If Gays Are Allowed to Target and Discriminate Against Christian Businesses. . . .

By their cakes and give them to gay people to enjoy during sex
Baker will sell them cakes. He just won't put two men on any of them.
He wasn't asked to put two men or two women on them.
Then what is the problem. He's not refusing to sell them an already made cake in the display case.
He doesn't only sell already made cakes in the display case
He also sells custom cakes. He won't custom a cake for a homo. He has artistic integrity.
That's fine. They can still have sex on top of it if the baker leaves the flowers out.
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!

Not the way our laws work.
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

Their business, their rules. Like the signs say, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone..."

I saw a bumper sticker on the back of a dump truck that said "STAY BACK--- Not responsible for windshield damage from material falling from truck" That was bullshit too.
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Touched by His Noodly Appendage, a parody of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam, is an iconic image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[1]by Arne Niklas Jansson.[2]
Major cult center venganza.org
Texts The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Festivals "Holiday"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other".[3] It is legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands[4] and New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings.[5][6][7] However, in the United States, a federal judge has ruled that the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is not a real religion.[8]
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Touched by His Noodly Appendage, a parody of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam, is an iconic image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[1]by Arne Niklas Jansson.[2]
Major cult center venganza.org
Texts The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Festivals "Holiday"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other".[3] It is legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands[4] and New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings.[5][6][7] However, in the United States, a federal judge has ruled that the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is not a real religion.[8]
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia

May you be embraced by his noodley appendages. Christianity is also based on a book of fiction. How did it get to be declared as a real religion?
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Touched by His Noodly Appendage, a parody of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam, is an iconic image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[1]by Arne Niklas Jansson.[2]
Major cult center venganza.org
Texts The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Festivals "Holiday"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other".[3] It is legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands[4] and New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings.[5][6][7] However, in the United States, a federal judge has ruled that the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is not a real religion.[8]
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia

May you be embraced by his noodley appendages. Christianity is also based on a book of fiction. How did it get to be declared as a real religion?
I worship Trump. Let's make Trump a Religion.
I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Touched by His Noodly Appendage, a parody of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam, is an iconic image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[1]by Arne Niklas Jansson.[2]
Major cult center venganza.org
Texts The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Festivals "Holiday"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other".[3] It is legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands[4] and New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings.[5][6][7] However, in the United States, a federal judge has ruled that the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" is not a real religion.[8]
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia

May you be embraced by his noodley appendages. Christianity is also based on a book of fiction. How did it get to be declared as a real religion?
I worship Trump. Let's make Trump a Religion.

Seems RWNJs already have.
Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!
I get that, but you should be allowed to serve who you want from a business standpoint! If you want to turn down an opportunity to make money, that is on you!
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
I'm a Thomas Payne Liberal or Libertarian. Everyone should be free to do what they want as long as they don't screw up someone else's rights.
Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
I'm a Thomas Payne Liberal or Libertarian. Everyone should be free to do what they want as long as they don't screw up someone else's rights.

Why didn't you say that from the start so I wouldn't waste time thinking you might have something reasonable to add?
I've been down this road already and I can tell you where it leads. By accepting that religious people can practice their beliefs by not backing gay cakes, you have to accept other religious beliefs as well, such as religions that practice marrying children and human sacrifice. Bulldog, where you at buddy? :)

I'm telling you folks, this is an argument that you will never win, because the left is going to pull out all the morality issues, such as if you allow your own religious practices, then you must allow all other religious practices, such as afore mentioned child marriage and human sacrifice. Because anything else will be discrimination.

Face it folks, because of "PC", and feelings and wanting to make everyone happy and comfortable, the left is slowly erasing God, and you, as a believer, pretty much have no rights.

It will get to the point where even mentioning God in public, or professing that you believe will be listed as a crime, and you will be punished for it.

Sounds far fetched you say? Nah, it already starting to happen. What you are seeing here is just the first step.

Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
Well, no, I listen to a lot of talk radio, both on the right and left side of the spectrum. I'd say my assessment that those on the right are evil and want to destroy the country is pretty spot on, according to all of the liberal talk radio I've listened to.

What I've learned, in my recent transformation is that, all of the problems in this country really stem from individuality. As long as we have people allowed to do their own thing, have their own dreams, desires, and goals, it will inherently intrude on the dreams and goals of others. Free will, left unchecked, will ultimately tear this country apart. You can see it in the discussions on this very forum. The ability for people to have their own thoughts and opinions will ultimately only lead to dissention and division.

If we could find a way to make people think the same, harmony will be achieved, and then we shall finally have peace.

As long as we have differing opinions, we will always argue, and we will never come together.

