If God doesn't exist...

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I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.

Sounds like you have actually interviewed the guy.

Give us a break!
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.

I've spent enough time with you, pal. You are free to make any commentary you want along the ride. If you speak the truth about your God---and I know 100% you absolutely do not---then I run to that death you speak of with open arms whilst cursing that God with the vilest words imaginable. Your God sounds horrible. I don't want to be one of its creatures. I prefer eternal oblivion or even eternal flames rather than live on my knees for any deity. Period. Your God sucks, pardner. That's why church membership goes down with each passing decade. That's why we will eventually remove In God We Trust from our currency. By the end of this century.
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.

I've spent enough time with you, pal. You are free to make any commentary you want along the ride. If you speak the truth about your God---and I know 100% you absolutely do not---then I run to that death you speak of with open arms whilst cursing that God with the vilest words imaginable. Your God sounds horrible. I don't want to be one of its creatures. I prefer eternal oblivion or even eternal flames rather than live on my knees for any deity. Period. Your God sucks, pardner. That's why church membership goes down with each passing decade. That's why we will eventually remove In God We Trust from our currency. By the end of this century.
Like I said. Pride. It was the Devil's downfall also. I have wasted too much time on you. Time to shake the dust off my feet, as the saying goes. If it is your wish to spend eternity in Hell, I'm sure God will grant you your wish. Just remember. You asked for it. Don't bother replying. I'm adding you to my ignore list.
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.

I've spent enough time with you, pal. You are free to make any commentary you want along the ride. If you speak the truth about your God---and I know 100% you absolutely do not---then I run to that death you speak of with open arms whilst cursing that God with the vilest words imaginable. Your God sounds horrible. I don't want to be one of its creatures. I prefer eternal oblivion or even eternal flames rather than live on my knees for any deity. Period. Your God sucks, pardner. That's why church membership goes down with each passing decade. That's why we will eventually remove In God We Trust from our currency. By the end of this century.
Like I said. Pride. It was the Devil's downfall also. I have wasted too much time on you. Time to shake the dust off my feet, as the saying goes. If it is your wish to spend eternity in Hell, I'm sure God will grant you your wish. Just remember. You asked for it. Don't bother replying. I'm adding you to my ignore list.

I've added Gawd to my ignore list so that makes us even!!
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

Don't you get it yet? God cannot be defined. He is infinite. He is completely beyond our ability to describe or comprehend. But He has described some of His attributes to us. He is just. He is merciful. He is also vengeful, but it is a just vengeance, and only after those who are worthy of that judgement have completely rejected His gracious gift of salvation. But most of all, God is loving. He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve, What else do you need to know about Him, other than that? The free gift of salvation is available to everyone. All you need to do is humble yourself before God, and ask Him to forgive you. The only thing stopping you is your pride. Don't you think it's about time to let go of that pride? It WILL be the death of you.

I've spent enough time with you, pal. You are free to make any commentary you want along the ride. If you speak the truth about your God---and I know 100% you absolutely do not---then I run to that death you speak of with open arms whilst cursing that God with the vilest words imaginable. Your God sounds horrible. I don't want to be one of its creatures. I prefer eternal oblivion or even eternal flames rather than live on my knees for any deity. Period. Your God sucks, pardner. That's why church membership goes down with each passing decade. That's why we will eventually remove In God We Trust from our currency. By the end of this century.
Like I said. Pride. It was the Devil's downfall also. I have wasted too much time on you. Time to shake the dust off my feet, as the saying goes. If it is your wish to spend eternity in Hell, I'm sure God will grant you your wish. Just remember. You asked for it. Don't bother replying. I'm adding you to my ignore list.

I've added Gawd to my ignore list so that makes us even!!
No. That would make you a fool.
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

You will "allow"... :D Isn't that kind of like allowing people to observe 2+2=4?

But let's tackle the definition of God. Traditionally, (and I'm speaking of at least a thousand years), the argument for God--and the definition of God--is the Creator or the Being who put the universe in motion. The argument for God has ever been based on the scientific premise that an object that is not in motion stays in motion until another force acts upon it. Who/what was that original force? Something had to be infinite. Was it matter that was infinite? Then how did matter get set into motion?

Or, is that which was infinite intelligence/spirit?

The definition of God is that which is infinite; a being who is eternal, with no beginning, no end. The next question is whether or not it is possible to know, to come into contact with this Being. Who is He? What are His attributes? These are questions theology attempts to address and resolve.
If you speak the truth about your God---and I know 100% you absolutely do not---then I run to that death you speak of with open arms whilst cursing that God with the vilest words imaginable. Your God sounds horrible. I don't want to be one of its creatures. I prefer eternal oblivion or even eternal flames rather than live on my knees for any deity. Period. Your God sucks, pardner. That's why church membership goes down with each passing decade. That's why we will eventually remove In God We Trust from our currency. By the end of this century.

The question is whether people choose to run from love and goodness because being evil and filled with hate, they cannot exist in love and goodness--anymore than darkness can exist in light.

Mankind often fails God by failing to tell of a love and goodness so great, so perfect, that evil and hate cannot exist in its presence.
This is the place to be evil. In all of Heaven, you have found the place of Evil

your scenario was entertaining til the above, was it just a slip or a Freudian one ...

some are able to control evil and live happily till they perish - for those that may join the Everlasting evil must be conquered. The Trumph of Good vs Evil is required by the Almighty as the price for admission.

