If God doesn't exist...

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It's your fantasy, thinking "they" meant the almighty....

I only talk about what the people wrote. Since the almighty lack the ability to write, somehow...
I only talk about what the people wrote. Since the almighty lack the ability to write, somehow...

... and what they actually said.

I seriously doubt there has ever been a conversation by anyone with the Almighty that is not to say the path to the Everlasting can not be discovered "without HELP" ...

Antiquity for that reason would have had a better understanding due to proximity but whittled it away giving us the bond's of the world - True to Life, villains.

Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.
Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).
Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...
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If God doesn't exist nothing. Nothing would change. He doesn't exist. Never has. Never will. So what is occurring will continue to do so until human beings mature enough not to need a big daddy looking in on us.
Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’
RWS: You spoke of the Sumerians. It's amazing that you did so. Have you read their material. I have. Amazing. Do you know of Zecharia Sitchin's work?
I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
I agree, the Sumerians were an interesting people. That said one of the controversies is that they existed long before australopithecus afarensis came along.
It’s not a ‘belief.’

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation.

are you confusing this thread with your Sunday school indoctrination, you must feel a little out of place learning with the toddlers ...

Because of that we were given salvation.

to bad we are all in this together, otherwise good luck with your state of delusion.

If you want to admit it's a lie, it's fine by me ha ha.
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation.

are you confusing this thread with your Sunday school indoctrination, you must feel a little out of place learning with the toddlers ...

Because of that we were given salvation.

to bad we are all in this together, otherwise good luck with your state of delusion.


Ha ha. You're in with the out crowd BW. John 3:16 has gone beyond Sunday service and into pop culture and tradition. The John 3:16 sign is held up at every NFL game during field goals. Then there is God Bless America sung at most all MLB games. The Star Spangled Banner sung at all sporting events has the line "In God is our trust" in the full lyrics. When scientists make a breakthrough, they should yell "Praise be to God!" or "Thank God It's Breakthrough Day!" Praising God is good for any occasion.

The Resurrection Of John 3:16
It’s neither a ‘lie’ nor a ‘belief’ – but you’re at liberty to exhibit your willful ignorance.

Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation.

are you confusing this thread with your Sunday school indoctrination, you must feel a little out of place learning with the toddlers ...

Because of that we were given salvation.

to bad we are all in this together, otherwise good luck with your state of delusion.


Ha ha. You're in with the out crowd BW. John 3:16 has gone beyond Sunday service and into pop culture and tradition. The John 3:16 sign is held up at every NFL game during field goals. Then there is God Bless America sung at most all MLB games. The Star Spangled Banner sung at all sporting events has the line "In God is our trust" in the full lyrics. When scientists make a breakthrough, they should yell "Praise be to God!" or "Thank God It's Breakthrough Day!" Praising God is good for any occasion.

The Resurrection Of John 3:16
Praising God is good for any occasion.

there you go again, did you mention the bible in your last post - oh, of course John 3:16 - other than your idolatrous backdrop nothing in your post would be offensive to anyone truly religious.

that's a hint bond you already have been drowned out by the Almighty once the next time it will be permanent.

Because the reason you believe the Earth is 6000 years old, is based on the fact that Sumerians invented writing 6000 years ago.

But they told of a very different situation than what Christians believe today. They actually wrote a lot of what the OT is based upon, and later got changed by crazy religious people...

Sumerian texts, 6000 years ago, say that there was life before them and they detail a lot about it...

Now, if you think some power-driven person is going to change that fact, to suit some money-making machine... have at it!

I'd love to debate you.

I already debated someone else and several others and they got whupped and left. Give some other believer a chance to rebut the thread. I'm going to discuss some other thread.

You already discussed several different topics, except answert my question why do you believe the earth is millions or billions of years old? Why do you believe the earth is billions of years old?
It’s not a ‘belief.’
RWS: You spoke of the Sumerians. It's amazing that you did so. Have you read their material. I have. Amazing. Do you know of Zecharia Sitchin's work?


And I know Sitchin's interpretations very well. And I do argue that in certain circles. But not necessary here...

