If I would run for the presidency...

yeah , thanks , draft the poor and the rich , no exemptions , women too since that's what they seem to want anyway . Or go to 'canada' or europe with no reentry possible , ok with me . I think that a professional army of 'kings men' is not a good thing for the USA and its future of Freedom and Liberty , so thanks Hipeter .
no thanks and that's based on you 1st point concerning the weakening of USA military Bleipriester . Problem with your other other ideas also .
Military, military. This is what you are screaming. With me as President, you don´t have to live in fear of the world anymore as I would stop all what the previous governments did to the world. I would not abolish the military, btw but it would be well prepared for an attack. Therefor, it does not need 700 billion dollars per year while the rest of the country is ramshackle. Think about it.

Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation
and from your promise to stop certain things that you consider to be 'BAD things' that the USA has done , well , it sounds to me like you would be kissing the azz'z of Americas enemies . Kissing enemy azz is pretty un-American Bleipreister !!
Face the reality. America can´t afford it for much longer. And the later the American politics recognizes that fact the more costly will be the change of policy.
country is fine and I certainly don't live in fear . My AMERICAN principles urge me to advocate for the best USA military capability in the world and once that's been achieved America should do it some more . No one of sound mind is starving in the USA and those of unsound mind have probably created their own unsound mind through drugs or drinking . SO , first thing is staying well fed and that is easily done in the USA , after that make plans for how you will better your condition and situation . That's usually done by going to work Bleipreister !!
Tell that to those who have two or three jobs and can´t pay their bills and to those who are unemployed.
Tell that ASCE, as well.
my postings have informed Them , and they should be well aware of 'mrobama' messing up this once great country because as you said , they are working 2 - 3 jobs , living in parents basements to make ends meet plus they have to deal with imported people to get jobs in the USA . He11 , older Americans worked 40 hours a week with mandatory overtime , some got rich , owned homes , cars , motorcycles , boats . Now I see mrobama supporters and voters driving SKATEBOARDS and we know that many live in basements . ------------ in closing , Are you helping to gut the 'german' military and establish those nature preserves on former german military bases Bleipreister ???
anyway , naw , I won't vote for you seeing what you advocate in your ideas platform Bleipreister !!
and I'd tell those that can't pay their bills to get rid of all the expenses that they can . Learn to cook and eat at home, get rid of high priced cell phone plans , forget about cable tv and foolish tattoos . Keep healthy , eat simple and well . Stay away from drugs , don't knock up some little chick and things will get a little better at least financially Bleipreister .
my postings have informed Them , and they should be well aware of 'mrobama' messing up this once great country because as you said , they are working 2 - 3 jobs , living in parents basements to make ends meet plus they have to deal with imported people to get jobs in the USA . He11 , older Americans worked 40 hours a week with mandatory overtime , some got rich , owned homes , cars , motorcycles , boats . Now I see mrobama supporters and voters driving SKATEBOARDS and we know that many live in basements . ------------ in closing , Are you helping to gut the 'german' military and establish those nature preserves on former german military bases Bleipreister ???
The German military is a joke and unable to defend the country. If I was the German Chancellor I would establish a proper defense force.
and I'd tell those that can't pay their bills to get rid of all the expenses that they can . Learn to cook and eat at home, get rid of high priced cell phone plans , forget about cable tv and foolish tattoos . Keep healthy , eat simple and well . Stay away from drugs , don't knock up some little chick and things will get a little better at least financially Bleipreister .
So the poor people would have to shed feathers, not the rich? Not that your argument is wrong at all but living without the opportunities - this is truly un-American.
good to hear but would it meet MY ' American ' standards of immense over kill Bleipreister ?? Military is no good unless you can kill the enemy over and over again Bleipriester .
and I'd tell those that can't pay their bills to get rid of all the expenses that they can . Learn to cook and eat at home, get rid of high priced cell phone plans , forget about cable tv and foolish tattoos . Keep healthy , eat simple and well . Stay away from drugs , don't knock up some little chick and things will get a little better at least financially Bleipreister .
So the poor people would have to shed feathers, not the rich? Not that your argument is wrong at all but living without the opportunities - this is truly un-American.
a german isn't going to tell and convince of what is or is not American Bleipreister !!
good to hear but would it meet MY ' American ' standards of immense over kill Bleipreister ?? Military is no good unless you can kill the enemy over and over again Bleipriester .
When nobody dares to attack, the military is strong enough. There is no need to obtain an umpteen times overkill ability. All your nukes did not serve you anyhow in any war so far. And for determent purposes, Germany would not need thousands of nuclear warheads.
and I'd tell those that can't pay their bills to get rid of all the expenses that they can . Learn to cook and eat at home, get rid of high priced cell phone plans , forget about cable tv and foolish tattoos . Keep healthy , eat simple and well . Stay away from drugs , don't knock up some little chick and things will get a little better at least financially Bleipreister .
So the poor people would have to shed feathers, not the rich? Not that your argument is wrong at all but living without the opportunities - this is truly un-American.
a german isn't going to tell and convince of what is or is not American Bleipreister !!
You are caught in the rep-dem nonsense (both parties are unabearable in truth) and should free yourself from this. Create a new party or launch a revolution.
and I'd tell those that can't pay their bills to get rid of all the expenses that they can . Learn to cook and eat at home, get rid of high priced cell phone plans , forget about cable tv and foolish tattoos . Keep healthy , eat simple and well . Stay away from drugs , don't knock up some little chick and things will get a little better at least financially Bleipreister .
So the poor people would have to shed feathers, not the rich? Not that your argument is wrong at all but living without the opportunities - this is truly un-American.
a german isn't going to tell and convince of what is or is not American Bleipreister !!
You are caught in the rep-dem nonsense (both parties are unabearable in truth) and should free yourself from this. Create a new party or launch a revolution.
removed the silly that I awarded you , not that you care . And go on to say that I am neither 'rino' nor 'dem' prog as I argue against both / all Bleipreister .
Well, ok :smile:
I also have little to do with our counterparts of dems and reps or any other party here cause noone can be trusted.
You say in the same breath that you would make service compulsory AND remove billions from the defense budget.

