If God doesn't exist...

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what kick started the universe?

You're wrong, but think you're joking.. Your answer is not even close.

Oh god, this stupid shit.. Who created god? It's a infinite cycle both ways, I just don't give a fuck.

It's not stupid shit as it will determine everything. People's worldview will ultimately lead to the end.

No on created God. God is timeless, spaceless and omnipotent (Kalam's Cosmological Argument). If God exists, then He destroyed our world before in around 1600 years. The ancient people made Him angry in that amount of time (God is supposed to be slow to anger).

Man didn't create the concept of God as some people like to believe. Man created evolution. Evo scientists will not peer-review the God Theory or the supernatural.
No one created the universe. It is timeless. No beginning and no end.

No need for a god

Sorry, sealybobo, but you missed the discussion of the Steady State Theory and much more stuff of importance. It has been rendered pseudoscience by the Big Bang Theory. It was rendered as pseudoscience by God and Genesis, but the current batch of scientists in power will not peer-review Bible-based or supernatural theories. Creation scientists have peer-reviewed the works of other creation scientists which is the best one can do.

There is a need for God is the creator, i.e. we would not be here if not for Him. Also, He loves us and helps us. He has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son. He is the final judge. There is no need for evolution which is something man created in order to show there is no need for God. However, God gave you free will to choose between the choices so that's why the differing worldviews exist.
No x 9.
There is no easy way to put it BreezeWood, but you are doomed. You're on the path to the underworld. The Bible states it as fact.

He (they have) has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son.

I like how you phrased how the Almighty sacrificed their son [sic] but that is not christianity, christianity not Jesus states otherwise .... so you too are certainly doomed. by your book.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani .- . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

by the spoken religion - "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - physically spoken by Jesus, is the final scene for Jesus of Nazareth and would be for the religious the beginning for finding by themselves the true answers set forth by the Tempest the conquest and victory achieving The Triumph of Good vs Evill that will have only one conclusion in the end.

the bible has in it messages used by the spoken religion as the bible is derived from it however the two will never be the same as the bible is rendered mute by those that have failed in their mission to search for the Truth over the fallacy they have found it - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - you are a dead end Goldfinger happily ending your life taking everyone with you to suddenly cease to exist.

what kick started the universe?

You're wrong, but think you're joking.. Your answer is not even close.

Oh god, this stupid shit.. Who created god? It's a infinite cycle both ways, I just don't give a fuck.

It's not stupid shit as it will determine everything. People's worldview will ultimately lead to the end.

No on created God. God is timeless, spaceless and omnipotent (Kalam's Cosmological Argument). If God exists, then He destroyed our world before in around 1600 years. The ancient people made Him angry in that amount of time (God is supposed to be slow to anger).

Man didn't create the concept of God as some people like to believe. Man created evolution. Evo scientists will not peer-review the God Theory or the supernatural.
No one created the universe. It is timeless. No beginning and no end.

No need for a god

Sorry, sealybobo, but you missed the discussion of the Steady State Theory and much more stuff of importance. It has been rendered pseudoscience by the Big Bang Theory. It was rendered as pseudoscience by God and Genesis, but the current batch of scientists in power will not peer-review Bible-based or supernatural theories. Creation scientists have peer-reviewed the works of other creation scientists which is the best one can do.

There is a need for God is the creator, i.e. we would not be here if not for Him. Also, He loves us and helps us. He has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son. He is the final judge. There is no need for evolution which is something man created in order to show there is no need for God. However, God gave you free will to choose between the choices so that's why the differing worldviews exist.
No x 9.

Then you're in denial x 9. I'm just a conduit and provided all the answers that are from the Bible. If we discussed science, then the answers are from creation science. Science is science, but the evo and atheist scientists gained power and will not peer-review the creation side. Thus, the creation scientists continue to peer-review their work as well as that of the evos. It was a battle during the 1800s, but people started to question evolution due to it not providing the answers. It gave creation another chance and today the church teaches science. Because people want answers.

