If Ebola is so contagious why

You've got people who were basically advocating building internment camps and setting up road blocks around cities, so yeah the level of threat matters. These people kept saying the CDC didn't know what they were talking about started making up shit about it being airborne etc. but it turns out the CDC was correct... Ebola isn't that contagious and it can be contained after an outbreak in a major US city.
Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
Nobody believes you, psycho.
Woman monitored for Ebola dies in Brooklyn hair salon

Woman monitored for Ebola dies in Brooklyn hair salon

The thing they keep failing to state...the tests take time, and they often produce false negatives.

So just because she tested negative doesn't mean she was negative.

And if she died in a Brooklyn hair salon, every one of those people there is at risk.
Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
well no...
Woman monitored for Ebola dies in Brooklyn hair salon

Woman monitored for Ebola dies in Brooklyn hair salon

The thing they keep failing to state...the tests take time, and they often produce false negatives.

So just because she tested negative doesn't mean she was negative.

And if she died in a Brooklyn hair salon, every one of those people there is at risk.
from your link

A body of a 40-year-old woman who was being monitored for Ebola when she died in a Brooklyn beauty salon has tested negative for the deadly virus, city health officials said Wednesday.

So no nobody is at risk you moron. go away before you damage the internet with your stupidity
Yes. As I said, the tests are not accurate.

But they keep pretending they are.

The CDC working hard to protect people. By lying to them and encouraging the spread of ebola.
she died of a heart attack..they cited the reason of death in the article. Had you bothered to read it you would have known this and not wasted everyones time displaying how stupid you are.
"The problem: the absence of an accurate, rapid test for Ebola, even in the disease's symptomatic stages.

"Varga, who oversees Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, believes the hospital was "well prepared and equipped" to care for a patient diagnosed with Ebola. "Where we fell short initially was in our ability to detect and diagnose" the infection, he testified."

Ebola or Not Rapid Test for the Virus Not Here Yet
she died of a heart attack..they cited the reason of death in the article. Had you bothered to read it you would have known this and not wasted everyones time displaying how stupid you are.

Liar, they said she appeared to die of a heart attack.

And ebola patients do die of heart failure.


"A test that can tell the difference in minutes or even a few hours just isn't available right now, experts say.

"First of all, there is no test at all to determine Ebola infection in a person without symptoms."

Ebola or Not Rapid Test for the Virus Not Here Yet
"A body of a 40-year-old woman who was being monitored for Ebola when she died in a Brooklyn beauty salon"

Woman monitored for Ebola dies in Brooklyn hair salon

Nothing to see here ....please move along....
she tested negative, and she died of a heart attack...Allie already posted this bogus clickbait.

"In fact, pre-symptomatic diagnosis is really a holy grail for infectious disease," added Dr. Amesh Adalja, a spokesman for the Infectious Disease Society of America. "It would be great to have it for Ebola and influenza, and a whole host of other infectious diseases, so we could intervene fast. And it's certainly something that many people are researching. But that kind of screening ability is really still in its infancy."

"But what about after symptoms begin to appear, as in Duncan's case? Again, no speedy test for Ebola yet exists.

"That means that "it's going to be very difficult to distinguish influenza from Ebola," Adalja said.

"Right now," Tierno added, "there's just no simple, fast Ebola test because there's been no demand. Until now, nobody has wanted to spend the money to get a commercially available rapid test out there."

Ebola or Not Rapid Test for the Virus Not Here Yet
"The 'big screen', so to speak, has to be travel history," Adalja said. "Right now Ebola is only present in three countries in West Africa. So if a patient with symptoms has been to this region in the last 21 days, or has had contact with anyone else who has been or has a confirmed case, than Ebola may be higher on the list of concerns."

"Added Tierno: "Based on that, a patient is flagged for risk [and] then he would be quarantined immediately. Before any testing -- placed in an isolation unit. And then, I would say, first tested for influenza, and then perhaps a panel of 22 or 23 other respiratory organisms as a second step. Only when all else is ruled out should we test for Ebola."

Ebola or Not Rapid Test for the Virus Not Here Yet
"The most common test for Ebola is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Unfortunately this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Michigan Hospital System/Ann Arbor VA Health System. "Somebody could be in the hospital for three to five days before a diagnosis [of Ebola] is confirmed," Cinti told Live Science. "The important thing is keeping the patient isolated until you can get to a diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"According to a CDC spokesperson testing for Ebola takes 1-2 days after they receive the samples."

So if this woman died yesterday, how do they have the test results back?

Answer..they don't.

Are Ebola Tests Reliable

You progressive dingbats are suckers.

I'm glad most of you live in the cities that will ultimately have ebola prowling the streets. You deserve it.
And if she died in a Brooklyn hair salon, every one of those people there is at risk.
Those people are at risk only in the bizarre psychotic world of koshergrl, over here in sane land we understand tested negative means they aren't.
"Tests don’t really confirm the presence of disease, not reliably at least. Many medical tests are deceptive and often useless when yielding up false negatives and even false positives. No test is 100% accurate. The Journal of Clinical Microbiology said in 2002 that the PCR test can yield false negatives for viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola:"

Are Ebola Tests Reliable

The people who claim to be all about science really arent. That's what's so laughable about the ideologues racing around saying "it's not a problem! They tested negative! people can't catch it!"

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