If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

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O'Reilly Factor:

Item: His thesis from Columbia has not been made public.

False. He didn't do a thesis. You may remember that Hillary Clinton kept her Wellesley thesis private until somebody outed the paper on radical Saul Alinsky.

Item: Mr. Obama has not released his medical records.

True. His doctor says he's in good health and has put that in writing. You may remember that President Clinton would not release his health care records. Bush the younger released evaluations but not official records.

Item: President Obama has not released his law practice client list.

True. But I don't know many lawyers who would, citing the privacy of clients.

Item: No birth certificate has been made public.

True. But the state of Hawaii has, once again, said Mr. Obama's birth certificate is on file. A certificate of live birth has been released. A "Factor" investigation also showed Mr. Obama was born in a Honolulu hospital and we stand by our reporting.

Item: There is no record of baptism.

True. No such document is in the public domain.

Item: Michelle Obama lost her law license.

False. She currently has an inactive law license.

Item: Mrs. Obama has more assistants than other first ladies.

False. She has about the same number Laura Bush had, approximately 20.

Item: Barack Obama received foreign student aid while in college.

False. Somebody just made that up.

So there you have it. Just the facts, Jack. "Talking Points" is glad to be of service.

And that's "The Memo."

Item: President Obama has not released his law practice client list.

True. But I don't know many lawyers who would, citing the privacy of clients.

Releasing the names is not releasing any client information. You can find it through court recods.
Why would someone pay an attorney 2 million dollars to hide all of their background?? Common sense tells us they're hiding something.. But not according to liberal nitwits.. DingleBarry is the exception you see. He doesn't have to submit a legal birth certificate cuz he's half black and liberal. He can hide all of his entire childhood and that's cool because, well.. he's a leftist. Anyone who dares to question Al Baraqi Hussein is just a racist!! LMFAO~ Do any of you dodo brains on the left think America is actually falling for your BULLSHIT any longer? I have NEVER been involved in the BC issue.. NOT EVER until now.. Even now I think this dickweed is hiding something.

He didn't you fucking idiot.

You cited his total Legal Price, which includes his Campaigning in General, you fucking rick.

Show us the itemized bill that went towards "hiding his background," or admit you don't have it. It's that fucking simple, really.

lmfao Sounds to me like this liberal "moran" is getting his panties in a squat over DingleBarry's lies. Now see Obama, you could save your minion a headache by simply releasing your LEGAL BC, it will take you all of 5 seconds to hand it to your Press Sec.. Yes?? Come on, you can do it Hussein!! One foot in front of the other... while you're at it Hussein, we'd like to see ALL of your academic records. Thanks Barry or whatever your name is.
Why would someone pay an attorney 2 million dollars to hide all of their background?? Common sense tells us they're hiding something.. But not according to liberal nitwits.. DingleBarry is the exception you see. He doesn't have to submit a legal birth certificate cuz he's half black and liberal. He can hide all of his entire childhood and that's cool because, well.. he's a leftist. Anyone who dares to question Al Baraqi Hussein is just a racist!! LMFAO~ Do any of you dodo brains on the left think America is actually falling for your BULLSHIT any longer? I have NEVER been involved in the BC issue.. NOT EVER until now.. Even now I think this dickweed is hiding something.

He didn't you fucking idiot.

You cited his total Legal Price, which includes his Campaigning in General, you fucking rick.

Show us the itemized bill that went towards "hiding his background," or admit you don't have it. It's that fucking simple, really.

lmfao Sounds to me like this liberal "moran" is getting his panties in a squat over DingleBarry's lies. Now see Obama, you could save your minion a headache by simply releasing your LEGAL BC, it will take you all of 5 seconds to hand it to your Press Sec.. Yes?? Come on, you can do it Hussein!! One foot in front of the other... while you're at it Hussein, we'd like to see ALL of your academic records. Thanks Barry or whatever your name is.

Ahh, so you have no proof he spent 2 million "hiding his background."

That's akin to an admission that you're led by your gullible little nose by anything or anyone "anti-Obama."


The COLB he released is legal, also. Idiot. Also verified by the DOH, Hawaiin Registrar's Office, or....you know....the office that has the AUTHORITY TO DECLARE IT LEGAL, USING THEIR SEAL AND SIGNATURE. :cuckoo: Brick wall.
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He didn't you fucking idiot.

