If Democrat Fear-Mongering Claims By Democrats At Election Time Were True....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If all the Democrats' election-time Fear-Mongering Claims of what Republicans would do if elected were true...

We would all have dirty air and dirty water

- Like the water in Flint Michigan? (Thanks, Democrats)

Social Security would have been spent and would be gone now

No one would have grandmothers today because the Republicans would have pushed all of them in their wheelchairs over cliffs

Roe-V-Wade would overturned by now & ALL abortions would be illegal; women would be dying in back-alley 'baby butcher shops' where coat hangers are used

Americans' ballot security protections would be gone - there would be mass election fraud

- Like what we have and continue to see by Democrats

Blacks would be 'in chains' today (according to Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden)

There would be no ice at the North / South Pole

New Orleans and other coastline cities would be under water

Taxes would have been cut ONLY for 'the rich'

NO ONE in the United States would have medical insurance

Manufacturing jobs would not have returned to the US

America would have experienced / would be in the greatest depression in US history

Unemployment would have reached the highest rate ever in US history
(instead of the lowest in decades / ever)

Trump and Trump Jr would be the ones embroiled in a scandal about taking money from criminals and foreign enemies, laundering Russian money, and taking $1.5 billion from the Chinese...not the Bidens

Trump would have gotten the United States into SEVERAL more wars by now...instead of having EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating several peace treaties that everyone said were impossible to negotiate.


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If all the Democrats' election-time Fear-Mongering Claims of what Republicans would do if elected were true...

We would all have dirty air and dirty water

- Like the water in Flint Michigan? (Thanks, Democrats)

Social Security would have been spent and would be gone now

No one would have grandmothers today because the Republicans would have pushed all of them in their wheelchairs over cliffs

Roe-V-Wade would overturned by now & ALL abortions would be illegal; women would be dying in back-alley 'baby butcher shops' where coat hangers are used

Americans' ballot security protections would be gone - there would be mass election fraud

- Like what we have and continue to see by Democrats

Blacks would be 'in chains' today (according to Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden)

There would be no ice at the North / South Pole

New Orleans and other coastline cities would be under water

Taxes would have been cut ONLY for 'the rich'

NO ONE in the United States would have medical insurance

Manufacturing jobs would not have returned to the US

America would have experienced / would be in the greatest depression in US history

Unemployment would have reached the highest rate ever in US history
(instead of the lowest in decades / ever)

Trump and Trump Jr would be the ones embroiled in a scandal about taking money from criminals and foreign enemies, laundering Russian money, and taking $1.5 billion from the Chinese...not the Bidens

Trump would have gotten the United States into SEVERAL more wars by now...instead of having EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating several peace treaties that everyone said were impossible to negotiate.


Like I said in my ovid thread, democrats have always used fear for power just like Nazis.
If all the Democrats' election-time Fear-Mongering Claims of what Republicans would do if elected were true...

We would all have dirty air and dirty water

- Like the water in Flint Michigan? (Thanks, Democrats)

Social Security would have been spent and would be gone now

No one would have grandmothers today because the Republicans would have pushed all of them in their wheelchairs over cliffs

Roe-V-Wade would overturned by now & ALL abortions would be illegal; women would be dying in back-alley 'baby butcher shops' where coat hangers are used

Americans' ballot security protections would be gone - there would be mass election fraud

- Like what we have and continue to see by Democrats

Blacks would be 'in chains' today (according to Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden)

There would be no ice at the North / South Pole

New Orleans and other coastline cities would be under water

Taxes would have been cut ONLY for 'the rich'

NO ONE in the United States would have medical insurance

Manufacturing jobs would not have returned to the US

America would have experienced / would be in the greatest depression in US history

Unemployment would have reached the highest rate ever in US history
(instead of the lowest in decades / ever)

Trump and Trump Jr would be the ones embroiled in a scandal about taking money from criminals and foreign enemies, laundering Russian money, and taking $1.5 billion from the Chinese...not the Bidens

Trump would have gotten the United States into SEVERAL more wars by now...instead of having EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating several peace treaties that everyone said were impossible to negotiate.


Like I said in my ovid thread, democrats have always used fear for power just like Nazis.

Nothing much changed in my life except that the usual murder rate in that hood around the corner----increased---to about double it's rate 20 years ago---a few per day
If all the Democrats' election-time Fear-Mongering Claims of what Republicans would do if elected were true...

We would all have dirty air and dirty water

- Like the water in Flint Michigan? (Thanks, Democrats)

Social Security would have been spent and would be gone now

No one would have grandmothers today because the Republicans would have pushed all of them in their wheelchairs over cliffs

Roe-V-Wade would overturned by now & ALL abortions would be illegal; women would be dying in back-alley 'baby butcher shops' where coat hangers are used

Americans' ballot security protections would be gone - there would be mass election fraud

- Like what we have and continue to see by Democrats

Blacks would be 'in chains' today (according to Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden)

There would be no ice at the North / South Pole

New Orleans and other coastline cities would be under water

Taxes would have been cut ONLY for 'the rich'

NO ONE in the United States would have medical insurance

Manufacturing jobs would not have returned to the US

America would have experienced / would be in the greatest depression in US history

Unemployment would have reached the highest rate ever in US history
(instead of the lowest in decades / ever)

Trump and Trump Jr would be the ones embroiled in a scandal about taking money from criminals and foreign enemies, laundering Russian money, and taking $1.5 billion from the Chinese...not the Bidens

Trump would have gotten the United States into SEVERAL more wars by now...instead of having EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating several peace treaties that everyone said were impossible to negotiate.


They are all satans minions whether they are aware of that or not.

War will be officially declared on Wednesday.

Whether or not we hit back or not they will blame it on conservatives starting it, like they always do.

Been warning everyone and so far all of the things many of us have been saying was going to happen, is happening.
I am not optimistic-----a Biden/Kodzilla win
will result in a massive SHIT HIT THE FAN
phenomenon. ---as to the present situation---
people will look back in nostalgia for the good old days
If all the Democrats' election-time Fear-Mongering Claims of what Republicans would do if elected were true...

We would all have dirty air and dirty water

- Like the water in Flint Michigan? (Thanks, Democrats)

Social Security would have been spent and would be gone now

No one would have grandmothers today because the Republicans would have pushed all of them in their wheelchairs over cliffs

Roe-V-Wade would overturned by now & ALL abortions would be illegal; women would be dying in back-alley 'baby butcher shops' where coat hangers are used

Americans' ballot security protections would be gone - there would be mass election fraud

- Like what we have and continue to see by Democrats

Blacks would be 'in chains' today (according to Joe 'You Ain't Black' Biden)

There would be no ice at the North / South Pole

New Orleans and other coastline cities would be under water

Taxes would have been cut ONLY for 'the rich'

NO ONE in the United States would have medical insurance

Manufacturing jobs would not have returned to the US

America would have experienced / would be in the greatest depression in US history

Unemployment would have reached the highest rate ever in US history
(instead of the lowest in decades / ever)

Trump and Trump Jr would be the ones embroiled in a scandal about taking money from criminals and foreign enemies, laundering Russian money, and taking $1.5 billion from the Chinese...not the Bidens

Trump would have gotten the United States into SEVERAL more wars by now...instead of having EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating several peace treaties that everyone said were impossible to negotiate.


Are their claims ever true?


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