If Jury will not bring mccade guilty.. Then Trump must declare a broken govt !!

This is our founders nation

Nope. This nation belongs to "We the People....."

Not the so-called and self proclaimed "Wise" among us.

We the people are not we the loonies

Our founders made a difference

The loonies cannot vote or be on juries

We the people are not babies that can't vote

We the people are wise people not loonies

Democrats are making a fatal

Trump is gaining power each and every day

Trumps Rallies proves trump has the REAL We the people !!

Democrats better start running and hiding. He has woke up the real power to know democrats are indeed te enemy of America

If the Federal Courts in NY has it's way, Rump may be charged and tried before the 2020 election under the Rico Act. They are talking about ignoring the Memo that Mueller was operating under. There is NO law that states that you can't indict, try and imprison a sitting President. And it appears that the Federal Court in NY has the information to present to a Grand Jury already.

New York is in a panic. People stampeding out.

New York will have no power to do anything
I have to admit, I'd love to have a beer with this guy.

Or several.

Just wind him and watch him go, see where you end up.

The unwise must obey the wise

America has totally changed from that universal law but will not last long

Just pure BS to have the unwise not obeying the wise

Trump increasing rallies shows the stopping of their crooked system is near

New York State leaders are in big trouble
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
Trump needs to have the FBI run the same surveillance program on all democrat leadership
This is our founders nation

Nope. This nation belongs to "We the People....."

Not the so-called and self proclaimed "Wise" among us.

We the people are not we the loonies

Our founders made a difference

The loonies cannot vote or be on juries

We the people are not babies that can't vote

We the people are wise people not loonies

Democrats are making a fatal

Trump is gaining power each and every day

Trumps Rallies proves trump has the REAL We the people !!

Democrats better start running and hiding. He has woke up the real power to know democrats are indeed te enemy of America

If the Federal Courts in NY has it's way, Rump may be charged and tried before the 2020 election under the Rico Act. They are talking about ignoring the Memo that Mueller was operating under. There is NO law that states that you can't indict, try and imprison a sitting President. And it appears that the Federal Court in NY has the information to present to a Grand Jury already.

All of New York leaders are under the gun with America's men and military

Trump rallies prove he has the real power

Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system

You are a fevered, foaming and frothing, InfoWars and Breitbart reading nutcase. I'd say "get help", but there is likely nothing anyone can do for you at this point.

Is this not hard to understand

What happens to a nation that goes against its men and its military

This question must be asked before it’s too late

If you think the men and the military are the bastions of wisdom, you haven't been paying attention.

If you plan to make it so people who disagree with you (the unwise) and women will no longer be allowed to vote or serve on a jury, you are not only delusional, you are part of the problem.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
Da, Tvaritch...


No true American, loyal to the People, their Republic, and its Constitution, would ever suggest such a thing...

Tell your Russian paymasters to take you offline and insert someone with (a) better command of English and (b) more sophisticated tactics.

Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
If you’re going to accuse somebody of being guilty of something it’s got to be less vague than “huge things”.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
Da, Tvaritch...


No true American, loyal to the People, their Republic, and its Constitution, would ever suggest such a thing...

Tell your Russian paymasters to take you offline and insert someone with (a) better command of English and (b) more sophisticated tactics.

Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.

The dominoes are already falling and set up to keep falling to make this result

Yes It is a certainty


Because they will ask themselves do we act now to save the nation

Then they will agree with seeing all this high treason crimes by the democrats will be much harder to stop later

They will tell them selves they must act now

But most likely the democrats will run like rats and pretend they are not against trump. But that won’t work

The men and military judgement is more powerful than any other judgement

Trump is first showing the blacks and Hispanics how the democrats have cheated them. He is showing this with their record low unemployment

The males of the Hispanics and blacks are rising fast for trump

So trumps increase is with the higher logic males

Democrats have really really been foolish
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
We can only hope. But Democrats still control the House. The sheeple continue to follow the liberal media.
This tells you what’s coming fast


But there was a gender gap: middle-aged Latino men between 45 and 65 were more likely to support Trump, while female Latino voters were much less supportive, said Stephanie Valencia, Equis Labs' co-founder.


This proves the wise supports trump and the unwise supports the crooked democrats

Experience it self helps one learn good from bad as does logic ability

So democrats lose on all points

Logic and experience picks trump

Black males are also waking up faster than black females

Also these people will know that the harmers are the women’s vote that votes in crooks

This makes it a certainty that women will lose their right to vote

But some women may be wise enough to vote and if they psss a high logic ability test then they too can vote

Again the dominoes are set to fall in a perfect storm to stop the unwise vote
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
Da, Tvaritch...


No true American, loyal to the People, their Republic, and its Constitution, would ever suggest such a thing...

Tell your Russian paymasters to take you offline and insert someone with (a) better command of English and (b) more sophisticated tactics.

Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.

The dominoes are already falling and set up to keep falling to make this result

Yes It is a certainty


Because they will ask themselves do we act now to save the nation

Then they will agree with seeing all this high treason crimes by the democrats will be much harder to stop later

They will tell them selves they must act now

But most likely the democrats will run like rats and pretend they are not against trump. But that won’t work

The men and military judgement is more powerful than any other judgement

Trump is first showing the blacks and Hispanics how the democrats have cheated them. He is showing this with their record low unemployment

The males of the Hispanics and blacks are rising fast for trump

So trumps increase is with the higher logic males

Democrats have really really been foolish

Lots of vague insinuation, but nothing concrete.

What do you propose? A test for voters and potential jurors? What sort of test.

Do you think the "men & military" will provide an armed response to what you deem "high treason"?
This tells you what’s coming fast


But there was a gender gap: middle-aged Latino men between 45 and 65 were more likely to support Trump, while female Latino voters were much less supportive, said Stephanie Valencia, Equis Labs' co-founder.


This proves the wise supports trump and the unwise supports the crooked democrats

Experience it self helps one learn good from bad as does logic ability

So democrats lose on all points

Logic and experience picks trump

Black males are also waking up faster than black females

Also these people will know that the harmers are the women’s vote that votes in crooks

This makes it a certainty that women will lose their right to vote

But some women may be wise enough to vote and if they psss a high logic ability test then they too can vote

Again the dominoes are set to fall in a perfect storm to stop the unwise vote

What is this test?

Can you provide an example of the test? I consider myself wise and I am capable of higher logic. But I see numerous flaws in your plans and in Trump.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
Da, Tvaritch...


No true American, loyal to the People, their Republic, and its Constitution, would ever suggest such a thing...

Tell your Russian paymasters to take you offline and insert someone with (a) better command of English and (b) more sophisticated tactics.

Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.

The dominoes are already falling and set up to keep falling to make this result

Yes It is a certainty


Because they will ask themselves do we act now to save the nation

Then they will agree with seeing all this high treason crimes by the democrats will be much harder to stop later

They will tell them selves they must act now

But most likely the democrats will run like rats and pretend they are not against trump. But that won’t work

The men and military judgement is more powerful than any other judgement

Trump is first showing the blacks and Hispanics how the democrats have cheated them. He is showing this with their record low unemployment

The males of the Hispanics and blacks are rising fast for trump

So trumps increase is with the higher logic males

Democrats have really really been foolish

Lots of vague insinuation, but nothing concrete.

What do you propose? A test for voters and potential jurors? What sort of test.

Do you think the "men & military" will provide an armed response to what you deem "high treason"?

Whoa. Nothing concrete!!!


This big gender difference is real and it’s set in stone

Women will lose their voting rights because of this big difference

Men will declare that to protect women a nation must not let them vote ... just too unwise

The founders already knew this

And now the men knows this by giving them the chance to vote reasonable which means they would vote similar to the reasonable men

They proved they could not do it

And men now will be forced to make logic tests for voting

Remember trump wins on all parts that prove higher wisdom. Logic and then experience also
This tells you what’s coming fast


But there was a gender gap: middle-aged Latino men between 45 and 65 were more likely to support Trump, while female Latino voters were much less supportive, said Stephanie Valencia, Equis Labs' co-founder.


This proves the wise supports trump and the unwise supports the crooked democrats

Experience it self helps one learn good from bad as does logic ability

So democrats lose on all points

Logic and experience picks trump

Black males are also waking up faster than black females

Also these people will know that the harmers are the women’s vote that votes in crooks

This makes it a certainty that women will lose their right to vote

But some women may be wise enough to vote and if they psss a high logic ability test then they too can vote

Again the dominoes are set to fall in a perfect storm to stop the unwise vote

What is this test?

Can you provide an example of the test? I consider myself wise and I am capable of higher logic. But I see numerous flaws in your plans and in Trump.

This can be part of a logic test

What does it mean when at 18 one votes most liberal and then as they gain experience they vote more conservative ??

That fact there is 100% proof that conservatives are more wise than liberals and conservatism is better than liberalism

That also proves the educational system is a total fraud for not explaining why conservatives are more wise
Da, Tvaritch...


No true American, loyal to the People, their Republic, and its Constitution, would ever suggest such a thing...

Tell your Russian paymasters to take you offline and insert someone with (a) better command of English and (b) more sophisticated tactics.

Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.

The dominoes are already falling and set up to keep falling to make this result

Yes It is a certainty


Because they will ask themselves do we act now to save the nation

Then they will agree with seeing all this high treason crimes by the democrats will be much harder to stop later

They will tell them selves they must act now

But most likely the democrats will run like rats and pretend they are not against trump. But that won’t work

The men and military judgement is more powerful than any other judgement

Trump is first showing the blacks and Hispanics how the democrats have cheated them. He is showing this with their record low unemployment

The males of the Hispanics and blacks are rising fast for trump

So trumps increase is with the higher logic males

Democrats have really really been foolish

Lots of vague insinuation, but nothing concrete.