I looked at both sides, even gave the website that I used to learn about evolution. I believed in evolution before, but then realized it did not provide the answers and it was discussed fairly thoroughly here. The eternal universe was rendered false by a better theory. The new theory, Big Bang Theory, backs up Genesis except for the creation part. If the Bible wasn't a book of non-fiction and what evo scientists state today, then it would have fallen by the wayside during the 1800s. If Lucy was true, then we would know and people would want to see it in the museums. It wouldn't be treated as something which will just stay in Ethiopia.

No answers from abiogenesis, Big Bang Theory, evolution, global warming and climate change. Answers from creation, Noah's Flood (biggest climate change ever), and the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
There is no easy way to put it BreezeWood, but you are doomed. You're on the path to the underworld. The Bible states it as fact.

He (they have) has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son.

I like how you phrased how the Almighty sacrificed their son [sic] but that is not christianity, christianity not Jesus states otherwise .... so you too are certainly doomed. by your book.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani .- . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

by the spoken religion - "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - physically spoken by Jesus, is the final scene for Jesus of Nazareth and would be for the religious the beginning for finding by themselves the true answers set forth by the Tempest the conquest and victory achieving The Triumph of Good vs Evill that will have only one conclusion in the end.

the bible has in it messages used by the spoken religion as the bible is derived from it however the two will never be the same as the bible is rendered mute by those that have failed in their mission to search for the Truth over the fallacy they have found it - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - you are a dead end Goldfinger happily ending your life taking everyone with you to suddenly cease to exist.


You're quite mistaken. I'm not Goldfinger. I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.
There is no easy way to put it BreezeWood, but you are doomed. You're on the path to the underworld. The Bible states it as fact.

He (they have) has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son.

I like how you phrased how the Almighty sacrificed their son [sic] but that is not christianity, christianity not Jesus states otherwise .... so you too are certainly doomed. by your book.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani .- . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

by the spoken religion - "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - physically spoken by Jesus, is the final scene for Jesus of Nazareth and would be for the religious the beginning for finding by themselves the true answers set forth by the Tempest the conquest and victory achieving The Triumph of Good vs Evill that will have only one conclusion in the end.

the bible has in it messages used by the spoken religion as the bible is derived from it however the two will never be the same as the bible is rendered mute by those that have failed in their mission to search for the Truth over the fallacy they have found it - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - you are a dead end Goldfinger happily ending your life taking everyone with you to suddenly cease to exist.


You're quite mistaken. I'm not Goldfinger. I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.
You're quite mistaken. I'm not Goldfinger. I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.


that's what all the villains have to say, you have the wrong person .... I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.

There is no easy way to put it BreezeWood, but you are doomed. You're on the path to the underworld. The Bible states it as fact.

He (they have) has already provided a way to be saved by sacrificing His only Son.

I like how you phrased how the Almighty sacrificed their son [sic] but that is not christianity, christianity not Jesus states otherwise .... so you too are certainly doomed. by your book.

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani .- . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

by the spoken religion - "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - physically spoken by Jesus, is the final scene for Jesus of Nazareth and would be for the religious the beginning for finding by themselves the true answers set forth by the Tempest the conquest and victory achieving The Triumph of Good vs Evill that will have only one conclusion in the end.

the bible has in it messages used by the spoken religion as the bible is derived from it however the two will never be the same as the bible is rendered mute by those that have failed in their mission to search for the Truth over the fallacy they have found it - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - you are a dead end Goldfinger happily ending your life taking everyone with you to suddenly cease to exist.


You're quite mistaken. I'm not Goldfinger. I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.
You're quite mistaken. I'm not Goldfinger. I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.


that's what all the villains have to say, you have the wrong person .... I'm Bond. James Bond. Ha ha.


Wrong again, BW. All the real villains think the good guys are bad. One guy, who seemed smart and educated, thought God was evil based on his reading the Bible. He had read the entire Bible while I still have not.

If you're Bond and I'm GF, then how about this for a fantasy scenario?

You: Do you expect me to talk (hot pinpoint laser about to cut him in half starting at the scrotum VERY SLOWLY)?
Me: No, I expect you to die (and end up in hell forever in the second life).