Clinton 2020!
Damn those framers of the constitution. If they would have just named Christianity as the official religion of the country, none of these problems would be happening. Your preacher could decide what laws we need and I'm sure outlawing all other religions would have been the first law enacted. We could have our own form of Sharia law by now.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
Well, no, I listen to a lot of talk radio, both on the right and left side of the spectrum. I'd say my assessment that those on the right are evil and want to destroy the country is pretty spot on, according to all of the liberal talk radio I've listened to.

What I've learned, in my recent transformation is that, all of the problems in this country really stem from individuality. As long as we have people allowed to do their own thing, have their own dreams, desires, and goals, it will inherently intrude on the dreams and goals of others. Free will, left unchecked, will ultimately tear this country apart. You can see it in the discussions on this very forum. The ability for people to have their own thoughts and opinions will ultimately only lead to dissention and division.

If we could find a way to make people think the same, harmony will be achieved, and then we shall finally have peace.

As long as we have differing opinions, we will always argue, and we will never come together.

Clinton 2020!

Again, you're expecting the imagenary librul that the right has made up to scare right wing children. Since you claim to be a new liberal, you should at least make an effort to determine reality instead of hanging to the lies you listened to for so long. Otherwise, you're still just a dumb RWNJ who is confused.
No, I agree with you! I'm coming to your side now. I can see that the constitution is a document of a bygone era, and has almost no relevance in today's society.

We should all petition to our elected officials that we want the constitution shredded and declared invalid. Rewrite the laws on the books to declare government has total control, then we can ban guns, eliminate religion, and raise taxes on the rich to 75%.

We can open the borders and allow all the world to come and share what it is like to live in the New America, where you have the freedom to do whatever the government tells you, and you can be relieved of a large portion of your salary for the betterment of all mankind.

I'm with you now, because I see the error of my ways, that, because we all inhabit the same small rock, we can I'll afford to practice individuality, for the practice thereof only serves to separate and divide, when we should all be coming together. We should, indeed, remit our services to our government, and our money, as we as citizens have ruined our own lives, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, and so far in debt, that we will never see the light of day.

It is clear that we, as Americans, can not manage our own finances, and therefore, I think we should let our government do it for us. Really, it would be easy, we could work, and all of our money goes to the government, and the government could then give us a monthly stipend, with which we could buy food and clothes, rent, and possibly a car, but that may be pushing it just a little too much.

So, really, I think you guys may be on to something, if we just stop people from having the ability to think freely, and remove all the trappings of life, we can actually turn this country into a perfect utopia, one where everyone has an equal standard of living, and thus everyone will be equally happy!

I say, bring it on!

You don't have to worry about losing your ability to think. You are a right winger, after all, and you can't lose what you don't have.
First of all, I'm not a right winger, I've never publically stated my political allegiance, if anything, I'd say I'm more of a constitutionalist, as I believe there are inherent flaws in both parties. However, all of that is gone, you have reformed me, and I thank you for your generosity in showing me how my thinking was flawed. I have turned full circle and am now a proud member of the democratic party, and I think we should destroy individuality. We should all live in harmony and joy and be one with each other.

Let's stop all of this partisan bickering and see that, in order to reach true happiness, we must all come together on the same page, and we must all support the right of individuals to marry whomever they want, and that, for everyone to be equal, there.must be no person who makes more money than anyone else. We must strive for unity and equilibrium.

Again, thank you for your kindness and insight!

Clinton 2020!

If that's how you truly feel, you will never make it as a liberal. Since you are no longer a right winger, you should find out what liberals are really all about. What you were told as a RWNJ is nowhere near accurate.
Well, no, I listen to a lot of talk radio, both on the right and left side of the spectrum. I'd say my assessment that those on the right are evil and want to destroy the country is pretty spot on, according to all of the liberal talk radio I've listened to.

What I've learned, in my recent transformation is that, all of the problems in this country really stem from individuality. As long as we have people allowed to do their own thing, have their own dreams, desires, and goals, it will inherently intrude on the dreams and goals of others. Free will, left unchecked, will ultimately tear this country apart. You can see it in the discussions on this very forum. The ability for people to have their own thoughts and opinions will ultimately only lead to dissention and division.

If we could find a way to make people think the same, harmony will be achieved, and then we shall finally have peace.

As long as we have differing opinions, we will always argue, and we will never come together.

Clinton 2020!

Again, you're expecting the imagenary librul that the right has made up to scare right wing children. Since you claim to be a new liberal, you should at least make an effort to determine reality instead of hanging to the lies you listened to for so long. Otherwise, you're still just a dumb RWNJ who is confused.
Lol, listen, the left peddles as many lies as the right, neither side is immune to that. All I want is for people to live their lives as free from government meddling as possible.

I'm small government minded, because I think government has gotten too big and has intruded into too many areas of our lives.

How about we do what the constitution says? Government at the federal level can do what the constitution says it can do, then anything else rests with the states.

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