If evolution doesn't explain creation, why do anti-Christians insist on inserting it

Granny says Darwin was a fool...
600-Million-Year-Old Microscopic Fossils Upend Evolution Theory
December 23, 2011 : A remarkable new fossil discovery of amoeba-like micro-organisms that lived 570 million years ago could make scientists rethink some widely-accepted theories about how complex life on Earth first evolved from a single-celled universal common ancestor.
An international team of researchers analyzed the rock-encased fossils in precise computer models created from high high-energy X-rays generated using a particle accelerator. The scientists say they were surprised when the results indicated the fossilized cell clusters were not animals or embryos. That is because it had long been thought that fossils showing this apparent pattern cell division represented the embryos of the earliest animals.

Instead, they say the finely detailed X-ray images exposed features pattern that led them to conclude the organisms were, “the reproductive spore bodies of single-celled ancestors of animals.” Study co-author Phil Donoghue of Britain’s University of Bristol said the new results mean much of what has been written about the fossils for the last 10 years is “flat wrong.” The new study is published in the journal, Science.

The microscopic fossils examined in the study were recovered from rocks collected in southern China. The scientists say the micro-organisms lived during the Ediacaran geologic period between 600 million and 543 million years ago when multi-celled life was just starting to evolve.

Geologists say the Ediacaran period marks the end of the last ice age in a 250 million year-long series of glaciations that covered most of the planet and froze the oceans from pole to pole - a time commonly known as Snowball Earth. One theory proposed that climate shocks during the planet's Snowball Earth phase initiated the evolution of complex, multicellular life that emerged in the Ediacaran period.


So a 600 million year old fossil is proof that a book that says the Earth is 6,000 years old is accurate?

I am a Christian.
A Christian that likes the fact very much that Allie Babble despises, loathes and hates me.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

No, we don't think it explains creation. Creation is a fairy tale, evolution doesn't explain creation just like it doesn't explain Peter Pan.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

No, we don't think it explains creation. Creation is a fairy tale, evolution doesn't explain creation just like it doesn't explain Peter Pan.

First honest answer I have seen from your side since evolutionist usually avoid the origins question since they have no explanation for the question.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

Great question allie. Especially since evolutionist usually avoid the origins question like a plague because they have no explanation for the origins of life question.
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So, Allie....how old do YOU think the Earth is?

Do you realize there is actual evidence supporting a young earth ?
And all of it is also fully consistent with with the evidence of an old Earth. The problem superstitious YECs like Youwerecreated cannot surmount is that valid logic applied to ALL the verifiable evidence does not support any young Earth theory.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

Great question allie. Especially since evolutionist usually avoid the origins question like a plague because they have no explanation for the origins of life question.
Since superstition doesn't count as an explanation for anything, neither do Christian Creationists.
Lol here we go again, Allie displaying the stories going on in her head and her head alone.

Can you name the person who doesn't deny evolution who says evolution is proof creation didn't happen? Names? Examples of this happening?

What does that have to do with the question I posted?

Why do anti-Christians insist on inserting evolution into every discussion about creationism?

Is there a difference between a non-Christian and an anti-Christian?
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

Why wouldn't they and why do you only care about anti-Christians inserting evolution into the discussion? Firstly, it's the primary theory opposing creationism, so why wouldn't it be mentioned? Secondly, are you saying Christian evolutionuists aren't permitted in the discussion? What are you scared of?!?!

I don't think it opposes creationism. Creationism is based on a simplistic Creation myth and as such there is plenty of room for interpretation. I could be wrong.

I've not spent allot of time trying to understand Creationism except as it contributes toward the eligibility of the offensive line at Ohio State. Every answer on every exam is God. It's a beautiful thing.

As far as the detail assigned to the story by the zealots, change God to Roddenberry and you've got your template.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

No, we don't think it explains creation. Creation is a fairy tale, evolution doesn't explain creation just like it doesn't explain Peter Pan.

First honest answer I have seen from your side since evolutionist usually avoid the origins question since they have no explanation for the question.

There are various explanations. None are certain. All are possible given the natural laws around them.

As understanding advances, more and more is understood. Lightning was a non-explainable in the very recent past. Viruses were only isolated as recently as the 50's.

Superstition is useful as a societal sharing of fear, but contributes nothing to understanding.

To prevent the spread of disease, is it better to wash your hands or to say "God bless you"?

Not claiming that there is no God. Just wondering what his spokespeople are smoking.
Watching History Channel they had a noted scientist telling us that he didn't believe in creation but he did think that Humans were deposited here by Aliens from another planet.

Personally, I don't see much difference in these beliefs because neither can be proved.
I am a child of God. I was created in His image by God. My wife, however, evolved from monkeys.
Chritianity and science are NOT at odss with each other.

That said there certainly are a LOT of my fellow Christians who are dumber than posts.
Into every single discussion about creation?

Do they think it explains creation? Do they believe it explains the existence of different species?

Great question allie. Especially since evolutionist usually avoid the origins question like a plague because they have no explanation for the origins of life question.

Sure there are explanations. How can you come out and say something so foolish? Scientists have been putting forth origin theories for a long time. What you REALLY mean is, there's no explanation you'll accept, a TOTALLY different animal. IMO, you're being "intellectually dishonest".

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