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Donald Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times.

In a tweet on Saturday night, the Republican nominee for president wrote: “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.”

The tweet marks Trump’s latest attack on the press although litigation is unlikely to succeed. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court in the landmark case ofNew York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, any public figure suing for libel must prove a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

“Irresponsible intent” does not exist under any standard or doctrine found in US law.

It is unclear what prompted Trump’s statement. However, the Timespublished a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune.

The Republican nominee’s wife Melania is currently suing the Daily Mail over allegations that she was an escort in the 1990s and Trump long maintained a blacklist that banned outlets such as the Washington Post and Politico from being credentialed to report on his campaign.

Trump also pledged to “open up our libel laws” in a campaign rally in February. His goal then was that “so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent'

This is who you nominated, Republicans.
Tough shit. What the fuck is the New York Times anyway.....That paper has been caught fabricating stories, printing it then when caught, use the time honored bullshit left wing ( even though we know the story is false)"we stand by our story .
The Times...Jesus Christ....."All the news that is not reaching nearly as many people as it used to"
The New York Slimes run by Communist Jews.

It's the Jooooooooooossssssss.
Donald Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times.

In a tweet on Saturday night, the Republican nominee for president wrote: “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.”

The tweet marks Trump’s latest attack on the press although litigation is unlikely to succeed. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court in the landmark case ofNew York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, any public figure suing for libel must prove a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

“Irresponsible intent” does not exist under any standard or doctrine found in US law.

It is unclear what prompted Trump’s statement. However, the Timespublished a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune.

The Republican nominee’s wife Melania is currently suing the Daily Mail over allegations that she was an escort in the 1990s and Trump long maintained a blacklist that banned outlets such as the Washington Post and Politico from being credentialed to report on his campaign.

Trump also pledged to “open up our libel laws” in a campaign rally in February. His goal then was that “so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent'

This is who you nominated, Republicans.
Tough shit. What the fuck is the New York Times anyway.....That paper has been caught fabricating stories, printing it then when caught, use the time honored bullshit left wing ( even though we know the story is false)"we stand by our story .
The Times...Jesus Christ....."All the news that is not reaching nearly as many people as it used to"
The New York Slimes run by Communist Jews.

It's the Jooooooooooossssssss.
I am a Jew and I call it as it is.
Freidman believes in himself to the exclusion of all others.
He has used federal lawsuits to silence his critics dozens of times.

I pointed it out right from the gecko. Worse free speech candidate ever.

He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.
You lefties cannot deal with anyone who refuses to take shit off you and fights back..
Umm, when it involves private individuals, you do not have freedom of speech..You DON'T get to say whatever you want and walk away.
So don't be surprised when you turn your back on the person who just verbally or literally attacked puts his foot up your ass.

At this stage of this theatrical play? I wouldn't discount it at all. Anyone that would walk into a dressing room of young girls could very well be capable of joining Bill "drop trou" at Epstein's pedophile palace....royalty and other powerful POS have been there.
Donald Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times.

In a tweet on Saturday night, the Republican nominee for president wrote: “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.”

The tweet marks Trump’s latest attack on the press although litigation is unlikely to succeed. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court in the landmark case ofNew York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, any public figure suing for libel must prove a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

“Irresponsible intent” does not exist under any standard or doctrine found in US law.

It is unclear what prompted Trump’s statement. However, the Timespublished a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune.

The Republican nominee’s wife Melania is currently suing the Daily Mail over allegations that she was an escort in the 1990s and Trump long maintained a blacklist that banned outlets such as the Washington Post and Politico from being credentialed to report on his campaign.

Trump also pledged to “open up our libel laws” in a campaign rally in February. His goal then was that “so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent'

This is who you nominated, Republicans.
Tough shit. What the fuck is the New York Times anyway.....That paper has been caught fabricating stories, printing it then when caught, use the time honored bullshit left wing ( even though we know the story is false)"we stand by our story .
The Times...Jesus Christ....."All the news that is not reaching nearly as many people as it used to"
The New York Slimes run by Communist Jews.

It's the Jooooooooooossssssss.
I am a Jew and I call it as it is.
Freidman believes in himself to the exclusion of all others.

I'm not religious and I still call it like I see it.
Donald Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times.

In a tweet on Saturday night, the Republican nominee for president wrote: “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.”

The tweet marks Trump’s latest attack on the press although litigation is unlikely to succeed. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court in the landmark case ofNew York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, any public figure suing for libel must prove a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

“Irresponsible intent” does not exist under any standard or doctrine found in US law.

It is unclear what prompted Trump’s statement. However, the Timespublished a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune.

The Republican nominee’s wife Melania is currently suing the Daily Mail over allegations that she was an escort in the 1990s and Trump long maintained a blacklist that banned outlets such as the Washington Post and Politico from being credentialed to report on his campaign.

