If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

Remember that anti-Godists are little minded goons who yell God does not exist but not one of them have the logic, language, or symbols to prove it. They are losers.
Nobody can prove gods do not exist, nor should anyone ever engage in such folly.
Thank you for admitting, Fort Fun Indiana, that you cannot prove that gods do not exist.

The discussion is over as far as I am concerned.
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible, desert religions. and answers the riddle.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?

- when you actually say, "God can't exist, ...

that's quite a leap, I'm just trying to read between the lines for the answer to your conclusion "god can't exist" from my post - what in fact is true is your 4th century book's attempted to qualify genesis to the parable of Noah -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

and like your awful book the trade off is killing everything but the least amount to show their hubris {sic} in saving wildlife when humanity itself was the cause of the near extinction.

the truth is wildlife contrary to 4th century christianity has no bearing for its existence dependent on humanity other than artificially induced extinction A-Bomb caused by mankind at the level of complete moral depravity. which christianity, the desert religions are already the closest example of in Garden Earth.

Oh, a leap, is it? I'm drawing wild assumptions in interpreting your posts as you saying, "There is no God, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of morality?"

From your posts:

"proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible,"

"no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ..."

You can believe any damned thing you want, and be as hubristic and self-righteous as you like, but at least be honest about it.
Oh, a leap, is it? I'm drawing wild assumptions in interpreting your posts as you saying, "There is no God, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of morality?"

I'm drawing wild assumptions ...

that is exactly what you are doing, Noah's parable is the spoken religion of Antiquity - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - that is all there is, the Almighty gave humanity a second chance by saving the final few that were good where without they would then have returned and destroyed everyone leaving humanity extinct.

your 4th century book doesn't hold a candle to the true religion, your ending in your own writings is that of conflagration. your own obituary.

You can believe any damned thing you want, and be as hubristic and self-righteous as you like, but at least be honest about it.

dishonesty is espousing a book of forgeries disguised as a religion that recorded history proves a work of evil, not once through the centuries a champion for good whether recognized by you personally or not.

Blah de blah "Never mind what you said, I just want a chance to spew more bile at the Bible".

We're done here. You hate that the Bible exists, you hate that people believe God exists, you're frothing at the mouth over it, and we get it. Now it's time for YOU to get that no one but you cares. And I've wasted far more time than your existence deserves discussing with you as though you're listening to anyone but the demons in your head.
Blah de blah "Never mind what you said ...

it is you who does not respond to a simple request -

dishonesty is espousing a book of forgeries disguised as a religion that recorded history proves a work of evil, not once through the centuries a champion for good whether recognized by you personally or not.

you have no example of christianity through the centuries at the forefront for the sake of good is your problem not mine ... burying your head in the sand solves nothing.
Remember that anti-Godists are little minded goons who yell God does not exist but not one of them have the logic, language, or symbols to prove it. They are losers.
Nobody can prove gods do not exist, nor should anyone ever engage in such folly.
Thank you for admitting, Fort Fun Indiana, that you cannot prove that gods do not exist.

The discussion is over as far as I am concerned.
I also cannot prove unicorns do not exist.
Genesis tells us that an invisible alien started the universe by saying "let there be light". Not proven at all by anyone, let alone science.

Btw, science says that light didn't come into being until around 400 million years after the Big Bang.
Genesis describes the beginning of creation which is space and time.

Not too shabby all things considered.
You don't know if space and time existed before the BB. I think it could have and nobody has proven it either way.
Yes, we do know that space and time had a beginning.
How? You going to back out now and say that you’ve told me already?
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Genesis describes the beginning of creation which is space and time.

