If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead

Only if a critical mass of Americans ‘know what time it is’ will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.
28 Aug 2023 ~~ By Ben Weingarten

Democrats are seeking to land a one-two punch to cement their control of America today and for generations to come: Criminalize the political opposition and cripple the last authority to which the opposition might appeal in defense of its rights.
This is one way to understand two running lines of attack that may appear independent but are inextricably intertwined.
Criminalizing the Opposition
The first consists of the unprecedented, Soviet show trial-style “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” “cases” conjured up against Donald Trump and two dozen others in his orbit, chiefly including his lawyers. The zealous prosecutors have many motives for torturing laws to hang them around the neck of the former president and GOP front-runner in the middle of a campaign — a frivolous and vengeful prosecutorial effort pursued arguably in violation of laws, norms, and core principles of justice.
While turning the First and Sixth Amendments into dead letters, these cases also effectively criminalize the seeking of office of anyone who might hold unauthorized views, the Republican contesting of elections or questioning of election integrity, and such Republicans’ legal defense.
Crippling the Court
The only thing that may stand in the way of Trump, or any other political dissenters threatened with contrived charges going forward, is the Supreme Court. This brings us to part two of the one-two punch: the Democrats’ sustained attack on the highest court in the land.
Democrats have grown ever more unhinged about the Supreme Court because it represents perhaps the last powerful American institution they do not wholly control. “Borking,” the “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas, and the caper against Justice Brett Kavanaugh normalized vicious political attacks on non-leftist justices aimed at destroying them or, at minimum, cowing them into submission once seated.
By extension, these assaults normalized vicious political attacks on the court itself. For if the justices themselves were deplorable and irredeemable, then so too was the court — a court now to be treated with the same contempt as any other political institution. In reality, what the leftist assailants objected to was that these justices might not rule in accord with the left’s wishes. The court, in short, was illegitimate if it was not leftist.
Democrats no doubt see that the court is the last backstop for justice — the last respite for the opposition to protect their rights from leftists aimed at seizing complete control. Hence their withering assault on it.
The one-two punch aims to knock out Trump. But at a deeper level, it is about ensuring de facto one-party rule at the point of a gun. Only if a critical mass of Americans “know what time it is” will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.

At some point though...........

like Red said in Shawshank “everyone has their breaking point”

Three crazed Soros funded prosecutors are criminalizing politics ......and normal campaign conversations.....with more than 90 simultaneous indictments of Donald Trump.
Ghetto girl, New York State prosecutor Letitia James, is hounding Trump with a $250 million state lawsuit against the Trump organization and family.
James is not fooling anyone.
She is maliciously hiding her ghetto-honed beliefs about Trump’s successes on the pretense of Trump “supposedly” overvaluing his real estate and filing inaccurate financial statements.
Yes, people, this what the success-challenged Blue Plantation ghetto really believes about others’ successes.
James is also scouring Trump’s papers to get tips on how the welfare-prone ghetto types might get a bit of success. So are Alvin Bragg of NYC or Fani Willis of N.C.
These Lawyers are Anti-American Criminal Thugs, not Zealots in pursuit of conflicting ideals. They are deserving of the harshest rebukes. Just as Mike Nifong was disbarred so should Bragg, James and Willis be disbarred for their actions.
Fani Willis in effect is criminalizing the legal profession – a business that can only end with the “totalitarian form of government” whose first steps Justice Stevens identified with the elimination of lawyers.
Regretfully, Civil War is already here, it’s just that too many are afraid to name it.
Ashli Babbitt was the first victim in the shot in the war.
Forget the media frenzy about the details: “Who spoke with whom and when, which Trump adviser is being charged for which “debunked” claim, and so on.
The most important point about the Fulton County indictments is that lawyers are being charged with felonies for doing legal work.

