If Hobby Lobby wins...

Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

It will never stop. The goal is to remake our nation, "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, into a theocratic plutocracy where only the 'First Estate" (The Clergy) and "Second Estate" (The 1% & Military Leadership) enjoy the blessings of liberty.

The rest of the nation will pay all the taxes and toil without social security, health care or dignity. Their children will never afford higher education and with the repeal of child labor laws will begin to toil at earlier and earlier ages. The perfect dystopia in the minds and hearts of the callous conservatives.

How might we make it stop?

It maybe too late. The United States Supreme Court no longer believes in the values which lead us to the nation described by President Lincoln. In fact many fellow travelers of the New Right (Reich?) have already begun the effort to rewrite history. See any thread posted by PoliticalChic and those who thank her as a leader within the Ministry of Truth.

liberalism is a 'religion' too.......how might we make it stop.....? or is it too late...?

I think "right to health care" and "right to life" can both be written up in a petition to both parties to RECOGNIZE these as political beliefs. And the belief in using Government for Singlepayer health care is a political religion. So the ACA basically establishes a "political religion" that penalizes people who don't believe in it and believe in free market chioces for paying for health care. that can be written up in petition form, and both parties should take interest if it recognizes and protects both right to life and right to health care, as separate but equal beliefs. In asking both parties to SEPARATE their beliefs and keep these out of federal legislation imposing either one.

A petition or resolution could call for a 'truce" between parties to recognize the "freedom to choose" and not to penalize or restrict people,
but support separate but equal options through respective parties for members who believe in either one. and protect these interests equally by law as required under the Constitution.
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they believe that Plan B is an Abortificant drug and its not.

We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

Again, what happens when some Jim Jones wanna be decides he's going to fuck his 12 year old "wife". And tell you "I dont believe shes a child...Shes my wife"

Then what? Do we get to stop playing along then?

Then what? We put him in jail and continue mocking your stupidity.
We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

Again, what happens when some Jim Jones wanna be decides he's going to fuck his 12 year old "wife". And tell you "I dont believe shes a child...Shes my wife"

Then what? Do we get to stop playing along then?

Then what? We put him in jail and continue mocking your stupidity.

Gotta laugh at the liberal left they are just too funny (sic). In another thread they are berating people who, THEY SAY, are scared of what is going on in Crimea. But in this thread they are peddling the fear that if HL doesn't have to pay for abortion pills it is the end of the Republic.
We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

Again, what happens when some Jim Jones wanna be decides he's going to fuck his 12 year old "wife". And tell you "I dont believe shes a child...Shes my wife"

Then what? Do we get to stop playing along then?

Then what? We put him in jail and continue mocking your stupidity.

Then you're violating his rights using your logic
they believe that Plan B is an Abortificant drug and its not.

We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

The beliefs are irrelevant. We're free to believe whatever we like. It's our actions that matter. The question is whether those actions harm others.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?
Cry a little libtarded lie. Boo hoo. They are Christians not libtarded schools administrators and teachers who do that sort of thing, forcing false theories like evolution on our kids in guberment schools.
Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

Again, what happens when some Jim Jones wanna be decides he's going to fuck his 12 year old "wife". And tell you "I dont believe shes a child...Shes my wife"

Then what? Do we get to stop playing along then?

Then what? We put him in jail and continue mocking your stupidity.

Then you're violating his rights using your logic

There is no right to criminally and sexually abuse children, unless you are a New York City public school teacher...
Is this to be taken as a general legal principle?

No, it's a general MORAL principle. The employees are the reason that these corporations are so successful. The corporation then has a moral obligation to share that wealth with its employees. Thus "a rising tide lifts all boats". Right now, the rising tide only lifts the boats of people who can afford a boat.

But we're talking about legal obligation. How does it translate, in your view?
Employee health care and raising the minimum wage are legally no different than the times that workers had to fight for unionization, an 8-hr workday, and an end to child labor.

Legally, when the private sector fails to meet the demands of the public, the government has to get involved. "Religious freedom" has its place in church. Hobby Lobby is not a church. AT&T is not a church. Chik-Fil-A is not a church. Wal-Mart is not a church. McDonald's is not a church. These are businesses. Businesses have an obligation to their employees. When employers do not provide for their employees, those employees need government assistance. Those government checks are usually spent at those same businesses that are screwing their workers. So what incentive is there for any corporation to properly take care of its employees if the government is going to take up the slack?

The business profits more by keeping employee wages and health care costs low, the employees then need government assistance to get by, the government assistance is spent at the business, increasing profits, and the cycle continues. Now corporations are claiming "religious freedom" to justify keeping everyone in this cycle of poverty while they profit more and more.
We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

The beliefs are irrelevant. We're free to believe whatever we like. It's our actions that matter. The question is whether those actions harm others.

So now belief doesnt matter? When?
We could argue that all religious beliefs are false. So what?

Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

The beliefs are irrelevant. We're free to believe whatever we like. It's our actions that matter. The question is whether those actions harm others.

In the case of HL no one is being hurt.
Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

The beliefs are irrelevant. We're free to believe whatever we like. It's our actions that matter. The question is whether those actions harm others.

In the case of HL no one is being hurt.

Agreed. An employer is harming no one by not paying for certain medications for them.
No, it's a general MORAL principle. The employees are the reason that these corporations are so successful. The corporation then has a moral obligation to share that wealth with its employees. Thus "a rising tide lifts all boats". Right now, the rising tide only lifts the boats of people who can afford a boat.

But we're talking about legal obligation. How does it translate, in your view?
Employee health care and raising the minimum wage are legally no different than the times that workers had to fight for unionization, an 8-hr workday, and an end to child labor.

Legally, when the private sector fails to meet the demands of the public, the government has to get involved. "Religious freedom" has its place in church. Hobby Lobby is not a church. AT&T is not a church. Chik-Fil-A is not a church. Wal-Mart is not a church. McDonald's is not a church. These are businesses. Businesses have an obligation to their employees. When employers do not provide for their employees, those employees need government assistance. Those government checks are usually spent at those same businesses that are screwing their workers. So what incentive is there for any corporation to properly take care of its employees if the government is going to take up the slack?

The business profits more by keeping employee wages and health care costs low, the employees then need government assistance to get by, the government assistance is spent at the business, increasing profits, and the cycle continues. Now corporations are claiming "religious freedom" to justify keeping everyone in this cycle of poverty while they profit more and more.

Hmmm .... so, to sum up. When the 'private sector' fails to meet the 'demands of the public', the public, via government, just takes what it wants by force? After a vote, of course.
Not religious beliefs...They dont believe in a fact and instead call that fact something UNFACTUAL and expects everyone to go along with it.

Again, what happens when some Jim Jones wanna be decides he's going to fuck his 12 year old "wife". And tell you "I dont believe shes a child...Shes my wife"

Then what? Do we get to stop playing along then?

Then what? We put him in jail and continue mocking your stupidity.

Then you're violating his rights using your logic

What kind of looney world do you live in where you equate child molesting to this court case?

Seek help man

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