If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

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whatever GT...

you are more interested in trying to disprove than you are in trying to prove..

You are a fucking tool......go for it....

Wait a second, you've failed to produce a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE for anything you've said, including the claims you've made about how all the various states keep vital records, you've sat here and illogically demanded that everyone else prove you wrong instead of providing any proof for your claims.....

AND THEN YOU HAVE THE FUCKING SHIT FILLED GUTS to bitch that anyone is too busy trying to disprove?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Are you schizophrenic? You're detached from reality, whatever the reason why.

in 2007 from the one link I usedyou had to produce the original document. According to the I-9 document. but just ignore that part.

Jarhead expects us to believe that someone from the Department of Labor actually gave him that false information and that he just recently became a birther.

Very amusing.

And of course you would not beleive that becuase you know me so much better...

I guess anyone you disagree with is a liar.

Got it.

I believe you. I believe you were given that information by someone who genuinely believed what he was saying. But I believe he was wrong. I was given wrong information about my immigration application from an INS official. I had to get a lawyer to help me straighten it out. Government officials are wrong sometimes about the laws and rules under which they are supposed to operate. It happens.
fuck off...you and GT are both such fucking sheep you cant even see the how what you post actually argues against you.

You are both pathetic followers.

Learn to be a leader...it builds character.....

but nah...not for you two....nope...if you step out of line you are a lying dranged jerk in your eyes....so it is best to be a follower.


MAN THE FUCK UP MARINE!!! You've sat here trying to drag the President's name through mud with a bunch of lies, and now that you've been proven wrong you're trying to attack the people who have defended the truth. I can't stand Obama as President and have plenty of complaints about his job performance. But outright lying in an attempt to do nothing but smear the President's name is supposed to be far beneath anyone who ever wore a uniform.

Jarhead expects us to believe that someone from the Department of Labor actually gave him that false information and that he just recently became a birther.

Very amusing.

And of course you would not beleive that becuase you know me so much better...

I guess anyone you disagree with is a liar.

Got it.

I believe you. I believe you were given that information by someone who genuinely believed what he was saying. But I believe he was wrong. I was given wrong information about my immigration application from an INS official. I had to get a lawyer to help me straighten it out. Government officials are wrong sometimes about the laws and rules under which they are supposed to operate. It happens.

Like saying a birth certificate is good when it wasn't accepted by the state registrar in 61?
And if you also notice in that same post the last link which was in 2007 states only original documents, not certified copiues.
Theother one changed in 2010 the first link wouldn't apply for obama but the second one would

That's an outright lie. It says nothing about certified copies not being acceptable. It says that photocopies are not acceptable.
This is really funny. At this link on page 30 there are examples of what a birth certificate is in order to comply with the I9 requirements. One example is a Certificate of Live Birth.


It also says on another page that the only exception to the original documents rule is that a certified copy of a birth certificate is fine.

Double win!


And if you also notice in that same post the last link which was in 2007 states only original documents, not certified copiues.
Theother one changed in 2010 the first link wouldn't apply for obama but the second one would
Please. Make an effort to not be an idiot.
By the way guys....anyone link me to proof yet?

Still waiting.

Oh and why all the neg reps? I just asked for proof. There are thread after thread on how Trump is a player, are real candidate who accuses Obama over and over.

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And if you also notice in that same post the last link which was in 2007 states only original documents, not certified copiues.
Theother one changed in 2010 the first link wouldn't apply for obama but the second one would

That's an outright lie. It says nothing about certified copies not being acceptable. It says that photocopies are not acceptable.

Really? Page 2

The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

The employee will need to provide documentation that establishes identity and employment eligibility. Some documents establish both identity and employment eligibility (List A). Other documents establish identity alone (List B) or employment eligibility alone (List C). If the person does not provide a document from List A, he/she must produce one from List B and one from List C. A list of acceptable documents is included on page 2 of the I-9 Form.
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show. The list of acceptable documents is printed on page 3 of the I-9 form. [NOTE: Most faculty, scholars and students will use a combination of documents that are endorsed/signed by UA’s Capstone International Center. Therefore, please use these written guidelines and “sample” forms when completing the I-9 form.]

