If GOP establishment thought this way in 1980 we would have never had a Reagan


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
The attempt to shove Mitt Romney down primary voters throats by establishment GOP members is at the panic stage. Mitt Romney can't seem to get over 20--25% support according to polling data. They are there. Perry immediately rose ahead of Mitt Romney--then loses support. Did Romney move up--NOPE. Cain moves ahead of Romney and then drops out. Did Romney move up--NOPE. Newt Gingrich has double digit leads over Romney--in 3 out of 4 states--Romney is launching attack ads against Gingrich--Gingrich drops down a little in the polls--BUT does Romney move up? NOPE--Paul--Perry--Bachmann--and Santorum benefit from Romney's attack ads against Newt Gingrich--they move up.

This is the same GOP establishment--that gave us John McCain and Robert Dole. Both moderate candidates that got their rears kicked in the general election--now they're going for 3 with Mitt Romney who will also get the same results as McCain and Dole.

Listening to all the GOP talking heads which are now endorsing Mitt Romney--they have an entire list of why Newt Gingrich couldn't win against Obama.

Should Newt Gingrich win the nomination:
1. The campaign would center around Newt Gingrich's past--an affair--3 marriages--and a couple of dumb ads--that Gingrich admits were stupid--and has apologized for his past--and not on Obama's policies.
2. Newt Gingrich can't win the independent vote for some reason. Not so certain about that as (After all they are unemployed too & have suffered through Obama's flood the basement economic policies.) They don't want to bring up the fact that Mitt Romney will chase Latino's running back to Obama with his stance of ripping Grandma and Grandpa hispanics out of this country and sending them back to nothing. It's well noted that Obama has lost 17% support in this Latino group and a Romney win will send them running right back to Obama. Not a mention of this from the GOP establishment--:eusa_boohoo:
3. Newt Gingrich has a temper and will eventually explode or implode.
4. THIS IS THE BEST ONE YET: Newt Gingrich will beat Barack Obama so badly in a debate it will "appear" as if he is CONDENSENDING to Obama--:badgrin:

What has happened to the Grand Old Grand Republican Party? So desperately AFRAID to nominate a conservative candidate-&-one that has actually cut Federal Government spending--one who brought this country to 4 balanced budgets--and left with a projected budget surplus is--accordingly to them NOW-- is not electable in this country!

If Ronald Reagan were alive and on that stage today--these comments and attacks would be made toward him--and if the GOP of today would have had their way--Ronald Reagan would have never made it to the Presidency of the United States. Reagan was married more than once. He too was considered too TOUGH-too conservative--to get the independent vote in this country-. It's amazing the same economic circumstances are there between the Obama economy and that of Jimmy Carter's but we're supposed to nominate another moderate?

So let me remind you GOP establishment voters and the nay-sayers of Newt Gingrich-- what the election map looked like the last time we nominated a REAL CONSERVATIVE candidate-in this country. Ronald Reagan-one who supposedly couldn't win--because he was too conservative--too aggressive--too tough.--LOL.

Carter/Reagan election results of 1980.

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well said.

What amazes me about Romney supporters is that they argue Romney is more electable (even though he's only won one election in his entire life, against a non-entity) and that he's good at business (even though about a third of the companies Bain invested in went out of business or into bankruptcy.)
The attempt to shove Mitt Romney down primary voters throats by establishment GOP members is at the panic stage. Mitt Romney can't seem to get over 20--25% support according to polling data. They are there. Perry immediately rose ahead of Mitt Romney--then loses support. Did Romney move up--NOPE. Cain moves ahead of Romney and then drops out. Did Romney move up--NOPE. Newt Gingrich has double digit leads over Romney--in 3 out of 4 states--Romney is launching attack ads against Gingrich--Gingrich drops down a little in the polls--BUT does Romney move up? NOPE--Paul--Perry--Bachmann--and Santorum benefit from Romney's attack ads against Newt Gingrich--they move up.

This is the same GOP establishment--that gave us John McCain and Robert Dole. Both moderate candidates that got their rears kicked in the general election--now they're going for 3 with Mitt Romney who will also get the same results as McCain and Dole.

Listening to all the GOP talking heads which are now endorsing Mitt Romney--they have an entire list of why Newt Gingrich couldn't win against Obama.

Should Newt Gingrich win the nomination:
1. The campaign would center around Newt Gingrich's past--an affair--3 marriages--and a couple of dumb ads--that Gingrich admits were stupid--and has apologized for his past--and not on Obama's policies.
2. Newt Gingrich can't win the independent vote for some reason. Not so certain about that as (After all they are unemployed too & have suffered through Obama's flood the basement economic policies.) They don't want to bring up the fact that Mitt Romney will chase Latino's running back to Obama with his stance of ripping Grandma and Grandpa hispanics out of this country and sending them back to nothing. It's well noted that Obama has lost 17% support in this Latino group and a Romney win will send them running right back to Obama. Not a mention of this from the GOP establishment--:eusa_boohoo:
3. Newt Gingrich has a temper and will eventually explode or implode.
4. THIS IS THE BEST ONE YET: Newt Gingrich will beat Barack Obama so badly in a debate it will "appear" as if he is CONDENSENDING to Obama--:badgrin:

What has happened to the Grand Old Grand Republican Party? So desperately AFRAID to nominate a conservative candidate-&-one that has actually cut Federal Government spending--one who brought this country to 4 balanced budgets--and left with a projected budget surplus is--accordingly to them NOW-- is not electable in this country!

If Ronald Reagan were alive and on that stage today--these comments and attacks would be made toward him--and if the GOP of today would have had their way--Ronald Reagan would have never made it to the Presidency of the United States. Reagan was married more than once. He too was considered too TOUGH-too conservative--to get the independent vote in this country-. It's amazing the same economic circumstances are there between the Obama economy and that of Jimmy Carter's but we're supposed to nominate another moderate?

So let me remind you GOP establishment voters and the nay-sayers of Newt Gingrich-- what the election map looked like the last time we nominated a REAL CONSERVATIVE candidate-in this country. Ronald Reagan-one who supposedly couldn't win--because he was too conservative--too aggressive--too tough.--LOL.

Carter/Reagan election results of 1980.


He wasn't too conservative, he was too much an empty suit. You're right that Newt is creepy like that too.
Sarah, I'm going to have to assume you are too young to have remembered the Reagan years, or you wouldn't say something so foolish.

Obama isn't fit to carry Reagan's breifcase....
Reagan couldn't get nominated by today's GnOP. He'd be considered WAY too liberal and the fact that he raised taxes in California so many times would have sunk him with the tea baggers.
Reagan couldn't get nominated by today's GnOP. He'd be considered WAY too liberal and the fact that he raised taxes in California so many times would have sunk him with the tea baggers.

Reagan was a realist and a pragmatist. He knew he had to increase revenues even while talking about cutting taxes. And yes, he cut tax rates, but he also removed many tax loopholes that led to people actually paying more in taxes. The man was not a fool. Yes, Reagan was a conservative, but he wasn't an idiot.

If anyone ever suggested to Ronald Reagan that we cut federal spending to under 15% of GDP, he would have thought the person was nuts. Yet, this is what conservatives continue to tell us needs to be done today.
It's laughable to even attempt to compare Gingrich to Reagan,

or Obama to Carter for that matter.
Sarah, I'm going to have to assume you are too young to have remembered the Reagan years, or you wouldn't say something so foolish.

Obama isn't fit to carry Reagan's breifcase....

Reagan is the father of America's deficit/debt crisis. Every president since Reagan has had to govern with the ball and chain of that legacy attached to his ankle.

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