If God doesn't exist...

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When religions are shown to defy science, and the earlier texts prove that they're plagiarized, it's just common sense to realize that it's not a good way to go, and to then consider things outside of the box you were born in.

No matter what religion you were born into.

They're all a trap, taking advantage of our need to understand that which we don't understand yet.

And that's something inherent to human "religion", where rulers seek to create wealth, power and armies from the stupidity and gullibility of other humans who believe them because they don't know any better. And then force that religion to spread through threats of death and damnation...
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Nowadays, we have science, and recovered history, to take a very enlightened look of the religions that still seek to dominate us today.

Science can be just as much of a trap as religion as the unaware scientific followers pray to their god as they invoke the almighty power of 'scientific consensus'.


I agree. Science can be a religion if followed to the point where someone can't accept or explore a possibility that is not accepted by their scientific brethren.

I argue the possibilities of ETUFO's all the time, and I also encounter this wall of denial and ridicule from the heavily scientific types that can't relate to something they can't measure or test. It's very frustrating! :)

But there are certainly things out there that challenge our understanding. And exploring those things is very important. So it bugs me when people lock themselves in their box and refuse other possibilities, whether it be because they are part of a religion that can't see outside of their doctrine, or part of the "scientific religion" (let's call them "debunkers") that require measurements and want to put down anything outside of their box.

The important thing is being a good person. And I call that "spirituality". There are many things that we do not understand, and we will continue learning as time goes on. But those that state a finite principle, with no chance of changing or enlightening their minds, are the ones that slow our development as spiritual creatures. And religion is VERY guilty of that. And so is science at times. The difference is that science eventually relents based on overwhelming evidence, while religions continue preaching their mantras regardless.

I have no problem with faith and beliefs that make you want to better yourself and help others. That's fantastic!

I have problems with ideologies that require you to be in the box, or be shunned/killed. Institutionalized religions fit that bill, and have been the greatest cause of calamity upon the human race outside of bacteria and viruses.

6000-yr Earthers worry me because of their complete denial of anything remotely resembling logic or common sense. It's not a healthy road to follow, is all I'm saying. Open yourselves up to the possibilities, and use your faith in goodness to guide your travels.
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Science can be just as much of a trap as religion as the unaware scientific followers pray to their god as they invoke the almighty power of 'scientific consensus'.



".... it seems that in our time, much of science is involved in an attack on traditional religious thought, and rational men and women must place their faith, and devotion, in this system of belief. And, like any militant church, science places a familiar demand before all others: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
David Berlinski

Or perhaps we're all a Sim simulation that started when someone we call God turned us on a nanosecond ago.


Very true! Tyson (not the boxer) has talked about that. And it's definitely on the list of possibilities. I don't particularly like that option though, since we can be turned off at any moment, and it is completely out of our control.

What I find funny in that scenario, is that the "God" people worship and governs the on/off switch, can be some malcontent 5-yr-old in the future, that has to go eat dinner... :)
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Very true! Tyson (not the boxer) has talked about that. And it's definitely on the list of possibilities. I don't particularly like that option though, since we can be turned off at any moment, and it is completely out of our control.

What I find funny in that scenario, is that the "God" people worship and governs the on/off switch, can be some malcontent 5-yr-old in the future, that has to go eat dinner... :)


No sense in worrying about it. It either is or isn't because...


Sounds really hypocritical. I'm not the one believing ancient Sumerian mythical texts. Most were written to promote how great the King was during that time. And you have your timelines mixed up. There is no overlap with the millions of years you mention with the first humans Adam and Eve. Where the evidence first appears is with Cain and Abel. Sumerian records show the line of Cain and the farming tools which they used for farming. The Sumerians were the first migrant people and they built a great urban civilization in Sumer along with Egyptians in Egypt.
Atheist science is dogma.

EarthLink - Top News

Galaxy count may now top 2 trillion across universe

An astrophysics professor at the University of Nottingham in England led the international team that came up with the mind-boggling estimate of 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Professor Christopher Conselice said that represents a minimum tenfold increase.

why would it be atheism to believe the universe is older than 6K years and yes that would not be biblical, praise heaven for literacy .... shred the bible to find the truth and the Almighty.

".... it seems that in our time, much of science is involved in an attack on traditional religious thought, and rational men and women must place their faith, and devotion, in this system of belief. And, like any militant church, science places a familiar demand before all others: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
David Berlinski


I don't necessarily follow either per se. I believe both science and religion need to have some give. But then my beliefs about about God allows me a wide latitude. Which is probably why this thread is approaching 2000 posts...

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

".... it seems that in our time, much of science is involved in an attack on traditional religious thought, and rational men and women must place their faith, and devotion, in this system of belief. And, like any militant church, science places a familiar demand before all others: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
David Berlinski


I don't necessarily follow either per se. I believe both science and religion need to have some give. But then my beliefs about about God allows me a wide latitude. Which is probably why this thread is approaching 2000 posts...

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


"I don't necessarily follow either per se. I believe both science and religion need to have some give."

Can't agree with you here, brother.
But....Gould may:

1. Atheist Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science, said that "science and religion do not glower at each other…but, rather, represent Non-overlapping magisteria."
Quite a departure from his Marxist doctrines.

2. You see.....religion doesn't attack science....but scientists...atheists, communists, secularists.....go out of their way...daily....to attack belief.

So....the two are separate and have no need to compete?

3. .... there are scientists who shout from the rooftops, ‘Scientific and religious belief are in conflict. They cannot both be right. Let us get rid of the one that is wrong!’ And, not just tolerated, today they are admired. It is a veritable orgy of competitive skepticism- but a skepticism supposedly built of science. Physicist Victor Stengler and Taner Edis have both published books championing atheism. Both men exhibit the salient characteristic of physicists endeavoring to draw general lessons about the cosmos from mathematical physics: They are willing to believe anything.

