CDZ If cops must wear cameras for their behavior, should teachers also have cameras in the classroom?

AGAIN, students and teachers are not frozen in place throughout the course of a given class. You really seem to be one of those "gee, what a neat idea!" types who fall in love with their own ill-considered notion without thinking it through.
Again, not 100% coverage 100% of the time is required. Although parents and taxpayers may wonder what teachers are doing if all the students can't even see them during class.
Teach from the front of the room? How do circulate to ensure students are on task? You educator wannabes make me sick with you juvenile understanding of education. You know what is was like before you flunked out of school and think we have made no improvements in 40 years. You think you are an expert in education despite being decades removed from the process you only saw as a student!
If you're what passes for an educator I can see why our nation is falling behind.
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Teach from the front of the room? How do [sic] circulate to ensure students are on task? You educator wannabes make me sick with you [sic] juvenile understanding of education. You know what is [sic] was like before you flunked out of school and think we have made no improvements in 40 years. ....

If you're going to lecture others on education, you might at least bother to express yourself in proper English.
Parents cool with their kids being filmed all day?
I would be if I had school aged children. But that is just me.

I would also like the opportunity to view the class. I’m sure the teacher’s union would disagree with allowing that.
I would be if I had school aged children. But that is just me.

I would also like the opportunity to view the class. I’m sure the teacher’s union would disagree with allowing that.
That wouldn't be up to a union.
For about the 10th time, it is illegal to show a student on video. This can only be done with parent permission of every student depicted.
Laws can be changed. (As I pointed out the Teacher’s Union would oppose cameras so the idea is going nowhere.)

I would be satisfied if I could just see the teacher. That also would never fly with the Teacher’s Union.
Again, not 100% coverage 100% of the time is required. Although parents and taxpayers may wonder what teachers are doing if all the students can't even see them during class.
You have no clue, do you? Teachers very rarely stay in the front of the class all the time....they circulate, they one on one, they sit with smaller groups...etc.
From what your posts indicate what YOU think teaching in the class is like, that's a very ironic post.
I was referencing the fact a so-called educator can't even it keep it clean in a clean discussion area. I hate to imagine how incompetent such a person would be with no oversight at all.
Again, not 100% coverage 100% of the time is required. Although parents and taxpayers may wonder what teachers are doing if all the students can't even see them during class.
Who said the students cannot see them? You haven't been in a classroom in this century, have you?
Cameras in the classroom could be very helpful.

Especially by law enforcement when sorting out who it was that murdered the teachers. Though in certain cities that prosecutors might find that knowledge something they'd rather ignore.
Nope...put cameras on all teachers and let the parent watch and listen. This way when teachers goof off-----the parents know. This way when the teachers abuse---the parents know. This when teachers indoctrinate---the parents also know. This when teachers miss days upon days of school---parents know. I love the ideal of watching teachers every move......
Sure, let’s put cameras on everyone.

Signed the Stasi.
This article brought this idea up.....

I think you either make teachers wear a camera that broadcasts live each day or put one in their classroom that parents can punch up on their computers and phones......

As they tell the cops...this will keep teachers safe, and make the students behave better......

In a general sense, it's a worthy comparison. After you've struggled with other parents who are super flighty and will bitch about almost ANYTHING -- it's a riot waiting to happen.

Unless you're gonna take DAYS of context and be judged sane and reasonable yourself -- you cannot POLICE teachers like they ARE just "law enforcers".

I've know SEVERAL parents in my years of raising kids that would abuse this to no end over REALLY REALLY trivial and sometimes flat wrong assumptions that the teacher "didn't like their kid" or wants to argue about Algebra SHOULD BE TAUGHT and in what years and pre-reqs -- for examples.

It would be no better than a gossip creator in most cases.

I DO THINK that KIDS should be allowed to INFORM their parents by recording what the KIDS feel is weird or wrong, but again -- the context would not be there for whatever 4 minute vid the kid makes.

Think the ONLY WAY that this works is to RECORD -- but to RETAIN at the school.

So a principle or designated official can view it WITH the parents on school grounds.
Did you copy and paste that from cop

There WAS a time when cities made it ILLEGAL to for citizens to record police encounters and could arrest you. It was all the rage. But it LED to the widespread use of body cameras in the end.

That's what the parallel is here in teaching. BECAUSE parental access to classrooms is greatly restricted -- and your kids DONT WANT YOU THERE ANYWAYS -- a lot folks rightfully DEMAND to know what's goin on in there today.

SHOULDN't be neccessary in K-6 AT ALL -- but you LEFTISTS have made THAT a Woke training ground now. And by mid-or high school, they are rotating in/out of about 4 to 6 classrooms/teachers each day and that MAKES it harder to find the indoctrination pretending to be teaching language/math/science/history/art/music.

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