If I had a popular fox news show

There is no way I would give it up to make a useless run for president. What is Huckabee thinking?

Heckuva question. I don't look at it as a Huckabee thing, it's just the way these people are.

Politicians, especially at the national level, have enormous egos and they surround themselves with yes men and various sycophants.

So the echo chamber builds until they think they are the obvious choice, regardless of the competition.

Yea but he could have ridden it for a while. By the way I have to admit I am a huge fan of his show.

Actually, I lost interest in his show the week after one of the guys he let out of prison for saying "Jesus" sincerely went on to shoot four cops to death, and he gave some weasel-worded statement at the beginning of his show, and then decided that, hey, we really need to spend the rest of the show talking about what a creep Tiger Woods is.

Tiger Woods didn't release anyone who went on to kill four cops.
Donations for his candidacy will begin to flow in from the Christian right, and particularly the pro life community. These donations will be used to live a life of luxury while traveling around the country hustling books and increasing his book sale income. First class airline tickets, hotel rooms, limo's, best restaurants, cloths, etc. Running for the Presidency has been turned into a money making industry that employs not only the candidates, but large numbers of staff and contract consultants whose only other income comes from writing essays and articles as partisan commentators and authors for agenda driven political media. Elections bring much needed real cash income to many of these folks. The midterms help, but the Presidential primaries offer a treasure trove.
There is no way I would give it up to make a useless run for president. What is Huckabee thinking?
Chasing a dream? Taking the chance that a miracle would happen and he'd be a power broker, get lifetime rewards, and enjoying the many perks and benefits that come with the job? An ego trip? Craves the attention? Never satisfied? Believes that "The Washington Brotherhood" is the elite "fraternity"? Once a crook, always a crook?
There is no way I would give it up to make a useless run for president. What is Huckabee thinking?

Heckuva question. I don't look at it as a Huckabee thing, it's just the way these people are.

Politicians, especially at the national level, have enormous egos and they surround themselves with yes men and various sycophants.

So the echo chamber builds until they think they are the obvious choice, regardless of the competition.


Truly. Those who gravitate politics are sociopaths. Usually devoid of compassion or the feelings of others and focus exclusively on themselves. It goes beyond ego to a deeply ingrained psychological disorder.
Yea but he could have ridden it for a while. By the way I have to admit I am a huge fan of his show.

You did not have to admit that.
I cant help it. I love the bass.
Really I like his personality and his passion on the show.

i like Huckabee more than most Republicans because he does seem like a pretty sincere guy.

But I'm not sure he'd be a good President.

I can't get past his support of disgusting, vile creep Nugent's trashing the president. They did a music gig together where the Huckster said things that were just way over the top, racist and hate.

Dislike/hate the president if you want. That's his prerogative. But there's no excuse for much of the brainless race baiting we see coming from fox and the Huckster has never hesitated to pile on.

But it will be interesting to see if Huckster distances himself from Nugent and his draft dodging, child molesting, poaching past.
Yea but he could have ridden it for a while. By the way I have to admit I am a huge fan of his show.

You did not have to admit that.
I cant help it. I love the bass.
Really I like his personality and his passion on the show.

Have you worked out the answer to the question you posed in the OP, then?
I guess he has a dream and that is to be president. Personally I don't like him for pres just as a Fox host
Makes him relevant again and resets the clock
i would never vote for him

actually it is looking like so far there is not one name i would support
Donations for his candidacy will begin to flow in from the Christian right, and particularly the pro life community. These donations will be used to live a life of luxury while traveling around the country hustling books and increasing his book sale income. First class airline tickets, hotel rooms, limo's, best restaurants, cloths, etc. Running for the Presidency has been turned into a money making industry that employs not only the candidates, but large numbers of staff and contract consultants whose only other income comes from writing essays and articles as partisan commentators and authors for agenda driven political media. Elections bring much needed real cash income to many of these folks. The midterms help, but the Presidential primaries offer a treasure trove.

Exactly what Hillary Clinton has been doing for several years since she quit as Secretary of State.

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