IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.

That is a pure flat out ignorance based lie. As dumb as you are on national nuke em all dead security, you are even worse on economic matters.
Pick your poison, numb nuts...

From the very first link your search provided ...

The U.S. Recovered From The Recession Faster Than Every Country But Germany

The average moron's first pick, naturally.
It was your link I went with. Whasamatter, you don't like the results of your search?
My search revealed a variety of opinions...you picked the one that favored the magic neeeeeeegro. I pick the other side.
You're wrong again. I clicked on your search and even read the first hit it found. I didn't "pick" it ... Google did by finding it the most relevant.
What would have been accomploshed by him rushing out? What was he personally going to do? There is a chain of command and people on the scene and all the facts were not known at that point.
Bush was a leader. He did unpopular things knowing they would be unpopular because he thought they were the right thing to do. History has vindicated him largely, except among the left,which will never vindicate him since they still blame him for beating Gore in 2000.
Leave it to a rightard to claim it was more important for Bush to read a second grade level book than too respond to the worst terrorist attack inside our borders. :eusa_doh: And what could he have done? He was the only person qualified to authorize a commercial plane be shot down if it was going to be used as a bomb like the first two planes. Ya think maybe acting like a president instead of like a seven year old at that moment may have been the more prudent action to take?
Bush handled 911 better than any president would've, he had all planes grounded within hours. He did what needed to be done. Including uniting the country. What did Obama do on his 911? Well that evening we have no idea where he was at. Then jets off to vegas to fundraise and play golf. When he did come out to address the situation, he told us a blatant lie about why it happened. Which he divided the country for his knowingly lying to america. He even lied about it being a terrorist attack, calling it a protest. We know why he did it, because he lied before bengazi about wiping terrorists out. Clinton wouldn't be any better though. He would've waited for a poll to tell him what to do. So I think we can all say, THANK GOD BUSH WAS IN CHARGE ON 911. I don't want to think what would've happened if Gore was president. Probably would've smoked a joint with his boy.
Your wishful thinking is noted but it doesn't excuse Bush's embarrassing stutter that morning.
He reacted better than Obama, on Obama's minor mishaps compared to 911.
Again, your wishful think is noted. By the way, Benghazi's been investigated what ... some 7 or 8 times now? How many more investigations do you think will be necessary to find that Obama did something wrong?
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.

That is a pure flat out ignorance based lie. As dumb as you are on national nuke em all dead security, you are even worse on economic matters.
Pick your poison, numb nuts...

From the very first link your search provided ...

The U.S. Recovered From The Recession Faster Than Every Country But Germany

The average moron's first pick, naturally.
It was your link I went with. Whasamatter, you don't like the results of your search?
My search revealed a variety of opinions...you picked the one that favored the magic neeeeeeegro. I pick the other side.
You're wrong again. I clicked on your search and even read the first hit it found. I didn't "pick" it ... Google did by finding it the most relevant.
Yo stupid...it was the most read...
so you are full of shit?.....guess i wasted a few posts....

Isn't wasting what you Democrat-cum-Marxists do best?

Nobody should object to your doing what simply comes naturally!
this week im a Democrat.....last week i was called a "right winger".....you people on the far side crack me up.....if someone doesnt agree with you.....they must be in the other party.....what else can you be?...hey Henry?...has anyone called you a dipshit today?....no?....here let me be the first.....Henry.....you are a dipshit.....
Our Government isn't concerned with Terrorism. Why would Globalist Elites care about such things? You can bet them and their families are well-protected and safe. It's only the little people who will be killed when the 'Terrorists' attack. A Nation so concerned with Terrorism, yet leaves its borders wide open? Make much sense? The 'War on Terror' is meant to oppress American Citizens, not stop 'Terrorists.' Your Government wants more Patriot Acts and NDAA's. It doesn't care whether you live or die. It's not about that. I hate to be the bearer of such bad news, but it is the ugly truth.

The 'War on Terror' is about keeping the People in fear. When the People live in fear, they're likely to go on supporting the Permanent War agenda. The People have to go in the opposite direction and oppose the Globalist Elites. They can do that by making these demands... Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, while at the same time securing our borders. The People need to stand up and begin demanding change. It's the only way the NWO Global Elites can be stopped.
this week im a Democrat.....last week i was called a "right winger".....you people on the far side crack me up.....if someone doesnt agree with you.....they must be in the other party.....what else can you be?...hey Henry?...has anyone called you a dipshit today?....no?....here let me be the first.....Henry.....you are a dipshit.....

I must yield to your expertise. Did you have to stare in a mirror very long to figure out what a "dipshit" looks like?
My prediction: If ISIS manages to attack inside America, Big Brother will seize more control by even more aggressively assaulting our Constitution and Liberty. And then of course continue on with his Permanent State of War agenda.
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this week im a Democrat.....last week i was called a "right winger".....you people on the far side crack me up.....if someone doesnt agree with you.....they must be in the other party.....what else can you be?...hey Henry?...has anyone called you a dipshit today?....no?....here let me be the first.....Henry.....you are a dipshit.....

