If I could change 1 thing in my life........


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
If you could change 1 thing in your life, what would it be?
- Job?
- Marital status?
- Children?
- Health?
- something else? if so, what?

Mine would be my job. If I could be put in a situation where I had a business to fix and run, already established, I would love it! As much as I love working from home, would like to work outside the home for a while.... be around other people, but not as an employee.
Health. Not my appearance (they're related) but my health. I'd love to see what my life would have been like with the birthmark but without SWS.
Health. Not my appearance (they're related) but my health. I'd love to see what my life would have been like with the birthmark but without SWS.

Sorry... what is SWS?
Sorry... what is SWS?

Sturge-Weber Syndrome. Symptoms include: seizures, cranial calcification (calcium deposits,in the brain), facial birthmark, and glaucoma.

I wish I could pray your SWS away.
You must be a very strong person - I'm not going to judge or push, just wondering, are you a Christian?
Not starting a second career 38 years ago when I accepted my current position.

Not joining the Air National Guard, as an example.

What would you do instead? If you could do anything? Do you have a passion?
I wish I could pray your SWS away.
You must be a very strong person - I'm not going to judge or push, just wondering, are you a Christian?

Very nice of you to say. I learned to live with who I am thanks to a great family. I grew up Christian but wouldn't say I am any more.
I wish I could pray your SWS away.
You must be a very strong person - I'm not going to judge or push, just wondering, are you a Christian?

Very nice of you to say. I learned to live with who I am thanks to a great family. I grew up Christian but wouldn't say I am any more.

I will pray for you (will try to - my memory sucks and I can be distracted) - but will try to pray often for you. Sounds like you have a handle on it and have accepted it. I have things in my life that torment me (I guess many do) - psychological and emotional disorders are just as real and challenging as physical ones... just easier to hide.....
I'd have gotten my nasal passages reamed out when first offered 40+ years ago. Now the risks are unreasonably high but, back then, I'd have had to pay outta pocket.

Medical procedure? For what?
As much as I enjoyed my Army career, I think now I would have found the Coast Guard even more exciting, challenging, and rewarding. Once you have made a jump, you are going to get the same thing almost every time, whereas going out on to the waters would be different every time.

I like challenges.
As much as I enjoyed my Army career, I think now I would have found the Coast Guard even more exciting, challenging, and rewarding. Once you have made a jump, you are going to get the same thing almost every time, whereas going out on to the waters would be different every time.

I like challenges.

My son is in the Air Force. Not quite a year yet... will be 1 year in November.
Got married too so lots of changes......

I desperately want to run my own business. Running out of time! Need ideas!!!
I will pray for you (will try to - my memory sucks and I can be distracted) - but will try to pray often for you. Sounds like you have a handle on it and have accepted it. I have things in my life that torment me (I guess many do) - psychological and emotional disorders are just as real and challenging as physical ones... just easier to hide.....

Thank you but there are others who need thise prayers far more than i do. I'm well aware of the validity of emotional disorders also.
I wanna be a bear. Not like a hairy gay man bear. I mean like the animal. I rub my bare ass against trees now and the cops show up. :(

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