We can use mainstream interpretations of Sumerian and Babylonian texts, to do away with the thought that the Bible is an original document.
I agree, the Sumerians were an interesting people. That said one of the controversies is that they existed long before australopithecus afarensis came along.


You're thinking Homo sapiens neanderthalensis... jus sayin...
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Instead of an answer, now you claim it's my willful ignorance. That sure sounds like you are the one who is ignorant or else you would have answered my question.

I'm not sure what you're saying when you do not state why you *believe* the earth is billions of years old? My original question still stands.

What the earth being billions of years old is a theory. A theory based of ToE or the Theory of Evolution. ToE needed billions of years for evolution to happen. That is what I am saying is pseudoscience. If you want to know why, the answers are here -- The Young Earth .

If you look at the history of what science claimed to be the age of the earth, it was changing every twenty years. For example, schools were teaching it was around 2 billion years old in 1960s.


So science doesn't know, but won't peer-review what the young earth creation scientists are saying (leaving out the Bible).

Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation.

are you confusing this thread with your Sunday school indoctrination, you must feel a little out of place learning with the toddlers ...

Because of that we were given salvation.

to bad we are all in this together, otherwise good luck with your state of delusion.


Ha ha. You're in with the out crowd BW. John 3:16 has gone beyond Sunday service and into pop culture and tradition. The John 3:16 sign is held up at every NFL game during field goals. Then there is God Bless America sung at most all MLB games. The Star Spangled Banner sung at all sporting events has the line "In God is our trust" in the full lyrics. When scientists make a breakthrough, they should yell "Praise be to God!" or "Thank God It's Breakthrough Day!" Praising God is good for any occasion.

The Resurrection Of John 3:16
Praising God is good for any occasion.

there you go again, did you mention the bible in your last post - oh, of course John 3:16 - other than your idolatrous backdrop nothing in your post would be offensive to anyone truly religious.

that's a hint bond you already have been drowned out by the Almighty once the next time it will be permanent.


I worship, thank and pray to (ask for help or wishes) God. I fear, in a good way, i.e. respect and obey, God. Not false idols like evolution. Worship usually means knowing about God and talking about Him. Unlike most atheists who love science, but do not know it or can explain it. How sad is such a person who thinks metamorphosis is evolution. "Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise." 1 Corinthians 3:18

Or things I learned from watching Star Wars ha ha:
"Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them."

OBI-WAN KENOBI, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Quotes on Deception
I agree, the Sumerians were an interesting people. That said one of the controversies is that they existed long before australopithecus afarensis came along.


You're thinking Homo sapiens neanderthalensis... jus sayin...

Wrong. Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel, Abraham, Isaac and people in the OT came before the global flood. Australopithecus, prehistoric cave people and the rest came after Noah's Flood and the greatest climate change of all time. It's why we do not live as long and have weaknesses that the ancient peoples did not have.

Furthermore, humans did not come from fish or evolve from bacteria. Not only are the transitional fossils missing, I can disprove that anything evolved from bacteria in one experiment*. One would have to know that oxygen** didn't exist in the primordial soup and spontaneous generation does not happen no matter how much the evos wish it.

* Watch experiment #1

** Recent theories now claim oxygen was present. Can you or other atheists who worship science explain this? What is the problem with oxygen and spontaneous generation?
Life began without oxygen. They were anaerobic organisms that did not require oxygen. Some still exist today.

It wasn't until organisms began releasing oxygen as a byproduct through photosynthesis that oxygen began becoming abundant on the earth.

And all that oxygen (even though still very little in terms of the atmosphere) actually killed off almost all life-forms. It created a mass-extinction event over millions of years.

Those that survived were organisms that could deal with the growing levels of oxygen, and thrive. And that led to "life as we know it".

And that was billions of years before the Earth was created in the 6000-yr Earth theory that fundamentalist Christian religions promote.

Australopithecus Afarensis appeared between 3-4 million years ago. Neanderthals appeared about 300,000 years ago. And Homo Sapiens soon after.

The "Great Flood", which may be more than a singular event and could have been a series of events throughout the world, would have occurred when the ice sheets that covered most of the world started melting, about 12,000 years ago.

