If Hillary is a crook, why...

Starr was a Clinton stooge.
You're nuts- or your movement is...

Your debating skills are non-existent.......
You can't debate a conspiracy nut. Read a history book. Conspiracies don't work-people aren't that smart or discrete- except one brainwashing RW ignoramus US voters. The silent majority had a lot to be silent about. Now they're loudmouths.

It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
HOLY shit...look at the crimes that the Bush crime family got away with...look at what Nixon did...the crimes committed by LBJ, Bill "drop trou"....anyone recall "Chinagate"? The Clintons and Bush crime family are part of the elites and they are globalists. They have a net of protection around them that us little serfs do not have.

The politicians at the top live by their own rules, of course Hillary, Obama, Bush ... all of them skate by with their breaking of the public trust and the public interest, the rise of Trump is the reaction of the base being sick and tired of these political games. Yep, Globalists.

Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.

We wernt given much of a choice though. Its a damn country club for them all and theyre doing their best to marginalize those of us who realize it. Im thinking if Hillary becomes POTUS for 4 years shell flood us with millions of foreign voters who dont know our culture well enough to understand or even care about the power grab from Washington. I think it will put us past the point of no return if were not there all ready
You're nuts- or your movement is...

Your debating skills are non-existent.......
You can't debate a conspiracy nut. Read a history book. Conspiracies don't work-people aren't that smart or discrete- except one brainwashing RW ignoramus US voters. The silent majority had a lot to be silent about. Now they're loudmouths.

It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
89% goes to help people, dupe.
Oh bullshit, Comey said NO REASONABLE PERSON IN HER POSITION WOULD HAVE THE CONVERSATIONS SHE DID ON AN INSECURE SYSTEM, didn't have a fucking thing to do with the computer guy. Now you're moving from the absurd to just silliness.
Actually what he said was, "There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."

He only stated that there was evidence. He rendered no opinion. You did. You jumped to the conclusion that since he said there was evidence then she was guilty without even knowing what that evidence was. This is understandable because you believed Hillary was liar and crook without every seeing the evidence

He also did not say specify that there was evidence that Clinton should have known that an unclassified system was no place for the conversation. He said Clinton or the government employees with whom she was corresponding should have known... Whether Clinton should have known depends on the construction of the conversation and whether Clinton saw the classified document. If Clinton never saw the classified document, then it is the person that sent it to her who should have know... Again you jump to a conclusion because of what you believe about Clinton.

The bottom line is if she had nothing to hide, she could have used the dot.gov website from anywhere in the world including from the comfort of her own home. If I were to be contacting a customer of the company I work for and instead of using my company e-mail addy, I were to use my Yahoo address because I wanted to make a "side deal" and didn't want a record of my e-mail being on the company server because it's a conflict of interest....would that be moral? You can't whitewash this nor can you justify what she did no matter how hard you all try.
She did it for convenience. They already had the gd server and expert ex NSA guys.

BREAKING for dupes: The Clintons are A BIGTIME .org.. Feq the evil Empire, ie the New BS GOP.

All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
You're nuts- or your movement is...

Your debating skills are non-existent.......
You can't debate a conspiracy nut. Read a history book. Conspiracies don't work-people aren't that smart or discrete- except one brainwashing RW ignoramus US voters. The silent majority had a lot to be silent about. Now they're loudmouths.

It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
Godlike Productions? I don't think so lol...
HOLY shit...look at the crimes that the Bush crime family got away with...look at what Nixon did...the crimes committed by LBJ, Bill "drop trou"....anyone recall "Chinagate"? The Clintons and Bush crime family are part of the elites and they are globalists. They have a net of protection around them that us little serfs do not have.

The politicians at the top live by their own rules, of course Hillary, Obama, Bush ... all of them skate by with their breaking of the public trust and the public interest, the rise of Trump is the reaction of the base being sick and tired of these political games. Yep, Globalists.

Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.
It's New BS GOP tax rates cut programs, and low pay that are killing the middle class, not non-existent Dem policies. Pub dupes.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity....that is a fact.... and it has 185,000 subsidiaries and their tentacles stretch out even into the Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries. They are the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corporation. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than the private GDP. Your beloved politicians on both sides are nothing but corporate officers that work on behalf of their corporate owners. The establishment politicians from both sides work together on committees that can overrule anything the House may vote for...like the audit of the Federal Reserve that was blocked by establishment demcrats on the banking committee which prevented an "up and down" vote. They are all crooks and they don't need one fucking dime from us but taxes are necessary because if people had more money, it would expose the fact that 97 percent of this alleged fiat currency is only numbers on a computer screen/ledger and it's going to collapse under it's own wake and the elites are fine with that because they own all the hard assets.....but keep waving that leftard rainbow colored flag......you can wave it when the dollar crashes in hopes of getting some FEMA truck to drop off some provisions...good luck with that.
Actually what he said was, "There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."

He only stated that there was evidence. He rendered no opinion. You did. You jumped to the conclusion that since he said there was evidence then she was guilty without even knowing what that evidence was. This is understandable because you believed Hillary was liar and crook without every seeing the evidence

He also did not say specify that there was evidence that Clinton should have known that an unclassified system was no place for the conversation. He said Clinton or the government employees with whom she was corresponding should have known... Whether Clinton should have known depends on the construction of the conversation and whether Clinton saw the classified document. If Clinton never saw the classified document, then it is the person that sent it to her who should have know... Again you jump to a conclusion because of what you believe about Clinton.

The bottom line is if she had nothing to hide, she could have used the dot.gov website from anywhere in the world including from the comfort of her own home. If I were to be contacting a customer of the company I work for and instead of using my company e-mail addy, I were to use my Yahoo address because I wanted to make a "side deal" and didn't want a record of my e-mail being on the company server because it's a conflict of interest....would that be moral? You can't whitewash this nor can you justify what she did no matter how hard you all try.
She did it for convenience. They already had the gd server and expert ex NSA guys.

BREAKING for dupes: The Clintons are A BIGTIME .org.. Feq the evil Empire, ie the New BS GOP.

All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...
HOLY shit...look at the crimes that the Bush crime family got away with...look at what Nixon did...the crimes committed by LBJ, Bill "drop trou"....anyone recall "Chinagate"? The Clintons and Bush crime family are part of the elites and they are globalists. They have a net of protection around them that us little serfs do not have.

The politicians at the top live by their own rules, of course Hillary, Obama, Bush ... all of them skate by with their breaking of the public trust and the public interest, the rise of Trump is the reaction of the base being sick and tired of these political games. Yep, Globalists.

Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.
It's New BS GOP tax rates cut programs, and low pay that are killing the middle class, not non-existent Dem policies. Pub dupes.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity....that is a fact.... and it has 185,000 subsidiaries and their tentacles stretch out even into the Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries. They are the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corporation. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than the private GDP. Your beloved politicians on both sides are nothing but corporate officers that work on behalf of their corporate owners. The establishment politicians from both sides work together on committees that can overrule anything the House may vote for...like the audit of the Federal Reserve that was blocked by establishment demcrats on the banking committee which prevented an "up and down" vote. They are all crooks and they don't need one fucking dime from us but taxes are necessary because if people had more money, it would expose the fact that 97 percent of this alleged fiat currency is only numbers on a computer screen/ledger and it's going to collapse under it's own wake and the elites are fine with that because they own all the hard assets.....but keep waving that leftard rainbow colored flag......you can wave it when the dollar crashes in hopes of getting some FEMA truck to drop off some provisions...good luck with that.
Audit the FD? STUPID idea, already done, just a stupid New BS GOP propaganda idea, for total dupes only. Exactly like their "jobs bills"...idiocy.
Your debating skills are non-existent.......
You can't debate a conspiracy nut. Read a history book. Conspiracies don't work-people aren't that smart or discrete- except one brainwashing RW ignoramus US voters. The silent majority had a lot to be silent about. Now they're loudmouths.

It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
Godlike Productions? I don't think so lol...

You are welcome.......

Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton crime families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens' Defense Fund.
Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski's nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster's untimely death.
Although Wanta had no idea what The Children's Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory (OBO) in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:
"One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ''CIA wife'', Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Childrens' Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorized to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose).
"Some of these entities have touchy-feely, welfarish titles, like The Childrens' Defense Fund. It is alleged, un the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund."
Besides meeting with Foster, Wanta was in Switzerland on an official business to arrest the tax-evading criminal Marc Rich. But instead of bringing him to justice, Wanta was double-crossed by Clinton as Rich was allowed to escape on a tip by Israeli Mossad agents and Wanta instead was locked-up in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days.
Wanta's arrest, for no apparent reason, was met with strong opposition from Israeli leader Itzhak Rabin and Foster, both objecting to the Department of State. It's interesting to note both Rabin and Foster were subsequently killed, Foster on July 20, 1993 and Rabin assassinated in 1995.
"Foster was a religious man, happily married and why would anyone want to commit suicide after returning with 250 million," said Wanta. "There is no doubt in mind he was murdered as where some of my other business and political associates who were trying to do the right thing while honorably serving their country."
Regarding the other deaths, Wanta was referring to his business partner, Kok Howe Kwong, and other associates like Freddie Woodruff and Francois de Grosseurve, all found dead, according to Wanta, "strangely for their personal belief in our Great Nation, but by betrayal of others with falsehoods and malice," pointing the finger in the direction of George H. Bush and Clinton.
The situation in the early 1990's became ugly when Illuminati banksters set their sights on ripping-off vast sums of money in Wanta's control after appointed legal guardian by President Ronald Reagan earmarked for the American people, not private bank accounts
And now, years later, after Wanta spent a lengthy, "trumped-up" prison sentence and now released on house arrest, the criminals within the government are still trying to get at the money killing before it ever can be released safely into the hands of the American people.
The reason officials want Wanta out of the way is that he is legally holding the financial "golden keys" to a vast sum of made right after the Cold War after he and others on behalf of President Ronald Reagan were assigned to destabilize the Russian Ruble. The profits have now grown to approximately 27.5 trillion and Wanta has been legally appointed trustee by a 2003 federal court ruling out of Alexandria, Virginia.
Interviewed March 23 and again on April 3 on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, Wanta said he and Foster, as well as many other patriots working in the best interests of the U.S., were essentially double-crossed, Foster being murdered for "knowing too much" and Wanta being shackled and hidden away in a Swiss dungeon and then sentenced to 22 years for a bogus Wisconsin state income tax evasion charge.
Recently released and still under house arrest with 10 years remaining on his sentence, an unexpected 2003 decision by a federal judge ruled he was legal trustee of 27.5 trillion, blocking any efforts for others in government to steal the large sum of money, now held in various overseas accounts under the name of Ameri-trust.
For rest of story and more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
The bottom line is if she had nothing to hide, she could have used the dot.gov website from anywhere in the world including from the comfort of her own home. If I were to be contacting a customer of the company I work for and instead of using my company e-mail addy, I were to use my Yahoo address because I wanted to make a "side deal" and didn't want a record of my e-mail being on the company server because it's a conflict of interest....would that be moral? You can't whitewash this nor can you justify what she did no matter how hard you all try.
She did it for convenience. They already had the gd server and expert ex NSA guys.

BREAKING for dupes: The Clintons are A BIGTIME .org.. Feq the evil Empire, ie the New BS GOP.

All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...

Colin Powell and Condi Rice are war criminals as well......you think I give them a pass? They are not running for CEO of USA.INC......
The bottom line is if she had nothing to hide, she could have used the dot.gov website from anywhere in the world including from the comfort of her own home. If I were to be contacting a customer of the company I work for and instead of using my company e-mail addy, I were to use my Yahoo address because I wanted to make a "side deal" and didn't want a record of my e-mail being on the company server because it's a conflict of interest....would that be moral? You can't whitewash this nor can you justify what she did no matter how hard you all try.
She did it for convenience. They already had the gd server and expert ex NSA guys.

