If God is all powerful, ...

There are no successful experiments confirming abiogenesis.
Of course, there are many, many experiments confirming the hypothesized mechanisms of abiogenesis, which, itself, is a fact and a foregone conclusion.

Yes, i know you don't understand that sentence. But that's your problem.
If god is all powerful, then deformed and retarded babies wouldn't exist. And satan would be dead.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
I believe he did make us perfect but with free will. We used our free will to take a different path.
Because god wouldn't do those things on purpose.
Why not?
No point to make people suffer if he didn't have to.
So suffering proves God doesn’t exist?
How does suffering prove that a caring god exists?
It doesn’t but it doesn’t prove he doesn’t exist.

The good that comes from suffering proves a caring God exists.
This question has been answered thousands of times, you're just not interested in honest discussion. You're a fedora-tipping atheist that just wants to dunk on the less-educated Christians because it furthers your ego trip.
Yep. It's why I don't engage these people anymore. They are not honest. They are not capable of learning or changing when presented with new facts.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
Then you wouldn't have agency and your actions would be meaningless, since it would be only what you should do, rather than figuring out for yourself what's right or wrong. Humans are not perfect, because God wanted creations with agency, who could choose between good and evil.

This question has been answered thousands of times, you're just not interested in honest discussion. You're a fedora-tipping atheist that just wants to dunk on the less-educated Christians because it furthers your ego trip.

'I think this house has no builder cuz I haven't seen them, I'm so smurt!'

"Fedora tipping atheist"....so glad I wasn't actually sipping coffee when I read that. Also you need to show up in this forum more often! :)
I don't come here often, because people who make threads here aren't doing so because they want honest discussion, they do it to troll people who believe in something. This guy is a prime example of this, because he's trying to pretend the God paradox is a legitimate argument. I only bothered with this thread because I was bored.
That's why we need a few same voices here. I abandoned this thread, but I'm glad you were "bored" enough post.

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