If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead

Only if a critical mass of Americans ‘know what time it is’ will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.
28 Aug 2023 ~~ By Ben Weingarten

Democrats are seeking to land a one-two punch to cement their control of America today and for generations to come: Criminalize the political opposition and cripple the last authority to which the opposition might appeal in defense of its rights.
This is one way to understand two running lines of attack that may appear independent but are inextricably intertwined.
Criminalizing the Opposition
The first consists of the unprecedented, Soviet show trial-style “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” “cases” conjured up against Donald Trump and two dozen others in his orbit, chiefly including his lawyers. The zealous prosecutors have many motives for torturing laws to hang them around the neck of the former president and GOP front-runner in the middle of a campaign — a frivolous and vengeful prosecutorial effort pursued arguably in violation of laws, norms, and core principles of justice.
While turning the First and Sixth Amendments into dead letters, these cases also effectively criminalize the seeking of office of anyone who might hold unauthorized views, the Republican contesting of elections or questioning of election integrity, and such Republicans’ legal defense.
Crippling the Court
The only thing that may stand in the way of Trump, or any other political dissenters threatened with contrived charges going forward, is the Supreme Court. This brings us to part two of the one-two punch: the Democrats’ sustained attack on the highest court in the land.
Democrats have grown ever more unhinged about the Supreme Court because it represents perhaps the last powerful American institution they do not wholly control. “Borking,” the “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas, and the caper against Justice Brett Kavanaugh normalized vicious political attacks on non-leftist justices aimed at destroying them or, at minimum, cowing them into submission once seated.
By extension, these assaults normalized vicious political attacks on the court itself. For if the justices themselves were deplorable and irredeemable, then so too was the court — a court now to be treated with the same contempt as any other political institution. In reality, what the leftist assailants objected to was that these justices might not rule in accord with the left’s wishes. The court, in short, was illegitimate if it was not leftist.
Democrats no doubt see that the court is the last backstop for justice — the last respite for the opposition to protect their rights from leftists aimed at seizing complete control. Hence their withering assault on it.
The one-two punch aims to knock out Trump. But at a deeper level, it is about ensuring de facto one-party rule at the point of a gun. Only if a critical mass of Americans “know what time it is” will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.

At some point though...........

like Red said in Shawshank “everyone has their breaking point”

Three crazed Soros funded prosecutors are criminalizing politics ......and normal campaign conversations.....with more than 90 simultaneous indictments of Donald Trump.
Ghetto girl, New York State prosecutor Letitia James, is hounding Trump with a $250 million state lawsuit against the Trump organization and family.
James is not fooling anyone.
She is maliciously hiding her ghetto-honed beliefs about Trump’s successes on the pretense of Trump “supposedly” overvaluing his real estate and filing inaccurate financial statements.
Yes, people, this what the success-challenged Blue Plantation ghetto really believes about others’ successes.
James is also scouring Trump’s papers to get tips on how the welfare-prone ghetto types might get a bit of success. So are Alvin Bragg of NYC or Fani Willis of N.C.
These Lawyers are Anti-American Criminal Thugs, not Zealots in pursuit of conflicting ideals. They are deserving of the harshest rebukes. Just as Mike Nifong was disbarred so should Bragg, James and Willis be disbarred for their actions.
Fani Willis in effect is criminalizing the legal profession – a business that can only end with the “totalitarian form of government” whose first steps Justice Stevens identified with the elimination of lawyers.
Regretfully, Civil War is already here, it’s just that too many are afraid to name it.
Ashli Babbitt was the first victim in the shot in the war.
Forget the media frenzy about the details: “Who spoke with whom and when, which Trump adviser is being charged for which “debunked” claim, and so on.
The most important point about the Fulton County indictments is that lawyers are being charged with felonies for doing legal work.
why is it so hard to say republic instead of democracy???

I just dont get it,,

If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead

Only if a critical mass of Americans ‘know what time it is’ will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.
28 Aug 2023 ~~ By Ben Weingarten

