If Ebola is so contagious why

And if she died in a Brooklyn hair salon, every one of those people there is at risk.
Those people are at risk only in the bizarre psychotic world of koshergrl, over here in sane land we understand tested negative means they aren't.

Well, the bizarre psychotic world of me, and all the ebola experts.

"“The possibility of a false negative result should especially be considered if the patient’s recent exposures or clinical presentation indicate that Ebola Zaire virus infection is likely, and diagnostic tests for other causes of hemorrhagic illness are negative.”

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"“The US diagnostic test for Ebola is utterly unreliable. Using the test to claim a patient has Ebola or doesn’t have Ebola is scientific fraud. Therefore, any pronouncements made by the Centers for Disease Control, where all the US testing is done, are worthless. The PCR is completely unreliable for a disease diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
Heh I've seen this before, everytime koshergrl gets confronted with what a dumbass her and all the other fear mongering idiots looked like she commences with endless wall of random posts about Ebola.

She had babbled about really long incubation, Ebola being airborne, it existing in feces for months, it living on surfaces blah blah blah yet bottom line she cannot get around the fact a man with active symptoms was in Dallas living with his family and interacting with others in the community, and he exposed nobody except healthcare workers actively treating him.

We'll come back to this thread in a month and see if any of the people at the salon were infected, as koshergirl has spent so much time fretting about.
They aren't random.

See, this is science. You have a variety of independent, knowledgeable sources stating that the ebola test isn't accurate. That's how a person makes a case.

But I don't expect progressive moonbats to understand that. You loons are all about lying, deception, and hiding the information.

Carry on.
So see, when you lunatics start shrieking "THE WOMAN TESTED NEGATIVE FOR EBOLA!" and I post multiple sources saying the ebola test is completely unreliable...you see how that works? Yes? No?

Anyway, as I said. I'm glad it's you loons who are living in close proximity to the disease, and not me. There is poetic justice.
Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
The facts speak for themselves. America is Ebola free.
Stop lying about ebola, and I'll stop posting information about it.
Everyone here knows the CDC was right and you were wrong, Ebola was contained in the US just as they said it would be.

You can babble all you want (over 41k posts proves you can do it) but it doesn't change it. We'll check back with you again in a couple months to see if you're still clinging to the Ebola threat.
Stop lying about ebola, and I'll stop posting information about it.
you lost, get over it.

I didn't lose. You look like a retard for claiming that there are tests that can accurately and quickly determine whether or not a person has ebola:

"“The US diagnostic test for Ebola is utterly unreliable. Using the test to claim a patient has Ebola or doesn’t have Ebola is scientific fraud. Therefore, any pronouncements made by the Centers for Disease Control, where all the US testing is done, are worthless. The PCR is completely unreliable for a disease diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable

But then..you always look like a retard. So this is nothing new.
Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
The facts speak for themselves. America is Ebola free.


“We were celebrating. If the test says you are Ebola-free, we assume you are Ebola-free,” said Komba Songu M’Briwa, who cared for Salia at the Hastings Ebola Treatment Center in Freetown. “Then everything fell apart.”

Salia died early Monday at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, his family left to wonder what would have happened if he had received earlier treatment."

"n a sign that the Ebola epidemic still poses a danger, even though it may have eased in parts of Liberia, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Sunday that airport screening will begin for travelers arriving in the United States from Mali"

A doctor s mistaken Ebola test We were celebrating. . . . Then everything fell apart - The Washington Post
Nancy Jongowai Neeconthe, a nurse who has worked with Salia for two years, saw that he was crying after the negative test result came back. Caught up in the emotional moment, she hugged him outside the Ebola ward, a converted police training base.

“Thank God,” she remembers saying.

But after he was released from Hastings, Salia’s symptoms worsened. He had a high fever and diarrhea. He vomited uncontrollably. He prescribed himself malaria medication, but it made no difference."

A doctor s mistaken Ebola test We were celebrating. . . . Then everything fell apart - The Washington Post

“I’m really feeling my body,” he told Neeconthe.

He called his colleague Alhali Osman Smith, who worked with him at Freetown’s Kissy United Methodist Hospital.

“He told me he thought he still might have Ebola,” Smith said, “in spite of what the test said.”
Obama acted like nothing short of a bio-terrorist looking to either infect as many Americans as possible or let Ebola find an American host, or both

Lucky and smart are two very different things and Obama got very lucky this time

Actually you just sound pissed off that all your fear mongering didn't pan out. Here is CrusaderFrank in the midst of his chicken little frenzy:

This strain looks airborne

Given that Ebola has now vectored into Madrid, Lagos and Dallas TX. I think we've got about 6 weeks before we go totally BladeRunner in the USA.

Shrill ignorant drama queen, still banging your gums about Ebola despite looking like such an ass.

Before Duncan, Ebola was never on a US commercial airliner. We got very lucky.

Better safe than an Obama Fluffer

"The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976.

In fact, the current epidemic sweeping across the region has now killed more than all other known Ebola outbreaks combined."

BBC News - Ebola Mapping the outbreak

That's as of yesterday.

The US State run News is not allowed to mention Ebola

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