If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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Remmber you're supporting a document date by the Hawaii stat registrar in the year of 2007 How did obama get a passport to travel before 2007?

Because obviously he had a copy of his birth certificate at the time. Which he obviously had lost afterward. Is that so difficult to understand? Do you not see how we're once again back to arguments that presume you're wrong in the first place? You're now trying to cite Obama's possession of a passport as evidence that his birth certificate is invalid. If he obtained a passport, then he obviously had a valid birth certificate in order to obtain it, thus Obama is a citizen.
All these threads about Trump and him sending investigators to Hawaii to uncover some truth. Well, he did it. He has proof! He said he is Obama's worst nightmare and here is the proof he was looking for.

Can someone help me out here.
Hey....ol' Trumpy still has that ol' Republican-standard to fall-back-on!!

"That was not intended to be a factual statement."

Remmber you're supporting a document date by the Hawaii stat registrar in the year of 2007 How did obama get a passport to travel before 2007?

Because obviously he had a copy of his birth certificate at the time. Which he obviously had lost afterward. Is that so difficult to understand? Do you not see how we're once again back to arguments that presume you're wrong in the first place? You're now trying to cite Obama's possession of a passport as evidence that his birth certificate is invalid. If he obtained a passport, then he obviously had a valid birth certificate in order to obtain it, thus Obama is a citizen.

Wouldn't his passport been good enough? After all on the I-9 form a passport is the best kind of Identification you can have. He should have just produced his passport and been done with it. He had a passport in 2006
January 8, 2006 (BAGHDAD, Iraq) (WLS) -- Senator Barack Obama is taking a close look at just how long American forces should stay in Iraq. He is on a journey to the Middle East that has taken him and other U.S. senators to Iraq this weekend.

Obama visits troops in Iraq 1/09/06 | abc7chicago.com

You're now trying to cite Obama's possession of a passport as evidence that his birth certificate is invalid. If he obtained a passport, then he obviously had a valid birth certificate in order to obtain it, thus Obama is a citizen.

No I am not changing anything, you lost the filed accepted argument.
All these threads about Trump and him sending investigators to Hawaii to uncover some truth. Well, he did it. He has proof! He said he is Obama's worst nightmare and here is the proof he was looking for.

Can someone help me out here.
Hey....ol' Trumpy still has that ol' Republican-standard to fall-back-on!!

"That was not intended to be a factual statement."


Wouldn't his passport been good enough? After all on the I-9 form a passport is the best kind of Identification you can have. He should have just produced his passport and been done with it. He had a passport in 2006

What are you trying to say in all of this? What does a passport have to do with any of it? Obama released his birth certificate in response to the original birther claims that he wasn't a citizen. Since then birthers have continued to deny the authenticity of his birth certificate. So you think that the whole thing could have been avoided if he'd just released a copy of his passport instead of his birth certificate? Is that your beef now?

Let's imagine for a second that you're right, releasing his passport would have avoided the birther phenomena from becoming a large scale thing. So what? He's made a political blunder. That has nothing to do with the actual validity of his birth certificate.

Second, the birthers have dismissed his actual birth certificate. They've dismissed Republican appointed officials from the state of Hawaii going on record to verify that the state possesses records that affirm Obama was born in HI. Every time the birthers are defeated and disproved, they come up with yet another wild conspiracy to explain away all the evidence. You really think that anyone that Hellbent would have been satisfied with a passport? The fact that you're even bringing it up is proof that you birthers won't be satisfied with anything because you just don't want to acknowledge the President's citizenship, irregardless of the truth of your claims.
Trump to Obama aide: I'm your 'worst nightmare' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

"I can tell you I'm their worst nightmare. I am not the person they want to run against. They know it, and I know it. I know it for a fact because I have a lot of people that frankly are contributors to him and they tell me, 'Donald, you are not the person they want to run against.'"

Trump continues to raise questions about whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

Is your point that this made you pee in your pants, just a little?

