If Hillary Not Prosecuted: One Word

And people like you are despicable for supporting her.

Air quotes "despicable". All emotions, no substance.:crybaby:

I don't care how you spin it; I'm telling you exactly how I see losers like you.

I know, and it's always an emotional argument like you didn't change your pad. Poor thing.

Is judge ruling against a felon "emotional"? Nope. He's just calling shit for what it is; and you are a piece of shit.

Here's the point...you keep using labels like "felon", "corrupt" etc but never can describe why you use those labels. Because they're empty.

Here's the thing; you know she's corrupt. Anyone paying attention knows this. I don't give a shit about her corrupt minion truth deniers like you.
You still don't get it. They lied about her "crimes" and "corruption" just to whip you up into a frothy mess. As soon as Trump was elected...do you remember? He said he waany going to do what he had you all believe he would! It was all a scam to get you to vote against Hilary no matter the Republican running. This started way before for this purpose.

Orrrr...maybe they will do it after saying they won't and you'll give them as much time as they ask for while asking to stay in power because it's really really going to happen...right after you vote for them...again.
You don't get it.
After the 2nd Debate, every Poll showed that Hillary was leading.
Your turn.
that's simply not true, but you are free to believe it if it makes it somehow easier to accept the massive defeat of Hillary, the dems, and liberalism in general.

Its really not up to Trump to decide if HRC gets prosecuted, its up to the new AG and his staff after they review the data collected by the FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
Not true?

President-elect Trump on ‘lock her up’ chant: ‘Now we don’t care’

Sorry you dumb rube

you just don't get it. Campaign rhetoric is one thing, allowing the justice dept to do its job is another. I suspect that he "doesn't care" because its obvious that the Clintons have self destructed and will never again have any political capital or influence.

But the facts remain, she violated national security laws and should be held accountable. If she is not, then we have two sets of laws, one for us and one for the political elite class.

Do you support two sets of laws?
No. Do you support jailing dissenters who did not commit a crime?

No, but inciting a riot is a crime. Destroying private and public property is a crime. Which dissenters are you talking about?
Ones who did not commit a crime. It's not a difficult question.

I already answered that. Now you tell me who specifically you are referring to. Which dissenters were arrested who committed no crimes?

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