Fade to black.
Normally, I do not talk about hell because I'm not sure what happens when one actually crosses over and cannot return. The furthest we can know is from near-death experiences and part of it could be physiological. I think there is neurology that goes on, too, and this is where the consciousness comes in. The consciousness may not die, but it lives on.

Those that have the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth will know where to go. However, those that do not will be in the dark and have to rely on their worldview imho.

Moreover, an evolutionist and atheist pointed me to Jack Chick stating that the evo chart I posted came from his comics. That's how I discovered Jact Chick's tracts. In Chick's comics or tracts, he has a penchant for pointing out how the afterlife happens and how Final Judgment occurs.

I do not know whether Chick's views occurs like that, but I do know places like Hades and Lake of Fire exist on Earth. Is there a relationship between this and the Bible? Or are they based on myths? You'll have to decide for yourself.


Lake of Fire (shaped like a bowl described in Dante's Inferno)?
writing the bible without having read it in the eyes of the Almighty would be far better than just having read it. - the spoken religion.

as the religion points out, Noah all that matters is the conclusion - The Triumph of Good vs Evil.

the difference being, no Jesus required.

Fade to black.

“a basket of deplorable's”

Hillary Clinton
sparked a controversy Friday night after suggesting half of Donald Trump’s supporters belonged in “a basket of deplorables”
which she described as consisting of “the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it.”

"Fading" - how about just BLACK ... bond.

Fade to black.

“a basket of deplorable's”

Hillary Clinton
sparked a controversy Friday night after suggesting half of Donald Trump’s supporters belonged in “a basket of deplorables”
which she described as consisting of “the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it.”

"Fading" - how about just BLACK ... bond.


So now, it's politics. Your true colors are showing. Hillary is the most Godless member of the Senate and she should be in jail. The orange jumpsuit would make her look better. We can't have a serial statutory rapist in the White House either.

I can't believe I made this in 2007, but it still fits. Just picture her 9 years older.

at least explain how destroying evil (humans) can be accomplished by the killing of (innocent) animals at the same time is not in itself evil.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

is this your quid pro quo - good luck, loser.


We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

God promised there won't be another by the rainbow.

and you missed my post what that meant.

We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

forkup is right, there is no objectivity to you at all - that passage is where I could READ no further, I am happy with the spoken religion as authentic than your written one, how convenient PAPYRUS sortof the whiteout for their beliefs they were afraid to put to stone ...

They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds ...

you're not very bright at all, the rainbow means in the END, everyone will be the same that's why there will be the Final Judgement - if that side is the one then you to will be punished for your failure - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - one or the other will prevail.

We were made stewards over them ...

I've suggested for others to join the hungry Lion in a room and lock the door, oh I'll bring my rifle ... ha ha


Too many pages to count, but you, forkup and the rest of the evos and atheists missed the main points as usual. No wonder you guys are usually wrong and have no answers. Several can't explain evolution in a cogent manner, but yet believe it's scientific theory and more. People can't believe most people believed in creation before and during the 1800s. At least, I can explain evolution and have compared both worldviews. Creation is complete. I think you guys will fall asleep, wake up and see a guy with your face. What does this mean? Roofie!!! That's in this life. Who knows what else is in store in the great beyond?

Furthermore, you can have all your mutations, GM products and be sold new GM products to have a "healthier and longer life." That's why you believe in evolution and who pays the bills at the universities and government scientific institutions like the Smithsonian. They don't want you to live a long time. People have and will continue to have much shorter lives. I'll stay natural and stay away from mutation and mutated products and live to 120.

This will be my last post for a while. It's not that interesting talking with people who watch Cosmos and think that's science. You may as well have Jack Chick explain it to you. Ha ha.

Proof religious people are insane
at least explain how destroying evil (humans) can be accomplished by the killing of (innocent) animals at the same time is not in itself evil.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

is this your quid pro quo - good luck, loser.


We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

God promised there won't be another by the rainbow.

and you missed my post what that meant.