Based on the fact that is impossible I don't see how I could vote for you.
This is possible. Other armies can do it, so the US military can do it as well. Most expensive is the readiness to launch wars anywhere in the world. America doesn´t need that and other things are urgent.
No, not if you are going to pay them in any sort of reasonable manner. If you want to place 2.5-5% of the people in the military (what it would mean if service is mandatory) then you are talking about 3-5 million people at least.

That is a lot of people. Pay them 40K a year and you are looking at 300 billion a year in MANNING costs just including direct pay (and that is at the low end).

And we have not bothered to factor in infrastructure, training and equipment. Healthcare and disability costs (both short and long term) or any of the less direct benefits that are supplied.

IOW, the numbers flush out that such an idea is simply untenable.
so , not that you agree but a draft in time of great need is more economically feasible rather than a large standing professional army .
so , not that you agree but a draft in time of great need is more economically feasible rather than a large standing professional army .
Yes and no.

That was true when a standing force meant something – it no longer does. Military engagement is no longer a numbers game. Just because you have 10 times the standing force does not really mean that you have an advantage.

Military strength is very centered around your competence and technological prowess. Our technological advantage requires a military that is filled with far more than simple grunts. It demands much more advanced requirements.

The problem with drafting is that a draft means you have mostly people that do not want to be there, are completely untrained and ultimately unwilling and unprepared for what they are going to face in a real engagement. The effectiveness of a fighting force is MUCH higher when people are not forced to be there.
You say in the same breath that you would make service compulsory AND remove billions from the defense budget.

Based on the fact that is impossible I don't see how I could vote for you.
This is possible. Other armies can do it, so the US military can do it as well. Most expensive is the readiness to launch wars anywhere in the world. America doesn´t need that and other things are urgent.
No, not if you are going to pay them in any sort of reasonable manner. If you want to place 2.5-5% of the people in the military (what it would mean if service is mandatory) then you are talking about 3-5 million people at least.

That is a lot of people. Pay them 40K a year and you are looking at 300 billion a year in MANNING costs just including direct pay (and that is at the low end).

And we have not bothered to factor in infrastructure, training and equipment. Healthcare and disability costs (both short and long term) or any of the less direct benefits that are supplied.

IOW, the numbers flush out that such an idea is simply untenable.

so , not that you agree but a draft in time of great need is more economically feasible rather than a large standing professional army .
Yes and no.

That was true when a standing force meant something – it no longer does. Military engagement is no longer a numbers game. Just because you have 10 times the standing force does not really mean that you have an advantage.

Military strength is very centered around your competence and technological prowess. Our technological advantage requires a military that is filled with far more than simple grunts. It demands much more advanced requirements.

The problem with drafting is that a draft means you have mostly people that do not want to be there, are completely untrained and ultimately unwilling and unprepared for what they are going to face in a real engagement. The effectiveness of a fighting force is MUCH higher when people are not forced to be there.
Soldiers don´t earn 40K. They get all what they need plus their pay that is about 12K. The compulsory military service has more than one task. The army does not only protect the country but also educates the conscripts.
America is also a large country and that results in many bases at the borders and inside the country. The standing force guarantees the safety of the country and provides the young people with lots of opportunities regarding education and easy career entry after the service. Over time, it generates a large reserve that can be activated in no time in case of need. And last but not least the investment in the young people will pay off in various ways.
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?
I think people already voted for you president Obama.

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