If God is all powerful, ...

But science has never shown intelligence as in code like DNA to write itself. What you believe is based on the fact that evolution happens. Since evolution is impossible without the code and science can not produce random DNA writing itself a code writer is needed, God.

Interestingly if science does write DNA and in so create new life, God is proved again but now we will know his or her face.

DNA evolved. You are a believe in God, I am not, plain and simple. I love talking about God though as I said I thought Jesus was my best friend for many years. Belief in God is not bad, but believing in God to control other people, abortions, SSM, or anything is bad. Also Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are very intrusive in politics and they should not be, and also extreme fundies are crazy like extreme Muslims and Jews.
There is no scientific basis to support abiogenesis, and no example in nature where either a base 2 binary or base 4 quad codes form randomly. When the base 4 code needed for the simplest life is examined the mathematical probability of this code forming randomly is in the trillions, and even if happening a random code could not go in any direction except a random one. DNA however always produces better suited organisms. You thus believe in Darwins babbles and I choose math which requires a mathematician to code

Enjoy swimming in your magical pond, I swim in a reservoir with my dogs on long hikes and runs.

I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
DNA evolved. You are a believe in God, I am not, plain and simple. I love talking about God though as I said I thought Jesus was my best friend for many years. Belief in God is not bad, but believing in God to control other people, abortions, SSM, or anything is bad. Also Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are very intrusive in politics and they should not be, and also extreme fundies are crazy like extreme Muslims and Jews.
There is no scientific basis to support abiogenesis, and no example in nature where either a base 2 binary or base 4 quad codes form randomly. When the base 4 code needed for the simplest life is examined the mathematical probability of this code forming randomly is in the trillions, and even if happening a random code could not go in any direction except a random one. DNA however always produces better suited organisms. You thus believe in Darwins babbles and I choose math which requires a mathematician to code

Enjoy swimming in your magical pond, I swim in a reservoir with my dogs on long hikes and runs.

I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
Nothing can exist in actuality that didn’t first exist as potential first.
There is no scientific basis to support abiogenesis, and no example in nature where either a base 2 binary or base 4 quad codes form randomly. When the base 4 code needed for the simplest life is examined the mathematical probability of this code forming randomly is in the trillions, and even if happening a random code could not go in any direction except a random one. DNA however always produces better suited organisms. You thus believe in Darwins babbles and I choose math which requires a mathematician to code

Enjoy swimming in your magical pond, I swim in a reservoir with my dogs on long hikes and runs.

I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
Nothing can exist in actuality that didn’t first exist as potential first.
Google word salad and delusions of grandeur
DNA evolved. You are a believe in God, I am not, plain and simple. I love talking about God though as I said I thought Jesus was my best friend for many years. Belief in God is not bad, but believing in God to control other people, abortions, SSM, or anything is bad. Also Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are very intrusive in politics and they should not be, and also extreme fundies are crazy like extreme Muslims and Jews.
There is no scientific basis to support abiogenesis, and no example in nature where either a base 2 binary or base 4 quad codes form randomly. When the base 4 code needed for the simplest life is examined the mathematical probability of this code forming randomly is in the trillions, and even if happening a random code could not go in any direction except a random one. DNA however always produces better suited organisms. You thus believe in Darwins babbles and I choose math which requires a mathematician to code

Enjoy swimming in your magical pond, I swim in a reservoir with my dogs on long hikes and runs.

I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
If we were perfect, we'd just choose good.
But isn't good what god wants us to choose? And if so, evil is unnecessary.
There's no choice if there's no evil, and choice is meaningless if there's only one. The point is choice, hence agency, otherwise he has only created drones. This is not complicated.
There's no choice if only one pick is valid and the other pick condemns you to a lake of fire for eternity. This is not complicated.
It's not that only one is valid, it's that people only consider one desirable. That doesn't stop you, so how can you claim there's only one choice? You prove he has given you agency in absolutely everything you do.

It's your decision to bathe in the lake of fire or not. If he had created everyone perfect, they would not be able to choose the lake of fire if they wanted to be separated for eternity.

Just because you refuse to acknowledge the existence of a choice, does not mean that one does not exist.
Saying you have 2 choices, get killed or not get killed, isn't a real choice. Because you really only have one way to pick.

