If it smells like treason, looks like treason, and walks like treason, it probably is treason

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Arguably what was done in the 2016 election by The Democrat Party, Obama, Clinton and their associates was not only the dirtiest thing that ever happened in an election, it was down right treasonous and represents a full scale attack on The Democratic Process.

Obama invited illegals to break the law and vote for Clinton.

They even held registration drives for illegals.

A Clinton Loyalist and Feminist Attorney paid thousands of dollars to women who would manufacture accusations against Candidate Trump during the election. All accusers disappeared the night after the election and withdrew their statements.

The Clinton Campaign, instead of talking about issues, drug out 15 year old locker room statements just about every man on this board has said at one time or another. President Trump once received numerous awards, and accolades for his work with minorities and women in the work place and for his generosity towards The Democrat Party, and charities and individuals all around the world and in his community suddenly was a Racist, Misogynist, Stingy Capitalist, and "Unhinged" the second he decided to run as a Moderate-Independent-Republican and funded his own campaign.

At various boards of elections, people were found throwing out registration cards for Republicans.

The Democrat Party is SO CONCERNED about the integrity of our elections, yet resists all efforts at Voter ID laws. We are the Only Democracy in The World without a Voter ID requirement.

Clinton paid thugs to commit felony assaults on Trump rally goers. That is actually a felony.

Her and Donna Brazille stole debate questions and rehearsed answers to them prior to a debate with Donald Trump.

She also wore an ear piece in one debate where she was fed answers to debate questions, and also snuck an electronic device in another one so she could read her scripted answers off to questions that were already given her ahead of time.

Debbie Schultz along with Hillary Clinton, not only rigged The DNC Primary for Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, they hired Pakistani Hackers to pry in to and hack in to Congressional records as well as spy on their own people at The DNC. One of the Pakistanis was close friends with Seth Rich a Sanders support, and gave him some of the stollen data.

She also violated two federal court orders to preserve the data on her illegal server with James Comey's permission when she deleted 30,000 government documents. She also lied about sharing them with unauthorized people like her maid. 1,000s of them were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop which is how we found out about the FBI's plot to fix the election to smearing Trump and to attempt to remove him from office if he won, when emails between Strozk and Page, along with references to their texts were found on that laptop.

Yet, Comey, chief law enforcement official in The US, refused to enforce the law, and instead performed unrecorded interviews with all the suspects, and placed them under immunity before interviewing them and also exonerated all of them months before.

Obama, through his operatives at The DOJ and FBI Obtained a warrant under false pretenses using false affidavits so he and Clinton could spy on The Trump Campaign by abusing the powers of Government and Obama abusing The Power of his Office. He should be on trial, instead he is collecting his bribe money and speaking fees. Using a Russian Dossier which you knew was false to acquire a fraudulent surveillance warrant is Russian Collusion and is a Felony. So was The Bribery Scheme conducted by Rosatom to acquire Uranium One. But James Comey and Meuller got paid, just like McCain, Holder, Obama, Clinton, and Comey etc.

To quote Sgt Schultz!


Clinton long time pal and Trump Hater John Hanoi McCain colluded with Russia to deliver the Fake Russian Dossier to The FBI and DOJ which was immediately leaked.

John "Shot my own damn foot in 'Nam' three times" Kerry another Commie, Jihadist sympathizer colluded with Russia and The Clinton Campaign when he was handed the Fake Russian Dossier by Blumenthal who along with Steele and the soon to be poisoned Skirpal wrote that masterpiece of Putin Propgaganda. He ran straight up to the State Department and handed it to long time Obama-Clinton ally Rosenstain.

The FBI under Comey sent a mole to The Trump Campaign to get inside information on the campaign. Since this was an illegal act, based on a falsified FISA warrant, this "So Called" confidential informant needs to be exposed.

Fusion GPS sent Natalie V. to the Trump Campaign under false pretenses. She was thrown out, but that doesn't stop the left from claiming "Russia Russia Russia" She was a Fusion GPS employee, so by proxy The Clinton Campaign sent her. Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and helped to orchestrate payments to Russian and British agents for the Dirty Dossier written by Steele, Skirpal and long time Clinton Friend, Blumenthal.

