If Hillary Not Prosecuted: One Word


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012

They have all the power to make it happen. This to me is a defining issue. This will show how serious they are (or aren't) about change.
You still don't get it. They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess. As soon as Trump was elected...do you remember? He said he waany going to do what he had you all believe he would! It was all a scam to get you to vote against Hilary no matter the Republican running. This started way before for this purpose.

Orrrr...maybe they will do it after saying they won't and you'll give them as much time as they ask for while asking to stay in power because it's really really going to happen...right after you vote for them...again.

They have all the power to make it happen. This to me is a defining issue. This will show how serious they are (or aren't) about change.
And......they're gonna build a wall too.....and Mexico's gonna pay for it......:lol: :lol: You've been played! :rofl:
They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess.

please don't be daft

Comey acknowledged under oath that she lied to Congress - that is a crime

"less important" people have gone to prison for the same offense

you made the claim that we "were lied to" about her "crimes"

well - there's one that is indisputable

I do think Trump is being wise to not pursue her aggressively - there is so much more to do that is of far greater importance

best not to get bogged down in a shit show of persuing and prosecuting her

however, if more evidence comes to light, especially about the CF (which is still under investigation) after the important parts of the Trump agenda get passed, well, so be it...
You still don't get it. They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess. As soon as Trump was elected...do you remember? He said he waany going to do what he had you all believe he would! It was all a scam to get you to vote against Hilary no matter the Republican running. This started way before for this purpose.

Orrrr...maybe they will do it after saying they won't and you'll give them as much time as they ask for while asking to stay in power because it's really really going to happen...right after you vote for them...again.

This lady has so much blood on her hands; you come off as a joke pretending it's all just a conspiracy.
Adolf Trump will be prosecuted long before Hillary.

Just to let you know, as someone who lost family members to the Holocaust, your use of Nazi iconography and titles to describe someone with whom you have disparate political views is more than mildly offensive.

I don't expect you to stop of course, I'm just gauging your level of self-awareness.
They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess.

please don't be daft

Comey acknowledged under oath that she lied to Congress - that is a crime

"less important" people have gone to prison for the same offense

you made the claim that we "were lied to" about her "crimes"

well - there's one that is indisputable

I do think Trump is being wise to not pursue her aggressively - there is so much more to do that is of far greater importance

best not to get bogged down in a shit show of persuing and prosecuting her

however, if more evidence comes to light, especially about the CF (which is still under investigation) after the important parts of the Trump agenda get passed, well, so be it...
Making a statement that isn't factual does not mean a crime has been committed.

Perjury isn't all that simple.

The FBI already determined that there was nothing prosecutable.
Making a statement that isn't factual does not mean a crime has been committed.

Perjury isn't all that simple.

The FBI already determined that there was nothing prosecutable.

intentionally lying to Congress is a crime

the FBI had plenty to prosecute on, everyone that understands the situation knows this

hell, the American people know this, it's part of the reason that Trump won in a landslide

(and yes, over 300 electoral votes is a landslide, despite the large popular vote wins Hillary secured in California & New York - Trump won a huge victory)

the FBI let her go because she is "too important" to prosecute, too bad Nixon did not get the same courtesy

she is corrupt and a criminal; the fact that she was able to run for office is an indictment on our system and how awful it is

it's a huge part of why Trump is about to be sworn in as POTUS 45

your assertion that there was nothing to prosecute is a bad joke
You still don't get it. They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess. As soon as Trump was elected...do you remember? He said he waany going to do what he had you all believe he would! It was all a scam to get you to vote against Hilary no matter the Republican running. This started way before for this purpose.

Orrrr...maybe they will do it after saying they won't and you'll give them as much time as they ask for while asking to stay in power because it's really really going to happen...right after you vote for them...again.

This lady has so much blood on her hands; you come off as a joke pretending it's all just a conspiracy.

Air quotes "blood on her hands" lmao
Trump ordered you pathetic rubes not to care anymore since he got what he wanted from you
There are americans in prison for doing less than she did. She clearly violated national security laws regarding classified data and then lied under oath about it.

Sadly, we have two sets of law and justice in this country. One for us and one for the political elites.

I do not understand why anyone condones that.
Trump ordered you pathetic rubes not to care anymore since he got what he wanted from you

Trump won by the constitutional rules of presidential elections. No one was ordered to do anything at the polling place.

Hillary was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign. She lost, you lost. Get over it and move on.
See? Everyone can give you super important labels but when it comes to what crimes...they don't know. But they say things like "blood on her hands", "corrupt to the core" and other cool slogans.

Trump told you just what he needed to in order to get your vote. Now every promise that made you vote for him Trump supporters are forced to only respond "who cares?"

No wall? Who cares.
Well pay for the wall? Who cares
Drain the swamp? So what
Goldman sachs? It's OK when I do it
Foundation and pay to play? Sooooooo!
See? Everyone can give you super important labels but when it comes to what crimes...they don't know. But they say things like "blood on her hands", "corrupt to the core" and other cool slogans.

Trump told you just what he needed to in order to get your vote. Now every promise that made you vote for him Trump supporters are forced to only respond "who cares?"

No wall? Who cares.
Well pay for the wall? Who cares
Drain the swamp? So what
Goldman sachs? It's OK when I do it
Foundation and pay to play? Sooooooo!

the wall will be built. tariffs collected on Mexican imports will pay for it. No one ever said that mexico would write us a check to pay for the wall. Only an idiot thinks that.

Corruption in DC will be attacked and prosecuted, the swamp will be drained

Wall street owned the Clintons, your post shows your ignorance

The Trump foundation is being shut down. No one in the Trump family was ever on its payroll, unlike the Clinton family and the Clinton foundation.
See? Everyone can give you super important labels but when it comes to what crimes...they don't know. But they say things like "blood on her hands", "corrupt to the core" and other cool slogans.

Trump told you just what he needed to in order to get your vote. Now every promise that made you vote for him Trump supporters are forced to only respond "who cares?"

No wall? Who cares.
Well pay for the wall? Who cares
Drain the swamp? So what
Goldman sachs? It's OK when I do it
Foundation and pay to play? Sooooooo!

a few things

1 - I don't know about anyone else, but for ME, the endgame was always #NeverHillary AND getting a good replacement for Scalia - Hillary is out and gone from the public scene - check

I am pretty confident that I am going to like Trump's SCOTUS pick, indications so far are that he will pick from his list he made public many months ago - jury is still out

2 - pay to play? with Trump? I just don't see it, he is not beholden to special interests in the way Hillary was - pay to play was one of her downfalls

3 - Trump is appointing people that are hostile to the mission of the federal agencies they will lead - that is the kind of "swamp draining" I have always wanted

4 - Trump has ALWAYS maintained that the wall would be "paid for" with the reduction of the $58 Billion trade deficit we have with Mexico; liberal howls about it being part of the budget and being funded by tax dollars ring hollow and do nothing to discredit his claims. Trump says the wall will be $10 Billion - IF the wall winds up costing $10 Billion or less AND our trade deficit with Mexico dips below $48 Billion, then he will have fulfilled his promise - it really is as simple as that, and I suspect that you know this already - jury is still out

5 - Goldman Sachs - IDNGAF
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Trump ordered you pathetic rubes not to care anymore since he got what he wanted from you

Trump won by the constitutional rules of presidential elections. No one was ordered to do anything at the polling place.

Hillary was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign. She lost, you lost. Get over it and move on.

Okay. Anyways, regarding the thread topic, Trump ordered you pathetic rubes not to care anymore since he got what he wanted from you.

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