IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

Why worry about borders?

Maybe put a few minutes into worrying about the ISIS "soldiers" already in The White House.
I would not put it beyond our current "leader" to welcome a large scale attack so he can declare martial law.

obama wouldn't welcome an attack just so he could declare martial law. He would welcome an attack that killed large numbers of white people.
And ScatzLogs chimes in with possibly the dumbest post in usmb history. Get out of your trailer park bubble, you piece of trash.
You can't refute what he wrote. We got that.

Liberals stand around like a bunch of 7th graders mocking Bush because he happened to be reading "My Pet Goat" to 6 year olds. They further smear him because " he did not react" upon hearing we had been hit. To me, this is one of the greatest instances in presidential leadership ever. If Bush had panicked, jumped up and run out, what impact would that have on the children? He calmly and slowly concluded his visit and not send everyone into a panic. The piece of shit Left would be smearing Bush if he had halted immediately and upset the children and school.

Yes. And even more than that...

If ISIS were to attack the US we can be sure that Republicans would not rally around the President like Democrats rallied around Bush

Yeah, deal!!

We'll give Obama the same treatment you guys gave Bush

Democrats supported any program Bush wanted after 9-11. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghanistan.

I doubt Obama would get any support from the right

Sure, sure you guys supported him

wink wink nudge nudge
Bush had 80% approval after 9-11

Seems like pretty good support

I know you were a Bush supporter (lolz). How sad that he lost your support
Bush had my support till he invaded Iraq and engaged in torture
You nuts are going to blame an ISIS terrorist attack in the US on President Obama because he hasn't done what, exactly?


And for more now on the ISIS threat. I'm joined by our chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, who has really been studying ISIS for quite some time in the field. And Richard, what about the President's reluctance to take the fight against ISIS to Syria?


Well, I speak to military commanders. I speak to former officials. And they are apoplectic. They think that this is a clear and present danger. They think something needs to be done. One official said that this was a Freudian slip, that it shows how the United States does not have a policy to deal with Syria.

Even when you have ISIS, which has effectively become a terrorist army, roughly 20,000 strong, about half of them foreign fighters, and incredibly well armed after two major weapons hauls. The first when ISIS took over the city of Mosul and the Iraqi Army, the U.S.-trained Iraqi Army, disgraced itself by not fighting. And the second just last week, when ISIS took over a Syrian air base.



Like it or not, the U.S. may now be forced to take action against ISIS, not only in Iraq, but also, in Syria. This, critics say, could mean helping the Assad regime, which the president said had to go.


If we think that we are not in their sights, we are delusional. They have the same agenda that al-Qaeda has.


So what has the U.S. done about it? To a large degree, the administration's policy has been to ignore Syria, ignore it until the horrors there become too barbaric to stomach.

(YELLING) A year ago, that was a chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, when Washington blamed the regime for gassing over 1,000 to death, including hundreds of children. The Syrian regime crossed, leapt over, in fact, the President's red line.


This menace must be confronted. I will seek authorization for the use of force from the American people's representatives in Congress.


Instead, without Congressional support, the bombings against Assad never came. Neither did large-scale support for the Syrian opposition. In retrospect, the bombings probably would have been too little, too late to have made things better in Syria. ISIS was already on the rise. Weapons given to the opposition would very likely have ended up in the hands of radicals.

Then, after empty threats and empty promises, the administration turned away from Syria again, for another year. (CROWD NOISE) Until ISIS shocked the world by occupying large parts of Iraq and declaring a new state, the Islamic state, the caliphate. The U.S. is now flying surveillance missions over Syria, looking for targets it can attack from the air.


This is not mission creep. This is establishing a vital mission for American security. And we need to do it, we need to do it yesterday.


The U.S. risk, falling into what one former official called Bashar al-Assad's trap. Assad's regime helped ISIS grow by attacking other opposition forces and rarely targeting ISIS. Assad waited patiently until ISIS pushed out almost all other more moderate groups, and is now telling the world that he's fighting a just war against terrorism. If the U.S. starts bombing ISIS in Syria, it will be helping the Syrian regime, in effect, pulling weeds out of Assad's garden, which he allowed to grow, but which have now become a global threat.



The build-up of ISIS in Iraq and Syria was incredibly predictable, Andrea. We've reported about it. Reporters risk their lives going into Syria to talk about this buildup of-- extremists in the country. Yet, nothing seemed to have been done. And now we have a very serious situation.


Indeed. Thank you so much, Richard Engel. And for more on the military options for taking on ISIS, I'm joined by Michael Leiter, NBC national security analysts, who served as director of The National Counter-terrorism Center, Michele Flournoy, who served as under secretary of defense for policy in President Obama's first term, and she's now executive director at The Center for New American Security, and General Anthony Zinni, our former commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, and special envoy to the Middle East. His new book is Before the First Shots Are Fired: How America Can Win or Lost Off the Battlefield. Welcome all. Thanks so much. General Zinni, first to you. What we've seen is Dianne Feinstein just saying that the president is perhaps too cautious in this instance. Agreed?


I agree with Senator Feinstein. This ISIS has committed atrocities, potential genocide. That's unacceptable. And I think that we shouldn't be so cautious. We should blunt them before their recruiting really grows, before they gain more territory.