I must yield to your expertise. Did you have to stare in a mirror very long to figure out what a "dipshit" looks like?
no need to....there is one of their poster boys here named Henry B. Hough .....cant get any better than that....sorry....
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.

That is a pure flat out ignorance based lie. As dumb as you are on national nuke em all dead security, you are even worse on economic matters.
Pick your poison, numb nuts...

From the very first link your search provided ...

The U.S. Recovered From The Recession Faster Than Every Country But Germany

The average moron's first pick, naturally.
It was your link I went with. Whasamatter, you don't like the results of your search?
My search revealed a variety of opinions...you picked the one that favored the magic neeeeeeegro. I pick the other side.
You're wrong again. I clicked on your search and even read the first hit it found. I didn't "pick" it ... Google did by finding it the most relevant.
Yo stupid...it was the most read...
I'm impressed with how you prance from one failure to the next so seamlessly ... Google sorts by relevance by default ...

If they sorted by hits, programmers would write code to call websites repeatedly just to bump them up in rankings.

To prove it, go to Google's custom sorting page and sort by relevance, which is the default setting ... and you still get the link I clicked on coming up first in the results list ...

obama recovery from recession - Google Search

But thanks for confessing that you went searching for the article which agreed with your position other than the other way around.
I hate to break it to Americans, but Big Brother likely wants that ISIS attack. It's a Win/Win for him. Only the little people will suffer. Don't kid yourself thinking the NWO Global Elites care about that. An attack in the U.S. would be a wonderful opportunity for them.
this week im a Democrat.....last week i was called a "right winger".....you people on the far side crack me up.....if someone doesnt agree with you.....they must be in the other party.....what else can you be?...hey Henry?...has anyone called you a dipshit today?....no?....here let me be the first.....Henry.....you are a dipshit.....

I must yield to your expertise. Did you have to stare in a mirror very long to figure out what a "dipshit" looks like?
no need to....there is one of their poster boys here named Henry B. Hough .....cant get any better than that....sorry....
cant take the truth Henry?....tough
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Yeah, he only blamed his intelligence agencies for 9.11 AND for idiotically invading a country over WMDs they didn't have. :eusa_doh:
I dont recall Bush blaming anyone. The opposite actually.
And again you claim the war was because of WMDs, which has been debunked over and over for the last decade. Shows what an idiot you are.
Your recollection is sorely lacking...

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy."

As far as your rightardedness over why we invaded Iraq, despite the reasons cited, WMD were the main reason. Without relying on WMD as a reason to invade, there would not have been a war with Iraq, despite any other reasons.
My recollection is fine. I dont see any blame there in your quote. What he said was factual.
WMD was not the main reason. The main reason was the violation of cease fire accords and attempting to undermine the UN sanctions regime. WMD was a reason. And a reason cited by virtually every politician, Democrat or Republican. Everyone believed Saddam had WMD and an ongoing program to develop them, mainly because it was true.
How did Obama learn about the Boston Bomber brothers, oh right, Putin told him months before they attacked that they were terrorists but was too busy practicing his ball handling with Reggie Love to do anything about it
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Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Yeah, he only blamed his intelligence agencies for 9.11 AND for idiotically invading a country over WMDs they didn't have. :eusa_doh:
I dont recall Bush blaming anyone. The opposite actually.
And again you claim the war was because of WMDs, which has been debunked over and over for the last decade. Shows what an idiot you are.
Your recollection is sorely lacking...

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy."

As far as your rightardedness over why we invaded Iraq, despite the reasons cited, WMD were the main reason. Without relying on WMD as a reason to invade, there would not have been a war with Iraq, despite any other reasons.
My recollection is fine. I dont see any blame there in your quote. What he said was factual.
WMD was not the main reason. The main reason was the violation of cease fire accords and attempting to undermine the UN sanctions regime. WMD was a reason. And a reason cited by virtually every politician, Democrat or Republican. Everyone believed Saddam had WMD and an ongoing program to develop them, mainly because it was true.
Your ineducable. The one man on the planet who had sole discretion on whether or not to invade even said so himself ...

"the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction." - George Bush

But it's refreshing to see you call him an idiot. Means you have, at most, 1 working brain cell.
If ISIS were to attack the US we can be sure that Republicans would not rally around the President like Democrats rallied around Bush
Unfortunately, the Globalist Elites who run this country would see such an attack as a wonderful opportunity. Big Brother is salivating at the thought. That's the awful reality.
If ISIS were to attack the US we can be sure that Republicans would not rally around the President like Democrats rallied around Bush
Republicans/Conservatives can't rally behind a Liberal under any circumstances ... it's just not in their DNA. But you can expect many of them to make a quick buck off of it with an endless supply of books they author about it, Obama, and Liberalism.

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