CDZ If cops must wear cameras for their behavior, should teachers also have cameras in the classroom?


Politicians, teachers, law enforcement, etc,... let's bodycam them all!


every single public office should be wired for video and sound

Complete transparency.


We are now living in a country with a growing population of very bad people who are completely out of control.

We need cameras and sound everywhere.

And we need drones flying around in the sky taking videos of everyone and everything.

Personally, I would like the drones to have the ability to disable preps.

For example, if it sees a young gentleman beating up an elderly Asian person, the drone could immediately disable the perp by spraying him with something. Or maybe the drone could somehow tie up the perp with rope until the cops arrive.

I hope the day comes when robot cops are stationed on every street corner.

Life is getting better when it comes to technology.

Life is getting worse when it comes to the quality of the human beings being born.
Why not have all of our public officials on camera ?

That's not the same as your scenario

That would be great!

Then we could hear what they REALLY think!
every single public office should be wired for video and sound

Complete transparency.


We are now living in a country with a growing population of very bad people who are completely out of control.

We need cameras and sound everywhere.

And we need drones flying around in the sky taking videos of everyone and everything.

Personally, I would like the drones to have the ability to disable preps.

For example, if it sees a young gentleman beating up an elderly Asian person, the drone could immediately disable the perp by spraying him with something. Or maybe the drone could somehow tie up the perp with rope until the cops arrive.

I hope the day comes when robot cops are stationed on every street corner.

Life is getting better when it comes to technology.

Life is getting worse when it comes to the quality of the human beings being born.
Why not have all of our public officials on camera ?

That's not the same as your scenario

That would be great!

Then we could hear what they REALLY think!
And see all the shady deals they make

If cops must wear cameras for their behavior, should teachers also have cameras in the classroom?​



There are cameras all over most schools. To put cameras in every classroom would mean getting a waiver agreeing to be filmed by every student's family. A great many would not agree. A great many.

You'd make a lot of lawyers rich though.
The camera could be focused only on the teacher

But as long as everything the teacher says is recorded every day for parents to hear we don't even have to see the teachers face or the students

If you want a better system we should implement a "flipped classroom" methodology that changes the role of a teacher from "sage on a stage" to "guide on the side". Teachers don't like "flipped classrooms" because it's means more work and if done properly it reduces the opinion of the teacher to little more than just another opinion.


Now you're wandering into pedagogy. All that sort of thing has been tried in varying forms over the decades. About 20 years ago there was lots of such happy hippy horseshit. The students who succeeded then were the same ones that were succeeding before and would succeed after.

Stay in your lane.

Your ignorance is showing.

I was in higher education for some twenty years and not wiping the spit off of the chin of kindergartners like you seem to be doing. During those twenty years we used an "active learning" methodology and the results were clearly to the benefit of students. "Flipped classroom" is an approach used for primary and secondary education that in many ways is similar to "active learning" in higher ed. The methodology works well if implemented correctly.



You sound like an over-the-hill hippy.

I do not teach kindergarten, but I note your hope that I would be. Adult students are much more likely to cooperate in whatever the 'methodology du jure' might be, but adult learners and high school students are significantly dissimilar. There is always some yahoo with a book or a program to sell, but searching for 'the key' to 'solving' education is a fool's errand. It takes work and time and effort and perseverance, understanding, communication, patience, and respect, etc. No magic pill.

The only thing I care about are achieving desired results and that very often requires hard work, something many teachers are unable or unwilling to commit themselves to. Teachers are so lazy that they often parrot the same series of lectures to students that they developed years earlier.

Flipped classrooms are much harder to successfully deliver to students because teachers find that questions from students aren't confined to the narrow parameters of discussion that a lecture often creates. Many teachers are afraid of being put into a position of having to say "I don't know". The focus on the approach is to develop in students the ability to engage in critical thinking, analysis, reason and creativity, things that a passive lecture cannot give to students.

You are a kindergarten teacher because that is all you can do - you babysit your students and tell them stories.

Never use terms that you don't understand, it makes clear just how dumb you are: " 'methodology du jure'". De jure - in law, legally.... Du jour - of the day. Too fking funny.

Now I know you're lying about having any experience teaching. :lol:
This article brought this idea up.....

I think you either make teachers wear a camera that broadcasts live each day or put one in their classroom that parents can punch up on their computers and phones......

As they tell the cops...this will keep teachers safe, and make the students behave better......

100% yes

Small wonder our education to students is being "dumbed-down", given dummies like you are doing the teaching. Where did you get your teaching degree???
This article brought this idea up.....

I think you either make teachers wear a camera that broadcasts live each day or put one in their classroom that parents can punch up on their computers and phones......

As they tell the cops...this will keep teachers safe, and make the students behave better......

Its a dumb idea. Right wing media is a joke.
No. If nothing else, the amount of money we'd spend on cameras, maintenance, and bandwidth would be much better spent simply hiring more teachers, or giving raises to the ones we have.

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