But that's god for you, a massive douchebag with bullshit "choices".
That's like saying "work or starve isn't a choice", by that 'logic' life itself is oppressing you. Nobody but the person who chooses to starve is at fault for that individual starving, much like it's no one's fault but your own for choosing Hell.
There is no scientific basis to support abiogenesis, and no example in nature where either a base 2 binary or base 4 quad codes form randomly. When the base 4 code needed for the simplest life is examined the mathematical probability of this code forming randomly is in the trillions, and even if happening a random code could not go in any direction except a random one. DNA however always produces better suited organisms. You thus believe in Darwins babbles and I choose math which requires a mathematician to code

Enjoy swimming in your magical pond, I swim in a reservoir with my dogs on long hikes and runs.

I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean
I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean
I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean

I rest my case.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.

Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean

I rest my case.
Well you just lost because the diagram is backwards. See the cell can not come before DNA, or have DNA to replicate until the cell exist. Do you really believe that the internet holds the answers?

Now let's discuss the implications of mach 10 or better cubes making right angle turns. Presumably you do have sap clearance right

Do little pictures impress the rest of your class?
Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean
Yes I was raised RC as well, but I guess all the little coders are becoming Gods as it says in the RC catechism that we will become God, God became man so we might become God.
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean

I rest my case.
Well you just lost because the diagram is backwards. See the cell can not come before DNA, or have DNA to replicate until the cell exist. Do you really believe that the internet holds the answers?

Now let's discuss the implications of mach 10 or better cubes making right angle turns. Presumably you do have sap clearance right

Do little pictures impress the rest of your class?

I am going to quit following this thread, Bye.
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean
Neither religion, science or time, can take sterile H2O and create the quad code needed for the simplest macrophage. This requires believing that inanimate matter can write code. Had Darwin seen the complexity of DNA he never would have speculated that life could form this way. Bye the way Darwin never said that life formed in a pond, he said what if. The pond abiogenesis theory came later formed by atheist who demand that they are just the brightest thing to ever exist.

So did you update your portfolio yet, or will your magical pond do that

You believe in God, just admit it. My DNA is aging as I sit here and write this.
I believe that DNA did not write itself and that DNA is the result of high intelligence. You believe that water hydrogen and oxygen wrote the most sophisticated code in the known universe. God has 7 billion meanings and many are preached by pedophile priest. I also know that sterile water does not possess the intelligence to write in base 4 genetic code. So If God is the creator of the code that creates the most intelligent being in the known universe yea I believe in God. A more pertinent question might be did God create the cubes toying with Navy f18s over the ocean

I rest my case.
Well you just lost because the diagram is backwards. See the cell can not come before DNA, or have DNA to replicate until the cell exist. Do you really believe that the internet holds the answers?

Now let's discuss the implications of mach 10 or better cubes making right angle turns. Presumably you do have sap clearance right

Do little pictures impress the rest of your class?

I am going to quit following this thread, Bye.
Is that the rule when security clearances are questioned, or when the cubes toying with f18s are brought into the conversation
I think you are an Evangelical and against evolution and believe in creation by some God as the master mind.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
Nothing can exist in actuality that didn’t first exist as potential first.
Google word salad and delusions of grandeur
No. Common sense.

Only things which are possible to exist have the potential to exist. Nothing exists without first being possible to exist.
Was raised a catholic but my views now are based in the science of code, which needs a programmer. I am not against evolution whatever that means because I have said many times that I see clearly that DNA evolves itself. So you need to wake up, if you do and you can show a quad code writing itself in sterile H2O, I will listen.

Until then you are the religious lunatic claiming that the most sophisticated code in the known universe wrote itself, in a magical code writing pond.
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
Nothing can exist in actuality that didn’t first exist as potential first.
Google word salad and delusions of grandeur
No. Common sense.

Only things which are possible to exist have the potential to exist. Nothing exists without first being possible to exist.
You have the potential to be prescribed chlorpromazine
The code didn’t write itself, it existed as potential in the laws of nature which existed before space and time.
If you would take your pills just once
Nothing can exist in actuality that didn’t first exist as potential first.
Google word salad and delusions of grandeur
No. Common sense.

Only things which are possible to exist have the potential to exist. Nothing exists without first being possible to exist.
You have the potential to be prescribed chlorpromazine
Go ahead and get it off your chest.
Experiments were done to confirm the theory but all failed completely.
Well that's a stupid lie. First, get your terms straight. Second, every experiment we have done on possible mechanisms of abiogenesis has only confirmed its possibility and plausibility. Every single one.

Have you ever posted ANYTHING correct about this topic? Ever?
Experiments were done to confirm the theory but all failed completely.
Well that's a stupid lie. First, get your terms straight. Second, every experiment we have done on possible mechanisms of abiogenesis has only confirmed its possibility and plausibility. Every single one.

