If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?

Your continued ineffectual whining about name calling and some off color language isn't exactly bolstering your sub moronic position either, ya shit for brain motherfucking pussy.
Go play little one, you bore me.

Go fuck yourself, you douche bag. You ARE a bore.

If you post more of your standard worthless bullshit babble, and I wish to expose your sub-par intellect on an ongoing basis, you get no vote in the matter. :thup:

Free speech really irks you laughable modern American lolberals, eh what?
We invented free speech ,little man. Babble away, all hearing infants do.

"We?" If by "we" you intend to be suggesting that you laughable lolberals "invented" free speech, then you are not just wrong and misinformed, but tragically dishonest and petty.

No shitbird. YOU didn't invent anything. And you asshole modern American liberals consistently demonstrate your loathing of free speech for those who disagree with you.

Get back to fucking yourself.

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Go play little one, you bore me.

Go fuck yourself, you douche bag. You ARE a bore.

If you post more of your standard worthless bullshit babble, and I wish to expose your sub-par intellect on an ongoing basis, you get no vote in the matter. :thup:

Free speech really irks you laughable modern American lolberals, eh what?
We invented free speech ,little man. Babble away, all hearing infants do.

"We?" If by "we" you intend to be suggesting that you laughable lolberals "invented" free speech, then you are not just wrong and misinformed, but tragically dishonest and petty.

No shitbird. YOU didn't invent anything. And you asshole modern American liberals consistently demonstrate your loathing of free speech for those who disagree with you.

Get back to fucking yourself.

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Liberals invented it, dummy. And I love free speech, have at it.
It would be nice if you'd use your right to free speech to say anything at least with a glimmer of intelligence.

By the way, my use of colorful invective is not bad grammar either, you ignorant whining sack of stupid.
"...lolberals...", is not a word.
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Go fuck yourself, you douche bag. You ARE a bore.

If you post more of your standard worthless bullshit babble, and I wish to expose your sub-par intellect on an ongoing basis, you get no vote in the matter. :thup:

Free speech really irks you laughable modern American lolberals, eh what?
We invented free speech ,little man. Babble away, all hearing infants do.

"We?" If by "we" you intend to be suggesting that you laughable lolberals "invented" free speech, then you are not just wrong and misinformed, but tragically dishonest and petty.

No shitbird. YOU didn't invent anything. And you asshole modern American liberals consistently demonstrate your loathing of free speech for those who disagree with you.

Get back to fucking yourself.

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Liberals invented it, dummy. And I love free speech, have at it.

Bullshit, you idiot. And you fucking nitwit liberals actually LOATHE it.
We invented free speech ,little man. Babble away, all hearing infants do.

"We?" If by "we" you intend to be suggesting that you laughable lolberals "invented" free speech, then you are not just wrong and misinformed, but tragically dishonest and petty.

No shitbird. YOU didn't invent anything. And you asshole modern American liberals consistently demonstrate your loathing of free speech for those who disagree with you.

Get back to fucking yourself.

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Liberals invented it, dummy. And I love free speech, have at it.

Bullshit, you idiot. And you fucking nitwit liberals actually LOATHE it.
Rejecting reality won't help you my little man. You will find dozens of times in past posts, maybe hundreds, that I stand up for free speech nearly without exception. My people are big fans of it, since we made it a right here.
Yes it was you miserable cur lying sack of stupid and dishonest. Their fucking President, Ahmanazinutjob, said it.
Then provide the link, dumbass.

You lazy Soros spoon fed pussy, there's also THIS:

The president added: "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”

The President Of Iran Is Calling For The Annihilation Of Israel - Business Insider
"We?" If by "we" you intend to be suggesting that you laughable lolberals "invented" free speech, then you are not just wrong and misinformed, but tragically dishonest and petty.

No shitbird. YOU didn't invent anything. And you asshole modern American liberals consistently demonstrate your loathing of free speech for those who disagree with you.

Get back to fucking yourself.

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Liberals invented it, dummy. And I love free speech, have at it.

Bullshit, you idiot. And you fucking nitwit liberals actually LOATHE it.
Rejecting reality won't help you my little man. You will find dozens of times in past posts, maybe hundreds, that I stand up for free speech nearly without exception.

Ho hum.

You also object to it when others with whom you (in your typical very petty manner) disagree.

Your repeated false denials of reality wont save you. It remains true. You asshole modern day American liberals loathe the freedom of speech enjoyed by all with whom you disagree.
Yes it was you miserable cur lying sack of stupid and dishonest. Their fucking President, Ahmanazinutjob, said it.
Then provide the link, dumbass.

You lazy Soros spoon fed pussy, there's also THIS:

The president added: "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”

The President Of Iran Is Calling For The Annihilation Of Israel - Business Insider
You know he's out of power now right?
      • upload_2015-3-28_14-50-44.jpeg
  1. Hassan Rouhani
    Iran, President

See? I knew you had no clue on the topic. You just proved it.

You idiots think that the American Founders and Framers somehow "invented" free speech.

No no.

They merely sought to explicitly preserve it as a RIGHT. The right itself, however, already existed.

And our Founders and Framers accepted that right as a given largely based on the very substantial philosophical work of prior geniuses.

Conservatives, of today, are the ones who value the work of the Founders and Framers. We continue their tradition. You laughable modern American "liberals" are a disservice even to the term "liberal." And you assholes loathe free speech.
Liberals invented it, dummy. And I love free speech, have at it.