You cited his total Legal Price, which includes his Campaigning in General, you fucking rick.

Show us the itemized bill that went towards "hiding his background," or admit you don't have it. It's that fucking simple, really.

lmfao Sounds to me like this liberal "moran" is getting his panties in a squat over DingleBarry's lies. Now see Obama, you could save your minion a headache by simply releasing your LEGAL BC, it will take you all of 5 seconds to hand it to your Press Sec.. Yes?? Come on, you can do it Hussein!! One foot in front of the other... while you're at it Hussein, we'd like to see ALL of your academic records. Thanks Barry or whatever your name is.

Ahh, so you have no proof he spent 2 million "hiding his background."

That's akin to an admission that you're led by your gullible little nose by anything or anyone "anti-Obama."


The COLB he released is legal, also. Idiot. Also verified by the DOH, Hawaiin Registrar's Office, or....you know....the office that has the AUTHORITY TO DECLARE IT LEGAL, USING THEIR SEAL AND SIGNATURE. :cuckoo: Brick wall.

There's a liberal "moran" admitting DingleBarry doesn't have a legal birth certificate. LMAO THE COLB, USE THE COLB LUKE!!!
Understand the law, then get back to us. BTW, the tea party owns the moniker "Moran," you were just a little slow on the uptake and needed that explained for you. Then again.....no wonder...
Understand the law, then get back to us. BTW, the tea party owns the moniker "Moran," you were just a little slow on the uptake and needed that explained for you. Then again.....no wonder...

Awww, now don't whine.. it's truly pathetic. You didn't preface your "moran," and used it where everyone could see that you're a braindead "moran." LMFAO!!!!!!! .. That had to be the post of the day- OF FUCKIN STUPIDITY!! You were making fun of someone else and showed what a damn dolt you are!! LOL It doesn't get any better than that.. :razz:
But you don't have Obama's long form to know his doesn't have 2 dates.

You have his short form.

And the other short forms you posted, have one date, not two, but nice try to wiggle.
As far as it stands until the long form is produced the current BC shows it was never accepted by the state registrar 1961

Accepted means filed by, filed by means accepted. You have no proof of a legal difference, idiot.

If there was a difference, how come the other examples you post of short forms were never filed? huh? huh? Are they not legitimate?

You're a fucking bozo.

No it doesn't. Look on the long form BC I posted. If accepted meant there would not be any need to have an accepted signature line. When you apply for something such as a bank loan you file or apply for the loan does that mean it was accepted?
Here is another example of what liars liberals are.. All one has to do is look up the FACTS:

FEC filings show that Obama's presidential campaign has paid out more than $1.7 million since the election to the law firm of Perkins Coie. Until recently, that firm was home to Obama's campaign lawyer, and now White House counsel, Robert Bauer—the very same DC lawyer, who has defended Obama in many of the birther lawsuits.

Barack Obama -- Robert Bauer

You liberals are too easy to beat and be shown as the liars you are. In the age of the internet , one would think you'd have a little more common sense then to try and lie your way out of this mess.. TOO FUCKIN BAD..

Go smoke a cigarette. I hear nicotine helps alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Here is another example of what liars liberals are.. All one has to do is look up the FACTS:

FEC filings show that Obama's presidential campaign has paid out more than $1.7 million since the election to the law firm of Perkins Coie. Until recently, that firm was home to Obama's campaign lawyer, and now White House counsel, Robert Bauer—the very same DC lawyer, who has defended Obama in many of the birther lawsuits.

Barack Obama -- Robert Bauer

You liberals are too easy to beat and be shown as the liars you are. In the age of the internet , one would think you'd have a little more common sense then to try and lie your way out of this mess.. TOO FUCKIN BAD..

Go smoke a cigarette. I hear nicotine helps alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

<Yawns> Wow, YOU SUCK.. Next..


Actually, to be honest, that picture has been around for at least 5 years. And I think that is actually a photoshopped version. IIRC the original said "Learn English Morans!" Allegedly, it was an anti-immigration sign.


Actually, to be honest, that picture has been around for at least 5 years. And I think that is actually a photoshopped version. IIRC the original said "Learn English Morans!" Allegedly, it was an anti-immigration sign.

