If I would run for the presidency...

And a question , hey , you have lots of illegal aliens and new immigrants from 'muslim' lands [mainly] . Why not fill your German military with them . Heck , lots of those foreigners I mention are leaving Libya by way of Lampedusa as they make their way to Italy and then walk , ride or fly to you guys in Germany , England , France , Switzerland and other European lands . Why not let them join the military and fight for German Freedom ?? Some of the infiltrators that I refer to probably have experience fighting for ' Islamic state' but fighting skills are pretty easily transferrable . :afro:
I don´t think this would work. They are doing some kind of that already but people don´t come to Europe to join armies. There would be a lack of loyalty, as well. The volunteer force in Germany is made up of at least 40 % of East Germans (former GDR).
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

Well, what role does government have in domestic industry? I didn't think much of anything Anytime they get involved, things end up worse. & the feds in fighting crime & ghettos gets a big fat zero.

Hey, if I were President I'd eliminate, for starters: DHS, IRS, DOE, TSA, NSA, DOJ, HUD, FCC, NLRB & #1 would be the EPA. Then I'd make lobbyists pay an enormous tax before they talk to anyone political & politicians would also pay a fine for talking to lobbyists. That might slow them down & put a damper of cronyism & pay to play. I would build an impenetrable wall on our southern borders. I would stop advertising food stamps in Mexico. I would defund every single complex that houses illegals. & with one stroke of the pen I'd cancel Obamacare & ObamaTrade. How's that for a beginning, too radical?
The purpose is to stop the outsourcing. What can be worse than watching your industry moving away?

As for your lobby fine, I guess it would just make corruption less visible.
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And a question , hey , you have lots of illegal aliens and new immigrants from 'muslim' lands [mainly] . Why not fill your German military with them . Heck , lots of those foreigners I mention are leaving Libya by way of Lampedusa as they make their way to Italy and then walk , ride or fly to you guys in Germany , England , France , Switzerland and other European lands . Why not let them join the military and fight for German Freedom ?? Some of the infiltrators that I refer to probably have experience fighting for ' Islamic state' but fighting skills are pretty easily transferrable . :afro:
I don´t think this would work. They are doing some kind of that already but people don´t come to Europe to join armies. There would be a lack of loyalty, as well. The volunteer force in Germany is made up of at least 40 % of East Germans (former GDR).
course you are correct , I was just trying to be silly . Have an army comprised of 'muslim' third worlders makes no sense to me anymore than allowing foreigners into USA military . 'muslims' have no ties to the majority of Germans same as illegal aliens in the USA have no ties to Americans. Like I said , I was just being silly Bleipreister !!
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and with immigration of all types we will eventually have a military full of foreigners that work military jobs as a way of gaining citizenship plus paychecks of course . They really will be the 'kings' men !! ----- just a comment !!

That is a wonderful way to gain citizenship. It proves that particular person is willing to sacrifice for the nation. Those foreigners that enter the military and become Americans are FAR better and more of a true American than most Americans that simply were lucky enough to be born here. I wish there were more of them.
I disagree , one of the best things of former military forces made up of draftees and enlisted was that they were comprised of REAL Americans that fought for the country and their mothers , fathers , sons , daughters and so the soldiers would not easily fire or trample on those family members or their RIGHTS . Replace that kinda military with foreigners or professional military just working for money and citizenship and its pretty much the same as having a Mercenary military , and all of them being the 'kings' men FAQ !!
You believe that people that will only sacrifice for the nation because they are FORCED to under legal threat are more American than those that are willing to without coercion?

That, to me, is a silly belief.
how 'american' is some illegal or otherwise foreign person that joins the USA military a good deal when he shouldn't even be in the USA . Only reason he goes US military is for money and reward and not because he is anything other than a person that wants what he wants . Foreigner also likes the reality of 'Chain Migration' after or even before becoming a citizen . Soon you have a military and country full of foreigners with no ties to Real Americans FAQ .

No ties to real Americans?

What silly things to state. "Real" Americans are almost universally immigrants to this nation in the past. Immigrants make up some of the hardest working and most dedicated people in the entire nation. Those born here seem to think that they deserve what this nation has to offer simply because they are here. LEGAL immigrants (that is what citizenship through military service is - LEGAL immigration) make this nation FAR stronger and tend to be far better citizens.

This nation was built on immigration.
And a question , hey , you have lots of illegal aliens and new immigrants from 'muslim' lands [mainly] . Why not fill your German military with them . Heck , lots of those foreigners I mention are leaving Libya by way of Lampedusa as they make their way to Italy and then walk , ride or fly to you guys in Germany , England , France , Switzerland and other European lands . Why not let them join the military and fight for German Freedom ?? Some of the infiltrators that I refer to probably have experience fighting for ' Islamic state' but fighting skills are pretty easily transferrable . :afro:
I don´t think this would work. They are doing some kind of that already but people don´t come to Europe to join armies. There would be a lack of loyalty, as well. The volunteer force in Germany is made up of at least 40 % of East Germans (former GDR).
course you are correct , I was just trying to be silly . Have an armycomprised of 'muslim' third worlders makes no sense to me anymore than allowing foreigners into USA military . 'muslims' have no ties to the majority of Germans same as illegal aliens in the USA have no ties to Americans. Like I said , I was just being silly Bleipreister !!
I hoped so, pismoe :D
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

So you'd be a stereotypical Democrat. Lofty goals, no idea how to accomplish them.

