If, G-d forbid, McAukiffe wins, that signals the end of our country

Two thirds of the states are "locks", so that is a lot of thrown away votes.

I am, but since Biden is no worse or better than Trump, it really just does not matter.

The fact that you think Biden, given his failures with inflation….the unprecedented surge of illegals at the border…Americans left behind Islamic terrorist lines….his positioning of 1/3rd of Americans as villains and murderers…..his proposal to put all arrested thugs back on the street because “equity”…..is not better than Trump, who oversaw a great economy, the lowest unemployment in my lifetime, an increase in wages among the lower-income for the first time in decades, no new wars started, the halt of money to Islamic terrorist HAMAS (which Biden restores), well……I think there’s no value to continuing to discuss anything with you.

Sort of like that saying about teaching pigs to sing….anyway, goodbye ans good luck.
Hate to tell you this, and don't get me wrong, I love America, but every country except possibly a few holdouts eventually falls prey to the final World Empire which is a Global Government. You folks can wag your tongues and mock The Bible if you want, but every prophecy in it has been fulfilled except a handful left concerning the end times.

Pray for the country, fight to preserve it if you can, but more than that, consider your souls and keep them, and consider eternity for that day is coming when all men shall be weighed in the balance by God Himself to see if they are worthy of walking upon the New Earth and New Heavens to come when an end is put to the Era of Time and Eternity begins.
It’s going to be a nightmare for senior citizens. The new Socialist America will be OK with kids and adults in their prime, since they have a value to the state, but retired people will be seen as useless and no money will be spent on them. We are starting to see this as liberals weaken Medicare in order to provide for younger people. We also saw it when Emanuel said that elderly people should be the LAST to get the vaccine, since their lives have no value anymore.

(If you have recommendations as to where retired people can move to, I’m all ears. I hear Panama is popular.)
We are starting to see this as liberals weaken Medicare in order to provide for younger people.

Is this one of those spoof post? The Repubs have been attacking Medicare for decades. And now it is the liberals that are going to weaken it? Really?
All that is required to believe is not to have sold your soul to one party or the other.

It is not about the party. I don’t believe or agree with everything the Republican Party does or supports. For example, they spend too much money, just like the Democrats. When I examine the policies of both parties, I agree with far more Republican pollicies than Democratic ones, in fact, the current Democratic party’s policies flat out anti-American.

This isn’t like picking between Carter and Reagan where both were pro-US but with some slight differences on how to make the US a better place. The Democratic Party has moved very, very far left since Obama. They would be considered full fledged Socialists back in 1980. Could you imagine the blowback from both parties if Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan was brought to the floor back then?
We know what you are being told in your universe and it is flat out wrong.

….or make up a story about Russian Collusion and have the FBI investigate it for two years, or write a book about “Why I Lost” blaming everyone but herself.
Your attempted diversion fails.

While the Cry Baby Loser whined incessantly about

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...and had his worshippers parroting him, the fact is that there is no such crime, and, of course, no such charges were ever filed.

Yes, two Republican-led senate intelligence committees confirmed the conclusion of three U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia conspired to help Trump and hurt Clinton in 2016, but that does not constitute your "collusion."

Of course, despite Clinton receiving 2.8 million more votes, she conceded within a day and wished Trump well. It was not until 2020 that the Cry Baby Loser, too morlly feeble to honor the will of the People, threw a hissyfit and incited his goons via his lie to attack the U.S. Congress.
All that is required to believe is not to have sold your soul to one party or the other.
Some sell their souls to neither party, but have given themselves over to Evil entirely. You can know this by their dogma and policies, and what they preach about in here daily.
Some sell their souls to neither party, but have given themselves over to Evil entirely. You can know this by their dogma and policies, and what they preach about in here daily.

It is good you can recognize this in yourself
I can live with that title....a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.
It just means you sold off a little bit of your humanity. You have no special powers, and any power that you think you have now will be taken from you when the current god of this world is put down like the lying dog that he is by The One and True Living God.
It just means you sold off a little bit of your humanity. You have no special powers, and any power that you think you have now will be taken from you when the current god of this world is put down like the lying dog that he is by The One and True Living God.

I cannot help if it you do not know what the word means

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