But I would say one thing that's key to this, a lesson we should have learned in Afghanistan, even back to Vietnam, you can't give sanctuary to a potential enemy. We will have to go to Syria. If we sort of honor that border, unfortunately, they'll be allowed to rebuild, much as AQY al-Qaeda in Iraq morphed into this ISIS.

Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?

Why don't you instead pose THIS question:

On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to limit the damage Obama could cause America by defecating all over this country, our laws and customs the office of the president and screwing the American people in perpetuity.

How does one "unite" with folks like those Republicans?
Why worry about borders?

Maybe put a few minutes into worrying about the ISIS "soldiers" already in The White House.
care to name some names?.....who are these "soldiers".....

Here's an entire chapter of names and groups and info for you to see that the Muslim Brotherhood has indeed infiltrated the Obama White House worse than it did the Bush 43 administration (thanks to Grover Norquist!).

Check it out for yourself!

Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?
To announce you have a strategy yes to make public specific details on how you would carry out the strategy no.

Come on, Blackhawk, do you really expect these dumbass libs to grasp the difference? :)

They are absolutely incapable of critical thinking. They make the guys brainwashed in Manchurian Candidate look like free spirited hippies by comparison.
Jeeze, I can't believe how much of the basics about EVERYTHING have to be explained to these libs.

If Obama told them to worship Hitler's image, the dumbasses would do it without question.
If ISIS were to attack the US we can be sure that Republicans would not rally around the President like Democrats rallied around Bush

Yeah, deal!!

We'll give Obama the same treatment you guys gave Bush

Democrats supported any program Bush wanted after 9-11. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Afghanistan.

I doubt Obama would get any support from the right
Can you say what programs HE has asked to be created...security related?
Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?
To announce you have a strategy yes to make public specific details on how you would carry out the strategy no.

Come on, Blackhawk, do you really expect these dumbass libs to grasp the difference? :)

They are absolutely incapable of critical thinking. They make the guys brainwashed in Manchurian Candidate look like free spirited hippies by comparison.
Some can and do as for the other's hope springs eternal.
Would be nice if the so called leader of the free world didn't tell the entire world that he had no clue what he was doing...

there is no truth to your statement. Obama has never said or implied or suggested that he had no clue to what he was doing.

Why the fuck would he even SAY such a thing even if it was true???

It serves our interests none. It may even have given the adversaries a little more intel info they might someday use against us.
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001

No one watched the first plane go into the first tower. The only ENG quality video footage became known to all of America with a special hour-long 9/11 documentary focusing on the two brothers from france who were shooting a documentary about the NYFD and one of the station houses.

The engine crew was out servicing hydrants and such and the video camera was on when you hear an abnormally loud jet whine from a very large, very low flying passenger airliner fly over their heads.

The camera follows their gaze toward the sound as it moved away from them, when abruptly we saw the plane penetrate the side of the WTC tower in a spectacular fireball and after a momentary lag (speed of light vs speed of sound) we hear the sound of the impact, like an explosion.

However, as I said, this video footage wasn't shown to the public until several months later.

So, bottom line, if Bush saw any plane fly into a building it was plane two into tower two.

And without the details and the intel from the intelligence and military communities to make heads or tails of it the best thing he could do was to allow things to play out in the timeframe they were going to play out until he could deal logistically with securing the presidency.
A Harvard University study concluded that 17,000 Americans a year will die because Republican governors refused to expand Medicaid.

Republicans are the real threat to America.
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001
What an idiotic comparison.
Everyone pretty much found out about 9/11 from the news at the moment it happened.
But Obama claims to find out about stuff months and months after it happens when he should have known about it way beforehand. It's like no one bothers to tell him anything, or that he's not the head of a very large government with tremendous resources. Or most likely, he just plain doesnt give a shit enough to find out

Or he judiciously chooses the matters he should only have a perfunctory knowledge of.

All the better to deny himself culpability on anything.

Stay ignorant.

The Progressive mantra!
A Harvard University study concluded that 17,000 Americans a year will die because Republican governors refused to expand Medicaid.

Republicans are the real threat to America.

Chicken Little much?

Losing 17,000 lives a year is nothing to take lightly.

But losing 17,000 lives a year is not a threat to America, either.
A Harvard University study concluded that 17,000 Americans a year will die because Republican governors refused to expand Medicaid.

Republicans are the real threat to America.

Chicken Little much?

Losing 17,000 lives a year is nothing to take lightly.

But losing 17,000 lives a year is not a threat to America, either.
So the 3,000 people killed on 9/11 was not a threat.
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001
What an idiotic comparison.
Everyone pretty much found out about 9/11 from the news at the moment it happened.
But Obama claims to find out about stuff months and months after it happens when he should have known about it way beforehand. It's like no one bothers to tell him anything, or that he's not the head of a very large government with tremendous resources. Or most likely, he just plain doesnt give a shit enough to find out

Or he judiciously chooses the matters he should only have a perfunctory knowledge of.

All the better to deny himself culpability on anything.

Stay ignorant.

The Progressive mantra!
Sounds more like the FoxNews mantra.
FoxNews is owned by a Saudi prince.

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