviewing, look at what Debbie Ramirez came up with.
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means it didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Dumbfuck. If no one can corroborate her story, HE GETS CONFIRMED. Just because you are masturbating to the thought of Kav not getting confirmed does not mean the reasonable among us can't have serious reservations about believing her story.
Lol him getting confirmed has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he is innocent of Ford's charges. The only thing that matters to the GOP is confirming him before November. That's it. They don't give a shit who is right or who is wrong. They just need a political win in the face of likely losing the House in Nov.
You mean like how the only thing that matters to democrats at all is delaying the confirmation until after November? They don't give a shit who is telling the truth here as well as fully evidenced by the way the accusations were handled in the first place.

Somehow, I don't think the GOP or the dems political games have jack to do with Kav's actual guilt. Objectively, there is noting there to confirm either story. Considering that confirming a negative is simply impossible, the default here is innocence.
You make a fair point. I agree the Dems probably don’t care either, but many people on both sides of the aisle believe Ford was being sincere. A few pundits on Fox News even side with her. Either way, the MeToo movement isn’t political - it started with celebs. Ford deserves a fair investigation but she didn’t get that. All the GOP cares about is their political will. They don’t at all care if Ford is telling the truth.
Is this your pathetic attempt of discrediting me by blatantly taking what I said out of context?
How is it taken out of context? The witnesses could not confirm an assault occurred. Unless someone can corroborate Ford's claim, it's he said, she said, and they said (that it didn't happen).
You are so dumb. You assume someone not verifying the story means the assault didn't happen yet no one came forward to support Kavanaugh's claim it didn't happen so therefore Ford lied regardless.... based on what? How about you just quit now? This is getting embarrassing.
Everyone supported Kavanaugh's claim that it didn't happen including Ford's bff who said that not only did the party not happen but neither she nor Christine had ever met Brett Kavanaugh.
She doesn't know where it happened, when it happened, who was there, how she got home, what year it happened, who's house it was...not a single person she named corroborated her story...including her BFF at the time.

Let's just say she accused YOU!

Well you would have a point except that many people claiming to be witnesses to the event were completely ignored by the FBI. Why? Because the investigation was designed to come up with nothing.

Why didn't they come forward and stand with "Forgetful Ford" when she first came out? Hmmmmmmm?
They don’t at all care if Ford is telling the truth.

You got me ... I really, really don't care that a drunk teenager got felt up at a frat party 40 years ago.

There's so much awesome stuff on Netflix to care about.

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