If I would run for the presidency...

...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

Maybe. What about immigration? What about Obamacare?
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy

That's brilliant, and when our enemies blew up your shiny new infrastructure then what?
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy

That's brilliant, and when our enemies blew up your shiny new infrastructure then what?
View attachment 42766

Why Canada? Because they really killed Kenny?
That or France, for their 'evil, socialist healthcare' that could save Kenny's life, again.
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy

That's brilliant, and when our enemies blew up your shiny new infrastructure then what?
View attachment 42766

Why Canada? Because they really killed Kenny?
That or France, for their 'evil, socialist healthcare' that could save Kenny's life, again.

I prefer France. As from news, they completely forgot cossacs presence on the Paris streets :) Their Eiffel Tower is rusty in real. It seems there's no more useful in France, God, blame it! :)
You say in the same breath that you would make service compulsory AND remove billions from the defense budget.

Based on the fact that is impossible I don't see how I could vote for you.
I like your platform but I would add a few more ideas. I would vote for you only if you made citizenship mandatory for receiving any kind governmental subsidies such as food stamps, medical and SSI to list just a few. Also, I would want you to repeal Obamacare, mandate tort reform and implement a health care reform that is actually fair and manageable. Finally, I would want you to eliminate the Department of Education, the EPA and institute a national sales tax which would downsize (if not eliminate) the IRS.
no thanks and that's based on you 1st point concerning the weakening of USA military Bleipriester . Problem with your other other ideas also .
Military, military. This is what you are screaming. With me as President, you don´t have to live in fear of the world anymore as I would stop all what the previous governments did to the world. I would not abolish the military, btw but it would be well prepared for an attack. Therefor, it does not need 700 billion dollars per year while the rest of the country is ramshackle. Think about it.

Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation
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You say in the same breath that you would make service compulsory AND remove billions from the defense budget.

Based on the fact that is impossible I don't see how I could vote for you.
This is possible. Other armies can do it, so the US military can do it as well. Most expensive is the readiness to launch wars anywhere in the world. America doesn´t need that and other things are urgent.
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I like your platform but I would add a few more ideas. I would vote for you only if you made citizenship mandatory for receiving any kind governmental subsidies such as food stamps, medical and SSI to list just a few. Also, I would want you to repeal Obamacare, mandate tort reform and implement a health care reform that is actually fair and manageable. Finally, I would want you to eliminate the Department of Education, the EPA and institute a national sales tax which would downsize (if not eliminate) the IRS.
I can´t answer such questions of detail without having the total overview only the President can obtain. Non-Americans that don´t want to contribute to the country must leave, however.
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

Maybe. What about immigration? What about Obamacare?
Would be reviewed. It should be clear that only a compulsory health insurance can grant a proper insurance for the less well-heeled. Immigration would take place or not in accordance with the needs of the economy.
no thanks and that's based on you 1st point concerning the weakening of USA military Bleipriester . Problem with your other other ideas also .
Military, military. This is what you are screaming. With me as President, you don´t have to live in fear of the world anymore as I would stop all what the previous governments did to the world. I would not abolish the military, btw but it would be well prepared for an attack. Therefor, it does not need 700 billion dollars per year while the rest of the country is ramshackle. Think about it.

Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation
country is fine and I certainly don't live in fear . My AMERICAN principles urge me to advocate for the best USA military capability in the world and once that's been achieved America should do it some more . No one of sound mind is starving in the USA and those of unsound mind have probably created their own unsound mind through drugs or drinking . SO , first thing is staying well fed and that is easily done in the USA , after that make plans for how you will better your condition and situation . That's usually done by going to work Bleipreister !!
and All types of immigration should be STOPPED 100 percent !! I see immigration mentioned .
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

Yo, without a military, you`re nothing! You need a strong military to keep all those who hate us! :Boom2:

You need a military that is more expensive to run than that of the next 7 countries combined? U.S. defense spending compared to other countries pgpf.org
yep , military as compared to wimp countries , what good is that Hipeter ??
no thanks and that's based on you 1st point concerning the weakening of USA military Bleipriester . Problem with your other other ideas also .
Military, military. This is what you are screaming. With me as President, you don´t have to live in fear of the world anymore as I would stop all what the previous governments did to the world. I would not abolish the military, btw but it would be well prepared for an attack. Therefor, it does not need 700 billion dollars per year while the rest of the country is ramshackle. Think about it.

Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation
and from your promise to stop certain things that you consider to be 'BAD things' that the USA has done , well , it sounds to me like you would be kissing the azz'z of Americas enemies . Kissing enemy azz is pretty un-American Bleipreister !!
I would introduce the compulsory military service anyway.
Just about every right-wing, chickenhawk nutter on this board just shit their pants and pissed down their leg when they read that.

And even though you aren't American, I would vote for you over every one of the delusional nutters on this board.
I think military service should be draft with enlistment also of course . Draft in times of national need but otherwise a military that can handle war until the draft is activated when needed . Don't want to serve , well , go to 'canada' .
I think military service should be draft with enlistment also of course . Draft in times of national need but otherwise a military that can handle war until the draft is activated when needed . Don't want to serve , well , go to 'canada' .
Meaning you will force the poor and the middle class to fight and die for the wealthy elite, while the wealthy elite like big W can draft dodge.

That was how Vietnam and Korea worked.

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