George P. was approached by a Australian Diplomat who said he had "dirt on Clinton" not a crime to meet with or talk to such a man, but again this was Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton......The Diplomat is a Clinton Associate and Campaign Donor.

Jeff Sessions was sent an Invitiation by Barak Obama to attend a diplomatic event with Foreign dignataries. He was approached by a Russia diplomat....again....not a crime to talk to such a man....who wanted an appointment to discuss organized crime in Russia and the US. This again, is perfectly legal in Jeff Sessions role and scope of duties. Turns out The "Diplomat" has strong ties to Obama and Clinton.

A Trump tower server was found to have a ping pointing towards a Russia Alpha Bank server.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

This was "discovered" by Dr. Jean Camp, cyber security expert and her associates.

Who is Dr. Jean Camp?

She is a Clinton supporter, and advisor. She is also a donor to her campaign.

Federal Election Commission records state Camp made a total of 22 small contributions in 2016 to Clinton’s presidential campaign

The records list earlier donations to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, as well as smaller amounts to other liberal causes, like MoveOn.org’s political action committee and the Democratic National Committee. Camp confirmed the donations by phone.

The FBI and DOJ under Obama should be sued for prosecutorial misconduct, Civil Rights violations, and should have the book thrown at everyone involved.

Then when you look at Obama and Clinton Cronies in the FBI and DOJ actively launching a campaign to defeat Candidate Trump using a Salacious and Unverified Dossier, and Leaking Classified Intel, there is no question about it, that what occured was an orchestrated effort to attack the Democrat Process. They even went so far as to Defraud The FISA Court with false affidavits, and the Head of THE FBI and Clinton and Obama Associates engaged is a massive Coverup of numerous crimes committed both by themselves, Barak Obama and Clinton that it makes Watergate look like a jay walking offense.

That my friends is Treason against America.

And people need to be put on trial for it.
Last edited:
...do you really think this post is going to achieve anything? Those who should look into these claims aren’t going to and I’m assuming that’s at least part of the reason you posted it?

i'm sure most of this is pure applesauce.....and...beyond that.....the people you support would be WORSE (for me).....I really don't want christian dominionists turning the USA into the next Iran.....There was a movie made during WWII with Humphrey Bogart playing a chicago? gangster who comes up against a den of nazi spies! So...even though he is a gangster....he and his gangster pals do their patriotic bit by taking on and taking down the den of spies!.....(wave flag here).....I liken the dems to the hoods.....I'll accept a little crime to avoid christian tyranny.....And I'll bet that if the conservative christian dominionists ever DO consolidate power then not only will there be christian tyranny but we'll still have all the crimes!...
...do you really think this post is going to achieve anything? Those who should look into these claims aren’t going to and I’m assuming that’s at least part of the reason you posted it?
It's not going to achieve one thing. All it is going to do is show THE IMMORALITY of those people who support all the Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral actions of Barak Obama, Clinton and her Campaign, The DNC and all the Obama and Clinton Sycophants and Traitors they strategically placed in The FBI, DOJ, State Department, and IRS.
That is a whole lotta "fake news" in one post.

A for effort.

F for content.
F for lack of links.
F for gullibility.
...do you really think this post is going to achieve anything? Those who should look into these claims aren’t going to and I’m assuming that’s at least part of the reason you posted it?

i'm sure most of this is pure applesauce.....and...beyond that.....the people you support would be WORSE (for me).....I really don't want christian dominionists turning the USA into the next Iran.....There was a movie made during WWII with Humphrey Bogart playing a chicago? gangster who comes up against a den of nazi spies! So...even though he is a gangster....he and his gangster pals do their patriotic bit by taking on and taking down the den of spies!.....(wave flag here).....I liken the dems to the hoods.....I'll accept a little crime to avoid christian tyranny.....And I'll bet that if the conservative christian dominionists ever DO consolidate power then not only will there be christian tyranny but we'll still have all the crimes!...
Sorry Jihadi, America will never be a Christian Tyranny, because we have freedom of Religion unlike in Mooslim Nations.