BREAKING for dupes: The Clintons are A BIGTIME .org.. Feq the evil Empire, ie the New BS GOP.

All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...

Yes, so did they, your correct. Which is why Trump is the nominee... for better or worse. Hillary will continue to increase the burocracy and by pass the power of the Congress. were moving closer to a monarchy . Notice the trend? Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton for pres.
You can't debate a conspiracy nut. Read a history book. Conspiracies don't work-people aren't that smart or discrete- except one brainwashing RW ignoramus US voters. The silent majority had a lot to be silent about. Now they're loudmouths.

It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
Godlike Productions? I don't think so lol...

You are welcome.......

Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton crime families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens' Defense Fund.
Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski's nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster's untimely death.
Although Wanta had no idea what The Children's Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory (OBO) in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:
"One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ''CIA wife'', Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Childrens' Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorized to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose).
"Some of these entities have touchy-feely, welfarish titles, like The Childrens' Defense Fund. It is alleged, un the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund."
Besides meeting with Foster, Wanta was in Switzerland on an official business to arrest the tax-evading criminal Marc Rich. But instead of bringing him to justice, Wanta was double-crossed by Clinton as Rich was allowed to escape on a tip by Israeli Mossad agents and Wanta instead was locked-up in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days.
Wanta's arrest, for no apparent reason, was met with strong opposition from Israeli leader Itzhak Rabin and Foster, both objecting to the Department of State. It's interesting to note both Rabin and Foster were subsequently killed, Foster on July 20, 1993 and Rabin assassinated in 1995.
"Foster was a religious man, happily married and why would anyone want to commit suicide after returning with 250 million," said Wanta. "There is no doubt in mind he was murdered as where some of my other business and political associates who were trying to do the right thing while honorably serving their country."
Regarding the other deaths, Wanta was referring to his business partner, Kok Howe Kwong, and other associates like Freddie Woodruff and Francois de Grosseurve, all found dead, according to Wanta, "strangely for their personal belief in our Great Nation, but by betrayal of others with falsehoods and malice," pointing the finger in the direction of George H. Bush and Clinton.
The situation in the early 1990's became ugly when Illuminati banksters set their sights on ripping-off vast sums of money in Wanta's control after appointed legal guardian by President Ronald Reagan earmarked for the American people, not private bank accounts
And now, years later, after Wanta spent a lengthy, "trumped-up" prison sentence and now released on house arrest, the criminals within the government are still trying to get at the money killing before it ever can be released safely into the hands of the American people.
The reason officials want Wanta out of the way is that he is legally holding the financial "golden keys" to a vast sum of made right after the Cold War after he and others on behalf of President Ronald Reagan were assigned to destabilize the Russian Ruble. The profits have now grown to approximately 27.5 trillion and Wanta has been legally appointed trustee by a 2003 federal court ruling out of Alexandria, Virginia.
Interviewed March 23 and again on April 3 on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, Wanta said he and Foster, as well as many other patriots working in the best interests of the U.S., were essentially double-crossed, Foster being murdered for "knowing too much" and Wanta being shackled and hidden away in a Swiss dungeon and then sentenced to 22 years for a bogus Wisconsin state income tax evasion charge.
Recently released and still under house arrest with 10 years remaining on his sentence, an unexpected 2003 decision by a federal judge ruled he was legal trustee of 27.5 trillion, blocking any efforts for others in government to steal the large sum of money, now held in various overseas accounts under the name of Ameri-trust.
For rest of story and more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
Already investigated 5 times, dupe.
HOLY shit...look at the crimes that the Bush crime family got away with...look at what Nixon did...the crimes committed by LBJ, Bill "drop trou"....anyone recall "Chinagate"? The Clintons and Bush crime family are part of the elites and they are globalists. They have a net of protection around them that us little serfs do not have.

The politicians at the top live by their own rules, of course Hillary, Obama, Bush ... all of them skate by with their breaking of the public trust and the public interest, the rise of Trump is the reaction of the base being sick and tired of these political games. Yep, Globalists.

Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.
It's New BS GOP tax rates cut programs, and low pay that are killing the middle class, not non-existent Dem policies. Pub dupes.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity....that is a fact.... and it has 185,000 subsidiaries and their tentacles stretch out even into the Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries. They are the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corporation. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than the private GDP. Your beloved politicians on both sides are nothing but corporate officers that work on behalf of their corporate owners. The establishment politicians from both sides work together on committees that can overrule anything the House may vote for...like the audit of the Federal Reserve that was blocked by establishment demcrats on the banking committee which prevented an "up and down" vote. They are all crooks and they don't need one fucking dime from us but taxes are necessary because if people had more money, it would expose the fact that 97 percent of this alleged fiat currency is only numbers on a computer screen/ledger and it's going to collapse under it's own wake and the elites are fine with that because they own all the hard assets.....but keep waving that leftard rainbow colored flag......you can wave it when the dollar crashes in hopes of getting some FEMA truck to drop off some provisions...good luck with that.
Audit the FD? STUPID idea, already done, just a stupid New BS GOP propaganda idea, for total dupes only. Exactly like their "jobs bills"...idiocy.

No, there has never been a "top to bottom" audit of the Federal Reserve since it hijacked the monetary system in 1913. There has been one or two limited audits and massive fraud was found...money printed and given to their member banks in other countries that we are being told we are responsible for. I don't owe any interest to the Fed bankers for what USA.INC has borrowed because it is a corporate entity. I am not responsible for the debt of USA.INC and neither are you.
She did it for convenience. They already had the gd server and expert ex NSA guys.

BREAKING for dupes: The Clintons are A BIGTIME .org.. Feq the evil Empire, ie the New BS GOP.

All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...

Yes, so did they, your correct. Which is why Trump is the nominee... for better or worse. Hillary will continue to increase the burocracy and by pass the power of the Congress. were moving closer to a monarchy . Notice the trend? Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton for pres.
Actually, DEMS want to solve problems and NEED a congress that works to do it. The New BS GOP is just fine with this pander to the greedy rich idiot mess we've had since the 80's...
It's not a conspiracy...it's just business and peons like you? Well, they don't feel like you have a right to know and you wouldn't be able to connect the dots anyway.
And ALL the bigwigs everywhere are in on it? Sounds like big money and the New BS GOP. I don't see how Dem and Clinton policies fit in. Except the Clintons take their money for good, ie the Foundation and getting Hillary elected.

Nearly every politician feeds at the trough but some don't want to share so they make their own private "behind the scenes" deals. What will get a politician exposed in a big time way is to come across a sweet money making deal and refuse to share the wealth...after all, they belong to this fraternity and it's suppose to be "share and share alike". Why don't you do a little research on how much of the Clinton foundation cash actually goes to help anyone. Also look up the "Children's Defense Fund, Leo Wanta" and get back to me if you want to know the truth...you see? I know the truth.....
Godlike Productions? I don't think so lol...

You are welcome.......

Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton crime families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens' Defense Fund.
Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski's nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster's untimely death.
Although Wanta had no idea what The Children's Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory (OBO) in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:
"One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ''CIA wife'', Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Childrens' Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorized to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose).
"Some of these entities have touchy-feely, welfarish titles, like The Childrens' Defense Fund. It is alleged, un the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund."
Besides meeting with Foster, Wanta was in Switzerland on an official business to arrest the tax-evading criminal Marc Rich. But instead of bringing him to justice, Wanta was double-crossed by Clinton as Rich was allowed to escape on a tip by Israeli Mossad agents and Wanta instead was locked-up in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days.
Wanta's arrest, for no apparent reason, was met with strong opposition from Israeli leader Itzhak Rabin and Foster, both objecting to the Department of State. It's interesting to note both Rabin and Foster were subsequently killed, Foster on July 20, 1993 and Rabin assassinated in 1995.
"Foster was a religious man, happily married and why would anyone want to commit suicide after returning with 250 million," said Wanta. "There is no doubt in mind he was murdered as where some of my other business and political associates who were trying to do the right thing while honorably serving their country."
Regarding the other deaths, Wanta was referring to his business partner, Kok Howe Kwong, and other associates like Freddie Woodruff and Francois de Grosseurve, all found dead, according to Wanta, "strangely for their personal belief in our Great Nation, but by betrayal of others with falsehoods and malice," pointing the finger in the direction of George H. Bush and Clinton.
The situation in the early 1990's became ugly when Illuminati banksters set their sights on ripping-off vast sums of money in Wanta's control after appointed legal guardian by President Ronald Reagan earmarked for the American people, not private bank accounts
And now, years later, after Wanta spent a lengthy, "trumped-up" prison sentence and now released on house arrest, the criminals within the government are still trying to get at the money killing before it ever can be released safely into the hands of the American people.
The reason officials want Wanta out of the way is that he is legally holding the financial "golden keys" to a vast sum of made right after the Cold War after he and others on behalf of President Ronald Reagan were assigned to destabilize the Russian Ruble. The profits have now grown to approximately 27.5 trillion and Wanta has been legally appointed trustee by a 2003 federal court ruling out of Alexandria, Virginia.
Interviewed March 23 and again on April 3 on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, Wanta said he and Foster, as well as many other patriots working in the best interests of the U.S., were essentially double-crossed, Foster being murdered for "knowing too much" and Wanta being shackled and hidden away in a Swiss dungeon and then sentenced to 22 years for a bogus Wisconsin state income tax evasion charge.
Recently released and still under house arrest with 10 years remaining on his sentence, an unexpected 2003 decision by a federal judge ruled he was legal trustee of 27.5 trillion, blocking any efforts for others in government to steal the large sum of money, now held in various overseas accounts under the name of Ameri-trust.
For rest of story and more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
Already investigated 5 times, dupe.

Foxes investigating other foxes for robbing the hen house and coming to "innocent" as a the verdict...just like the 9/11 Commission, just like the Warren Commission...just like the Church Commission...dog and pony show done to pacify the masses while the rape, pillage and plunder of the serfs continue.....
The politicians at the top live by their own rules, of course Hillary, Obama, Bush ... all of them skate by with their breaking of the public trust and the public interest, the rise of Trump is the reaction of the base being sick and tired of these political games. Yep, Globalists.

Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.
It's New BS GOP tax rates cut programs, and low pay that are killing the middle class, not non-existent Dem policies. Pub dupes.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity....that is a fact.... and it has 185,000 subsidiaries and their tentacles stretch out even into the Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries. They are the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corporation. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than the private GDP. Your beloved politicians on both sides are nothing but corporate officers that work on behalf of their corporate owners. The establishment politicians from both sides work together on committees that can overrule anything the House may vote for...like the audit of the Federal Reserve that was blocked by establishment demcrats on the banking committee which prevented an "up and down" vote. They are all crooks and they don't need one fucking dime from us but taxes are necessary because if people had more money, it would expose the fact that 97 percent of this alleged fiat currency is only numbers on a computer screen/ledger and it's going to collapse under it's own wake and the elites are fine with that because they own all the hard assets.....but keep waving that leftard rainbow colored flag......you can wave it when the dollar crashes in hopes of getting some FEMA truck to drop off some provisions...good luck with that.
Audit the FD? STUPID idea, already done, just a stupid New BS GOP propaganda idea, for total dupes only. Exactly like their "jobs bills"...idiocy.

No, there has never been a "top to bottom" audit of the Federal Reserve since it hijacked the monetary system in 1913. There has been one or two limited audits and massive fraud was found...money printed and given to their member banks in other countries that we are being told we are responsible for. I don't owe any interest to the Fed bankers for what USA.INC has borrowed because it is a corporate entity. I am not responsible for the debt of USA.INC and neither are you.
Nothing no one knows about, and BULLSHIT- talk about being spun out of your mind, dupe.
All she needed was an internet provider and her login for the dot.gov website which would protect her e-mails and correspondence. I write emails from home using our corporate website because it is secured. I don't conduct business on behalf of the company I work for using any other e-mail addy. Hitlery didn't want the scrutiny or the record of her dealings that she did in private and "off the record". If you can't see that, you are incredibly stupid and naive.
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...

