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If Jefferson founded the Republican Party what place do Democrats have in America?

Because I use terms correctly, make succinct and supported arguments, and expose the fakes like Uncensored. He is no Republican. We want his vote, just not his input. Crazy dupe.
Because I use terms correctly,


Terms like "Republican?"

make succinct and supported arguments, and expose the fakes like Uncensored.

The Obamabot claiming to be a Republican calls others "fakes..."

Too funny...

He is no Republican.

One thing is sure, you are no Republican,

We want his vote, just not his input. Crazy dupe.

Your vote will go to Obama, again.
I do not gamble. And Jefferson found the Democratic Republican Party.

if true its not gambling. Why are you so afraid to present a primary source to support your point. Perhaps you can't? That must tell you something about your point?

THE GREAT REPUBLIC, David Donald, Bernard Bailyn, etc. I took course from BOTH of them.

if there is a primary source in the book why be so afraid to present it here?? What does your fear tell us, liberal.
if true its not gambling. Why are you so afraid to present a primary source to support your point. Perhaps you can't? That must tell you something about your point?

THE GREAT REPUBLIC, David Donald, Bernard Bailyn, etc. I took course from BOTH of them.

if there is a primary source in the book why be so afraid to present it here?? What does your fear tell us, liberal.

Edward is not a conservative, a mere reactionary wing nut weirdo far, far to right. I guarantee he did not try this nonsense in college. If he did, he got a solid F. Edward is simply entrapped in immoral stubbornness that will not permit him to admit he was wrong and to apologize to his betters in this issue.
if true its not gambling. Why are you so afraid to present a primary source to support your point. Perhaps you can't? That must tell you something about your point?

THE GREAT REPUBLIC, David Donald, Bernard Bailyn, etc. I took course from BOTH of them.

if there is a primary source in the book why be so afraid to present it here?? What does your fear tell us, liberal.

I am a MODERATE actually, or centrist some say. And I do not have the BOOKS online. There is more than one volume.

Jefferson formed the party to oppose the economic and foreign policies of the Federalists, a party created a year or so earlier by Hamilton to promote the Treasury policies of the Washington administration. The new party opposed the Jay Treaty of 1794 with Britain (then at war with France) and supported good relations with France (until Napoleon became a dictator after 1799). The party insisted on a strict construction of the Constitution, and denounced many of Hamilton's measures (especially the national bank) as unconstitutional. The party was strongest in the South and weakest in the Northeast; it favored states' rights and the primacy of the yeoman farmer over bankers, industrialists, merchants, and investors.

The presidents selected by the party were: Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809), James Madison (1809–1817), and James Monroe (1817–1825). After 1800 the party dominated Congress and most state governments outside New England. Since the Federalists had practically disappeared by 1820, there was little incentive for organizational vigor. In 1824, the party was deeply divided and most Republican congressmen refused to participate in a nominating caucus. A rump caucus of 66 congressman nominated William H. Crawford for president. Another faction of the party supported Andrew Jackson. This faction evolved into the modern Democratic Party. A third faction, led by John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, was known as the National Republicans; it evolved into the Whig Party.
to admit he was wrong and to apologize to his betters in this issue.

I have a primary source to say that Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1792 to stand for freedom and liberty from big liberal government.

You and your attorney were offered $10,000 to present a primary source, and you ran away with your liberal tail between your legs.

What does that tell you?
to admit he was wrong and to apologize to his betters in this issue.

I have a primary source to say that Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1792 to stand for freedom and liberty from big liberal government.

You and your attorney were offered $10,000 to present a primary source, and you ran away with your liberal tail between your legs.

What does that tell you?

Quotes referring to "the republic" and "republic" are not statements of party affiliation. The Democratic Republican party BECAME the Democratic party, the Republican party evolved from the Whigs.
Jefferson using the term democracy:

"Information is the currency of democracy."

The Founders spoke against "pure democracy"; that may have led to your confusion.
to admit he was wrong and to apologize to his betters in this issue.

I have a primary source to say that Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1792 to stand for freedom and liberty from big liberal government.

You and your attorney were offered $10,000 to present a primary source, and you ran away with your liberal tail between your legs.

What does that tell you?

Your primary source does not say what you think. Read Peach. She will educate you appropriately.
to admit he was wrong and to apologize to his betters in this issue.

I have a primary source to say that Jefferson founded the Republican Party in 1792 to stand for freedom and liberty from big liberal government.

You and your attorney were offered $10,000 to present a primary source, and you ran away with your liberal tail between your legs.

What does that tell you?

Your primary source does not say what you think. Read Peach. She will educate you appropriately.

The Founders spoke a REPUBLIC, and also spoke of the need for DEMOCRATIC principles guiding the nation. In the end however, the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN party became the Democratic party.
Jefferson using the term democracy:

"Information is the currency of democracy."

The Founders spoke against "pure democracy"; that may have led to your confusion.

Which founders?

{“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”} - Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson using the term democracy:

"Information is the currency of democracy."

The Founders spoke against "pure democracy"; that may have led to your confusion.

Which founders?