At The HEIGHT of Christianity's Influence in America it was still a Secular Government.

We have more to fear from The Left imposing it's Immoral Ethical Codes on Society and our Democracy than we do from Christianity in this nation which has existed for 300 years and has never prevented Americans from being Free, or America from rising to greatness.

Now Islam, Mexican Heroin, and Foreign Ideologies, and Illegals Draining our Social Services Supports, and throwing little old ladies on Medicare off the cliff? That should concern you more.

That and attacks on Democracy by Marxists like Obama and Clinton.
Last time I looked......Republicans control the Justice Department and both Houses of Congress

If it is Treason.......they had better investigate

While they still can
Yeah, this forum is lousy with posts of men claiming their celebrity allows them to sexually assault people. :lol:
Arguably what was done in the 2016 election by The Democrat Party, Obama, Clinton and their associates was not only the dirtiest thing that ever happened in an election, it was down right treasonous and represents a full scale attack on The Democratic Process.

Obama invited illegals to break the law and vote for Clinton.

They even held registration drives for illegals.

A Clinton Loyalist and Feminist Attorney paid thousands of dollars to women who would manufacture accusations against Candidate Trump during the election. All accusers disappeared the night after the election and withdrew their statements.

The Clinton Campaign, instead of talking about issues, drug out 15 year old locker room statements just about every man on this board has said at one time or another. President Trump once received numerous awards, and accolades for his work with minorities and women in the work place and for his generosity towards The Democrat Party, and charities and individuals all around the world and in his community suddenly was a Racist, Misogynists, Stingy Capitalist, and "Unhinged" the second he decided to run as a Moderate-Independent-Republican and funded his own campaign.

At various boards of elections, people were found throwing out registration cards for Republicans.

The Democrat Party is SO CONCERNED about the integrity of our elections, yet resists all efforts at Voter ID laws. We are the Only Democracy in The World without a Voter ID requirement.

Clinton paid thugs to commit felony assaults on Trump rally goers. That is actually a felony.

Her and Donna Brazille stole debate questions and rehearsed answers to them prior to a debate with Donald Trump.

Debbie Schultz along with Hillary Clinton, not only rigged The DNC Primary for Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, they hired Pakistani Hackers to pry in to and hack in to Congressional records as well as spy on their own people at The DNC. One of the Pakistanis was close friends with Seth Rich a Sanders support, and gave him some of the stollen data.

She also violated two federal court orders to preserve the data on her illegal server with James Comey's permission when she deleted 30,000 government documents. She also lied about sharing them with unauthorized people like her maid. 1,000s of them were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop which is how we found out about the FBI's plot to fix the election to smearing Trump and to attempt to remove him from office if he won, when emails between Strozk and Page, along with references to their texts were found on that laptop.

Yet, Comey, chief law enforcement official in The US, refused to enforce the law, and instead performed unrecorded interviews with all the suspects, and placed them under immunity before interviewing them and also exonerated all of them months before.

Obama through is operatives at The DOJ and FBI Obtained a warrant under false pretenses so Obama and Clinton could spy on The Trump Campaign by abusing the powers of Government and Obama abusing The Power of his Office. He should be on trial, instead he is collecting his bribe money and speaking fees.

Clinton long time pal and Trump Hater John Hanoi McCain colluded with Russia to deliver the Fake Russian Dossier to The FBI and DOJ which was immediately leaked.

John "Shot my own damn foot in 'Nam' three times" Kerry another Commie, Jihadist sympathizer colluded with Russia and The Clinton Campaign when he was handed the Fake Russian Dossier by Blumenthal who along with Steele and the soon to be poisoned Skirpal wrote that masterpiece of Putin Propgaganda. He ran straight up to the State Department and handed it to long time Obama-Clinton ally Rosenstain.

