If Hobby Lobby wins...

Nobody gives a shit if a Catholic priest marries a couple of queers.

We do care about a Catholic priest being FORCED to marry a couple of queers.
And a private citizen getting an abortion from her own doctor if the abortion is medically necessary is a totally different kettle of fish than the government FORCING doctors to provide the means to ABORT children for no reason except the pregnancy is a nuisance to someone. Getting a medically necessary abortion from a licensed doctor with admitting privileges to a local hospital is a different kettle of fish than allowing non-board-certified quacks to butcher women in unsanitary, unsafe, and unmonitored abbatoirs, while refusing to report the numbers and ages of the babies aborted, the circumstances which lead to the abortions, or reporting the abuses that resulted in the pregnancies of underaged girls.

Let's try to talk using actual representative language of the situations, shall we?

Of course, it will make it much more difficult for you to make your case...but oh well. Truth is a pain for depraved liars, who will fight to the death to protect the sex industry (among other things) and legalized back alley abortions that allow it to thrive....
For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.
For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.

nothing but your echo chamber talking points that have been soooo debunked....but kerry-on
Lefties just can't stand the thought of someone having the FREEDOM to exercise CHOICE. Ironic huh?


You mean like a private citizen seeing a private doctor for an abortion?
Or like a private citizen seeing a private farmer to buy some weed that grew out of the ground...next to his tobacco crop?
Or like a private couple who see a religious priest who agrees to marry them under their God, even if they are both men/women (gay)?

For lovers of CHOICE, you right wingers sure use the government to limit the choices of things you don't agree with.

why do you lefties always choose the scum-sucking values in life....?
For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.

Liberty is not the same a raping people or making them pay for abortions ass hole.
If Hobby Lobby loses they will probably just drop the employee insurance and let obamacare deal with it. The employees will lose out and probably the vast majority of them were good with the insurance as it stood.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

The issue isn't a company forcing a belief on an employee, the issue is a government forcing a belief on a company.

Does the government have a right to make you buy something that you violates your religious principles?

does the government have the right to make you buy anything....?

You really believe that every government regulation that might require a business to buy something is unconstitutional?
If Hobby Lobby loses they will probably just drop the employee insurance and let obamacare deal with it. The employees will lose out and probably the vast majority of them were good with the insurance as it stood.

Which is the real goal of OCA... screw everyone, force them into a government managed system... screw that up so bad the citizens beg for single payer (force the rich to pay.) Increase government power over the people, continue the march to a feckless society.
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Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

so you seriously think employers aren't already forcing their beliefs on employees? what about government? you don't think they are currently forcing their beliefs on people?
The issue isn't a company forcing a belief on an employee, the issue is a government forcing a belief on a company.

Does the government have a right to make you buy something that you violates your religious principles?

does the government have the right to make you buy anything....?

You really believe that every government regulation that might require a business to buy something is unconstitutional?

what products or services should the government FORCE you to buy....?
If Hobby Lobby loses they will probably just drop the employee insurance and let obamacare deal with it. The employees will lose out and probably the vast majority of them were good with the insurance as it stood.

talk to any corporation and they will tell you their largest remaining and continually growing expense is healthcare. they would love nothing more than to dump this expense and increase profitability. employee benefits typically amount to 30% to 50% of the employees salary. Obamacare makes it possible for corporations to drop that expense. and one by one, that is what you will see them start doing.
For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.

Liberty is not the same a raping people or making them pay for abortions ass hole.

So if you want to deny that conservatives are constantly citing 'liberty', or 'freedom', as the basis for their claims of businesses' supposed rights to discriminate in the areas of service, or hiring, etc., go ahead.
does the government have the right to make you buy anything....?

You really believe that every government regulation that might require a business to buy something is unconstitutional?

what products or services should the government FORCE you to buy....?

The government 'forces' safety and environmental compliance on companies all the time; much of that requires companies to buy goods and services many of them would rather not.

Do you want to end that?
You really believe that every government regulation that might require a business to buy something is unconstitutional?

what products or services should the government FORCE you to buy....?

The government 'forces' safety and environmental compliance on companies all the time; much of that requires companies to buy goods and services many of them would rather not.

Do you want to end that?

you aren't FORCED to buy those products...nor are you penalized/taxed if you don't....

(although alot of the EPA 'safety' or 'enviro' concerns are becoming far too imposing....)
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For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.

Liberty is not the same a raping people or making them pay for abortions ass hole.

So if you want to deny that conservatives are constantly citing 'liberty', or 'freedom', as the basis for their claims of businesses' supposed rights to discriminate in the areas of service, or hiring, etc., go ahead.
You talking about the democrat KKK run businesses?
You really believe that every government regulation that might require a business to buy something is unconstitutional?

what products or services should the government FORCE you to buy....?

The government 'forces' safety and environmental compliance on companies all the time; much of that requires companies to buy goods and services many of them would rather not.

Do you want to end that?

Yeah cause safety is the same as rape and forcing people to pay to murder unborn children.
For the Right,

Liberty is the new Bigotry.

All of their longheld biases, prejudices - racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., - and their desires to act on them,

all of that has been placed under a new banner of 'liberty', as if somehow attaching a favorable word to their bigotry makes it all good.

Why do you support government tyranny?
You are mistaken: Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund, who is defending Hobby Lobby in the HHS lawsuit, [said] that although he does not know exactly what transpired at the company's headquarters, he has read the petition.

"The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.

"What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.

The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."

"For many people, [the pills] are not even considered birth control because the way they operate is to prevent the implantation of an egg in the womb. For millions of Americans that take the traditional Christian view that life begins at conception, that amounts to an early abortion," Duncan said.

From WebMD.com:
Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:
It may prevent or delay ovulation.
It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.
It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Sorry, leftist fanatics. This pill is, in fact, an abortifacient.

And as such, paying for providing it does violate the HL family's religion.

And the leftists' trying to force HL to pay for it anyway, is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.

The leftists are, in fact, trying to force HL to conform to the leftists' own religion, which is liberalism.

Because you say so or because science agrees with you? Because science doesnt

I love it. You quote fucking SNOPES at us as definitive proof, and then respond to a citation from WebMD with, "That's not science."

No, YOU are just not an intelligent, rational human being. You should be ashamed to let people know you exist.

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