I have to admit.......the thought of a Trump candidacy being taken seriously does make me laugh really hard

Ride bene chi ride l'ultimo
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There's another thread going on about Reverend Terry Jones and his Koran burning stunt.
I asked the question "why did he do it?".
Several people have defended him by saying "because he can, it's his right to burn a book if he chooses" and refused to disagree with his actions on that basis saying that it would be an infringement of his rights.
Well, now it is apparently Barack Obama's right not to release any more bits of paper.

Using the same logic as the Jones argument, demanding that he show any other documents that he is not legally required to is trampling all over his rights...and un-American...and un-Constitutional.
Wouldn't his passport been good enough? After all on the I-9 form a passport is the best kind of Identification you can have. He should have just produced his passport and been done with it. He had a passport in 2006

What are you trying to say in all of this? What does a passport have to do with any of it? Obama released his birth certificate in response to the original birther claims that he wasn't a citizen. Since then birthers have continued to deny the authenticity of his birth certificate. So you think that the whole thing could have been avoided if he'd just released a copy of his passport instead of his birth certificate? Is that your beef now?

Let's imagine for a second that you're right, releasing his passport would have avoided the birther phenomena from becoming a large scale thing. So what? He's made a political blunder. That has nothing to do with the actual validity of his birth certificate.

Second, the birthers have dismissed his actual birth certificate. They've dismissed Republican appointed officials from the state of Hawaii going on record to verify that the state possesses records that affirm Obama was born in HI. Every time the birthers are defeated and disproved, they come up with yet another wild conspiracy to explain away all the evidence. You really think that anyone that Hellbent would have been satisfied with a passport? The fact that you're even bringing it up is proof that you birthers won't be satisfied with anything because you just don't want to acknowledge the President's citizenship, irregardless of the truth of your claims.

What are you trying to say in all of this? What does a passport have to do with any of it? Obama released his birth certificate in response to the original birther claims that he wasn't a citizen. Since then birthers have continued to deny the authenticity of his birth certificate. So you think that the whole thing could have been avoided if he'd just released a copy of his passport instead of his birth certificate? Is that your beef now?

obama traveled to Iraq in 2006 he had to have a passport to do that, now why would he have to get a BC dated 2007 when he could have used his passport that he used to travel with in 2006?

Let's imagine for a second that you're right, releasing his passport would have avoided the birther phenomena from becoming a large scale thing. So what? He's made a political blunder. That has nothing to do with the actual validity of his birth certificate.

Political blunder? Why would he need to produce a BC when he had a passport? There was no need of him getting a BC since he had a passport.

You really think that anyone that Hellbent would have been satisfied with a passport?

A passport is good enough on the I-9 form that you do not need to produce two additional documents of identifcation. It would have been good enough for me. Oh and by the way he also got a new passport after he became president. I wonder why that was needed?

The fact that you're even bringing it up is proof that you birthers won't be satisfied with anything because you just don't want to acknowledge the President's citizenship, irregardless of the truth of your claims

I'm asking questions that haven't been addressed yet or at least to my knowledge haven't been.
There's another thread going on about Reverend Terry Jones and his Koran burning stunt.
I asked the question "why did he do it?".
Several people have defended him by saying "because he can, it's his right to burn a book if he chooses" and refused to disagree with his actions on that basis saying that it would be an infringement of his rights.
Well, now it is apparently Barack Obama's right not to release any more bits of paper.

Using the same logic as the Jones argument, demanding that he show any other documents that he is not legally required to is trampling all over his rights...and un-American...and un-Constitutional.

I asked the question "why did he do it?".
And you were answered.
There's another thread going on about Reverend Terry Jones and his Koran burning stunt.
I asked the question "why did he do it?".
Several people have defended him by saying "because he can, it's his right to burn a book if he chooses" and refused to disagree with his actions on that basis saying that it would be an infringement of his rights.
Well, now it is apparently Barack Obama's right not to release any more bits of paper.

Using the same logic as the Jones argument, demanding that he show any other documents that he is not legally required to is trampling all over his rights...and un-American...and un-Constitutional.

I asked the question "why did he do it?".
And you were answered.

