If Mitt is elected and he has the support in congress Obamacare is toast.

Good. Then the left shouldn't have a problem if it's destroyed in the same manner.

It's a done deal

Why not work to make it better?

If it was a done deal we wouldn't be having this discussion. And we tried to have input but were ignored.

Republicans were specifically asked by the President during the healthcare summit what needed to be changed or added to the program so that Republicans could vote for it

To a man, they parroted ....Tear it up and start over
For a done deal you lefties sure seem a bit panicked. You keep bumping a topic you wish would go away.

Not very bright
Democrats in the Senate would filibuster any attempt at repeal

You're assuming the Democrats will retain their senate majority?


Majorities don't filibuster. He's operating on the assumption the GOP will get the majority next time around.

The real question is whether the filibuster will still be around after next election.


I think it's highly likely a bill, with bi-partisan support, will come along soon that will take some of the bite out of the filibuster. especially if both sides feel there are good odds they will be in control of the white house.

Are there any components of the ACA that you feel should be retained provided the GOP gets full control and successfully repeals it?

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