If conservatives win big in November, should they consider packing the court and/or adding a state?

That’s a big ‘if’. I can’t wait to see how they handle the fallout when clips of 1/6 are shown 24/7 and of those who supported the rioters in speeches, not to mention the Putin-love shown by so many in the party. There have been many instances of Russian propaganda being furthered, like the claim that Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis, despite the far-right coalition only getting 2.5% of the vote in the last election with no members in parliament and Zelensky being Jewish.
People isn't going to care about 1/6. There is high inflation, gas, food prices and fixing to be a food shortage. Thanks to Biden and the democrat party.
Just because a group is willing to stick their heads into a light socket should everyone?
Just because a group wants unlimited power and believes the best way to get it is to follow North Korea or Cubas example does that mean everyone should do it?
Why not be the adult in the whole thing?
I know, I know, sorry.

Just get tired of being kicked around and only having Orange man as an outlet for change from the never ending Leftist agenda that continuously is shoved down our collective throats.

It's more therapy than anything. Fascism gets old quick.
Deed Southern CA back to Mexico.

Appoint Alito or Thomas's clerks to the next SCOTUS opening
Trump's selection of Kav just makes me feel like I'm being played by another under cover Progressive like "W" was.

I say this because Kavanaugh turns out to be just another Left wing judge.

Did they scare him into submission or was he one all along?
The military currently does NOT do gender reassignment surgery. Your source is a piece of shit.
The military currently does NOT do gender reassignment surgery. Your source is a piece of shit.
I'm sorry, who is the piece of shit here?

Now can you tell us what a woman is.

I'm sorry, who is the piece of shit here?

Now can you tell us what a woman is.

That article is almost a year old and the policy has been changed. Did you notice no picture of American troops accompanied it? Transgenders can only enlist after meeting a special set of circumstances . The process makes it almost impossible for most "trans-kids" to join.
Just say'in.

If they don't, democrats will as they have stated repeatedly they want to do so.
Add Mexico and build the wall at the border of Mexico and Central America or add Mexico and Central America and then watch the left heads explode!!!

You will have dealt with illegal immigration and border issues while gaining all those resources!!!
So, what are you going to impeach Biden over?

Oh…..oh….I know

You can impeach him for stealing the election
No, for crashing the dollar. Russia, China, and India is not accepting it anymore. Europe will probably be next.
No, for crashing the dollar. Russia, China, and India is not accepting it anymore. Europe will probably be next.

The value of the dollar has increased since Biden became President

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Just say'in.

If they don't, democrats will as they have stated repeatedly they want to do so.

2 also = No!

3. Impeachment, also = No!

Regular, everyday Americans want stability, that is why they are going to throw the Left out in November. If you get the GOP pulling the same crap, you are going to turn off a lot of voters.

As far as the question you didn't ask which is impeachment------------> To replace him with who/whom? Harris?

If the Left gets hosed as bad as it looks like they will in November, Democrats are going to start grumbling about removing Biden. Let them start the ball rolling if they wish, then the GOP just votes. Who are we to argue with the Left, if they think he should be removed!

The biggest political shock in the last 25 or 30yrs AFTER Russie-Russia-Russia, would be if Biden or Harris ran for President in 2024. We would as a political party, be expending massive amounts of political capital, to remove a President who probably has no chance to even win his own party's primary to lead the ticket in 2024, even if he decided to run. And if he DID win the primary and became the standard bearer, he is by faaaaaaaaar, the weakest candidate they could put up. While it might feel good to do such a thing, that is bad politics 101!

Nope, it is incumbent upon us to give the GOP a large enough majority, so we can control him, not remove him! With the way things are going and the polls showing, then we might as well hang it up if we can't. We don't need a veto proof majority, just enough to stop the craziness going on until 2024. While passion is high on our side, I suggest PRAGMATISM instead of a knee jerk reaction.

By the way..........2024..................I could be wrong, but unless someone steps forward with panache, I expect Kerry to be recycled. He checks every box for the far Left, and they believe he can be sold as a phony-baloney, moderate!
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Pack the Court? NO

Add a state? NO

Impeach Biden, assuming he's still in office come 2023? It can't be a Trumped-up charge (see what I did there?), it's gotta be legit. Like if he restores the Obama no-nukes deal with the Iranians and doesn't put it up for a vote in Congress and then acts on that deal, that might work.

First of all, whatever a GOP Congress does still requires a presidential signature, and Biden or his replacement won't sign anything that is counter to the democrats' political interests. Obviously the dem don't give a shit about what's best for the country, and that is what the GOP Congress needs to be doing. They gotta be pushing an agenda that returns us to oil/gas independence, lowering inflation, and improving economic growth, all of which is pretty much accomplished by doing the opposite of what the dems are doing.

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