If Her Name was Hillary___________________

Clinton not facing charges. If her name was Hillary____________(place any other name but Clinton here) she would be facing charges in the federal court system. Who agrees? Where is Black Lives Matter protesting the lack of justice? After all Hillary is a white lady with connections. Is she not the type of person that represents their grievances against the Justice system?
Obama and Slick Willie, The Gang had her back just like Bush gave Scooter Libby a pass, and Mr Ford gave Tricky Dick a pass, AND the Supreme Court gave a pass to Robert McDonnell, what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander!

Why is it the Repugs and Tea Maggots believe the Democrats all should be thrown in Prison for all their indiscretions, but the Criminals in their own party deserve a pass when they get caught fucking up???

Enjoy the beating Trump is going to get at the hands of Hillary in November!!! I can't think of any other asshole that deserves it more, than that Orange Clown..
Can you name anyone who was indicted under those same circumstances - with "credible" proof?
Gen. David Patraus sure took a fuckin.

Not under those same circumstances - and he didn't get the fuckin' he deserved. He committed treason for sex.

She committed treason for cash. The reason why she gets away with it are mindless fools like you ignore her very real crimes.

Treason for cash? That's crazy talk. Nothing she did was treasonous. Even Comey confirmed that.
Comey is a puppet.
How is the man a puppet??

Because he did something you don't agree with??:laugh2:

Gee I didn't know we have so many FBI experts on here:laugh:

If Comey had pressed charges the Gopers, Tea Maggots, would be on their knees blowing the dude..

The real reason you lame limp dicks were hoping for the Hail Mary to happen is because you know That fat sack of Orange shit can't beat her, :deal:..

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