If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?

Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.
Frightened nutters.

Your political leaders do you such a disservice by scaring you so much. Snap out of it.

Pathetic deluded lolberals. Your "leaders" direct you to accept things that are obviously unacceptable and you trip over one another to obey.
Nothing wrong with Iran building the bomb my little Zionist. That is what nations do, build weapons.

Something VERY wrong with a scumbag nation (like Iran) building the bomb, my little mindless lolberal twit friend. Only complete brainwashed fubar lemmings like you would fail to note as much.

I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
Yes, we can all see you have nothing. And we never even got to the part about Israel spying on the US and trying to undermine the deal. Very Ally-like.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

AGAIN, repeating your worthless, mindless, stupid and erroneous contentions don't elevate them to anything of merit.

No. You remain wrong.

In reality, it is indisputable (if one is concerned with being correct that is) that OF COURSE Israel had no duty to keep its nose out of "our" negotiations with fucking Iran. The world would be better off if Obumbler had kept HIS nose out, he sucks so bad at it.

It is the safety of the U.S. that motivates me, you piece of shit. Morons like you are too full of irrational hatred of the Jooooooz to recognize that assisting THEM (i.e., Israel) is what is in OUR interest.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
Thanks for proving my point anti america scumbag. You should consider yourself lucky because if I was president or someone like me was I would first send you scumbags to prison and then deport you to Israel :)
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
Yes, we can all see you have nothing. And we never even got to the part about Israel spying on the US and trying to undermine the deal. Very Ally-like.

A shit hole like you cannot "see" anything.

And when it comes to this discussion, as usual, YOU are the one who comes empty handed and empty minded.
Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
Thanks for proving my point anti america scumbag. You should consider yourself lucky because if I was president or someone like me was I would first send you scumbags to prison and then deport you to Israel :)
He's good a name-calling but seems to fail to make any rational argument beyond "You hate Jews", which you do, but that is besides the point.
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
Yes, we can all see you have nothing. And we never even got to the part about Israel spying on the US and trying to undermine the deal. Very Ally-like.

A shit hole like you cannot "see" anything.

And when it comes to this discussion, as usual, YOU are the one who comes empty handed and empty minded.
Your name-calling makes you look like a child. Are you one?
Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
Thanks for proving my point anti america scumbag. You should consider yourself lucky because if I was president or someone like me was I would first send you scumbags to prison and then deport you to Israel :)

First off, you dishonest piece of shit, nothing I said is in ANY way "anti-American." Note the capital "A."

Secondly, I suspect that you must be a foreign agent for if you were an actual American (again, capital "A") you would not assume that any President could take an illegal and unConstitutional punitive action against an American (Again capital "A") citizen like the one you fantasized about.

Third, I have not proved your alleged point. You are pointless. I refuted your attempt at making a point. You are merely far too stupid and ignorant to grasp that fact.

Fourth, go fuck yourself you hate-filled lolberal shit stain cock bite motherfucker.

With all due respect.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
Thanks for proving my point anti america scumbag. You should consider yourself lucky because if I was president or someone like me was I would first send you scumbags to prison and then deport you to Israel :)
He's good a name-calling but seems to fail to make any rational argument beyond "You hate Jews", which you do, but that is besides the point.

I am the only one who has made a good point. God knows you two idiots couldn't cobble one together with your one working shared brain cell.

I don't care what you think of the Jooooz, by the way. The fact that it motivates you to argue like the idiots you are is amusing to me.
I happen not to be a Zionist except to anti-Semite shit for brain motherfuckers, like you, who "think" that Israel is "wrong" for imagining that it has a "right" to exist.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
Yes, we can all see you have nothing. And we never even got to the part about Israel spying on the US and trying to undermine the deal. Very Ally-like.

A shit hole like you cannot "see" anything.

And when it comes to this discussion, as usual, YOU are the one who comes empty handed and empty minded.
Your name-calling makes you look like a child. Are you one?

You come across like a hate filled idiot. You are one. Now, fuck off.
It doesn't, it's a nation of squatters. And what right do you have to tell any other nation what to build? Oh right, none.

Your worthless and baseless asshole opinion is just that. Worthless, brain dead and wrong. It is also totally irrelevant.

