If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?

Our drone lolberals will NEVER (under ANY fucking circumstances) admit or acknowledge that President Obumbler has been a tragic, massive, colossal, huge, monstrous mistake.

ONE of many reasons our policy (until the douchebag Obumbler fucked all these things up) has been to deny Iran any prospect of getting a nuke is that it would "destablilize" the region and lead to OTHER nations wanting or demanding nukes, too.

So, this asshole Administration releases information confirming that Israel has the bomb (we all knew it, but nobody heretofore would say so officially) AND then it utterly caves in to Iran and will no longer resist their eventual acquisition of nuclear weapons.

And JUST as expected, the destabilization has commenced.

Saudi Arabia says it won t rule out building nuclear weapons - Middle East - World - The Independent

Obumbler could not possibly be more of a disaster if that had been his intention.
Casting aside his earlier, and repeated, assurances that he would never allow Iran to get nukes, Obama now supports a deal that would allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons in 10 years. If public opinion and/or Congressional action ends up forcing Obama to scale back the deal, he and John Kerry appear determined to at least allow Iran to retain the crucial capability to enrich uranium, which is the vital core of any nuclear weapons program.

Our own State Department has said that Iran is the "world's most active state sponsor of terrorism." The mullahs who run Iran not only deny the Holocaust and swear to obliterate Israel (they recently repeated that promise following Netanyahu's compelling speech to Congress), but they also believe in Twelfth Imam theology, which calls for provoking a world conflict as a necessary step in Islam's conquest of the planet.

So if Iran gets nuclear weapons in 10 years or less, will liberals be willing to admit that Obama made a horrendous, foolish, historic blunder in allowing such a dangerous, radical regime to acquire nukes?

Some reading on Iran:

Article in The Atlantic on the dangers posed by Obama's emerging nuclear deal with Iran

Council on Foreign Relations article on Iran as the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism

Iran and 12th Imam theology

Now the 12th Imam Can Come

AJC webpage with numerous article links on the threat Iran poses to the world (the American Jewish Committee is a very liberal Jewish group)

Needless to say, if Obama had revealed in 2012 that he would support such a dangerous, risky deal with Iran, he likely would have lost to Romney. Obama has probably always favored allowing Iran to get nukes. He grew up as a Muslim for at least part of his childhood, and he associated with radical Muslims and with radical anti-Israeli activists until shortly before he ran for president in 2008. So it's not surprising that he is discarding his earlier promise to never allow Iran to get nukes.
Better to bomb them, I suppose. McCain's been itching for seven long angry years.
If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?


Keeping political power is far more important to them than a few middle Eastern countries getting vaporized. Or a few American cities.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
If Iran Gets Nukes, Will Liberals Admit that Obama Made a Horrendous Mistake?

Unlikely. We would have to call Guinness World Records if they did.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)
Somewhere, an Arab village is missing its idiot.
We overthrew a govt there, and they stormed the embassy only after we let the Shah come into America, and they are literally paranoid (with reason) that we'll overthrow another govt. Then we gave womd to Saddam that he used to blind and kill thousands of their soldiers in a war SADDAM STARTED, and they've never attacked us in our own country

The only other option to a negotiation is to bomb them, and we'd have to keep bombing them because they'd rebuild. Aside from that being illegal in intl law, it would be an act of war that would legally justify any attack they made against us. And, it would be the one thing we could do that would convince the populace that supporting the govt's military leanings is their only option.

So given the options of accepting them to the nuclear club or bombing them .... I go for door one. But the problem remains, and the problem is well known to Israel, is that IRAN having a bomb is NOT the real danger. The danger is the sunnis (Saudi Arabia) will then want a bomb. And we all know where the Towers bombers and some of the Cole bombers came from.
Casting aside his earlier, and repeated, assurances that he would never allow Iran to get nukes, Obama now supports a deal that would allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons in 10 years. If public opinion and/or Congressional action ends up forcing Obama to scale back the deal, he and John Kerry appear determined to at least allow Iran to retain the crucial capability to enrich uranium, which is the vital core of any nuclear weapons program.

Our own State Department has said that Iran is the "world's most active state sponsor of terrorism." The mullahs who run Iran not only deny the Holocaust and swear to obliterate Israel (they recently repeated that promise following Netanyahu's compelling speech to Congress), but they also believe in Twelfth Imam theology, which calls for provoking a world conflict as a necessary step in Islam's conquest of the planet.

So if Iran gets nuclear weapons in 10 years or less, will liberals be willing to admit that Obama made a horrendous, foolish, historic blunder in allowing such a dangerous, radical regime to acquire nukes?

Some reading on Iran:

Article in The Atlantic on the dangers posed by Obama's emerging nuclear deal with Iran

Council on Foreign Relations article on Iran as the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism

Iran and 12th Imam theology

Now the 12th Imam Can Come

AJC webpage with numerous article links on the threat Iran poses to the world (the American Jewish Committee is a very liberal Jewish group)

Needless to say, if Obama had revealed in 2012 that he would support such a dangerous, risky deal with Iran, he likely would have lost to Romney. Obama has probably always favored allowing Iran to get nukes. He grew up as a Muslim for at least part of his childhood, and he associated with radical Muslims and with radical anti-Israeli activists until shortly before he ran for president in 2008. So it's not surprising that he is discarding his earlier promise to never allow Iran to get nukes.
Iran will not only have but USE nukes BEFORE liberals ever admit to ANY mistake.
You really think Iran is suicidal?
You really think Iran is suicidal?
No. Not any more than lemmings are suicidal.

don't intend to kill themselves. They just do things they believe will result in no harm, and those things wind up killing them anyway.