This is the place to be evil. In all of Heaven, you have found the place of Evil

your scenario was entertaining til the above, was it just a slip or a Freudian one ...

some are able to control evil and live happily till they perish - for those that may join the Everlasting evil must be conquered. The Trumph of Good vs Evil is required by the Almighty as the price for admission.

Don't be silly. There is no price for admission. Salvation is a free gift. All you have to do is accept it. Also, there is no happiness apart from God. What some consider happiness is material wealth. Let's be honest. There are millions of wealthy people who are miserable. Their lives are empty without God.
I will allow you to have your faith & belief. I will not imprison you for them. I will not harm you. I will not deny your right to express them. But you have no definition for your God. You can't even use the language of a 2nd grader to describe & define the God you say you believe in. Look up the word belief. It means to hold onto. But if you have no definition for God, you have nothing to hold onto. What you are holding onto is some sort of murky vague feeling of hope and desire for mercy. You are hoping death is not the end of thinking & feeling and you are hoping something invisible will save you from oblivion. And that's okay. We all die horrible deaths no matter what we believe.

I don't like the fact that you are unable to define God. Something you look up to but can't describe...can't define...ain't worth looking up to. We live in Hell.

I can give you a definition, but the description may be difficult to comprehend. God is a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, omnipotent and omniscient being. He created the universe and everything within. He thinks like us and has feelings like us and His words, deeds and existence are described in the Bible. There's a five minute youtube to explain.

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I expected as much. Atheist science as dogma arguments. One can't exactly argue religion with an atheist.

Exactly. But I don't argue religion in itself. I am a man of faith and virtues. So I argue fanatical religions, that completely dismiss any other reality. That includes your 6000-yr-earther religion.

What you promote is pure belief in something that somebody made up, no matter what the consequences, and no matter what the evidence.

It is a very dangerous road to follow.
Your arguments are tantamount to the arguments that Santa Claus exists.

No matter what evidence presented, you will deny it and claim the evidence as lies. Just like a kid finally learning about Santa.

There's a much more real world out there, that needs our help. Instead of people wasting their time on Santa Claus religions. If we all focus our efforts into what is good for humanity, we could eventually all be in a much better place. But we have to let go of the fantasies...
I can give you a definition, but the description may be difficult to comprehend. God is a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, omnipotent and omniscient being. He created the universe and everything within. He thinks like us and has feelings like us and His words, deeds and existence are described in the Bible. There's a five minute youtube to explain.

First of all, you have no proof that your god is "a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, omnipotent and omniscient being. He created the universe and everything within. He thinks like us and has feelings like us and His words, deeds and existence are described in the Bible."
Secondly, your video's conclusion are nonsense, and don't even say that god is any of what you say it is.
Which makes you pretty messed up.
First of all, you have no proof that your god is "a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, omnipotent and omniscient being. He created the universe and everything within. He thinks like us and has feelings like us and His words, deeds and existence are described in the Bible." Secondly, your video's conclusion are nonsense, and don't even say that god is any of what you say it is.Which makes you pretty messed up.

The first thing anyone has to consider is what was always in existence. If it was matter, how did matter come to reproduce itself, how did it begin to move? From what we know today of physics, in order for an inanimate object to move, something has to cause it to move? What is infinite...what was always present? Because we come to a dead end with matter, reason shifts us to an intelligent, spiritual being--a being with no matter Himself, but one with the intelligence to create matter without matter already being present. Or, if both spirit/intelligence and matter were always present, with the ability to move matter. The first question to be answered is, Did intelligence come from matter...or, did matter come from intelligence?
The first thing anyone has to consider is what was always in existence. If it was matter, how did matter come to reproduce itself, how did it begin to move? From what we know today of physics, in order for an inanimate object to move, something has to cause it to move?

This might help to come to a clearer understanding.

He loved us enough to send His Son to be a substitute for the death we deserve,

You've clearly got a major self-esteem problem. I certainly don't deserve death merely for existing. Any organism with a spine would say the same thing.

So, other than telling everyone how they're worthless pathetic scum like yourself, what else do you have?
First of all, you have no proof that your god is "a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, omnipotent and omniscient being. He created the universe and everything within. He thinks like us and has feelings like us and His words, deeds and existence are described in the Bible." Secondly, your video's conclusion are nonsense, and don't even say that god is any of what you say it is.Which makes you pretty messed up.

The first thing anyone has to consider is what was always in existence. If it was matter, how did matter come to reproduce itself, how did it begin to move? From what we know today of physics, in order for an inanimate object to move, something has to cause it to move? What is infinite...what was always present? Because we come to a dead end with matter, reason shifts us to an intelligent, spiritual being--a being with no matter Himself, but one with the intelligence to create matter without matter already being present. Or, if both spirit/intelligence and matter were always present, with the ability to move matter. The first question to be answered is, Did intelligence come from matter...or, did matter come from intelligence?
So you're pretty messed up as well.
Everything came from the Big Bang... until further notice. :D
Don't be silly. There is no price for admission. Salvation is a free gift. All you have to do is accept it.

you have added a price when you first said there wasn't one ... giving away your Spirit, to bad for you.

Their lives are empty without God.

that's why evil must be conquered, purity comes at an apex of energy and knowledge if not a price then the attainable goal required for admission - the religion from that book, Noah.

Jesus was forsaken.

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