{“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”} - Thomas Jefferson

Leaders of the Democratic Party have traced their party's lineage to Jefferson and his Republican Party. Martin Van Buren wrote that the party's name had changed from Republican to Democratic and that Jefferson was the founder of the party. Thomas Jefferson Randolph, grandson of Jefferson, told the 1872 Democratic National Convention of his "life of eighty years spent in the Democratic-Republican party". In 1991 the United States Senate passed "A bill to establish a commission to commemorate the bicentennial of the establishment of the Democratic Party of the United States," thus endorsing the view the party was founded by Jefferson (as opposed to Jackson).
The Founders spoke a REPUBLIC, and also spoke of the need for DEMOCRATIC principles guiding the nation. In the end however, the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN party became the Democratic party.

Utter nonsense.

First off, the term "Democratic-Republican" was coined after the Civil War. I challenge you to to find any direct reference to such a party by Jefferson. You cannot, as he and all others involved simply termed the party "Republican."

The additional reference was added to distinguish from the party of Lincoln.

Secondly, the Democratic party was formed by Andrew Jackson and Aaron Burr, who were bitter political enemies of Jefferson. The attempt to attribute the party of Jefferson's most acrimonious foe to him is not just disingenuous, but insulting. Jackson HATED "that damned Republican," as he termed Jefferson.

The democratic party is the party of Jackson, and opposed to the principles of Jefferson from the very inception of the party. Aaron Burr went to some pretty radical extremes to distance the democrats from the party of Jefferson, including treason. (That too is a democrat tradition, it seems.)
Uncensored demonstrates his lack of knowledge. He is such a dupe.

The Democratic Party, organized by Andrew Jackson, incorporated the Democratic-Republican limited government politicians. The Democratic Party celebrates Jefferson.

The Whig Party, counter organized against King Andrew Jackson, was led by the nationalist strong government wing of the Democratic-Party, including but not limited to Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John Q. Adams and others.

The Republican Party was organized by disaffected northern Democrats, former Free Soilers, Liberty Party men, and Whigs in 1854 to fight against the Democratic Party's support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Republicans celebrate Abraham Lincoln.
Uncensored demonstrates his lack of knowledge. He is such a dupe.

The Democratic Party, organized by Andrew Jackson, incorporated the Democratic-Republican limited government politicians. The Democratic Party celebrates Jefferson.

The Whig Party, counter organized against King Andrew Jackson, was led by the nationalist strong government wing of the Democratic-Party, including but not limited to Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John Q. Adams and others.

The Republican Party was organized by disaffected northern Democrats, former Free Soilers, Liberty Party men, and Whigs in 1854 to fight against the Democratic Party's support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Republicans celebrate Abraham Lincoln.

YEP, like it or not.
There have been two Republican parties in America, the first the liberals, the Jeffersonians, the Antifederalists, formed around 1789. It was this group that fought the ratification of the Constitution unless a Bill of Rights were added.

Jefferson formed the Republican Party in 1792 when he left the Washington Administration in disgust . The Republican Party stood for, then and now, freedom and liberty from central government. Now you've got the basics.

WIKI: "The Democratic-Republican Party or Republican Party was an American political party founded in the early 1790s by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Political scientists use the former name, even though there is no known use of it in the 1790's, while historians prefer the latter one; contemporaries generally called the party the "Republicans", along with many other names. In a broader sense the party was the concrete realization of Jeffersonian democracy, i.e., continued aggressive opposition to the British monarchy, opposition to monarchy and strong central government in general, celebration of individual freedom and liberty from strong central government, and state's rights".

The second Republican party formed in the 1850's and is today's Republican party.

of course that is absurd since Horace Greely named the 1850's party after Jefferson's Party because it had the same philosophy

The Democrats of today trace their heritage back to Jefferson.

of course that is 100% absurd since Jefferson was 100% about freedom from liberal central government while todays Democrats are 100% opposite.

It seems you have to start over with American History just to get the basics down. Sorry
You may want to do a bit more reading. While Jefferson indeed espoused the ideals of limited government in his writings and speeches, his actual governance was a far cry from his philosophy. When he held power, Jefferson was not above abusing the Freedom of the Press by having newspaper editors print lies about his opponents as well as jailing a few who spoke out against him.

In truth, the Democrat-Republican Party that Jefferson formed was the first Republican party, it was formed in opposition to the Federalists Party as a means of keeping them from gaining power in the Supreme Court as well as in the Executive.

The next incarnation of the Republican party was in direct response to the Second Great Awakening which began the abolitionists' moment. However, in truth, the Republican party of Lincoln was first started in response to keep the Southerners from forcing new states in the west to accept slavery. The South feared the growing power of the northern states and their slow acquisition of the House of Representatives. Their control of the House would upset the balance of power if they were not able to keep the Senate Representatives to an equal balance of slave states and Union States. In those days, Senators actually represented their State governments wishes, not the peoples wishes. As it was written into the Constitution.

Today's Republican Party more closely resembles Hamilton's philosophy of a strong central government in control of the monetary power and policy of the country. The Democrats....well, they went progressive back in the early 20th century and stopped being for a Free America a long time ago.
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