Trump also pledged to “open up our libel laws” in a campaign rally in February. His goal then was that “so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent'

This is who you nominated, Republicans.
Tough shit. What the fuck is the New York Times anyway.....That paper has been caught fabricating stories, printing it then when caught, use the time honored bullshit left wing ( even though we know the story is false)"we stand by our story .
The Times...Jesus Christ....."All the news that is not reaching nearly as many people as it used to"
The New York Slimes run by Communist Jews.

Actually, the New York Times is owned by the 13 families that own the central banks...they put Jewish people out in front to take the flak. Did you ever see the movie "Casino" with De Niro and Pesci? The Italian mob actually funded it from union pension funds, put a Jewish man in charge and then skimmed off the top. That is exactly what the central banks have done. Bear in mind..... all roads lead to Rome. These jesuit trained POS and their "knights of malta" are behind all the shit throwing we see. Trump went to a jesuit university at Fordham and Bill "drop trou" went to the jesuit university of Georgetown.
Donald Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times.

In a tweet on Saturday night, the Republican nominee for president wrote: “My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting.”

The tweet marks Trump’s latest attack on the press although litigation is unlikely to succeed. Under the precedent set by the Supreme Court in the landmark case ofNew York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, any public figure suing for libel must prove a defamatory statement was made with actual malice, “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

“Irresponsible intent” does not exist under any standard or doctrine found in US law.

It is unclear what prompted Trump’s statement. However, the Timespublished a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune.

The Republican nominee’s wife Melania is currently suing the Daily Mail over allegations that she was an escort in the 1990s and Trump long maintained a blacklist that banned outlets such as the Washington Post and Politico from being credentialed to report on his campaign.

Trump also pledged to “open up our libel laws” in a campaign rally in February. His goal then was that “so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories … we can sue them and make lots of money”.

Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent'

This is who you nominated, Republicans.
Tough shit. What the fuck is the New York Times anyway.....That paper has been caught fabricating stories, printing it then when caught, use the time honored bullshit left wing ( even though we know the story is false)"we stand by our story .
The Times...Jesus Christ....."All the news that is not reaching nearly as many people as it used to"
The New York Slimes run by Communist Jews.

It's the Jooooooooooossssssss.
I am a Jew and I call it as it is.
Freidman believes in himself to the exclusion of all others.

I'm not religious and I still call it like I see it.
Well it was illegal to publish the partial tax returns. And libel laws are in effect and have to be. If media lies and/or publishes a false story without being able to prove "absence of malice" they deserve to be sued.

You CANNOT defame a scum bucket......and, by the way, defamation has to follow these steps

That the statement was published; that the statement caused you injury AND that the statement was false

The last one would be a bitch for Trump and if his ;lawyers have any sense, they should teach him that.
Incorrect. These fights cut both ways.
This is the lefties 100% unconditional support of unfettered access to the civil courts coming back to bite them
He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!

Clementine doesn't care about pesky "facts" n' stuff.
It appears we are going to need a list as more brave women and girls come forward and tell their individual stories of the degenerate Donald Trump and his vile attacks on them.
Let's start with the teenage girls in the Miss Teen America pageant he walked in on while they were naked or semi-naked because he was the owner of the event. Anybody know their names?
Well it was illegal to publish the partial tax returns. And libel laws are in effect and have to be. If media lies and/or publishes a false story without being able to prove "absence of malice" they deserve to be sued.

Nothing will happen unless Trump decides to file charges. So you can blow your pie hole all you want but the thing is you notice that Trump hasn't said anything about who released these returns. Or accused anyone. That should pique your limited and myopic curiosity but I see it is has not.

According to Federal law it is illegal to publish someone's tax returns without authorization.

I've got this from the Washington Post.

Federal law makes it illegal to publish an unauthorized tax return or "return information":

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution

The New York Times risked legal trouble to publish Donald Trump’s tax return
It appears we are going to need a list as more brave women and girls come forward and tell their individual stories of the degenerate Donald Trump and his vile attacks on them.
Let's start with the teenage girls in the Miss Teen America pageant he walked in on while they were naked or semi-naked because he was the owner of the event. Anybody know their names?
There is no depth to which you people won't stoop, is there?
HIllary stood by her man and this pig dares attack her? A man that has done it himself and couldn't ever keep his dick in his pants!!! Cheating on 2 wife's for a fact and likely the third.

Get ready to lose Donald Trump.
:laugh: ... more hypocrisy without the actual facts... ya'll could care less about women, boys or little girls being raped, sexually harassed or sold into slavery... You've all proven that often enough in the past week..
It appears we are going to need a list as more brave women and girls come forward and tell their individual stories of the degenerate Donald Trump and his vile attacks on them.
Let's start with the teenage girls in the Miss Teen America pageant he walked in on while they were naked or semi-naked because he was the owner of the event. Anybody know their names?
There is no depth to which you people won't stoop, is there?
What the heck are you talking about? It is major news. Women are coming out and accusing Trump of foul behavior. What the hell is wrong with maintaining a list at a site for news hounds?
Do you think those girls are lying about Trump walking in on them? You know he is recorded bragging about doing that. Don't you?

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