The FBI under Comey sent a mole to The Trump Campaign to get inside information on the campaign. Since this was an illegal act, based on a falsified FISA warrant, this "So Called" confidential informant needs to be exposed.

Fusion GPS sent Natalie V. to the Trump Campaign under false pretenses. She was thrown out, but that doesn't stop the left from claiming "Russia Russia Russia" She was a Fusion GPS employee, so by proxy The Clinton Campaign sent her. Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and helped to orchestrate payments to Russian and British agents for the Dirty Dossier written by Steele, Skirpal and long time Clinton Friend, Blumenthal.

George P. was approached by a Australian Diplomat who said he had "dirt on Clinton" not a crime to meet with or talk to such a man, but again this was Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton......The Diplomat is a Clinton Associate and Campaign Donor.

Jeff Sessions was sent an Invitiation by Barak Obama to attend a diplomatic event with Foreign dignataries. He was approached by a Russia diplomat....again....not a crime to talk to such a man....who wanted an appointment to discuss organized crime in Russia and the US. This again, is perfectly legal in Jeff Sessions role and scope of duties. Turns out The "Diplomat" has strong ties to Obama and Clinton.

A Trump tower server was found to have a ping pointing towards a Russia Alpha Bank server.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

This was "discovered" by Dr. Jean Camp, cyber security expert and her associates.

Who is Dr. Jean Camp?

She is a Clinton supporter, and advisor. She is also a donor to her campaign.

Federal Election Commission records state Camp made a total of 22 small contributions in 2016 to Clinton’s presidential campaign

The records list earlier donations to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, as well as smaller amounts to other liberal causes, like MoveOn.org’s political action committee and the Democratic National Committee. Camp confirmed the donations by phone.

The FBI and DOJ under Obama should be sued for prosecutorial misconduct, Civil Rights violations, and should have the book thrown at everyone involved.

Then when you look at Obama and Clinton Cronies in the FBI and DOJ actively launching a campaign to defeat Candidate Trump using a Salacious and Unverified Dossier, and Leaking Classified Intel, there is no question about it, that what occured was an orchestrated effort to attack the Democrat Process. They even went so far as to Defraud The FISA Court with false affidavits, and the Head of THE FBI and Clinton and Obama Associates engaged is a massive Coverup of numerous crimes committed both by themselves, Barak Obama and Clinton that it makes Watergate look like a jay walking offense.

That my friends is Treason against America.

And people need to be put on trial for it.

TLDR. It’s just a rehashing of the usual lies and bullshit posted by Russian troll farmers to deflect from Trumps collusion with Russia.

You’re right Tree. If it walks like treason (over 100 undisclosed contacts with Russian agents over the course of the campaign, all of which were initialled denied), talks like treason (“Russia, if your listening”) and acts like treason (the press is the enemy of the people), then Trump is guilty of treason.

Impeach his sorry ass NOW!!
...do you really think this post is going to achieve anything? Those who should look into these claims aren’t going to and I’m assuming that’s at least part of the reason you posted it?

i'm sure most of this is pure applesauce.....and...beyond that.....the people you support would be WORSE (for me).....I really don't want christian dominionists turning the USA into the next Iran.....There was a movie made during WWII with Humphrey Bogart playing a chicago? gangster who comes up against a den of nazi spies! So...even though he is a gangster....he and his gangster pals do their patriotic bit by taking on and taking down the den of spies!.....(wave flag here).....I liken the dems to the hoods.....I'll accept a little crime to avoid christian tyranny.....And I'll bet that if the conservative christian dominionists ever DO consolidate power then not only will there be christian tyranny but we'll still have all the crimes!...
so you hate america?
Arguably what was done in the 2016 election by The Democrat Party, Obama, Clinton and their associates was not only the dirtiest thing that ever happened in an election, it was down right treasonous and represents a full scale attack on The Democratic Process.

Obama invited illegals to break the law and vote for Clinton.

They even held registration drives for illegals.

A Clinton Loyalist and Feminist Attorney paid thousands of dollars to women who would manufacture accusations against Candidate Trump during the election. All accusers disappeared the night after the election and withdrew their statements.