Have you ever posted ANYTHING correct about this topic? Ever?
So you have a link to the experiment confirming abiogenesis?

No you do not, but you can pretend it's there by telling me to google it myself again
Failed experiments
Revisiting the Failed Miller-Urey Experiment? | Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

But the question is why? If God is an all loving being, it seems that he could have foregone the suffering, pain, and death of all of us and simply made us to be what he himself is, perfect.
Apparently you are having a tough time or are incapable of separating in your mind that which is spirit and that which is flesh. The spirit of the Son in these current flesh containers was created perfect from the beginning,

There was 'a great war in heaven', 'I saw satan fall from the heavens like lightening fall' and 'satan deceive a third of the angels who followed the deceiver'. Created already in perfection but certain ones made a choice to follow the enmity to God who decided that they could rise above God and take over His/Her throne, Would you prefer total destruction or an opportunity to save what was created in your own image?

The great war in heaven proves that even as spirits, before they were cast to this earth were not perfect. A perfect being would never have rebelled against God but would have had a perfect knowledge that his way was the right way. Why didn't God give these spirits perfection so there would be no war in heaven and a rebellion. Whether it be spirits or the souls of mankind, they lacked perfection. Why didn't God simply create them to be perfect?
Actually it merely shows that Man goes through a process. Perfection is completed in a process of time. Perhaps you can find a clay master to go work with briefly to watch the process of creating a masterpiece. Does the clay like being pulverized, pounded, and fired?

God did create Man to be perfect in its time. Human on the other hand is a piece, a portion of the process and during that process you get to make certain choices.

It is obvious that if God exists, then He has chosen a process of time. However, this raises questions as to why He would use a process of time that includes pain, suffering and death if He already had the power to create us perfect from the beginning. If God is an all loving and caring being, then why would he not forego all the pain, suffering and death and simply create us perfect from the start? If He is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving and caring being, surely it is more humane to avoid the pain suffering and death. So the question remains, Why didn't he just create us perfect from the beginning and avoid the inhumane part of the process?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

But the question is why? If God is an all loving being, it seems that he could have foregone the suffering, pain, and death of all of us and simply made us to be what he himself is, perfect.
Apparently you are having a tough time or are incapable of separating in your mind that which is spirit and that which is flesh. The spirit of the Son in these current flesh containers was created perfect from the beginning,

There was 'a great war in heaven', 'I saw satan fall from the heavens like lightening fall' and 'satan deceive a third of the angels who followed the deceiver'. Created already in perfection but certain ones made a choice to follow the enmity to God who decided that they could rise above God and take over His/Her throne, Would you prefer total destruction or an opportunity to save what was created in your own image?

The great war in heaven proves that even as spirits, before they were cast to this earth were not perfect. A perfect being would never have rebelled against God but would have had a perfect knowledge that his way was the right way. Why didn't God give these spirits perfection so there would be no war in heaven and a rebellion. Whether it be spirits or the souls of mankind, they lacked perfection. Why didn't God simply create them to be perfect?
Actually it merely shows that Man goes through a process. Perfection is completed in a process of time. Perhaps you can find a clay master to go work with briefly to watch the process of creating a masterpiece. Does the clay like being pulverized, pounded, and fired?

God did create Man to be perfect in its time. Human on the other hand is a piece, a portion of the process and during that process you get to make certain choices.

It is obvious that if God exists, then He has chosen a process of time. However, this raises questions as to why He would use a process of time that includes pain, suffering and death if He already had the power to create us perfect from the beginning. If God is an all loving and caring being, then why would he not forego all the pain, suffering and death and simply create us perfect from the start? If He is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving and caring being, surely it is more humane to avoid the pain suffering and death. So the question remains, Why didn't he just create us perfect from the beginning and avoid the inhumane part of the process?
Who determines what is "humane" for humans?

"Likeness" doesn't mean a Man was created to take God's place. Nor does it mean that choices would not be allowed or mere drones were created that would all be the exact replica. Man was created in the "likeness" and was also given the ability to make choices of Its own when given the "seed" to multiply and be fruitful for the Spirit of God (absolute pure love) would have a place to dwell.
Is it humane for a Lion to kill and eat a Gazelle? Or is it merely the nature of the way this animal was created?
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Who determines what is "humane" for humans?
We do, using the best objective standards we can determine.

Who SHOULDN'T determine what is humane? A bunch of ignorant, iron age fools who invented a religion because they couldn't explain or understand things.

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