We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

forkup is right, there is no objectivity to you at all - that passage is where I could READ no further, I am happy with the spoken religion as authentic than your written one, how convenient PAPYRUS sortof the whiteout for their beliefs they were afraid to put to stone ...

They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds ...

you're not very bright at all, the rainbow means in the END, everyone will be the same that's why there will be the Final Judgement - if that side is the one then you to will be punished for your failure - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - one or the other will prevail.

We were made stewards over them ...

I've suggested for others to join the hungry Lion in a room and lock the door, oh I'll bring my rifle ... ha ha


Too many pages to count, but you, forkup and the rest of the evos and atheists missed the main points as usual. No wonder you guys are usually wrong and have no answers. Several can't explain evolution in a cogent manner, but yet believe it's scientific theory and more. People can't believe most people believed in creation before and during the 1800s. At least, I can explain evolution and have compared both worldviews. Creation is complete. I think you guys will fall asleep, wake up and see a guy with your face. What does this mean? Roofie!!! That's in this life. Who knows what else is in store in the great beyond?

Furthermore, you can have all your mutations, GM products and be sold new GM products to have a "healthier and longer life." That's why you believe in evolution and who pays the bills at the universities and government scientific institutions like the Smithsonian. They don't want you to live a long time. People have and will continue to have much shorter lives. I'll stay natural and stay away from mutation and mutated products and live to 120.

This will be my last post for a while. It's not that interesting talking with people who watch Cosmos and think that's science. You may as well have Jack Chick explain it to you. Ha ha.

Proof religious people are insane

It was for BreezeWood, since he brought up politics. He just may get Hillary in hell. Bill catches them and thinks this is my chance to sneak out of the house (not White House).

Liberalism is a mental illness. The real loonies are on your side. They're the mass murderers, serial killers, rapists, short eyes and drug/alcohol offenders. We get the paranoid, schizophrenic, disgruntled and sexually repressed.

You know when Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." It wasn't the physical pain they inflicted, but I think Jesus saw all their lives and their sins flash before him. That's got to be a lot more painful than the physical.
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For more of a serious discussion on heaven, hell and the afterlife, the question of an afterlife and heaven and hell has been raised many times and about who got in and who didn't. This question is too open ended and would get different answers because it would depend on faith, religion and one's interpretation. For Christians, a better question would be is there an afterlife in the Bible and questions of who got in and who didn't as explained in the Bible. As I understand it, at first there was no concept of an afterlife in the ancient Hebrew texts. For example, Moses did not have a concept of an immortal soul, an afterlife or going to heaven after death. The concepts of an afterlife and heaven and hell are introduced later in what is called eschatology. Prior to it, we had cosmology in Moses' time. After it came the eschatology. Both cosmology and eschatology are what I would consider philosophy.

"To understand this somewhat singular view of the future one needs to get a general grasp of ancientcosmology. Cosmology is the theory and lore of how the world or universe is structured. A kind of map or picture of the cosmos, cosmology is a way of naming things and putting them in their proper places.

The ancient Hebrews pictured the universe divided into three parts or realms, as did other civilizations of the period. First, there was the upper realm of the Firmament (Sky) or Heavens, the dwelling place of God and his divine angelic court, as well as the place of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Here no mortal belonged.[1] Then there was the realm of earth below, what the first chapter of Genesis calls “the dry land.” It is the proper human place, shared with all the other forms of plant and animal life–a thoroughly mortal realm. The earth was seen as a flat disk; at the edges were the threatening waters of chaos, held back by the command of God (Gen. 1:9-10; Ps. 104:5-9). Finally, below the earth was the dark realm of the dead, which was called Sheol by the Hebrews and Hades by the Greeks. Psalms 115:16-18 puts it succinctly: “The heavens are Yahweh’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the sons of men. The dead do not praise Yahweh, nor do any that go down into silence. But we [the living] will bless Yahweh from this time forth and for evermore."


"Scholars use the term “eschatology” to refer to what they call the “last things,” i.e., the events and realities at the end of history or, more popularly speaking, “the end of the world.” However, this idea of the “end of the world” does not necessarily mean the destruction of the planet. More often it refers to the end of an “age,” following which history takes a dramatic turn for the better. Eschatology addresses these questions: Where is history headed? And what will be its final determination and meaning? Obviously, one is presupposing here that there is some meaning to history and that the end will make it all clear."

