CDZ If cops must wear cameras for their behavior, should teachers also have cameras in the classroom?

This article brought this idea up.....

I think you either make teachers wear a camera that broadcasts live each day or put one in their classroom that parents can punch up on their computers and phones......

As they tell the cops...this will keep teachers safe, and make the students behave better......

I am all for the idea of cameras in the classroom but you can bet the all powerful Teachers Union will oppose it.
Not every teacher is so diligent, just as most cops aren't bad. Yet here we are. No reason for parents not to have greater access to their children's education.
Search the topic. There have been hundreds of pages on this.
Search the topic. There have been hundreds of pages on this.
No need. Things always end the same. Once the issue of greater accountability for teachers enters into it there is nothing but excuses as why that shouldn't happen. Even though we have all the necessary tools to make it happen.
No need. Things always end the same. Once the issue of greater accountability for teachers enters into it there is nothing but excuses as why that shouldn't happen. Even though we have all the necessary tools to make it happen.
Wrong. If you bother to read the hundreds of pages on the topic, you will see that accountability has nothing to do with it.
Who said anything about filming the kids? Keep the camera focused on the teacher. What's wrong with archiving classes so parents could watch in the evening if they wish? Not every parent can miss work to attend daytime classes or make it before or after school.
It is impossible to film the teachers and not see the kids. If they can't get off from work, tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry!

The simple cost is prohibitive. Many police departments did away with bodycams because it was too expensive.
Not every teacher is so diligent, just as most cops aren't bad. Yet here we are. No reason for parents not to have greater access to their children's education.
Going to the classroom is encouraged and a hell of a lot cheaper. You still have not explained what you are hoping to see!
No need. Things always end the same. Once the issue of greater accountability for teachers enters into it there is nothing but excuses as why that shouldn't happen. Even though we have all the necessary tools to make it happen.
Let's raise you taxes about 30% in order to pay for all this crap! Perhaps we could just double you contribution and you can pay for parents who can't afford it!
I am all for the idea of cameras in the classroom but you can bet the all powerful Teachers Union will oppose it.
For about the 10th time, it is illegal to show a student on video. This can only be done with parent permission of every student depicted.
It is impossible to film the teachers and not see the kids. If they can't get off from work, tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry!

The simple cost is prohibitive. Many police departments did away with bodycams because it was too expensive.
Really now? Teach from the front of room, place camera ahead of kids. Problem solved.

Cost prohibitive my ass. Students just spent a year doing distance learning, so the equipment and cost is not an issue.
No need. Things always end the same. Once the issue of greater accountability for teachers enters into it there is nothing but excuses as why that shouldn't happen. Even though we have all the necessary tools to make it happen.
Did you copy and paste that from cop
Let's raise you taxes about 30% in order to pay for all this crap! Perhaps we could just double you contribution and you can pay for parents who can't afford it!
A simple camera in thr classroom where anyone can check in on their little darlings isn't expensive.

It keep kids and teachers honest.
Really now? Teach from the front of room, place camera ahead of kids. ......
AGAIN, students and teachers are not frozen in place throughout the course of a given class. You really seem to be one of those "gee, what a neat idea!" types who fall in love with their own ill-considered notion without thinking it through.
Really now? Teach from the front of room, place camera ahead of kids. Problem solved.

Cost prohibitive my ass. Students just spent a year doing distance learning, so the equipment and cost is not an issue.
Teach from the front of the room? How do circulate to ensure students are on task? You educator wannabes make me sick with your juvenile understanding of education. You know what is was like before you flunked out of school and think we have made no improvements in 40 years. You think you are an expert in education despite being decades removed from the process you only saw as a student!

Cost prohibitive? Damned straight! Do you know how many kids did NOTHING using distance learning? They all had various reasons for not doing the work. That significantly reduced the impact on system bandwidth.

When I was teaching, they issued laptops to every student to use in the classroom and at home. Only 40% of my students had home access to the internet, and I NEVER was able to get all of my students online for classroom instruction. The schools could not handle thousands of students at once.
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