Iran is doing the same.

But no, they are not suicidal. Just fanatical and stupid.

Note that the same thing can be said for U.S. liberals.
If Iran wants nuclear weapons, they'll get them. There's nothing to be done that can prevent that. Think tanks have been writing about this for decades and come to this conclusion.

If you attack Iran to disuade their ambitions for nuclear weapons, all you'll achieve is assuring the ambition. You don't generally attack nuclear-armed countries. So the incentive to getting them only increases.

Just as 9/11 brought the US together in an unprecedented way against a common foe, if you attack Iran, the pro-west movement will go silent and the hardline anti-west forces will get stronger.

Best case scenarios for attacks on Iran's nuclear research facilities is you postpone it a few years if that much. But they redouble their efforts and get them anyway. So the only thing to do to prevent their aquiring nuclear weapons is through diplomacy.

AMEN...if the diplomacy didn't work then bomb the heck of Iran.
Iran? Suicidal?

When they've already been officially told "The Great Satan" is toothless with leadership that would far rather apologize than retaliate?

Those ayatollahs are no fools and they SO love a good laugh!
If Iran wants nuclear weapons, they'll get them. There's nothing to be done that can prevent that. Think tanks have been writing about this for decades and come to this conclusion.

If you attack Iran to disuade their ambitions for nuclear weapons, all you'll achieve is assuring the ambition. You don't generally attack nuclear-armed countries. So the incentive to getting them only increases.

Just as 9/11 brought the US together in an unprecedented way against a common foe, if you attack Iran, the pro-west movement will go silent and the hardline anti-west forces will get stronger.

Best case scenarios for attacks on Iran's nuclear research facilities is you postpone it a few years if that much. But they redouble their efforts and get them anyway. So the only thing to do to prevent their aquiring nuclear weapons is through diplomacy.

AMEN...if the diplomacy didn't work then bomb the heck of Iran.

What part of what you just read went over your head? If diplomacy doesn't work you don't then bomb them. Re-apply the sanctions, isolate them, but bombing wont work.
I notice that after Netanyahu's speech to Congress, the White House verbiage about Iran and nukes has suddenly begun to sound much tougher. Now Team Obama is making it sound like the intent of their negotiations is to prevent Iran from ever, ever getting nukes. That is not what John Kerry was saying as recently as a few days before Netanyahu's speech (when Kerry plainly stated that the deal under discussion would allow Iran to get nukes in 10 years--or sooner if they backed out of the deal).

And have you noticed how quiet the left has been about the recent open letter to Obama signed by 367 members of the House of Representatives, including over 100 Democrats, regarding the nuclear negotiations with Iran. Gee, funny how we've heard no whining that this letter "undermines our negotiations"!
I think we should get used to some Islamic nation getting a nuke weapon. The only way to really stop them is to bomb the crap out of them and there is no guarantee that such a move would be effective outside of a massive commitment of airpower.
Frightened nutters.

Your political leaders do you such a disservice by scaring you so much. Snap out of it.
Nope. Its not a mistake. I WISH they would get them! The look on republitards faces will be priceless. Let Israel threaten Iran then :)

Better proof of lolberal mendacity would be hard to find.

Yes. It is a mistake.

But the dimwit lolberals would rather go down on Obumbler and down with the ship than EVER admit that The One had made such a massive, obvious and dangerous mistake.
I am not in the habit of DICTATING like a DICTATOR what other countries can and can not do. You should try it. America is no better than anyone else. Israel,Pakistan,India,US,Russia,UK,France,China and supposedly North Korea have nukes. I would be more worried about Israel which has attacked US ship,murdered US citizens and spied on the US and refuses to sign he nuke agreement everyone else has signed. I would be worried about Pakistan that harbored OBL,I would worry about China....no reason to worry about Iran....shall we point out how many nations Iran has attacked past 100 years and then do same for the US

And there we see it yet again. Lolberals in self righteous fits proclaim that they are not dictators. They are, but they disclaim it.

As a very general rule, most of us actually AGREE that we have no valid claim to demand that other nations do certain things or refrain from others. Sovereignty is sovereignty.

But we all have a right of self protection and we do have a right to demand that others not pose certain threats to us. They can't stop us from having nukes, goes the lolberal "thought" process, and "consequently" we cannot even try to stop them from obtaining nukes.

If those dickwads ever later used a nuke, they would -- of course -- revert to form and simply blame Booooosh and the GOP and Christian conservatives and so on.

By the way, you pitiable ass-munch, we all KNOW that a shit hole like you would be "more worried about Israel." That may be why the idiot in the Oval Office revealed confirmation that Israel has atomic capabilities. He seems to be a paranoid anti-Zionist anti Semitic schmuck like you, too.
Frightened nutters.

Your political leaders do you such a disservice by scaring you so much. Snap out of it.

Pathetic deluded lolberals. Your "leaders" direct you to accept things that are obviously unacceptable and you trip over one another to obey.

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