You can read the full scholarly text here
What the Bible Says About Death, Afterlife and the Future
My big question about "God", is why he ended up hating the dinosaurs so much...

I mean, what the heck could they have possibly done to bring His wrath down upon them and smite them all? After spending so much time creating them and developing them? They must have REALLY pissed Him off because He let us live, and we probably have done waaaaaay much worse in MUCH less time... So it makes me wonder what those asshole dino's did...

I'm sure they deserved it! But it would be nice to know.
at least explain how destroying evil (humans) can be accomplished by the killing of (innocent) animals at the same time is not in itself evil.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

is this your quid pro quo - good luck, loser.


We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

God promised there won't be another by the rainbow.

and you missed my post what that meant.

We were made stewards over them. Yet, there are humans who aren't being good stewards. They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds.

forkup is right, there is no objectivity to you at all - that passage is where I could READ no further, I am happy with the spoken religion as authentic than your written one, how convenient PAPYRUS sortof the whiteout for their beliefs they were afraid to put to stone ...

They will be punished at the end for the their misdeeds ...

you're not very bright at all, the rainbow means in the END, everyone will be the same that's why there will be the Final Judgement - if that side is the one then you to will be punished for your failure - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - one or the other will prevail.

We were made stewards over them ...

I've suggested for others to join the hungry Lion in a room and lock the door, oh I'll bring my rifle ... ha ha


Too many pages to count, but you, forkup and the rest of the evos and atheists missed the main points as usual. No wonder you guys are usually wrong and have no answers. Several can't explain evolution in a cogent manner, but yet believe it's scientific theory and more. People can't believe most people believed in creation before and during the 1800s. At least, I can explain evolution and have compared both worldviews. Creation is complete. I think you guys will fall asleep, wake up and see a guy with your face. What does this mean? Roofie!!! That's in this life. Who knows what else is in store in the great beyond?

Furthermore, you can have all your mutations, GM products and be sold new GM products to have a "healthier and longer life." That's why you believe in evolution and who pays the bills at the universities and government scientific institutions like the Smithsonian. They don't want you to live a long time. People have and will continue to have much shorter lives. I'll stay natural and stay away from mutation and mutated products and live to 120.

This will be my last post for a while. It's not that interesting talking with people who watch Cosmos and think that's science. You may as well have Jack Chick explain it to you. Ha ha.

Proof religious people are insane

It was for BreezeWood, since he brought up politics. He just may get Hillary in hell. Bill catches them and thinks this is my chance to sneak out of the house (not White House).

Liberalism is a mental illness. The real loonies are on your side. They're the mass murderers, serial killers, rapists, short eyes and drug/alcohol offenders. We get the paranoid, schizophrenic, disgruntled and sexually repressed.

You know when Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." It wasn't the physical pain they inflicted, but I think Jesus saw all their lives and their sins flash before him. That's got to be a lot more painful than the physical.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

those words if spoken would be forsaken and are a fabrication, who is supposing "they" would be forgiven than everyone as the scribes foolishly imply is possible.

My big question about "God", is why he ended up hating the dinosaurs so much...

I mean, what the heck could they have possibly done to bring His wrath down upon them and smite them all? After spending so much time creating them and developing them? They must have REALLY pissed Him off because He let us live, and we probably have done waaaaaay much worse in MUCH less time... So it makes me wonder what those asshole dino's did...

I'm sure they deserved it! But it would be nice to know.

It's in the Bible. The short answer is most went to heaven, a glorious place for humans and all God's creatures alike. There everyone will be their PERFECT spiritual selves. There is supposed to be more, but that is the best I can describe.

The long answer is...

"God sent the Flood as a judgment on mankind’s wickedness. But it wasn’t only human beings who died. Most of the animals were also swept away. Genesis 6:7 states, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” Why did God destroy animal life in the Flood, since they were not guilty of sin?