Yes I was
Trump to Obama: "I'm your worst nightmare"

I don't know about Donald...but that thing on his head is pretty scary!:eek:
The mere fact that our conservative "friends" are seriously considering Donald Trump as a "presidential" candidate indicates that no only have they reached the bottom of the "leadership barrel," they are now being forced to look under the "barrel!"

The president looks so good and always classy then here comes Trump looking like one of those deranged tv evangelists.

He's a nightmare alright.
People: Bill Cosby and Donald Trump Butt Heads in Media | People | Express Night Out

After Bill Cosby described presidential candidate Donald Trump as "full of it" on "The View" over Trump's claims that President Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S., Trump said that "The hatred was pouring out of [Cosby's] eyes when he said this," and that Cosby was "Obviously an Obama fan." E! Online reports that he added "I wish he would be more honest."
You know, something tells me you don't score big political points by trying to pick on Bill Cosby. Now THERE is a man I'd be willing to elect to the oval office based on nothing but celebrity.
obama traveled to Iraq in 2006 he had to have a passport to do that, now why would he have to get a BC dated 2007 when he could have used his passport that he used to travel with in 2006?

1. On what basis do you conclude that he only obtained a passport in 2006? A passport is good for 10 years. He could have gotten it in 1996 and it still would have been valid at the time of the trip you mention.

2. Even if he obtained a passport in 2006 with his birth certificate, so what? I've had to replace my birth certificate twice in the past year. People lose stuff, it happens.

Political blunder? Why would he need to produce a BC when he had a passport? There was no need of him getting a BC since he had a passport.

Again, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT? He got the BC to respond to the birthers, and probably for registration purposes when he ran for President.

A passport is good enough on the I-9 form that you do not need to produce two additional documents of identifcation. It would have been good enough for me.

So then why do you keep going on about this? WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

Oh and by the way he also got a new passport after he became president. I wonder why that was needed?

That supports my previous comment that the passport he had in 2006 was not a new passport. It was near the end of its life, and he's had to replace it since becoming President. BIG FUCKING DEAL.

I'm asking questions that haven't been addressed yet or at least to my knowledge haven't been.

All you're doing is asking questions that have NOTHING to do with this and are completely irrelevant. What difference does it make if Obama orders a new birth certificate every single week? If that's what he wants to do that's his prerogative.
obama traveled to Iraq in 2006 he had to have a passport to do that, now why would he have to get a BC dated 2007 when he could have used his passport that he used to travel with in 2006?

1. On what basis do you conclude that he only obtained a passport in 2006? A passport is good for 10 years. He could have gotten it in 1996 and it still would have been valid at the time of the trip you mention.

2. Even if he obtained a passport in 2006 with his birth certificate, so what? I've had to replace my birth certificate twice in the past year. People lose stuff, it happens.

Political blunder? Why would he need to produce a BC when he had a passport? There was no need of him getting a BC since he had a passport.

Again, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT? He got the BC to respond to the birthers, and probably for registration purposes when he ran for President.

So then why do you keep going on about this? WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

Oh and by the way he also got a new passport after he became president. I wonder why that was needed?

That supports my previous comment that the passport he had in 2006 was not a new passport. It was near the end of its life, and he's had to replace it since becoming President. BIG FUCKING DEAL.

I'm asking questions that haven't been addressed yet or at least to my knowledge haven't been.

All you're doing is asking questions that have NOTHING to do with this and are completely irrelevant. What difference does it make if Obama orders a new birth certificate every single week? If that's what he wants to do that's his prerogative.

1. On what basis do you conclude that he only obtained a passport in 2006? A passport is good for 10 years. He could have gotten it in 1996 and it still would have been valid at the time of the trip you mention.

I did not say he got a passport in 2006 I said he should have had a passport in 2006 to make that trip to Iraq.

So then why do you keep going on about this? WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

Why are you so defenseive? Did you do something wrong? Or am I getting closer? You've proven nothing You do not know the difference between filed and accepted by it's two different dates that needs two different signatures. Thats one of the things you cannot get around, and saying it does not matter does not work. OH and one more thing, did you know that two twins were born the day after obama but the certificate number comes before obama's certificate number.

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