What do you propose? A test for voters and potential jurors? What sort of test.

Do you think the "men & military" will provide an armed response to what you deem "high treason"?

Whoa. Nothing concrete!!!


This big gender difference is real and it’s set in stone

Women will lose their voting rights because of this big difference

Men will declare that to protect women a nation must not let them vote ... just too unwise

The founders already knew this

And now the men knows this by giving them the chance to vote reasonable which means they would vote similar to the reasonable men

They proved they could not do it

And men now will be forced to make logic tests for voting

Remember trump wins on all parts that prove higher wisdom. Logic and then experience also

You do realize that taking away the vote from women will require a constitutional amendment?

And considering that women make up 51% of the population, I don't think the amendment will pass.
This tells you what’s coming fast


But there was a gender gap: middle-aged Latino men between 45 and 65 were more likely to support Trump, while female Latino voters were much less supportive, said Stephanie Valencia, Equis Labs' co-founder.


This proves the wise supports trump and the unwise supports the crooked democrats

Experience it self helps one learn good from bad as does logic ability

So democrats lose on all points

Logic and experience picks trump

Black males are also waking up faster than black females

Also these people will know that the harmers are the women’s vote that votes in crooks

This makes it a certainty that women will lose their right to vote

But some women may be wise enough to vote and if they psss a high logic ability test then they too can vote

Again the dominoes are set to fall in a perfect storm to stop the unwise vote

What is this test?

Can you provide an example of the test? I consider myself wise and I am capable of higher logic. But I see numerous flaws in your plans and in Trump.

If you are a liberal that proves you have already proven as low logic and cannot vote

Min age for voting will also rise.

Because experience brings learning
This tells you what’s coming fast


But there was a gender gap: middle-aged Latino men between 45 and 65 were more likely to support Trump, while female Latino voters were much less supportive, said Stephanie Valencia, Equis Labs' co-founder.


This proves the wise supports trump and the unwise supports the crooked democrats

Experience it self helps one learn good from bad as does logic ability

So democrats lose on all points

Logic and experience picks trump

Black males are also waking up faster than black females

Also these people will know that the harmers are the women’s vote that votes in crooks

This makes it a certainty that women will lose their right to vote

But some women may be wise enough to vote and if they psss a high logic ability test then they too can vote

Again the dominoes are set to fall in a perfect storm to stop the unwise vote

What is this test?

Can you provide an example of the test? I consider myself wise and I am capable of higher logic. But I see numerous flaws in your plans and in Trump.

This can be part of a logic test

What does it mean when at 18 one votes most liberal and then as they gain experience they vote more conservative ??

That fact there is 100% proof that conservatives are more wise than liberals and conservatism is better than liberalism

That also proves the educational system is a total fraud for not explaining why conservatives are more wise

I thought you were proposing a logic test? What I see is a test to see if you are conservative enough to vote the way you want them to vote.
Trump says the deep state is the enemy of America

Who supports that ??

The men and the military

Can you not read data ?

YOu keep repeating about the men and the military.

Do you expect an armed revolution from the men and the military? You are talking like it is a foregone conclusion.

The dominoes are already falling and set up to keep falling to make this result

Yes It is a certainty


Because they will ask themselves do we act now to save the nation

Then they will agree with seeing all this high treason crimes by the democrats will be much harder to stop later

They will tell them selves they must act now

But most likely the democrats will run like rats and pretend they are not against trump. But that won’t work

The men and military judgement is more powerful than any other judgement

Trump is first showing the blacks and Hispanics how the democrats have cheated them. He is showing this with their record low unemployment

The males of the Hispanics and blacks are rising fast for trump

So trumps increase is with the higher logic males

Democrats have really really been foolish

Lots of vague insinuation, but nothing concrete.

What do you propose? A test for voters and potential jurors? What sort of test.

Do you think the "men & military" will provide an armed response to what you deem "high treason"?

Whoa. Nothing concrete!!!


This big gender difference is real and it’s set in stone

Women will lose their voting rights because of this big difference

Men will declare that to protect women a nation must not let them vote ... just too unwise

The founders already knew this

And now the men knows this by giving them the chance to vote reasonable which means they would vote similar to the reasonable men

They proved they could not do it

And men now will be forced to make logic tests for voting

Remember trump wins on all parts that prove higher wisdom. Logic and then experience also

You do realize that taking away the vote from women will require a constitutional amendment?

And considering that women make up 51% of the population, I don't think the amendment will pass.


You do not understand universal law

Universal law is at work here

The wise will always win

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