In actuality, the Palestinians are the refuse and rejects of lots of other Arab nations, and they are the squatters.

Israel is not squatting. It is a recognized nation in the world despite your desire for it to be otherwise.

And you are also wrong in 'arguing" that we have no right to try to prevent Iran from building an atomic weapon. I already addressed the idiocy of your moronic opinion. Repeating you worthless, brain-dead, lolberal propaganda landfill musings don't convert them into anything of merit.
Yes, we can all see you have nothing. And we never even got to the part about Israel spying on the US and trying to undermine the deal. Very Ally-like.

A shit hole like you cannot "see" anything.

And when it comes to this discussion, as usual, YOU are the one who comes empty handed and empty minded.
Your name-calling makes you look like a child. Are you one?

You come across like a hate filled idiot. You are one. Now, fuck off.
Yep, you're a child alright.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Tit for tat. Israel should have kept its nose out of our negotiations with Iran. Don't see you whining about that...that's because your kind are only worried about Israels safety and not the US and are loyal to Israel not the US.

Spoken like the Obumbler salad tosser that you are, you brainwashed idiot.

Only a complete idiot (i.e., you and your brain dead ilk) would "think" that Israel shouldn't offer input on "our" "negotiations" with Iran concerning Iran's acquisition of a nuclear weapon capacity. Of course they should. And there's nothing wrong with it.

I realize that you, as a modern American "liberal," you actively detest free speech for anybody who disagrees with you, but -- tough shit. Israel has a damn valid concern about a nation that has professed hatred for Israel's very existence and had openly proclaimed the desire for the annihilation of the State of Israel. Do you understand how an atomic weapon armed Iran MIGHT constitute a matter of legitimate State concern, therefore, for Israel, you shithead?
Thanks for proving my point anti america scumbag. You should consider yourself lucky because if I was president or someone like me was I would first send you scumbags to prison and then deport you to Israel :)

First off, you dishonest piece of shit, nothing I said is in ANY way "anti-American." Note the capital "A."

Secondly, I suspect that you must be a foreign agent for if you were an actual American (again, capital "A") you would not assume that any President could take an illegal and unConstitutional punitive action against an American (Again capital "A") citizen like the one you fantasized about.

Third, I have not proved your alleged point. You are pointless. I refuted your attempt at making a point. You are merely far too stupid and ignorant to grasp that fact.

Fourth, go fuck yourself you hate-filled lolberal shit stain cock bite motherfucker.

With all due respect.
You are anti american actually. You care that the US hit back at Israel by merely telling the world what the world already knew but you care less that secrets from the negotiations were stolen from the US and Iran and given to congress...its treason,its spying its a death penalty case. :) You like ALL israel firsters are anti american scum.
The Benefit to having had troops on both borders of Iran was easy access to opponents to the nut jobs now in power...it is much easier to infiltrate agents, weapons, information and anything else moderate Iranians would need to fight the nuts in power....but......too many libs bitched and moaned about our being over there because it is much better that isis control that territory.....

And the same libtards who want to use mental health as a background check to keep guns out of the hands of crazies here ignore the crazies in power in Iran and want to give them nuclear weapons...........libtards can't see beyond the end of their own noses and history begins for them when they wake up in the morning.........
The Benefit to having had troops on both borders of Iran was easy access to opponents to the nut jobs now in power...it is much easier to infiltrate agents, weapons, information and anything else moderate Iranians would need to fight the nuts in power....but......too many libs bitched and moaned about our being over there because it is much better that isis control that territory.....

And the same libtards who want to use mental health as a background check to keep guns out of the hands of crazies here ignore the crazies in power in Iran and want to give them nuclear weapons...........libtards can't see beyond the end of their own noses and history begins for them when they wake up in the morning.........
Iran is still a little testy with us over the fact that we overthrew their elected government and installed a US puppet, and what they build is the business of no other nation.

It's not like Israel asked the world for permission to build its nukes, and I wouldn't let those crazy fuckers have a rubber-band gun given a choice.
No, they'll be back to blaming Bush or Republicans. Obambam does no wrong in their loving eyes of him

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