Yes, so did they, your correct. Which is why Trump is the nominee... for better or worse. Hillary will continue to increase the burocracy and by pass the power of the Congress. were moving closer to a monarchy . Notice the trend? Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton for pres.
Actually, DEMS want to solve problems and NEED a congress that works to do it. The New BS GOP is just fine with this pander to the greedy rich idiot mess we've had since the 80's...

OMG....I bet you still believe in Santa Claus........
Agreed....people are waking up to this "company store" plantation where the middle class is being squeezed. They are seeing the crimes of the elites being swept under the rug and they are tired of the "Rules for thee but not for me" attitude of the very ones that are suppose to be representing us. I was a HUGE backer of both Bush presidents and I am fucking EMBARRASSED to say that I was so blinded.
It's New BS GOP tax rates cut programs, and low pay that are killing the middle class, not non-existent Dem policies. Pub dupes.

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity....that is a fact.... and it has 185,000 subsidiaries and their tentacles stretch out even into the Fortune 500 corporations and their subsidiaries. They are the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corporation. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than the private GDP. Your beloved politicians on both sides are nothing but corporate officers that work on behalf of their corporate owners. The establishment politicians from both sides work together on committees that can overrule anything the House may vote for...like the audit of the Federal Reserve that was blocked by establishment demcrats on the banking committee which prevented an "up and down" vote. They are all crooks and they don't need one fucking dime from us but taxes are necessary because if people had more money, it would expose the fact that 97 percent of this alleged fiat currency is only numbers on a computer screen/ledger and it's going to collapse under it's own wake and the elites are fine with that because they own all the hard assets.....but keep waving that leftard rainbow colored flag......you can wave it when the dollar crashes in hopes of getting some FEMA truck to drop off some provisions...good luck with that.
Audit the FD? STUPID idea, already done, just a stupid New BS GOP propaganda idea, for total dupes only. Exactly like their "jobs bills"...idiocy.

No, there has never been a "top to bottom" audit of the Federal Reserve since it hijacked the monetary system in 1913. There has been one or two limited audits and massive fraud was found...money printed and given to their member banks in other countries that we are being told we are responsible for. I don't owe any interest to the Fed bankers for what USA.INC has borrowed because it is a corporate entity. I am not responsible for the debt of USA.INC and neither are you.
Nothing no one knows about, and BULLSHIT- talk about being spun out of your mind, dupe.

I know more than you and it is frustrating you because you can't debate anything I say with anything other than lame purse swinging insults. I know the things I do because I am a dogged researcher and that wants the real truth and not the bullshit the lamestream media spoon feeds us. I do this every single day ten to fourteen hours and vetting information. You watch the corporate news and believe that you know what is......nope, you don't know diddly squat. I am trying to help you see the light and wake you up as to what is really going on.....
Nobody cares about the e-mail BS. Not classified and not hacked, dupe. And HER policies would help the middle class and cost the rich. You are an idiot.

She purged her emails prior to an investigation, stalled investigators and lied. lied about turning over all her emails. Of course it matters to people. People have the right to demand honesty from our elected officials.
So did Colin and Condi and the RNC when they were actually DOING crimes lol. Pub dupes! And all for your infotainment channels lol...

Yes, so did they, your correct. Which is why Trump is the nominee... for better or worse. Hillary will continue to increase the burocracy and by pass the power of the Congress. were moving closer to a monarchy . Notice the trend? Bush - Bush - Clinton - Clinton for pres.
Actually, DEMS want to solve problems and NEED a congress that works to do it. The New BS GOP is just fine with this pander to the greedy rich idiot mess we've had since the 80's...

OMG....I bet you still believe in Santa Claus........
They've tried to raise taxes on the rich, get cheap loans and free comm. college, immigrant bill, good SS ID card to END IT, etc etc. Ya gd idiot. Read something. Wiki is fine. but history. Nite

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