If, G-d forbid, McAukiffe wins, that signals the end of our country

wait....the people that have the most money pay the most in taxes? How crazy is that? :blues:

Right, not crazy at all, just a fact. Now if the 50% that pay 0% would actually pay their fair share, instead of just voting for the other 50% to pick up the tab, maybe we would be better off.
Right, not crazy at all, just a fact. Now if the 50% that pay 0% would actually pay their fair share maybe we would be better off.

nobody pays zero taxes, that is just an urban myth. Also, we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.
In recent weeks, we have seen just how low the radical-left Democrats will sink in order to suppress the voices of those who point out the dangers of their policies - including the rape of a young girl.

1) So eager are these harmful leftists to advance their damaging policies that they chose to transfer a rapist to another school, where he sexually assaulted another child, rather than let it be known that transgender bathroom policies are risky.

2) So eager are they to suppress the voices of dissenters, they they arrest the irate father of the rape victim out of anger that he “let the story out of the bag”. Clearly, those who oppose leftist dangers will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, while rapists get protected.

3) So eager are they to intimidate anyone opposed to leftism that in their fury of parents who spoke up against the harmful school policies, that they likened themselves to “domestic terrorists” and, working with the Biden Admin, got the FBI to target parents.

4) The FBI, under Liberal Control, and without any evidence of domestic terrorists among parents, launched their attack. FURTHERMORE, even after the NSBA retracted their letter, the FBI refuses to let up.

This is all done while illegal and law-breaking migrants swarm in my the hundreds of thousands, Americans are left behind Taliban lines, and our true adversaries (no, not Mommy and Daddy) are acquiring destructive weapons.

Anyine who votes for McAuliffe is OK with a country that would rather see girls raped than stop their transgender policies, and who thinks it’s OK for the FBI to target law-abiding Americans for disagreeing with liberalism, and who is fine with teaching schoolchildren that America is an evil country in which whites are all racist.

If more people vote FOR that than against it, this country has fallen.

Something else worth noting is despite all the problems in the country that I wont go into because we all know them very well. The only thing that concerns the Democrats is keeping their people in power and they will let the country burn and go to shit to protect their allies.

Biden doesn't address or do anything but he will drop everything and run to campaign in California for Newsom during his recall election. And Biden will drop everything to run to Virginia to campaign for this asshole, he even brought Obama with him.

They don't care about problems, issues, threats or even the American people. All they care about is maintaining their seats of power and the seats of power of their people. They would rather go campaign for one of their own than do something for the country or their people.

The only time Biden gets off his ass and actually does something is when one of his people is in trouble.

And that alone shows how little they actually care about america or it's people.

If my house is on fire and someone calls me because they have a flat tire I'm sorry but they have to deal with that shit themselves. Not Biden and his administration, they will let their house burn to go help a friend that stubbed their toe on a chair getting up in the middle of the night to go piss.
Something else worth noting is despite all the problems in the country that I wont go into because we all know them very well. The only thing that concerns the Democrats is keeping their people in power and they will let the country burn and go to shit to protect their allies.

and this is different than the Repubs how?
Yes, I am happily married but you and my wife would likely be very close friends. Like I said in a previous post, we seem to be kindred spirits.
Shucksl The good ones are always married! But too bad you don’t live closer; it does sound like I’d be good friends with your wife. (I can never have too many intelligent, like-minded friends.)
In recent weeks, we have seen just how low the radical-left Democrats will sink in order to suppress the voices of those who point out the dangers of their policies - including the rape of a young girl.

1) So eager are these harmful leftists to advance their damaging policies that they chose to transfer a rapist to another school, where he sexually assaulted another child, rather than let it be known that transgender bathroom policies are risky.

2) So eager are they to suppress the voices of dissenters, they they arrest the irate father of the rape victim out of anger that he “let the story out of the bag”. Clearly, those who oppose leftist dangers will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, while rapists get protected.

3) So eager are they to intimidate anyone opposed to leftism that in their fury of parents who spoke up against the harmful school policies, that they likened themselves to “domestic terrorists” and, working with the Biden Admin, got the FBI to target parents.

4) The FBI, under Liberal Control, and without any evidence of domestic terrorists among parents, launched their attack. FURTHERMORE, even after the NSBA retracted their letter, the FBI refuses to let up.

This is all done while illegal and law-breaking migrants swarm in my the hundreds of thousands, Americans are left behind Taliban lines, and our true adversaries (no, not Mommy and Daddy) are acquiring destructive weapons.

Anyine who votes for McAuliffe is OK with a country that would rather see girls raped than stop their transgender policies, and who thinks it’s OK for the FBI to target law-abiding Americans for disagreeing with liberalism, and who is fine with teaching schoolchildren that America is an evil country in which whites are all racist.

If more people vote FOR that than against it, this country has fallen.
Ooh, the hyperbole!
You mean like you folks when Trump was in office.

Oh yeah....exactly like that

Yes, just like the Dems did when Trump was in office. There is no difference between you all.