The Clinton Campaign, instead of talking about issues, drug out 15 year old locker room statements just about every man on this board has said at one time or another. President Trump once received numerous awards, and accolades for his work with minorities and women in the work place and for his generosity towards The Democrat Party, and charities and individuals all around the world and in his community suddenly was a Racist, Misogynists, Stingy Capitalist, and "Unhinged" the second he decided to run as a Moderate-Independent-Republican and funded his own campaign.

At various boards of elections, people were found throwing out registration cards for Republicans.

The Democrat Party is SO CONCERNED about the integrity of our elections, yet resists all efforts at Voter ID laws. We are the Only Democracy in The World without a Voter ID requirement.

Clinton paid thugs to commit felony assaults on Trump rally goers. That is actually a felony.

Her and Donna Brazille stole debate questions and rehearsed answers to them prior to a debate with Donald Trump.

Debbie Schultz along with Hillary Clinton, not only rigged The DNC Primary for Clinton and against Bernie Sanders, they hired Pakistani Hackers to pry in to and hack in to Congressional records as well as spy on their own people at The DNC. One of the Pakistanis was close friends with Seth Rich a Sanders support, and gave him some of the stollen data.

She also violated two federal court orders to preserve the data on her illegal server with James Comey's permission when she deleted 30,000 government documents. She also lied about sharing them with unauthorized people like her maid. 1,000s of them were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop which is how we found out about the FBI's plot to fix the election to smearing Trump and to attempt to remove him from office if he won, when emails between Strozk and Page, along with references to their texts were found on that laptop.

Yet, Comey, chief law enforcement official in The US, refused to enforce the law, and instead performed unrecorded interviews with all the suspects, and placed them under immunity before interviewing them and also exonerated all of them months before.

Obama through is operatives at The DOJ and FBI Obtained a warrant under false pretenses so Obama and Clinton could spy on The Trump Campaign by abusing the powers of Government and Obama abusing The Power of his Office. He should be on trial, instead he is collecting his bribe money and speaking fees.

Clinton long time pal and Trump Hater John Hanoi McCain colluded with Russia to deliver the Fake Russian Dossier to The FBI and DOJ which was immediately leaked.

John "Shot my own damn foot in 'Nam' three times" Kerry another Commie, Jihadist sympathizer colluded with Russia and The Clinton Campaign when he was handed the Fake Russian Dossier by Blumenthal who along with Steele and the soon to be poisoned Skirpal wrote that masterpiece of Putin Propgaganda. He ran straight up to the State Department and handed it to long time Obama-Clinton ally Rosenstain.

The FBI under Comey sent a mole to The Trump Campaign to get inside information on the campaign. Since this was an illegal act, based on a falsified FISA warrant, this "So Called" confidential informant needs to be exposed.

Fusion GPS sent Natalie V. to the Trump Campaign under false pretenses. She was thrown out, but that doesn't stop the left from claiming "Russia Russia Russia" She was a Fusion GPS employee, so by proxy The Clinton Campaign sent her. Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and helped to orchestrate payments to Russian and British agents for the Dirty Dossier written by Steele, Skirpal and long time Clinton Friend, Blumenthal.

George P. was approached by a Australian Diplomat who said he had "dirt on Clinton" not a crime to meet with or talk to such a man, but again this was Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton......The Diplomat is a Clinton Associate and Campaign Donor.

Jeff Sessions was sent an Invitiation by Barak Obama to attend a diplomatic event with Foreign dignataries. He was approached by a Russia diplomat....again....not a crime to talk to such a man....who wanted an appointment to discuss organized crime in Russia and the US. This again, is perfectly legal in Jeff Sessions role and scope of duties. Turns out The "Diplomat" has strong ties to Obama and Clinton.

A Trump tower server was found to have a ping pointing towards a Russia Alpha Bank server.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

This was "discovered" by Dr. Jean Camp, cyber security expert and her associates.

Who is Dr. Jean Camp?

