If Israel declares war....

Regardless of what you all say: if Israel starts some shit we're in it. By default. Perhaps we're already in it.
This is world war class dodge ball. Can't nobody move out the way.

--or it could be for show--

Somehow, I don't think sow.
Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

I say let Israel make the biggest blunder she has made since a nation. We need to break that umbilical cord we have with Israel before it's too late!
Exactly right..................

And it boggles the mind to know that the O can dismiss the very serious concerns of Bebe so casually and with such blatantly ridiculous excuses.

Does he not realize that no matter what happens, we have very vital interests in the ME that must be defended and protected?

Does he really believe, should Israel feel their back is against the wall, that they will do nothing without the blessing of the US?

I hope to hell our military is better prepared than our idiot king.

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