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This is really funny. At this link on page 30 there are examples of what a birth certificate is in order to comply with the I9 requirements. One example is a Certificate of Live Birth.


It also says on another page that the only exception to the original documents rule is that a certified copy of a birth certificate is fine.

Double win!


And if you also notice in that same post the last link which was in 2007 states only original documents, not certified copiues.
Theother one changed in 2010 the first link wouldn't apply for obama but the second one would
Please. Make an effort to not be an idiot.

Shape shifting is another myth.
Like saying a birth certificate is good when it wasn't accepted by the state registrar in 61?


You are demonstrating why it is pointless for Obama to pursue this any further. In this entire thread, you bring up an issue, which is then rebutted. So you bring up another issue, which is also rebutted. And again and again and again. It doesn't matter what the answer given, or even if what you have posted is an outright fraud, there is always some obscure thing that you've found on some birther site claiming this or that. Don't like the COLB for a state? Argue that it isn't official, or its not real. It just goes on and on and on. It doesn't matter if it is consistent or not, or even true. You won't accept it. So what's the point?

You are acting just like the 9/11 truthers. It doesn't matter what how improbable the birthers' argument, you refuse to accept it because it doesn't confirm your biases. People hated Bush/oil companies/America, so 9/11 was an inside job. People hate Obama so he wasn't born here. It's the same. It's pathological.
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Hey dirt-brain. Don't tell me what I'm saying, you moron.

I AM stating that Hawaii has NO law that prohibits giving the birth certificate belonging to Joe Blow, to Joe Blow, you fucking imbecile.

First of all, don't complain about me putting your arguments into frame if you're just going to turn around and affirm that I was accurately describing your arguments.

Second, HI state law requires that the state keep vital records, including births. So that means that the initial documentation must be retained by the record keeper. That's how you KEEP records.

There is no conceivable legitimate State interest in telling me that I am not permitted to have my own fucking birth certificate.

You can have a copy of your birth certificate. Nobody said that you can't. But if you think that you have some right to take the state's records away from the state, then you're simply wrong. The state has an interest in keeping vital records. In order to keep vital records, they must create and keep certain files and documents. You have a right to have your own copy of those records. But you have no right to prevent the state from keeping its copy.

And likewise, the law does not forbid me (once I come into possession of my own fucking birth certificate) from copying it and sharing it with anyone and everyone I wish.

Well, that might not be the case. My birth certificate clearly states on it that "It is illegal to duplicate this copy by photostat or photograph." But then again, I've done it, so I'm sure you could get away with it.

I cannot help the fact that YOU lack the ability to understand what the law actually says.

I understand it perfectly. You're simply trying to twist the law into something that it is not.

Your claim is wrong. As is often the case you gas-bag blow-hard, you were simply wrong.

Oh, ya got me.

I cited the Hawaiian Birther litigation decision to support my point. The law prohibiting copying and dissemination is directed at anybody who has no legitimateinterest in the document. I cannot get yours. You cannot get mine. Neither of us can get President Obamas. You can get yours. I can get mine.

This really seems to be completely irrelevant, so I don't know where you are going with it, other than to try to allege that the President has a right to take away the records that the state of HI now holds. The President already has a copy of his birth certificate, and he's released it to the public. Why do you insist that he should take the state's copies away and use them himself?

President Obama can get his. You may proceed to spin it any way you wish, but your abject ignorance will not change that immutable fact.

He already has his birth certificate. But you're demanding that he take away the copy that belongs to the state and use it as his own. That would not be legal, and it would not be good record keeping, and it would be completely counter to the way that things have ever had to go for ANYONE. I challenge you to go to your state of birth and try to tell them that you want to take away their original documents regarding your vital records. Good luck with that.
Like saying a birth certificate is good when it wasn't accepted by the state registrar in 61?