4. In 2007, physicists Steven Weinberg addressed the “Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival” conference. This Nobel Prize winner claimed “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” He was warmly applauded.

a. What was the religious provenance of poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, Zyklon B, heavy artillery, napalm, nuclear weapons?

What is the insecurity of these 'scientists' that causes them to behave so?
Atheist science is dogma.

EarthLink - Top News

Galaxy count may now top 2 trillion across universe

An astrophysics professor at the University of Nottingham in England led the international team that came up with the mind-boggling estimate of 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Professor Christopher Conselice said that represents a minimum tenfold increase.

why would it be atheism to believe the universe is older than 6K years and yes that would not be biblical, praise heaven for literacy .... shred the bible to find the truth and the Almighty.


>>why would it be atheism to believe the universe is older than 6K years and yes that would not be biblical, praise heaven for literacy .... shred the bible to find the truth and the Almighty.<<

Gravity. And I'm using uniformitarianism or what we know today to apply it to the past. The gravitational pull of the moon creates a “tidal bulge” on earth that causes the moon to spiral outwards very slowly as time goes on. It means the earth and the moon were closer together in the past. We can calculate the gravitational forces and the current rate of recession, how fast the moon is spinning away from earth. The math shows that if the earth is around 6,000 years old, the the moon would have only moved about 800 feet (250 m). However, most astronomy books teach that the moon is over four billion years old, an impossibility -- for less than 1.5 billion years ago the moon would have been touching the earth. The atheist scientists are wrong again. When they should have used uniformitarianism, they didn't. They zigged when they should've zagged.

What this shows is Jesus ♥ the moon. Instead of Mars, we should be colonizing the moon. I'd love to see Elon Musk back up bold talk of going to Mars and actually be one first to fly there himself.
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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



"If God doesn't exist..."
You have to define God. What are its qualities? You probably, like most everyone else, don't have a clear definition of God. Your definition is probably limited to what some religious book asserts, but it need not be. You have the freedom to define God in any way that suits you. I am not saying there is or isn't a God. I am saying the definition will always be subjective; it will only be meaningful to the eye of the beholder.

There are two worlds: The spiritual and the temporary/mortal.
The spiritual is eternal. It is composed of perfect eternal conscious energy---in short, perfect spirits---eternal thinking-feeling entities, all perfectly equal to one another. Not one was born or created. They have always existed. They are all omnipotent & omniscient.
Life is consciousness and it has always been ON.
The spiritual created the temporary/mortal world.
All mortal creatures were created by their spiritual selves.
This particular mortal world is Destined---that is, each creature has already imagined their storyline and are now living it out.
There is nothing better to do with eternal consciousness than create and experience these mortal worlds, these dreamgames.
This particular dreamgame was imagined by all participants and then set into motion via the Big Bang. It is absolutely 100% factual to say that every storyline for every creature is a mixture of ice cream & poop, heaven & hell.
Death is but waking up from this dreamgame. It is an automatic return to spiritual sanity & sobriety, our Homestate of Awareness.
All deaths are destined. No deaths can be prevented. The only freewill available is our commentary along the Ride. The Ride, like all rides, is not a drive, it is a ride, and all rides are fixed.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



"If God doesn't exist..."
You have to define God. What are its qualities? You probably, like most everyone else, don't have a clear definition of God. Your definition is probably limited to what some religious book asserts, but it need not be. You have the freedom to define God in any way that suits you. I am not saying there is or isn't a God. I am saying the definition will always be subjective; it will only be meaningful to the eye of the beholder.

There are two worlds: The spiritual and the temporary/mortal.
The spiritual is eternal. It is composed of perfect eternal conscious energy---in short, perfect spirits---eternal thinking-feeling entities, all perfectly equal to one another. Not one was born or created. They have always existed. They are all omnipotent & omniscient.
Life is consciousness and it has always been ON.
The spiritual created the temporary/mortal world.
All mortal creatures were created by their spiritual selves.
This particular mortal world is Destined---that is, each creature has already imagined their storyline and are now living it out.
There is nothing better to do with eternal consciousness than create and experience these mortal worlds, these dreamgames.
This particular dreamgame was imagined by all participants and then set into motion via the Big Bang. It is absolutely 100% factual to say that every storyline for every creature is a mixture of ice cream & poop, heaven & hell.
Death is but waking up from this dreamgame. It is an automatic return to spiritual sanity & sobriety, our Homestate of Awareness.
All deaths are destined. No deaths can be prevented. The only freewill available is our commentary along the Ride. The Ride, like all rides, is not a drive, it is a ride, and all rides are fixed.


So instead of asking the most obvious question you decide to define what you think God is for me.

That sounds like a very progressive attitude... Thanks for playing but no thanks.


What this shows is Jesus ♥ the moon.


good luck with that one ...

how do you know the moon is not oscillating, the combined effect of both gravitational fields of moon and Garden earth ... Idolatrist.


Why need luck when we have science and mathematics?

The moon has several striking characteristics and these characteristics are "clues" or "hints" left by God for men to discover, i.e. evidence for God -- Calenders .

Do you have any evidence the moon is oscillating?

Earth's gravity keeps the moon in its orbit. The moon's gravity causes the movement of the Earth's oceans to form a tidal bulge. The tidal bulge releases a small amount of energy into the Moon, pushing it into a higher orbit like the faster, outside lanes of a test track. It feels like that of being on the roundabout in a children's playground. The faster you rotate, the more force you feel of being slung outward.
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