Hahahahaha LMFAO You just ruined your liberal comrades defense of being STUPID~ wtg.. you two deserve each other. Get a fuckin room already!
You still havn't proven why the state registrar did not accept obama's BC in 1961? So moron hows does it feel to be beat by someone you think's a moran?:eusa_whistle:

You keep trotting that line. You have this idea that the state of Hawaii files, and reproduces for distribution, records that they did not "accept." Actually, I don't think you do have that idea. I'm sure you fully understand how stupid it is to say it, but you think it's smart to keep saying it anyway because that's better than having to admit that you were wrong.

You know birthers, tell me this: Even if your BS were true, what does it matter? Let's say that you're right, there's a whole massive decades old conspiracy going on? Guess what? It worked! Obama got elected!! The Republicans in Hawaii are in on it, the courts are in on it, the media is in on it. Everyone sitting in a position of importance or power is one of the conspirators. So it doesn't matter anymore, because there's NOTHING that can be done to stop it. Which leaves all of you, even if you were true, as nothing more than over zealous sports fans still complaining about that one bad call in the Superbowl 5 years ago.
I did it's on the two long foms I posted. there are two dates a filled dated an a accepted by state registrar date.

No you didn't. All you've done is create your own personal explanation that is fashioned to try and fit your own conclusions. You made the explanation up yourself. You didn't prove anything.

I left this debate yesterday becuase I saw that it was going nowhere....Those that are convinced they are right did all they could to suppoirt the things they had and refused to open their mind to alternatives.....so I realized they have their thinking and I had mine.

I never gave this whole birther thing a single thought until last week when I was audited by the DoL to ensure my i-9 files were in compliance and the auditor told me that a CoLB from ANY state does not hold as much weight as a BC or a CoB...and thus why I chimed in here....

But no one wanted to addrssss that...they just wanted to be right and ignore ANY questions that seem to be very valid and reasonable...


Here we are...24 hours later...and the same two people are still debating without a single concern about certain discrpencies...

They just want to be right.....good for them.

Sadly, the must have their doubts...cause all they had to do was say they are right and move on...
From an article :

San Diego News | OPINION FEATURE: The Obama Birth Certificate Debate

&#8226;Recent documents substantiate that Obama only attended Columbia University for 9 months in 1982-1983, contrary to official accounts.&#8226;FOIA and other requests have been submitted to the State Department for passport and travel records.
&#8226;The Selective Service and Social Security Administrations have been asked for documentation regarding Obama&#8217;s Connecticut-based social security number 042-68-4425.
&#8226;Investigators have traced the number prior to Obama&#8217;s [ending in 4424] to Newington, Conn. resident Thomas Wood, deceased at age 19.
&#8226;To date no government agency can explain how Obama obtained the Connecticut number when at no point in his child or early adult years was he a resident of the state.
&#8226;Investigations continue into Hawaiian infant-death records for sequential relationships with Obama&#8217;s COLB record number 151 01961 010641.
&#8226;The Nordyke twins have made public their long-form certificates with numbers ending in 37 and 38.
&#8226;There are several infant-death candidates that may have had birth certificate numbers issued during the August 1961 time frame. These efforts hope to yield more information now kept from the public

No wonder DingleBarry is fighting to keep his records sealed~ Oh what tangled webs we weave!! RELEASE ALL OF YOUR RECORDS HUSSEIN.

So Obama finished two years of study in 9 months and got his degree? Obama is smarter than I thought.

Charlotte police chief Rodney Monroe was given a degree he did not earn and according to the job requirement He needed the degree for the job.

Virginia Commonwealth University is establishing a confidential hotline in the wake of controversy over a bachelor's degree wrongly awarded to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe.

Last spring, an anonymous whistleblower tipped off a college accreditation body and the media that then-Richmond Police Chief Rodney Monroe did not meet requirements to earn a bachelor's degree.

Turns out, he was right.

Monroe only completed six of the 30 hours required to earn his degree from VCU as a transfer student.

WFAE 90.7 FM

This post needs to be repeated
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As far as it stands until the long form is produced the current BC shows it was never accepted by the state registrar 1961

Lies, through and through. There's nothing on the birth certificate to suggest that it was rejected by the state registrar. To the contrary, the fact that the registrar had the birth certificate on file is PROOF POSITIVE that it was received by the registrar. There is nothing to support your theory that the registrar "accepts" or "rejects" documents they are required to record, in the way in which you have been trying to suggest.

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