You are demonstrating why it is pointless for Obama to pursue this any further. In this entire thread, you bring up an issue, which is then rebutted. So you bring up another issue, which is also rebutted. And again and again and agin. It doesn't matter what the answer given, or even if what you have posted is an outright fraud, there is always some obscure thing that you've found on some birther site claiming this or that. Don't like the COLB for a state? Argue that it isn't official, or its not real. It just goes on and on and on. It doesn't matter if it is consistent or not, or even true. You won't accept it. So what's the point?

You are acting just like the 9/11 truthers. It doesn't matter what how improbable the birthers' argument, you refuse to accept it because it doesn't confirm to you biases. People hated Bush/oil companies/America, so 9/11 was an inside job. People hate Obama so he wasn't born here. It's the same. It's pathological.

I would not say it if obama's had been Accepted by the state Registrar. It was only filed but not accepted.
in 2007 from the one link I usedyou had to produce the original document. According to the I-9 document. but just ignore that part.

You're the only one ignoring anything. "Original" as in you cannot use a photocopy. You have to actually take in your birth certificate to work, and your employer must actually see the actual birth certificate, instead of you just making a photocopy and bringing that in. I know you understand this. You're just being intentionally thick.
Like saying a birth certificate is good when it wasn't accepted by the state registrar in 61?


You are demonstrating why it is pointless for Obama to pursue this any further. In this entire thread, you bring up an issue, which is then rebutted. So you bring up another issue, which is also rebutted. And again and again and agin. It doesn't matter what the answer given, or even if what you have posted is an outright fraud, there is always some obscure thing that you've found on some birther site claiming this or that. Don't like the COLB for a state? Argue that it isn't official, or its not real. It just goes on and on and on. It doesn't matter if it is consistent or not, or even true. You won't accept it. So what's the point?

You are acting just like the 9/11 truthers. It doesn't matter what how improbable the birthers' argument, you refuse to accept it because it doesn't confirm to you biases. People hated Bush/oil companies/America, so 9/11 was an inside job. People hate Obama so he wasn't born here. It's the same. It's pathological.

I would not say it if obama's had been Accepted by the state Registrar. It was only filed but not accepted.

That's exactly what I mean.

You are demonstrating why it is pointless for Obama to pursue this any further. In this entire thread, you bring up an issue, which is then rebutted. So you bring up another issue, which is also rebutted. And again and again and agin. It doesn't matter what the answer given, or even if what you have posted is an outright fraud, there is always some obscure thing that you've found on some birther site claiming this or that. Don't like the COLB for a state? Argue that it isn't official, or its not real. It just goes on and on and on. It doesn't matter if it is consistent or not, or even true. You won't accept it. So what's the point?

You are acting just like the 9/11 truthers. It doesn't matter what how improbable the birthers' argument, you refuse to accept it because it doesn't confirm to you biases. People hated Bush/oil companies/America, so 9/11 was an inside job. People hate Obama so he wasn't born here. It's the same. It's pathological.

I would not say it if obama's had been Accepted by the state Registrar. It was only filed but not accepted.

That's exactly what I mean.

And here's what I mean

Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office.


Here's a long form BC notice you have two dates at the bottom of the certificate? The first one is the file date the second one is the accepted date. The fle date would be 8/7/61 and the accepted dtate would be 8/11/61
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Just got back and I am so damn tired. I was looking for that proof that Donald said his investigators had.

Here is the link:
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

The employee will need to provide documentation that establishes identity and employment eligibility. Some documents establish both identity and employment eligibility (List A). Other documents establish identity alone (List B) or employment eligibility alone (List C). If the person does not provide a document from List A, he/she must produce one from List B and one from List C. A list of acceptable documents is included on page 2 of the I-9 Form.
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show. The list of acceptable documents is printed on page 3 of the I-9 form. [NOTE: Most faculty, scholars and students will use a combination of documents that are endorsed/signed by UA’s Capstone International Center. Therefore, please use these written guidelines and “sample” forms when completing the I-9 form.]


A "certified copy" is a legal document. It is legally an "original" for all intents and purposes. Nothing that you have posted says that a "certified copy" is not acceptable. It only talks about photocopies.

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