Democrats are seeking to land a one-two punch to cement their control of America today and for generations to come: Criminalize the political opposition and cripple the last authority to which the opposition might appeal in defense of its rights.
This is one way to understand two running lines of attack that may appear independent but are inextricably intertwined.
Criminalizing the Opposition
The first consists of the unprecedented, Soviet show trial-style “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” “cases” conjured up against Donald Trump and two dozen others in his orbit, chiefly including his lawyers. The zealous prosecutors have many motives for torturing laws to hang them around the neck of the former president and GOP front-runner in the middle of a campaign — a frivolous and vengeful prosecutorial effort pursued arguably in violation of laws, norms, and core principles of justice.
While turning the First and Sixth Amendments into dead letters, these cases also effectively criminalize the seeking of office of anyone who might hold unauthorized views, the Republican contesting of elections or questioning of election integrity, and such Republicans’ legal defense.
Crippling the Court
The only thing that may stand in the way of Trump, or any other political dissenters threatened with contrived charges going forward, is the Supreme Court. This brings us to part two of the one-two punch: the Democrats’ sustained attack on the highest court in the land.
Democrats have grown ever more unhinged about the Supreme Court because it represents perhaps the last powerful American institution they do not wholly control. “Borking,” the “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas, and the caper against Justice Brett Kavanaugh normalized vicious political attacks on non-leftist justices aimed at destroying them or, at minimum, cowing them into submission once seated.
By extension, these assaults normalized vicious political attacks on the court itself. For if the justices themselves were deplorable and irredeemable, then so too was the court — a court now to be treated with the same contempt as any other political institution. In reality, what the leftist assailants objected to was that these justices might not rule in accord with the left’s wishes. The court, in short, was illegitimate if it was not leftist.
Democrats no doubt see that the court is the last backstop for justice — the last respite for the opposition to protect their rights from leftists aimed at seizing complete control. Hence their withering assault on it.
The one-two punch aims to knock out Trump. But at a deeper level, it is about ensuring de facto one-party rule at the point of a gun. Only if a critical mass of Americans “know what time it is” will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.

At some point though...........

like Red said in Shawshank “everyone has their breaking point”

Three crazed Soros funded prosecutors are criminalizing politics ......and normal campaign conversations.....with more than 90 simultaneous indictments of Donald Trump.
Ghetto girl, New York State prosecutor Letitia James, is hounding Trump with a $250 million state lawsuit against the Trump organization and family.
James is not fooling anyone.
She is maliciously hiding her ghetto-honed beliefs about Trump’s successes on the pretense of Trump “supposedly” overvaluing his real estate and filing inaccurate financial statements.
Yes, people, this what the success-challenged Blue Plantation ghetto really believes about others’ successes.
James is also scouring Trump’s papers to get tips on how the welfare-prone ghetto types might get a bit of success. So are Alvin Bragg of NYC or Fani Willis of N.C.
These Lawyers are Anti-American Criminal Thugs, not Zealots in pursuit of conflicting ideals. They are deserving of the harshest rebukes. Just as Mike Nifong was disbarred so should Bragg, James and Willis be disbarred for their actions.
Fani Willis in effect is criminalizing the legal profession – a business that can only end with the “totalitarian form of government” whose first steps Justice Stevens identified with the elimination of lawyers.
Regretfully, Civil War is already here, it’s just that too many are afraid to name it.
Ashli Babbitt was the first victim in the shot in the war.
Forget the media frenzy about the details: “Who spoke with whom and when, which Trump adviser is being charged for which “debunked” claim, and so on.
The most important point about the Fulton County indictments is that lawyers are being charged with felonies for doing legal work.

You can oppose. But you can't obstruct official proceedings and conspire to create fraudulent election documents.

There is no constitutional right to fraud or obstruction.
There's nothing normal about a candidate calling up a secretary of state and telling him to change the outcome of the election for him.

We can't let anyone normalize what Trump did, or else our country is really in trouble. That's how you kill democracy.
why would you lie about what happened when its so easy to prove you wrong??
why would you lie about what happened when its so easy to prove you wrong??
He called Raffensperger and told him he won and he should find the votes to make it happen.

He called state legislators and told them to replace electors.

He called Pence and told him to not accept Biden's electors.

None of this is normal.
All of this is proven by recordings and testimony.

None of it is normal.

It’s not legal to overturn elections. If it were legal, voting is meaningless and we are no longer a republic.
not normal doesnt mean its illegal,,

so why did you lie??

if the election results change due to legal actions taken there is nothing wrong with that,,

and from what we have seen thats what trump wanted,,
He called Raffensperger and told him he won and he should find the votes to make it happen.

He called state legislators and told them to replace electors.

He called Pence and told him to not accept Biden's electors.

None of this is normal.

So? He never asked for votes to be taken from under tables.

The State Legislatures can replace electors.

He asked Pence to dispute certain slates of electors, as Democrats had done in the past.

The point was to hope the Senate would find some shenanigans and not accept some slates. That's all.

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