Not too shabby all things considered.
You don't know if space and time existed before the BB. I think it could have and nobody has proven it either way.
Yes, we do know that space and time had a beginning.
How? You going to back out now and say that you’ve told me already?
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Space and time does not exist without energy and matter, Einstein?
You don't know if space and time existed before the BB. I think it could have and nobody has proven it either way.
Yes, we do know that space and time had a beginning.
How? You going to back out now and say that you’ve told me already?
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Space and time does not exist without energy and matter, Einstein?
So now you're telling me that you know what was before the BB? :cuckoo:
The threat being that much of the "scientific" theories taught are worthless
*As typed on his quantum mechanical machine, as sent via electromagnetic energy, as bounced between satellites completely reliant on generral relativity, and as brought to your eyes for you comedy pleasure via LED technology.
What has been gained by the theory that life spontaneously just happened and that all animals and man are the product of evolution. What exactly has been gained? Is this why recorded music appeared or how we landed on the moon? The fact that we have all this technology today is because of the notion of Darwinism? How so? Edison once stated that invention is 10 % imagination and 90% perspiration. I see no place for Darwinian theory in that equation.

What is gained by exploring scientific evidence and forming the best theory based on all the evidence?

I would ask you, what is gained by ignoring scientific evidence in favor of a book written from stories told for generations before being written down, and then edited by a misogynistic group with political motivations?
The United States of America.

How is the United States gained by ignoring science?
That's not the point. The point is that the whole reasoning behind the formation of the Colonies, The Declaration of Independence, and Our Constitution, asn well as the Emancipation Proclamation were not founded on science but entirely on Biblical, moralistic, philosophical views. No one who is Christian wishes to ignore science; however, Christians are enlightened in a way secular scientists can not possibly hope to be unless they become SAVED! The fool says in his heart there is no GOD. Can fools possibly be correct about what is important?
One of those views is that Little Nipper and me will not be constrained by the Constitution in matters of religion.

We are protected in our religious beliefs and from state-mandated religious exercise, such as state-supervised prayers in public school.
*As typed on his quantum mechanical machine, as sent via electromagnetic energy, as bounced between satellites completely reliant on generral relativity, and as brought to your eyes for you comedy pleasure via LED technology.
What has been gained by the theory that life spontaneously just happened and that all animals and man are the product of evolution. What exactly has been gained? Is this why recorded music appeared or how we landed on the moon? The fact that we have all this technology today is because of the notion of Darwinism? How so? Edison once stated that invention is 10 % imagination and 90% perspiration. I see no place for Darwinian theory in that equation.

What is gained by exploring scientific evidence and forming the best theory based on all the evidence?

I would ask you, what is gained by ignoring scientific evidence in favor of a book written from stories told for generations before being written down, and then edited by a misogynistic group with political motivations?
The United States of America.

How is the United States gained by ignoring science?
That's not the point. The point is that the whole reasoning behind the formation of the Colonies, The Declaration of Independence, and Our Constitution, asn well as the Emancipation Proclamation were not founded on science but entirely on Biblical, moralistic, philosophical views. No one who is Christian wishes to ignore science; however, Christians are enlightened in a way secular scientists can not possibly hope to be unless they become SAVED! The fool says in his heart there is no GOD. Can fools possibly be correct about what is important?

So let me see if I have this right. I asked what is to be gained by ignoring scientific principles and you answer “The United States”. I ask how and you say it isn’t the point.
Yes, we do know that space and time had a beginning.
How? You going to back out now and say that you’ve told me already?
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Space and time does not exist without energy and matter, Einstein?
So now you're telling me that you know what was before the BB? :cuckoo:
Yes, a curious void which held potential.
You also cannot show the equivalency of unicorns with deity.
Nor would I need to do so, to establish the fact that neither magical idea can be disproven.
If you want to prove that God does not exist, you will fail even then, because you have neither logic, languange, or symbols to do so.

You stumble each day when you re-iterate your belief: you operate as a religions ~ on belief.
How? You going to back out now and say that you’ve told me already?
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Space and time does not exist without energy and matter, Einstein?
So now you're telling me that you know what was before the BB? :cuckoo:
Yes, a curious void which held potential.
And I'm sure that you think you know. But you don't, nobody does.
But I have told you many times.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us the universe had a beginning because the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that a universe which existed forever would be at thermal equilibrium.
Yes but that doesn't talk about space and time, which could have existed before the BB.
Space and time does not exist without energy and matter, Einstein?
So now you're telling me that you know what was before the BB? :cuckoo:
Yes, a curious void which held potential.
And I'm sure that you think you know. But you don't, nobody does.
Red shift, cosmic background radiation, Freidman's solution to Einstein's field equations and the second law of thermodynamics says otherwise.

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