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If Current Trends Continue, Trump Wins It ALL

This hair-splitting doesn't matter anyway; Rump is subject to a morals clause, and NBC and Univisión invoked it.
So he loses.
NBC and Univision don't HAVE any morals. They support immigration.

Not what "morality clause" means, dumbass. Go read post 185. Then get back to me on why you can't answer it.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Trump told the truth.
we have already talked about the morality clause , I see nothing immoral about what the good Mr. Trump is saying about SOME of the illegal aliens that are murderers and rapists Pogo . Seems to me that keeping the truth to himself would be immoral but here the good Trump is just spreading the truth , nothing immoral about speaking truth about reality . Also , I'm sure that Mr. Trump can prove his stated words by using easily obtained stats from jail and criminal tracking sources to Prove his words about SOME illegal aliens Pogo .
You are 100% right of course, and looking at Pogo's pathetic post # 185, where he quotes from Univision's morality clause ("which brings artist into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or which justifiably shocks, insults or offends a significant portion of the community,") it is immediately apparent that Trump will trounce Univision in court, since they have no way to prove that any of this applies to what Trump said.

There is no reason for anyone to be insulted or offended in any way whatsoever, and if anyone does feel that way, they do it irrationally, and in small enough numbers to allow Trump to surge to the top of the polls in almost no time at all.
I worked in a factory with two illegal Mexican's back in the late 1990's. They smuggled cocaine into this country and had two fake green cards. Their sister worked at a Nike factory in Mexico and would bring a van full of stolen merchandise to sell at half price. They told me that illegals are used as drug mules as part of an agreement to get them into the United States. These two are now in federal prison for cocaine smuggling. These two were typical of the riff-raff coming into our nation.
well , the lawyers and judges will figure that out I guess but you can't break a contract simply because a person legally speaks his mind Pogo . Can't break a legal contract just because Mr. Trump speaks free , speaks his mind . Hey , I'm no lawyer , lets see what happens Pogo .

You absolutely can if your contract has a morality clause. That's the whole reason it's there -- to protect the employer. That's exactly what "company shall have the right to terminate" spells out.
Univision's use of their morlity clause in this case is a :lame2: LAUGHINGSTOCK. :laugh:
What the poll shows is the need for right wingers to support a candidate who expresses hatred. If you think Trump has any chance in getting the nomination without the Hispanic vote, you're nuts.
He can win WITH the Hispanic vote. I'm half Hispanic, and I like what Trumps says. So do millions of other Hispanics, who are fed up with Obama recruiting VOTES for Democrats by taking people into the US who have disrespected our laws and us, and many of whom (as Trump correctly said) are rapists and other criminals,

In fact EVERY illegal alien, who crosses the border illegally has committed a CRIME and is a CRIMINAL, just for having done THAT.
well , the lawyers and judges will figure that out I guess but you can't break a contract simply because a person legally speaks his mind Pogo . Can't break a legal contract just because Mr. Trump speaks free , speaks his mind . Hey , I'm no lawyer , lets see what happens Pogo .

You absolutely can if your contract has a morality clause. That's the whole reason it's there -- to protect the employer. That's exactly what "company shall have the right to terminate" spells out.
Univision's use of their morlity clause in this case is a :lame2: LAUGHINGSTOCK. :laugh:

Actually what's a LAUGHINGSTOCK is signing a contract with a morality clause, putting your foot in your mouth to cause them to invoke it, and then going "I'll sue!"

I'm not even a lawyer and I could get this frivolous suit dropped in ten minutes.

The United States Constitution does not anywhere say "Univisión shall make no law...". It just doesn't. A spoiled-brat attention whore throws a tantrum and you toadies can't get the knee pads on fast enough.

Von Clownstick for President....

and now for a Mexican who can buy and sell Donald T-rump.
..T-rump paying a big price for his big mouth...

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim scraps project with Donald Trump after Mexico insults
Carlos Slim is about to receive the biggest economic ASS-KICKING he couldn't even dream about. His worst nightmare. Trump and the US hav enothing to lose by pouncing on Mexico. Mexico has everything to lose. US remittances$$$ + human services payouts to Mexicans in the US (via the anchor baby racket & false documentation), combined are Mexico's # 1 source of income. Just the remittances$$$ alone, are their second highest source of income (after their oil exports)

If and when the US and Mexico get into economic war (as should have happened 50 years ago). we will eat their lunch. We have everything to gain. They have everything to lose. Same thing applies with China, for different economic reason.
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well , the lawyers and judges will figure that out I guess but you can't break a contract simply because a person legally speaks his mind Pogo . Can't break a legal contract just because Mr. Trump speaks free , speaks his mind . Hey , I'm no lawyer , lets see what happens Pogo .