Bullshit, you idiot. And you fucking nitwit liberals actually LOATHE it.
Rejecting reality won't help you my little man. You will find dozens of times in past posts, maybe hundreds, that I stand up for free speech nearly without exception.

Ho hum.

You also object to it when others with whom you (in your typical very petty manner) disagree.

Your repeated false denials of reality wont save you. It remains true. You asshole modern day American liberals loathe the freedom of speech enjoyed by all with whom you disagree.
Just keep lying to yourself kiddo, that's what you're good at.
If Iran wants nuclear weapons, they'll get them. There's nothing to be done that can prevent that. Think tanks have been writing about this for decades and come to this conclusion.

If you attack Iran to disuade their ambitions for nuclear weapons, all you'll achieve is assuring the ambition. You don't generally attack nuclear-armed countries. So the incentive to getting them only increases.

Just as 9/11 brought the US together in an unprecedented way against a common foe, if you attack Iran, the pro-west movement will go silent and the hardline anti-west forces will get stronger.

Best case scenarios for attacks on Iran's nuclear research facilities is you postpone it a few years if that much. But they redouble their efforts and get them anyway. So the only thing to do to prevent their aquiring nuclear weapons is through diplomacy.

AMEN...if the diplomacy didn't work then bomb the heck of Iran.

What part of what you just read went over your head? If diplomacy doesn't work you don't then bomb them. Re-apply the sanctions, isolate them, but bombing wont work.

I think you are dreaming or smoking that you don't understand this problem as a whole. Sanctions was applied but look how far what they accomplished with their ambitions. So you apply another sanctions. Do you think they will stop building their nuclear program? Now what do you do? Talk to me....They are very close to completion. They are also developing their own ICBM for delivery. Building a hard water facilities as part of nuclear weapon process in Arak can be done underground. I hate to go to war or bomb Iran but they should never be allowed to have this kind of weapons.
If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?

No, listen the liberals #1 rule is never accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong. They will blame Bush or one of a dozen or more favorite 'who do we blame' targets like always. This is why they freak out over Obamacare, they could not get a single GOP vote which means they own it. They have still made several runs at spinning Obamacare sucks because its the GOP's fault they won't fix it.

Liberals are lying low life scum you have to start there.
If Iran wants nuclear weapons, they'll get them. There's nothing to be done that can prevent that. Think tanks have been writing about this for decades and come to this conclusion.

If you attack Iran to disuade their ambitions for nuclear weapons, all you'll achieve is assuring the ambition. You don't generally attack nuclear-armed countries. So the incentive to getting them only increases.

Just as 9/11 brought the US together in an unprecedented way against a common foe, if you attack Iran, the pro-west movement will go silent and the hardline anti-west forces will get stronger.

Best case scenarios for attacks on Iran's nuclear research facilities is you postpone it a few years if that much. But they redouble their efforts and get them anyway. So the only thing to do to prevent their aquiring nuclear weapons is through diplomacy.

But we are removing the sanctions which delayed the creation of the bomb.
I think you are dreaming or smoking that you don't understand this problem as a whole. Sanctions was applied but look how far what they accomplished with their ambitions. So you apply another sanctions. Do you think they will stop building their nuclear program? Now what do you do? Talk to me....They are very close to completion. They are also developing their own ICBM for delivery. Building a hard water facilities as part of nuclear weapon process in Arak can be done underground. I hate to go to war or bomb Iran but they should never be allowed to have this kind of weapons.
Why don't you just shut your fuckin' mouth?

You haven't even proven their nuclear program has been weaponized.
Casting aside his earlier, and repeated, assurances that he would never allow Iran to get nukes, Obama now supports a deal that would allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons in 10 years. If public opinion and/or Congressional action ends up forcing Obama to scale back the deal, he and John Kerry appear determined to at least allow Iran to retain the crucial capability to enrich uranium, which is the vital core of any nuclear weapons program.

Our own State Department has said that Iran is the "world's most active state sponsor of terrorism." The mullahs who run Iran not only deny the Holocaust and swear to obliterate Israel (they recently repeated that promise following Netanyahu's compelling speech to Congress), but they also believe in Twelfth Imam theology, which calls for provoking a world conflict as a necessary step in Islam's conquest of the planet.

So if Iran gets nuclear weapons in 10 years or less, will liberals be willing to admit that Obama made a horrendous, foolish, historic blunder in allowing such a dangerous, radical regime to acquire nukes?

Some reading on Iran:

Article in The Atlantic on the dangers posed by Obama's emerging nuclear deal with Iran

Council on Foreign Relations article on Iran as the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism

Iran and 12th Imam theology

Now the 12th Imam Can Come

AJC webpage with numerous article links on the threat Iran poses to the world (the American Jewish Committee is a very liberal Jewish group)

Needless to say, if Obama had revealed in 2012 that he would support such a dangerous, risky deal with Iran, he likely would have lost to Romney. Obama has probably always favored allowing Iran to get nukes. He grew up as a Muslim for at least part of his childhood, and he associated with radical Muslims and with radical anti-Israeli activists until shortly before he ran for president in 2008. So it's not surprising that he is discarding his earlier promise to never allow Iran to get nukes.
If recent history is anything to go by, they will simple blame Bush

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