Sumerians wrote about their version of the "Great Flood", in which Ziusudra was instructed by Enki to build a vessel in which to survive the upcoming deluge. And bring his family, friends, and livestock with him. And they wrote this 2000 years before the Old Testament. He was also instructed to release birds once things had calmed down, in order to find land.
So if you want to believe ancient texts, than you would do well to let go of the Old Testament and their plagiarized stories.

Adam was actually AD.IM (which is plural for "humans"), and they lived in the ED.IN (a city in ancient Mesopotamia). But after similarities like that, the OT took stories into a very different route to promote a monotheistic "God", and led to the false religion you believe today. And remember, almost every devoutly religious person believes what they believe because they born into it, and had no choice in the matter, and didn't seek further enlightenment other than birthright.
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Because you're theory is a plagiarized one, based on much more ancient texts. That told something totally different. And you're theory is then doubled down by ignorance, pride, greed, and... money.

And that theory has caused countless loss of life.

For no reason. Other than ignorance, pride, greed, and money.

You have to let go of the bs, and understand that spirituality is something that each person needs to learn on their own. It's not something you can drill into someone, or cause them to believe with the punishment of death and eternal damnation if they don't.

Christianity, and all other major religions, are money making machines. They only strive to keep and enforce the faithful to keep their money and power. And get new followers to continue the trend, no matter what the human cost.

They don't give even 1 single poop, about the people. And every government is entrenched with a religion, to give it an army willing to die for the religion.

So let's understand where your religion came from... So maybe you can start distancing yourself, and start looking at the reality...

What are you blabbering about ha ha? We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation. I think by now everyone is familiar with John 3:16. God loves us, so He sacrificed His only Son in order to gave us a second eternal life. Adam and Eve had the first one, but lost it for all until then. So how does this reality have to do with what you opine about? Somewhere along in life, you veered off and now have come to this conclusion. I wish you good luck with that.
We already covered the most important part of Christianity which was the Resurrection. Because of that we were given salvation.

are you confusing this thread with your Sunday school indoctrination, you must feel a little out of place learning with the toddlers ...

Because of that we were given salvation.

to bad we are all in this together, otherwise good luck with your state of delusion.


Ha ha. You're in with the out crowd BW. John 3:16 has gone beyond Sunday service and into pop culture and tradition. The John 3:16 sign is held up at every NFL game during field goals. Then there is God Bless America sung at most all MLB games. The Star Spangled Banner sung at all sporting events has the line "In God is our trust" in the full lyrics. When scientists make a breakthrough, they should yell "Praise be to God!" or "Thank God It's Breakthrough Day!" Praising God is good for any occasion.

The Resurrection Of John 3:16
Praising God is good for any occasion.

there you go again, did you mention the bible in your last post - oh, of course John 3:16 - other than your idolatrous backdrop nothing in your post would be offensive to anyone truly religious.

that's a hint bond you already have been drowned out by the Almighty once the next time it will be permanent.


I worship, thank and pray to (ask for help or wishes) God. I fear, in a good way, i.e. respect and obey, God. Not false idols like evolution. Worship usually means knowing about God and talking about Him. Unlike most atheists who love science, but do not know it or can explain it. How sad is such a person who thinks metamorphosis is evolution. "Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise." 1 Corinthians 3:18

Or things I learned from watching Star Wars ha ha:
"Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them."

OBI-WAN KENOBI, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Quotes on Deception
Not false idols like evolution ... How sad is such a person who thinks metamorphosis is evolution.


metamorphosis is real, etched in stone unlike any passage read in your bible. my question you failed to respond to was where does the mechanism (Spirit) for metamorphosis reside while the process is taking place ... evolution points to a Spirit is the point where your book is a dead end.

Worship usually means knowing about God and talking about Him.

Worship usually means knowing about God and talking about (Them).

the Almighty has no regards for worship especially idolatry, The Triumph of Good vs Evil is all that matters, no book required and Jesus as a guide may be useful but other than that it's entirely up to the individual and the collective humanity or the final result will be extinction.

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