First, it should be noted that God did not destroy all animal life. Two of every kind of unclean animal were placed on the ark, and seven of every clean animal (Genesis 7:1-4). In addition, sea life was not harmed. The destruction included land animals and birds.

God had a plan to recreate. Just as God had created human and animal life in the beginning of time, so now He would recreate human and animal life. Genesis 8 closes with the animals leaving the ark at the beginning a new world. They went with the command to go forth and multiply (Genesis 8:17).

We can assume that, in some way, animal life had become corrupted along with human life. Genesis 6:13 states, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them.” The phrase “all flesh” is used throughout the narrative to include both human and animal life. How was animal life corrupted? This is not explained. Some have suggested the use of animals in sinful, pagan sacrifices as the reason. Others have considered that the violence filling the earth was due, in part, to animals (this would correspond with the theory of large dinosaurs being destroyed by the Flood). Regardless of how the animals became corrupted, God viewed them as part of creation that needed to be recreated.

Another concern was Noah’s welfare. Perhaps the land animals were destroyed so that Noah and his family could live safely after exiting the ark. Eight humans living in a world of unchecked wildlife would have had a slim chance of survival, most likely. But with only the animals on the ark, the ratio of animal life to human life would make living together much safer. God could have chosen a different method, but He chose to save Noah and his family, along with a large boat of animals, to restart life on earth.

Elsewhere in the Old Testament, we see that a person’s sin can contaminate other people or animals at times (e.g., Joshua 7:24-25; Romans 8:19-22). In a ceremonial sense, perhaps, the animals that died in the Flood could be viewed as morally contaminated because of their association with humankind. They were part of that antediluvian, sin-infested world.

In summary, God destroyed many animals in the Flood, but not all of them. In fact, He spared many more animals than He did humans. God chose to recreate using a limited number of animals, sparing only those land animals that He led to the ark. After the Flood, God provided for a safe coexistence between human and animal life."

Why did God also destroy animals in the Flood (Genesis 6-8)?
My big question about "God", is why he ended up hating the dinosaurs so much...

I mean, what the heck could they have possibly done to bring His wrath down upon them and smite them all? After spending so much time creating them and developing them? They must have REALLY pissed Him off because He let us live, and we probably have done waaaaaay much worse in MUCH less time... So it makes me wonder what those asshole dino's did...

I'm sure they deserved it! But it would be nice to know.

One more thing. God loves. He does not hate His creation. God is slow to anger, but He can show His wrath. However, it's not based on hate. He wants to forgive. His hate is for the words and deeds of humans and sin. Refer to the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. The Bible is unique in that it is a living document. If one has Faith and decides to believe in God and reads and accepts the Bible, then they find the answers and will be rewarded.
So, per the Bible, what did the dinosaurs do to incur His wrath? It is evident what the humans did with their wicked behavior and they deserved their semi-smite, but the dino's leave me scratching my head???

Did they, like, have incest... ?
So, per the Bible, what did the dinosaurs do to incur His wrath? It is evident what the humans did with their wicked behavior and they deserved their semi-smite, but the dino's leave me scratching my head???

Did they, like, have incest... ?
So, per the Bible ....

whether the onset of humanity was the cause for their demise or not there is no doubt that it would have been if it were not so.

T-Rex became a chicken ... unfortunate decision.

what has become extinct was fair play as they all have left the Garden as they found it and bask in the Everlasting, a job well done - that is not the message though for the humanity afflicted with written scriptures that all but doom Almighty's Paradise to an inglorious demise they claim they will themselves however "miraculously" escape. unharmed.

I think I hear you, but I'm not sure... ;-)

So if I eat chicken tomorrow, should i be worried that i ate outside the garden or ingested evil? Or should I keep my diet to things inside the garden and leave fowl alone? Because chicken = dinosaur, and dino=reptile, and reptile=serpent. So I would fall into the same trap as Eve... eating the offerings of the serpent and spawning human sin all over again, forever....

What is safe to eat? And what if I already ate it, unknowingly? Because that's a huge burden to carry just for going to KFC last night...
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