The only place you got it wrong was adding me in. you could not find a thread from me like that if you tried
sometimes there just is not a "better" option no matter how much people want their to be
Never true. That’s the childish mindset that makes people sit out elections, and can end up giving the win to the worse candidate. Unless you’re in a sing state, you are throwing out your vote.
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Never true.

It is often true.

That’s the childish mindset that makes people sit out elections, and can end up giving the win to the worse candidate. Unless you’re in a sing state, you are throwing out your vote.

I have never sat out an election, and a vote for the duopoly is always a wasted vote.
It is often true.

I have never sat out an election, and a vote for the duopoly is always a wasted vote.
You are so wrong. You think you’re better than others because you think you are rising above the fray, but in reality you threw out your vote if it did not go to either Biden or Trump (unless you’re in a state that is a lock for one or the other).

The fact is that either Biden or Trump was going to end up president. Unless you were in a “lock” state, you effectively helped elect Biden. Thanks a heap.
You are so wrong. You think you’re better than others because you think you are rising above the fray, but in reality you threw out your vote if it did not go to either Biden or Trump (unless you’re in a state that is a lock for one or the other).

Two thirds of the states are "locks", so that is a lot of thrown away votes.

The fact is that either Biden or Trump was going to end up president. Unless you were in a “lock” state, you effectively helped elect Biden. Thanks a heap.

I am, but since Biden is no worse or better than Trump, it really just does not matter.
The end of our country began when Josef Xiden was installed.

Most Democrat voters are brainwashed into thinking Climate Change is the biggest crisis, so they are “thankful” for the high energy prices, inflation, broken supply chains, and high unemployment. To them it’s a sign they are saving the world. Plus they’re seeing so many nice new diversity imports and a four star tranny. Why would they possibly want things any different?

I would say the end began LONG before that.

Probably about the time the Feral government was empowered to levy a national income tax.
Democrats will scream "But it's good for the country!!!!"
Look around. Democrats are using the Feral government to empower and enrichen democrats at everyone else's expense. Unsustainable.

I disagree. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS primary duty was supposed to be National defense. It has replaced that with being everyone's parent and procuror of wealth for the powerful and already wealthy political elite.
You are so wrong. You think you’re better than others because you think you are rising above the fray, but in reality you threw out your vote if it did not go to either Biden or Trump (unless you’re in a state that is a lock for one or the other).

The fact is that either Biden or Trump was going to end up president. Unless you were in a “lock” state, you effectively helped elect Biden. Thanks a heap.

The imbecile (Golfing Gator) thinks Biden is "no worse than Trump"

Yet Trump didn't open the borders wide open.
Trump didn't cause thousands of Americans to die in Afghanistan.

You've exposed his deception.
In recent weeks, we have seen just how low the radical-left Democrats will sink in order to suppress the voices of those who point out the dangers of their policies - including the rape of a young girl.

1) So eager are these harmful leftists to advance their damaging policies that they chose to transfer a rapist to another school, where he sexually assaulted another child, rather than let it be known that transgender bathroom policies are risky.

2) So eager are they to suppress the voices of dissenters, they they arrest the irate father of the rape victim out of anger that he “let the story out of the bag”. Clearly, those who oppose leftist dangers will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, while rapists get protected.

3) So eager are they to intimidate anyone opposed to leftism that in their fury of parents who spoke up against the harmful school policies, that they likened themselves to “domestic terrorists” and, working with the Biden Admin, got the FBI to target parents.

4) The FBI, under Liberal Control, and without any evidence of domestic terrorists among parents, launched their attack. FURTHERMORE, even after the NSBA retracted their letter, the FBI refuses to let up.

This is all done while illegal and law-breaking migrants swarm in my the hundreds of thousands, Americans are left behind Taliban lines, and our true adversaries (no, not Mommy and Daddy) are acquiring destructive weapons.

Anyine who votes for McAuliffe is OK with a country that would rather see girls raped than stop their transgender policies, and who thinks it’s OK for the FBI to target law-abiding Americans for disagreeing with liberalism, and who is fine with teaching schoolchildren that America is an evil country in which whites are all racist.

If more people vote FOR that than against it, this country has fallen.
Hate to tell you this, and don't get me wrong, I love America, but every country except possibly a few holdouts eventually falls prey to the final World Empire which is a Global Government. You folks can wag your tongues and mock The Bible if you want, but every prophecy in it has been fulfilled except a handful left concerning the end times.

Pray for the country, fight to preserve it if you can, but more than that, consider your souls and keep them, and consider eternity for that day is coming when all men shall be weighed in the balance by God Himself to see if they are worthy of walking upon the New Earth and New Heavens to come when an end is put to the Era of Time and Eternity begins.
I condemn both for putting party before country.

I condemn both for not seeing that when you look at those in DC there is in the end very little difference between them.

It was not the Dems alone that gave us the PATRIOT Act or NSA spying on US citizens or the Executive Branch the power to indefinitely detain anyone, including citizens, without charge or right to legal council. It was not the Dems alone that got us into 29 trillion dollars worth of debt or a cycle of endless wars.
Both Globalist Dems, and Globalist Republicans have done what they could to weaken our freedoms and our Nation to prepare it for being subjugated under Global Rule.

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