If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
obama is such a shitty president, i'm sure mayor mcCheese could beat him at this point.
but he did break the ice on being a no experienced no talent "elected" president. we'll hopefully see next if he's a u.s. citizen.

Whattya mean by "elected"?
i'm using my website to organize some birther rallies in washington d.c. sometime this summer, after the fourth of july.
see if i can't put a little good ole fashioned first amendment on this sneaky mysterious president. i really wan't to see the trnsparent's secret birth certificate.

I'm going to be in DC in mid-June. Could you do it then? If you do, I'll show up. I will even make a birfer sign! It'll say "Canadian birfers for Trump! And free poutine!"
No offense, Toro, but only an idiot would eat poutine.

i'm using my website to organize some birther rallies in washington d.c. sometime this summer, after the fourth of july.
see if i can't put a little good ole fashioned first amendment on this sneaky mysterious president. i really wan't to see the trnsparent's secret birth certificate.

I'm going to be in DC in mid-June. Could you do it then? If you do, I'll show up. I will even make a birfer sign! It'll say "Canadian birfers for Trump! And free poutine!"
No offense, Toro, but only an idiot would eat poutine.


It's health food compared to typical Southern fare ...
At least Trump is Constitutionally qualified to hold the Presidency, being a Natural Born Citizen & all. That CANNOT be said of BHO aka The Kenyan. Can't really say how well qualified based on demonstrated ability to lead a nation Trump is at this point but CERTAINLY he is no worse than even the best of the 'major' contenders and actual winners of the past almost 50 years. IF and this is a Big If Trump has the guts to really ride the NBC issue to the point that Joe SixPack truly understands the corrupt theft which occured in 2008 the absolute best outcome BHO will have to look forward to is spending the rest of his days at a Federal Facility which is........how to say this.........NOT of Presidential Quality in the accomodations department, but very very secure.

you are a fool

and YOU voted for a moslem communist

Actually I don't think obama thinks he's a muslim, because those who think they are godlike could never lower themself to be a part of a religion that doesn't worship them. Just ask the sheeple who worship him.
Could the Repub base in the Deep South (former confederate states) vote for a New Yorker? :eusa_eh: They are in between a rock & a hard place :lol:
why can't we see the birth certificate, we know it exists...

You've seen it. We have all seen it.

what's the name of the document only two people can see ? the one they're guarding like fort knox. i'll bet a thousand dollars obama says "ok everyone can see it" then it disappears mysteriously, like the presidency.

birther rallies start this summer after the fourth of july.

i'm going to put some pressure on this transpaernt president, since ayers is just "some guy in the nieberhood", and revered wright is the pastor of the church "i went to for twenty years, but wasn't really listening to what he said".

it's great that we live in a country where i can stand in front of the white house with a picket sign that says 'let's see it dope". you greasy snake chicago politician... and i grew up in chicago. i need slightly larger signs for this one. even if it's a rally of one i'll be there, but i have a feeling that others may join me. citizenship used to be sacred.
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At least Trump is Constitutionally qualified to hold the Presidency, being a Natural Born Citizen & all. That CANNOT be said of BHO aka The Kenyan. Can't really say how well qualified based on demonstrated ability to lead a nation Trump is at this point but CERTAINLY he is no worse than even the best of the 'major' contenders and actual winners of the past almost 50 years. IF and this is a Big If Trump has the guts to really ride the NBC issue to the point that Joe SixPack truly understands the corrupt theft which occured in 2008 the absolute best outcome BHO will have to look forward to is spending the rest of his days at a Federal Facility which is........how to say this.........NOT of Presidential Quality in the accomodations department, but very very secure.

Trump was not born in the US....he was born in Janaica

He has yet to produce a valid birth certificate

It doesn't seem to bother you about obama not having one that was accepted by the 1961 state registrar

it bothers the hell out of me.... that's why i'm organizing the rallies. you know if he wasn't such an arrogant prick, i wouldn't be so active of this
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Trump was not born in the US....he was born in Janaica

He has yet to produce a valid birth certificate

It doesn't seem to bother you about obama not having one that was accepted by the 1961 state registrar

it bothers the hell out of me.... that's why i'm organizing the rallies. you know if he wasn't such an arrogant prick, i wouldn't be so active of this

Most people tend to think the government will do whats best for them, and never would do anything to fool them. The government loves the people and wants whats best.... for them. It's hard for most to phantom the idea they have been scamed, thats why they rejected any remote possibitlites no matter how many errors are shown with the whole birth document issue.
If Trump weren't such a braggart and buffoon, I might actually consider him for the presidency. We need someone with a head for business in the office...but that guy's too much of a clown.

On the upside though, we'd have the hottest First Lady of any country on the planet.
If Trump weren't such a braggart and buffoon, I might actually consider him for the presidency. We need someone with a head for business in the office...but that guy's too much of a clown.

On the upside though, we'd have the hottest First Lady of any country on the planet.

braggart and buffoon

Don't we already have that covered?
I say WOW.

He hasn't said he running yet and he's leading the polls?? WOW Whatta guy!!!

Personally I don't think he'll run. It would take up to much time and it doesn't pay neearly what The Donald is used to making.

Don't really see him giving up his really big paydays to run for POTUS although it could be good for a chuckle or two. LOL
If Obama has to show you his birth certificate then you have to show us your hairline.

You go first.
Not sure a hairline (good, bad or just plain weird) is a constitutional requirement.... care to enlighten us if otherwise?

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