You absolutely can if your contract has a morality clause. That's the whole reason it's there -- to protect the employer. That's exactly what "company shall have the right to terminate" spells out.
Univision's use of their morlity clause in this case is a :lame2: LAUGHINGSTOCK. :laugh:
Abandon T-Rump all ye who hope for GOP win LOL

German invasion of France 1914 1.36 million troops.

1950 North Korea invades South Korea 300,000 troops.

Mexican invasion of U.S. 2015 = 5.9 million.
we have already talked about the morality clause , I see nothing immoral about what the good Mr. Trump is saying about SOME of the illegal aliens that are murderers and rapists Pogo . Seems to me that keeping the truth to himself would be immoral but here the good Trump is just spreading the truth , nothing immoral about speaking truth about reality . Also , I'm sure that Mr. Trump can prove his stated words by using easily obtained stats from jail and criminal tracking sources to Prove his words about SOME illegal aliens Pogo .
You are 100% right of course, and looking at Pogo's pathetic post # 185, where he quotes from Univision's morality clause ("which brings artist into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or which justifiably shocks, insults or offends a significant portion of the community,") it is immediately apparent that Trump will trounce Univision in court, since they have no way to prove that any of this applies to what Trump said.

There is no reason for anyone to be insulted or offended in any way whatsoever, and if anyone does feel that way, they do it irrationally, and in small enough numbers to allow Trump to surge to the top of the polls in almost no time at all.

It's NBC's language, Evelyn Wood, though no doubt Univisión's is similar if not identical. Anyway for the purposes of these contracts it matters not a whit what you think of them. What matters is what the public thinks of them. If there's any public disrepute, contempt, shock, offense, etc etc, then they have a case.

Rump is farting into the wind. Like the time he threatened to sue Bill Maher for demanding Trump show his birth certificate to prove he's not an orangutan (but never did). Or those three times he actually did sue Palm Beach County because he didn't like planes flying over his estate.

Fucking self-absorbed entitled-mentality prick. Fuck him in the ass.
Actually what's a LAUGHINGSTOCK is signing a contract with a morality clause, putting your foot in your mouth to cause them to invoke it, and then going "I'll sue!"
But he DIDN'T put his foot in his mouth. Not at all. Univision's case is a laughingstock. They have no case.
Actually what's a LAUGHINGSTOCK is signing a contract with a morality clause, putting your foot in your mouth to cause them to invoke it, and then going "I'll sue!"
But he DIDN'T put his foot in his mouth. Not at all. Univision's case is a laughingstock. They have no case.

They don't need a case. They have a contract. With a morality clause in it.
Case closed.

I don't know where you get this psychotic idea that public opinion has to somehow pass your desk for approval.
It doesn't.
Every day between now and the election will see steady losses of GOP voters through attrition...they are old angry whites and not enough of them as it is...they are dying off ...meanwhile the courts are not going for the voter suppression statutes desperately sought by the GOP
Every day between now and the election will see steady losses of GOP voters through attrition...they are old angry whites and not enough of them as it is...they are dying off ...meanwhile the courts are not going for the voter suppression statutes desperately sought by the GOP
Nope. Millions added. Most Mexican-Americans already here do not the illegals coming across and fucking up their neighborhoods.
If we could transmorgify Democrats fear of Trump into energy we could have free electricity for all! Though at some terrible price in pollution.....
Stupidity is sometimes to be feared, but for Trump and his supporters laughter is the correct response since there is nothing to fear from the Lord of the Losers.
Most of the fools who laughed at Trump last week, are now hiding in vacation cabins in the mountains, and threw their cell phones away. Then you have a very tiny few who still are laughing. HA HA. Is ther ea doctor in the house. This level of stupidity could only be medical.
Trump is looking better and better every day. And his correct attitude declarations are laughably surrounded by clueless fools who criticize what he said about Mexican illegal aliens. The question isn't why is Trump saying what he said, the question is why isn't everyone saying what he said.

So he said something bad about Mexicans illegally coming across the border. Oh gosh! Well, what's he supposed to say ?

They commit a CRIME crossing the border without inspection by immigration authorities. They break our laws. They disrespect out laws, and thereby disrespect us. What are we supposed to do ? Invite them over for dinner ?

The people bitching about Trump's comments are traitors to America, who are VESTED INTERESTS, who are profiting from these illegals >>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
Every day between now and the election will see steady losses of GOP voters through attrition...they are old angry whites and not enough of them as it is...they are dying off ...meanwhile the courts are not going for the voter suppression statutes desperately sought by the GOP
Voter suppression:asshole: what a crybaby joke of a non-issue.

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