And to answer your question, no, I don't vote for socialists
Oh yes, the "socialism" screamers could ruin the whole country when they put their "principles" over what is required to fix its problems.

Socialism "fix" problems? That's classic
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
Propaganda or standard line ehh Faq , plus I suppose that you like old lefty 'emma lazurus' poem on the base of the 'statue' from France . Poem was added after the installation of that silly statue and is a misrepresentation of what the 'statue ' stands for . Anyway , I oppose All immigration except for a few here and there based on USA people wants and needs and to he11 with the 'chamber of commerce' wanting cheap labor . Far better citizens , in whose opinion , maybe Government men and statists approve of servile citizens but I do not Faq !!
...these would by my promises:

- I would free billions from the military to heal the country, its infrastructure, education, health system and economy
- I would stop interfering in foreign affairs and restore America´s reputation
- I would form an alliance against terror that actually fights terror where people ask for help
- I would fight organized crime and ghettoization
- I would subsidize domestic industry
- I would fight the excessive financial service craze that has the potential to put the whole country down

Of course, there is a lot to do, so
- I would create a commission that would have to check out whats going wrong and try to fix it.

So, would you vote for me or not?

So you'd be a stereotypical Democrat. Lofty goals, no idea how to accomplish them.

And to answer your question, no, I don't vote for socialists
Oh yes, the "socialism" screamers could ruin the whole country when they put their "principles" over what is required to fix its problems.

Socialism "fix" problems? That's classic
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.
So you'd be a stereotypical Democrat. Lofty goals, no idea how to accomplish them.

And to answer your question, no, I don't vote for socialists
Oh yes, the "socialism" screamers could ruin the whole country when they put their "principles" over what is required to fix its problems.

Socialism "fix" problems? That's classic
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
Oh yes, the "socialism" screamers could ruin the whole country when they put their "principles" over what is required to fix its problems.

Socialism "fix" problems? That's classic
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
I think that economy is not a game. Once you are game over you cannot load a save game and restart. There must be control, of course. But the most priority has the maintaining of domestic production. US companies are outsourcing their production means to an potential enemy. China requires foreign companies to join a joint venture with a Chinese company and give all their know how to Chinese authorities in order to produce in China.
How is that a solution?
Socialism "fix" problems? That's classic
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
I think that economy is not a game. Once you are game over you cannot load a save game and restart. There must be control, of course. But the most priority has the maintaining of domestic production. US companies are outsourcing their production means to an potential enemy. China requires foreign companies to join a joint venture with a Chinese company and give all their know how to Chinese authorities in order to produce in China.
How is that a solution?

What's the worst solution is out of control government regulating and taxing companies driving them offshore then rather than address their policies that are doing that, trying to use force compel them to stay
This isn´t socialism.

It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
I think that economy is not a game. Once you are game over you cannot load a save game and restart. There must be control, of course. But the most priority has the maintaining of domestic production. US companies are outsourcing their production means to an potential enemy. China requires foreign companies to join a joint venture with a Chinese company and give all their know how to Chinese authorities in order to produce in China.
How is that a solution?

What's the worst solution is out of control government regulating and taxing companies driving them offshore then rather than address their policies that are doing that, trying to use force compel them to stay
Your iPhone, Xbox and everything are "socialist" products already. Better to have a subsidized domestic industry, I guess. And control of companies and interfering in their business is not the same.
It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. So OK, how is it not a duck?
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
I think that economy is not a game. Once you are game over you cannot load a save game and restart. There must be control, of course. But the most priority has the maintaining of domestic production. US companies are outsourcing their production means to an potential enemy. China requires foreign companies to join a joint venture with a Chinese company and give all their know how to Chinese authorities in order to produce in China.
How is that a solution?

What's the worst solution is out of control government regulating and taxing companies driving them offshore then rather than address their policies that are doing that, trying to use force compel them to stay
Your iPhone, Xbox and everything are "socialist" products already. Better to have a subsidized domestic industry, I guess. And control of companies and interfering in their business is not the same.
Really because that is exactly what control is.
For example, Socialism means the nationalizing of the industry.

Well, full socialism is, but as long as industry is controlled by government, it is socialized. If you have the title to your car, but your car is parked in your neighbors driveway and your neighbor controls the keys, in reality, it is your neighbor's car
I think that economy is not a game. Once you are game over you cannot load a save game and restart. There must be control, of course. But the most priority has the maintaining of domestic production. US companies are outsourcing their production means to an potential enemy. China requires foreign companies to join a joint venture with a Chinese company and give all their know how to Chinese authorities in order to produce in China.
How is that a solution?

What's the worst solution is out of control government regulating and taxing companies driving them offshore then rather than address their policies that are doing that, trying to use force compel them to stay
Your iPhone, Xbox and everything are "socialist" products already. Better to have a subsidized domestic industry, I guess. And control of companies and interfering in their business is not the same.
Really because that is exactly what control is.
What about the Antitrust Devision? Is that socialism already or do you think that there must be control?

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