If FOX Authored The Mythos Of Trump's "Achievements", What Are Their Viewers Going To Cite Now In The Wake Of Tucker's Frank Admission?

Cooked books government data, that data? :auiqs.jpg:Now if I wanted to be mean, I'd challenge you to point to the specific Biden/Dem policies and legislation that are directly responsible for the things you claim credit for.

Dems love to claim credit for shit they had no hand in, or even worked against. Because they are pathetic losers.
If they are cooked, what reason do you have to believe Grifty's claims of economic performance?
Hey dipshit, I can't wait to send good old Tuck a Thank You card in appreciation for him continuing to keep Trump's coup attempt & his rioting barbarians on J6 front page news, prime time teevee & all over social media lest we forget what a filthy lowlife conman traitor Trump is.

Thanks, Tuck! Keep up the good work, we won't forget ya!
Another ^ sterling example of clap, the dipshit, talking to himself. 👍
Who'd a guessed...
Not you. Morons (of your infinitesimal intellect) continue to insist that since I’m one of the alleged “cult” who recognizes the imbecility of you and your dipshit cult, I must be locked in on Fox News 24/7.

You imbeciles can’t even think for yourselves.
Unfortunately, if Fox had kept it as “people are saying.”
They would be free and clear

However, their hosts embraced the lie and repeated it. Even though evidence shows they knew it was BS.
Your claim that “it” was a lie is itself lacking in merit.

And the evidence doesn’t and can’t show that they “knew” that “it” was a “lie.”

It tends to show that they had doubts about it or even disbelieved it. That’s also not knowledge of it being a lie.

Words have actual meaning as I keep having to point out to you liberals. Despite the fact that you prefer words to be squishy soft, words do have actual meaning. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Point to one Fox News news report that says that the election “was” stolen (stated as a “fact,” instead of as a claim by others) and you would have a better argument. But as things stand, your argument reeks.

If you point to any of the Fox News opinion shows where the on air commentators (as distinguished from “news reporters”) failed to properly qualify a claim that the election was stolen, then what you are doing is proving my point. Opinion commentators aren’t reporters and their statements shouldn’t be misconstrued as factual allegations.

The very fact that a guy like Hannity says something on his NON news “show” is evidence enough to take it as — wait for it — preceded by the phrase “in my opinion.”
Not you. Morons (of your infinitesimal intellect) continue to insist that since I’m one of the alleged “cult” who recognizes the imbecility of you and your dipshit cult, I must be locked in on Fox News 24/7.

You imbeciles can’t even think for yourselves.
Oh look! One of Trump's diciples & a rabid Fox News viewer denies that he watched Fox now that Tuck, Lumpy Sean, Looooora & a few others are being exposed as frauds by Dominion! Who knew this was coming:

"I NEVER WATCHED FOX"! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh look! One of Trump's diciples & a rabid Fox News viewer denies that they watch Fox now that Tuck, Lumpy Sean Looooora & a few others are being exposed as frauds by Dominion! Who knew this was coming:

It's how they think they extricate themselves from the Fox lies.

Minor problem: All of MAGA media spouts the same lies.

Maybe that's why they're so cranky.
Oh look! One of Trump's diciples & a rabid Fox News viewer denies that he watched Fox now that Tuck, Lumpy Sean, Looooora & a few others are being exposed as frauds by Dominion! Who knew this was coming:

"I NEVER WATCHED FOX"! :auiqs.jpg:
Your guesswork is just you lying again. The lie here is you pretending to know what I watch. It is whine question that you don’t know and couldn’t know, so it is crystal clear that you are just a rabid liar.

I do occasionally watch that network, as I said.

Your post remains typical for you and your fellow cultists. You lie.
They also have an unswerving attachment to the idea that all Trump supporters are some kind of cult members who worship at the altar of Fox News. I haven't watched them since election night of 2020. Trump is supported because he's the only choice that has a chance of holding the line against the Marxist filth that has taken over in DC.

Their brains don't function like normal people's do

horseshit still cannot distinguish between belief and fact.

And he doesn’t comprehend that reporters report and aren’t supposed to select which allegations they believe deserve to be reported. They can qualify things properly if they wish to distance themselves — as has been done for years.

For example if a Trump claim said “this election was stolen by faulty or intentionally altered voting machines,” but the reporter didn’t happen to believe it, the reporter could still report what the President had said. But the reporter could add the qualifier that (“we have not been able to substantiate this claim”).

And the idiot leftards persist also in failing to distinguish between a reporter and an opinion columnist or talking-head.

The point is that it doesn’t matter worth a fart in a hurricane if Murdoch was personally disinclined to buy the Trump team’s claims.

Murdock was an open and vocal Hillary supporter.
Personal is personal and business is business.

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