She is a Clinton supporter, and advisor. She is also a donor to her campaign.

Federal Election Commission records state Camp made a total of 22 small contributions in 2016 to Clinton’s presidential campaign

The records list earlier donations to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, as well as smaller amounts to other liberal causes, like MoveOn.org’s political action committee and the Democratic National Committee. Camp confirmed the donations by phone.

The FBI and DOJ under Obama should be sued for prosecutorial misconduct, Civil Rights violations, and should have the book thrown at everyone involved.

Then when you look at Obama and Clinton Cronies in the FBI and DOJ actively launching a campaign to defeat Candidate Trump using a Salacious and Unverified Dossier, and Leaking Classified Intel, there is no question about it, that what occured was an orchestrated effort to attack the Democrat Process. They even went so far as to Defraud The FISA Court with false affidavits, and the Head of THE FBI and Clinton and Obama Associates engaged is a massive Coverup of numerous crimes committed both by themselves, Barak Obama and Clinton that it makes Watergate look like a jay walking offense.

That my friends is Treason against America.

And people need to be put on trial for it.

TLDR. It’s just a rehashing of the usual lies and bullshit posted by Russian troll farmers to deflect from Trumps collusion with Russia.

You’re right Tree. If it walks like treason (over 100 undisclosed contacts with Russian agents over the course of the campaign, all of which were initialled denied), talks like treason (“Russia, if your listening”) and acts like treason (the press is the enemy of the people), then Trump is guilty of treason.

Impeach his sorry ass NOW!!

What’s your take on Kerry unilaterally having discussions with Iranian government agents?
...do you really think this post is going to achieve anything? Those who should look into these claims aren’t going to and I’m assuming that’s at least part of the reason you posted it?

i'm sure most of this is pure applesauce.....and...beyond that.....the people you support would be WORSE (for me).....I really don't want christian dominionists turning the USA into the next Iran.....There was a movie made during WWII with Humphrey Bogart playing a chicago? gangster who comes up against a den of nazi spies! So...even though he is a gangster....he and his gangster pals do their patriotic bit by taking on and taking down the den of spies!.....(wave flag here).....I liken the dems to the hoods.....I'll accept a little crime to avoid christian tyranny.....And I'll bet that if the conservative christian dominionists ever DO consolidate power then not only will there be christian tyranny but we'll still have all the crimes!...

I'll be surprised if any of the bed wetters attempt to disprove anything said here. All they do is parrot shit from scripts. They're utterly incapable of forming coherent arguments or validating their policies with results anyone would be proud of.

If Jeff Sessions had Russian dressing on his friggen salad he must recuse himself from all Russian investigations.
It says so in the Democrats' playbook.
Some dumbfuck like guano said:
i'm sure most of this is pure applesauce.....and...beyond that.....the people you support would be WORSE (for me).....I really don't want christian dominionists turning the USA into the next Iran.....There was a movie made during WWII with Humphrey Bogart playing a chicago? gangster who comes up against a den of nazi spies! So...even though he is a gangster....he and his gangster pals do their patriotic bit by taking on and taking down the den of spies!.....(wave flag here).....I liken the dems to the hoods.....I'll accept a little crime to avoid christian tyranny.....And I'll bet that if the conservative christian dominionists ever DO consolidate power then not only will there be christian tyranny but we'll still have all the crimes!...

They literally are THAT STUPID folks.

In many cases they're even dumber.


What's the big deal with a "little" rape, burglary, murder and violent muggings, as long as no one expects you to tolerate a manger scene at the local school during Christmas time?

These imbeciles owe the plants that produce oxygen a huge apology for wasting their time.

If Jeff Sessions had Russian dressing on his friggen salad he must recuse himself from all Russian investigations.
It says so in the Democrats' playbook.

I think Sessions has too many friends who would end up as defendants if a thorough investigation of DC corruption was ever conducted.

I hope Ted Cruz destroys BETO the felon candidate for TX Senate, and then replaces Sessions.

Cruz has no friends in DC and wouldn't have any problems prosecuting any of those sociopaths.


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