If Ebola is so contagious why

Well it looks like the Ebola crisis is over.

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as 'success story' in battling outbreak

It was an epidemiologist’s worst nightmare: one of the world’s deadliest contagious diseases loose in one of the world’s most densely populated and sometimes chaotic megacities — Lagos, Nigeria.

With its teeming slums, bogus pastors selling miracle cures, six-hour traffic jams and street vendors hawking goods at car windows, some feared an apocalyptic urban outbreak and the spread of Ebola into Nigeria’s highly mobile population of 170 million, which could entrench the disease in West Africa for years.

But in an extraordinary success story, Nigeria contained the Ebola outbreak and was declared free of the virus by the World Health Organization on Monday, after 42 days without a new case (double the incubation period for Ebola). Nigeria confirmed 19 cases, according to the WHO, seven of them fatal. That survival rate of 63% is more than double the 30% average in other West African countries

Ebola-free Nigeria hailed as apos success story apos in battling outbreak - LA Times

Obama should also get accolades for his quick reactions to the crisis.

Americans' evaluations of President Barack Obama's handling of the threat of Ebola are more positive than negative. Forty-seven percent approve of how he's handling this issue, while fewer--41 percent--disapprove. Assessment on this measure is largely partisan, with 64 percent of Republicans disapproving of how the President is handling it and 71 percent of Democrats approving. Independents are split down the middle.

How do Americans feel Obama is handling Ebola - CBS News
Obama certainly deserves credit for standing behind the CDC procedures that have certainly worked to protect the nation. As a nation, we could be doing a lot more to stop the spread of the virus that is far from being over. The signs of improvement are encouraging however, the lion's share of the credit must go to the thousands of healthcare workers from the US and the world that have put theirs lives on the line to stop this awful disease.

They didn't work to protect the nation, liar. In fact, thanks to the CDC's crap procedures and bald faced lies, at least one and potentially THOUSANDS were infected with ebola.
The facts speak for themselves. America is Ebola free.

Doctor's death marks second U.S. Ebola fatality
Doctor s death marks second U.S. Ebola fatality - CNN.com
The wall of posts continue.... like I said we'll check back in a month or so and see if you are still in denial.

What am I denying?

It seems rather that you are the one who is denying. You deny that there is any ebola in the US (lie). You deny that ebola is a threat to Americans (lie). You deny that the test is inaccurate (lie).\

I've proven that you are a liar.

So what am I denying? Aside from denying that you're capable of telling the truth..or even recognizing it?

We'll meet back here in a month and revisit your denials.
It's pathetic. Rs are actually pissed the ebola virus didn't kill more people in the US...
Well well. Looks like the US is Ebola free. Duncan's family didn't get it, the EMTs who treated him didn't get it, all but two of the hospital workers who took care of the half a dozen patients we had are Ebola free.

Looks like I was right......again.
Not at all. We're pissed that lunatic pro-pandemic retards are pretending there's no risk associated with ebola, and are doing their best to #1, hide the science, and #2, lie about it.
Not at all. We're pissed that lunatic pro-pandemic retards are pretending there's no risk associated with ebola, and are doing their best to #1, hide the science, and #2, lie about it.
Thought you had me on ignore..
Well well. Looks like the US is Ebola free. Duncan's family didn't get it, the EMTs who treated him didn't get it, all but two of the hospital workers who took care of the half a dozen patients we had are Ebola free.

Looks like I was right......again.

November 17, 9:25 a.m.

Doctor Brought to U.S. Dies of Ebola"

You loons claim we're ebola free every time someone dies of it.

We're only ebola free until the next case.

Which is probably that woman who died in the beauty salon.

They claimed we were ebola free last month, and again about a week ago.

It's just lies being told by lunatics who want a lot of people to catch ebola and croak..and who are oblivious to the fact that they live in the areas that are at highest risk.

Which suits me just fine.

The Latest Ebola in the United States - The Atlantic
"Another person has died of Ebola on American soil, reminding U.S. citizens that although many health workers have survived the virus, even treatment at one of the best facilities doesn't guarantee being cured."

The virus first arrived in the United States via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer. The Ebola virus was also unwittingly imported by Liberian tourist Thomas Eric Duncan, who flew from Liberia to Texas with the virus and later died in Dallas.

Nov. 17. 2014 - Dr. Martin Salia, a U.S. resident who contracted Ebola while treating patients in Sierra Leone, died of the virus at Nebraska Medical Center. He was the third patient to be treated there and the only one to have died.

Nov. 15, 2014 - Salia, a native of Sierra Leone who lives in the U.S. and is married to a U.S. citizen, arrives at Nebraska Medical Center. He is "extremely ill," doctors say. His wife has agreed to pay for his trip to the U.S. for treatment.

Nov. 10, 2014 - Salia tests positive for Ebola.

Nov. 6, 2014 - Salia shows Ebola symptoms in Sierra Leone, but initially tests negative for the virus."

Ebola in America Timeline of the Deadly Virus - ABC News
"Medical professionals have predicted that the U.S. could see over one hundred Ebola cases by the end of the year, while others warn that Ebola victims may be confused with influenza sufferers given the similarity of early symptoms."

"A woman who returned from Guinea 18 days ago and was on an Ebola monitoring list dropped dead in a Brooklyn hair salon yesterday after eyewitnesses said she began bleeding from the mouth and nose..."

"FDNY activated the Special Operations and Hazmat units after the the woman, who had traveled to Guinea three weeks ago according to a source on the scene, died at Amy Professional African Hair Braiding in the Brownsville area of Brooklyn,”

I think you guys should go there and have your hair done.


NYC Woman on Ebola Watchlist Dies Bleeding From Mouth Authorities Say 8220 Heart Attack 8221 Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

"The original ambulance crew and engine company who responded to this scene will now have to self-monitor."



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Alex Jones at this point has a lot more credibility than anything you loons say, or anything the cdc says.
Well well. Looks like the US is Ebola free. Duncan's family didn't get it, the EMTs who treated him didn't get it, all but two of the hospital workers who took care of the half a dozen patients we had are Ebola free.

Looks like I was right......again.

November 17, 9:25 a.m.

Doctor Brought to U.S. Dies of Ebola"

You loons claim we're ebola free every time someone dies of it.

We're only ebola free until the next case.

Which is probably that woman who died in the beauty salon.

They claimed we were ebola free last month, and again about a week ago.

It's just lies being told by lunatics who want a lot of people to catch ebola and croak..and who are oblivious to the fact that they live in the areas that are at highest risk.

Which suits me just fine.

The Latest Ebola in the United States - The Atlantic

He's dead, we are Ebola free. He died on the 17th, I posted this today. We are Ebola free.
Stop lying about ebola, and I'll stop posting information about it.
you lost, get over it.

I didn't lose. You look like a retard for claiming that there are tests that can accurately and quickly determine whether or not a person has ebola:

"“The US diagnostic test for Ebola is utterly unreliable. Using the test to claim a patient has Ebola or doesn’t have Ebola is scientific fraud. Therefore, any pronouncements made by the Centers for Disease Control, where all the US testing is done, are worthless. The PCR is completely unreliable for a disease diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable

But then..you always look like a retard. So this is nothing new.
Utterly unreliable? No, a positive test is reliable. The problem is that you can get false negatives during the 3 to 5 days after symptoms first appear. This why we monitor so many possible cases, isolate patients with symptoms and exposure.

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